Scala how to reference a method that with an implicit parameter - scala

The method have a implicit parameter can not be reference as argument ?
In my code ,i create a method that have a implicit parameter. Some time i just want to transfer it to other method . In this time Scala give me error. See below:
case class ComplicatedSalesTaxData(baseRate: Float,isTaxHoliday: Boolean)
def calcText(amount: Float,rate : (ComplicatedSalesTaxData) => Float ) : Float = amount * rate(ComplicatedSalesTaxData(0.06F,false))
def rate(implicit cstd:ComplicatedSalesTaxData) = {
0.01F }
calcText(100F,rate) // will get error : could not find implicit value for parameter cstd: ComplicatedSalesTaxData

You have to say that you want to pass the parameter explicitly:

The error message that you have posted says that the compiler cannot find an implicit ComplicatedSalesTaxData in the current scope. Therefore you have to define one.
Then the call should look like this calcText(100F,rate(_)) instead of the wildcard _ you can also pass the value explictely.


Get the explicit type of a generic parameter at runtime in Scala

Note - this post references Spark, but doesn't necessarily need to - it can apply to anything requiring a type parameter, (e.g. case class MyThing[T](t:T))
I'm trying to determine what the runtime class is of a generic parameter, specifically within a Dataset, in order to grok a useful error message, I'm trying to do something like:
def killIfEmpty[T](ds:Dataset[T])(implicit sparkSession:SparkSession):Unit = {
if (ds.head(1).isEmpty) {
throw new Exception(s"Dataset[${
}] had zero rows.")
But unfortunately, this doesn't show anything useful, calling
val spark:SparkSession = ???
val emptyDs:Dataset[String] = ???
I'm expecting this to print a message that says:
Dataset[String] had zero rows.
But what happens is it results in :
Dataset[Dataset] had zero rows.
Does anyone know how to get the actual class name from the generic parameter?
Got it, I need to work with TypeTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def killIfEmpty[T : TypeTag](ds:Dataset[T])(implicit sparkSession:SparkSession):Unit = {
if (ds.head(1).isEmpty) {
throw new Exception(s"Dataset[${
}] had zero rows.")
private def datasetBaseClassName[T : TypeTag]: String = {
Providing the context bound [T : TypeTag] on the method declaration allows me to call these functions without explicitly needing to provide the tag. See the doc on context bounds to learn more.
I would think there's a way to do this without defining that same context bound on the publically available killIfEmpty function, but I am not sure - I'm open to correction!

Scala :Returning a Function with variable argument from another function

My requirement is to return a function from another function in scala which takes variable argument i.e while executing the returned function , i can pass multiple argument at runtime.
My code looks like :
object VarArgTest {
def getFunction(): (Map[String, String],Map[String, Any]*) => Any={
(arg:Map[String,String], arg2:Map[String,Any]*) => "random"//this gives compilation error
In code , i want to return a function which take , Map[String,String] as one argument ,while the other Map[String,Any] should be optional to it.
But i get compilation error in return statement as follow:
type mismatch; found : (Map[String,String], Map[String,Any]) required: (Map[String,String], Map[String,Any]*) ⇒ Any
Can anyone help , what have i missed here?
Note: My requirement is that returned function can take either one argument (Map[String,String]) or it can take two arguments max (Map[String,String], Map[String,Any])
It's impossible to use varargs in anonymous function.
You can get your piece of code working by making the returned function nested instead of anonymous like this:
object VarArgTest {
def getFunction(): (Map[String, String],Map[String, Any]*) => Any = {
def nestedFunction(arg:Map[String,String], arg2:Map[String,Any]*) = "random"
However since you don't need multiple instances of Map[String, Any] but either none or one, you would be better off using Option[Map[String, Any]], providing None when it is not needed.

Strange implicit def with function parameter behaviour in Scala

I've written a simple code in Scala with implicit conversion of Function1 to some case class.
object MyApp extends App{
case class FunctionContainer(val function:AnyRef)
implicit def cast(function1: Int => String):FunctionContainer = new FunctionContainer(function1)
def someFunction(i:Int):String = "someString"
def abc(f : FunctionContainer):String = "abc"
But it doesn't work. Compiler doesn't want to pass someFunction as an argument to abc. I can guess its reasons but don't know exactly why it doesn't work.
When you use a method name as you have, the compiler has to pick how to convert the method type to a value. If the expected type is a function, then it eta-expands; otherwise it supplies empty parens to invoke the method. That is described here in the spec.
But it wasn't always that way. Ten years ago, you would have got your function value just by using the method name.
The new online spec omits the "Change Log" appendix, so for the record, here is the moment when someone got frustrated with parens and introduced the current rules. (See Scala Reference 2.9, page 181.)
This has not eliminated all irksome anomalies.
The rules for implicit conversions of methods to functions (§6.26) have been tightened. Previously, a parameterized method used as a value was always implicitly converted to a function. This could lead to unexpected results when method arguments were forgotten. Consider for instance the statement below:
where show is defined as follows:
def show(x: String) = Console.println(x)
Most likely, the programmer forgot to supply an empty argument list () to toString. The previous Scala version would treat this code as a partially applied method, and expand it to:
show(() => x.toString())
As a result, the address of a closure would be printed instead of the value of s. Scala version 2.0 will apply a conversion from partially applied method to function value only if the expected type of the expression is indeed a function type. For instance, the conversion would not be applied in the code above because the expected type of show’s parameter is String, not a function type. The new convention disallows some previously legal code. Example:
def sum(f: int => double)(a: int, b: int): double =
if (a > b) 0 else f(a) + sum(f)(a + 1, b)
val sumInts = sum(x => x) // error: missing arguments
The partial application of sum in the last line of the code above will not be converted to a function type. Instead, the compiler will produce an error message which states that arguments for method sum are missing. The problem can be fixed by providing an expected type for the partial application, for instance by annotating the definition of sumInts with its type:
val sumInts: (int, int) => double = sum(x => x) // OK
On the other hand, Scala version 2.0 now automatically applies methods with empty parameter lists to () argument lists when necessary. For instance, the show expression above will now be expanded to
Your someFunction appears as a method here.
You could try either
object MyApp extends App{
case class FunctionContainer(val function:AnyRef)
implicit def cast(function1: Int => String):FunctionContainer = new FunctionContainer(function1)
val someFunction = (i:Int) => "someString"
def abc(f : FunctionContainer):String = "abc"
object MyApp extends App{
case class FunctionContainer(val function:AnyRef)
implicit def cast(function1: Int => String):FunctionContainer = new FunctionContainer(function1)
def someFunction(i:Int): String = "someString"
def abc(f : FunctionContainer):String = "abc"
println(abc(someFunction(_: Int)))
By the way: implicitly casting such common functions to something else can quickly lead to problems. Are you absolutely sure that you need this? Wouldn't it be easier to overload abc?
You should use eta-expansion
println(abc(someFunction _))

