Ubuntu unity cannot work, reinstall didn't fix - ubuntu-16.04

I am using OdroidXu4 armv7 board, ubuntu 16.04. Dont know why my all menu disappear, but the files on desktop can still be operated.
I followed https://itsfoss.com/how-to-fix-no-unity-no-launcher-no-dash-in-ubuntu-12-10-quick-tip/ to reinstall ubuntu-destop or unity, but it didn't work.
Then I used the command below
dconf reset -f /org/compiz
setsid unity
The menu flashed a while then disappeared again, returned error:
file /dev/mali0 is not of a compatible version (user 10.6, kernel 10.1)
ERROR: The DDK is not compatible with any of the Mali GPUs on the system.
The DDK was built for 0x620 r0p1 status range [0..15], but none of the GPUs
file /dev/mali0 is not of a compatible version (user 9.0, kernel 8.0)
I was confused with the "GPUs", because I didn't have any GPU.
How to fix the problem, thanks for your help

I was using Ubuntu 16.04.In my case unity, launcher and even terminal is not working.I followed the steps as described in https://www.itsmearunchandel.co.in/linux/ubuntu/how-to-reset-ubuntu-desktop.html .
1. Go to command line mode, press Ctrl+Alt+F1
2. Give username and password.
3. Run the commands as described in the link.
This way my issue was resolved.


clion autocomplete keeps processing forever

I am using clion latest version 2020.2
Build #CL-202.6397.106, built on July 28, 2020
Autocomplete suddenly stopped working even though clion can build and complie my code just fine.
To make sure the issue is not project dependent, I started a new project. However, the problem still presists. As you can see in the attached image below. Whenever I explicity press (ctrl+space) I get this empty suggestion dropdown and the icon keeps rotating forever. (Note: If I don't press ctrl+space, the dropdown menu never shows up)
I made sure that PowerSaveMode is disabled.
I also tried File->Invalidate Cache/Restart->Invalidate and Restart
Did anyone face a similar issue? Any suggestions to what could be the cause of this problem?
Additonal information
gcc version: gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.5-4ubuntu8) 4.8.5
g++ version: g++ (Ubuntu 4.8.5-4ubuntu8) 4.8.5
I am posting this answer in case someone comes across this issue in the future.
The issue was definitly caused by the new update to clion. So I installed an older version. There is a tool named "JetBrains Toolbox" which is very convient when it comes managing multiple versions of any JetBrains software (clion in my case).
An additional note, if you want to run clion (or any other solution) as a superuser do not do that through the JetBrains toolbox. The toolbox will have the installtion location for each installed version, use it to run as a superuser from the terminal.

How to Access Linux Files in a WSL distro from Windows 10?

Recently I updated my Windows 10 Pro with May Update (version 1903, build 18362.116). Then for my existing distros: OpenSuse Leap 15 and Ubuntu (installed from MS Store), I wanted to open a linux directory by using Explorer and I'm getting this message:
[susedis#mypc ~]$ explorer.exe .
If 'explorer.exe' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf explorer.exe
This problem happens also with VSC (code) and VSC-Insiders (code-insiders).
I've read this article and ...
OPTION 1: my current problem
OPTION 2: icon LINUX does not exist in tree view
OPTION 3: it works
Supposedly options 1 and 2 should exist and work, even more with the latest update. What's wrong? Thanks in advance.
PS1: I've found these articles Run Visual Studio Code for Linux from WSL and Using Visual Studio Code with Windows Subsystem for Linux, they talk about installing xserver and more stuff on side linux. But many other articles and videos don't talk about it, it's like it was a built-in feature of Windows. This is so dark.
I just found what is the root of my problem: the distro.
explorer, code, code-insiders commands ONLY work through UBUNTU and I was using OpenSuse.
This warning is lacking in every article on Web I read, including on VSC site (example: Developing in WSL). This is a disadvantage for other distros. Very bad.
PS1: The solution can be found here.

Visual Studio Code can't run in Ubuntu 18.04

I have been using VSCode for a while and never had any big problem with it. Today I tried to start my VSCode from left taskbar on my Ubuntu 18.04 and it not showing up. Also, I tried to run in terminal as 'code .' again nothing.
VSCode version is latest 1.23.1 I tried few time today with install/remove and nothing. Somehow I am thinking maybe it something with permissions but not sure.
When click on task bar icon its shows like loading on top taskbar in ubuntu 18.04 for a few seconds and stops.
Also when tried to run in terminal as:
$ code . --verbose
[15027:0603/191139.702752:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(279)] Gtk: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
[15027:0603/191139.809312:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(279)] Gtk: GModule (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-ibus.so) initialization check failed: GLib version too old (micro mismatch)
[15027:0603/191139.809326:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(279)] Gtk: Loading IM context type 'ibus' failed
pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:07:00.0/resource: No such file or directory
just getting an error, but not sure is this error connected with problem I did some investigation and Gtk is already installed and works well on my OS.
Fixed it with "delete the /home/user/.config/Code folder"

Error "context mismatch in svga_sampler_view_destroy" running GUI programs on Ubuntu in a VM

I am running Ubuntu 16.04 on a VMware workstation player VM on windows 10. When I run some GUI programs (have observed this on Spyder and Chromium) am getting the message "context mismatch in svga_sampler_view_destroy" is repeatedly printed to the console.
It seems to be related to virtualization as it goes away if turn off 3D display acceleration. I don't want to turn off acceleration as it makes a big difference to the video performance.
I got the same error while running the Android Emulator in VmWare player 14.0. This seems to be an issue with Ubuntu, VmWare and OpenGL 3.3
What solved my problem was the solution from Mesa on how to handle Ubuntu as guest OS in VmWare
In short you need to set the environment variable SVGA_VGPU10 to 0 (this turns off OpenGL 3.3 support, falling back to 2.1)
To set it for one session of Bash, use:
$ export SVGA_VGPU10=0
To permanently write it to the Bash user settings:
$ echo "export SVGA_VGPU10=0" >> ~/.bashrc
For future reference the solution is to disable Accelerate 3D Graphics

nsight eclipse for mac lion debug error

I am using nsight eclipse edition for mac to debug my cuda code. I was able to run cuda-gdb all fine from a terminal but was not able to use the debug function in Nsight. Whenever I started to debug, an error window pops up saying "Error in final launch sequence
Connection is shut down". My OS is Mac Lion (10.7.4).
I understand the big thing in Cuda 5.0 is the interactive debugging with eclipse but sadly I won't be able to use it unless I switch to Windows or Linux. If anybody has seen this or knows a workaround for this, please let me know and your help will be very much appreciated.
Thank you!
I'm afraid you've hit a known issue in CUDA 5.0 Toolkit. Due to some last-minute change, cuda-gdb (which is a shell script) is not entirely valid in Mac OS X. To remedy the problem:
Edit cuda-gdb shell script.
Make line #!/bin/sh the first line in this script.
Save the changes
We apologize for inconvenience. This (and many other) issues will be fixed in the upcoming CUDA 5.0 RC release.
I had this problem in linux recently.
Error in final launch sequence Connection is shut down which means nsight can not start debugger correctly.
first you have to make sure you can run cuda-gdb in terminal. just type cuda-gdb in terminal, if it says like cuda-gdb cannot find some lib in /usr/lib, just download or relink it. after you done this , rerun cuda-gdb in terminal, it should work fine. then you can use nsight debugging tool.