Scala Implicit parameters by passing a function as argument To feel the adnvatage

I try to feel the advantage of implicit parameters in Scala. (EDITED: special case when anonymous function is used. Please look at the links in this question)
I try to make simple emulation based on this post. Where explained how Action works in PlayFramework. This also related to that.
The following code is for that purpose:
object ImplicitArguments extends App {
implicit val intValue = 1 // this is exiting value to be passed implicitly to everyone who might use it
def fun(block: Int=>String): String = { // we do not use _implicit_ here !
block(2) // ?? how to avoid passing '2' but make use of that would be passed implicitly ?
// here we use _implicit_ keyword to make it know that the value should be passed !
val result = fun{ implicit intValue => { // this is my 'block'
intValue.toString // (which is anonymous function)
println(result) // prints 2
I want to get "1" printed.
How to avoid passing magic "2" but use "1" that was defined implicitly?
Also see the case where we do not use implicit in definition, but it is there, because of anonymous function passing with implicit.
Just in case, I'm posting another example - simple emulation of how Play' Action works:
object ImplicitArguments extends App {
case class Request(msg:String)
implicit val request = Request("my request")
case class Result(msg:String)
case class Action(result:Result)
object Action {
def apply(block:Request => Result):Action = {
val result = block(...) // what should be here ??
new Action(result)
val action = Action { implicit request =>
Result("Got request [" + request + "]")
Implicits don't work like this. There is no magic. They are just (usually) hidden parameters and are therefore resolved when invoking the function.
There are two ways to make your code work.
you can fix the implicit value for all invocations of fun
def fun(block: Int=>String): String = {
implicitly is a function defined in Predef. Again no magic. Here's it's definition
def implicitly[A](implicit value: A) = value
But this means it will resolve the implicit value when declaring the fun and not for each invocation.
If you want to use different values for different invocations you will need to add the implicit paramter
def fun(block: Int=>String)(implicit value: Int): String = {
This will now depend on the implicit scope at the call site. And you can easily override it like this
val result = fun{ _.toString }(3)
and result will be "3" because of the explicit 3 at the end. There is, however, no way to magically change the fun from your declaration to fetch values from implicit scope.
I hope you understand implicits better now, they can be a bit tricky to wrap your head around at first.
It seems that for that particular case I asked, the answer might be like this:
That this is not really a good idea to use implicit intValue or implicit request along with implicitly() using only one parameter for the function that accept (anonymous) function.
Why not, because:
Say, if in block(...) in apply() I would use implicitly[Request], then
it does not matter whether I use "implicit request" or not - it will use
request that is defined implicitly somewhere. Even if I would pass my
own request to Action { myOwnRequest =Result }.
For that particular case is better to use currying and two arguments and.. in the second argument - (first)(second) to use implicit
Like this:
def apply(block:Request => Result)(implicit request:Request):Action2
See my little effort around this example/use case here.
But, I don't see any good example so far in regards to how to use implicit by passing the (anonymous) function as argument (my initial question):
fun{ implicit intValue => {intValue.toString}
or that one (updated version):
val action = Action { implicit request =>
Result("Got request [" + request + "]")

Scala reflection on function parameter names

I have a class which takes a function
case class FunctionParser1Arg[T, U](func:(T => U))
def testFunc(name1:String):String = name1
val res = FunctionParser1Arg(testFunc)
I would like to know the type signature information on the function from inside the case class. I want to know both the parameter name and type. I have had success in finding the type using the runtime mirror objects, but not the name. Any suggestions?
Ok, let's say you got the symbol for the instance func points to:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => m}
val im = m reflect res.func // Instance Mirror
You can get the apply method from its type members:
val apply = newTermName("apply")
val applySymbol = im.symbol.typeSignature member apply
And since we know it's a method, make it a method symbol:
val applyMethod = applySymbol.asMethod
It's parameters can be found through paramss, and we know there's only one parameter on one parameter list, so we can get the first parameter of the first parameter list:
val param = applyMethod.paramss(0)(0)
Then what you are asking for is:
val name = // if you want "+" instead of "$plus", for example
val type = param.typeSignature
It's possible that you think that's the wrong answer because you got x$1 instead of name1, but what is passed to the constructor is not the named function testFunc, but, instead, an anonymous function representing that method created through a process called eta expansion. You can't find out the parameter name of the method because you can't pass the method.
If that's what you need, I suggest you use a macro instead. With a macro, you'll be able to see exactly what is being passed at compile time and get the name from it.