Pass internalIpOnly to projects.regions.clusters.create through gcloud - gcloud

GceClusterConfig object has property internalIpOnly, but there is no clear documentation on how to specify that flag through gcloud command. Is there a way to pass that property?

That feature was first released in gcloud beta dataproc clusters create where you can use the --no-address flag to turn that on. The feature recently became General Availability, and should be making it into the main gcloud dataproc clusters create any moment now (it's possible if you run gcloud components update you'll get the flag in the non-beta branch even though the public documentation hasn't been updated to reflect it yet).


Multiple active projects under single config? Or, multiple active configurations?

I have a set of clusters split between two projects, 1 and 2. Currently, need to use gcloud init to switch between the two projects. Is there any possibility of having both projects active under the single configuration? Or, is it possible to have two configurations simultaneously active? I would hate to have to use init every time to switch between the two. Thanks!
gcloud init should only be used to (re)initialize gcloud on a host. The only time I ever use it is when I install gcloud on a new machine.
gcloud uses a global config that can be manipulated with the gcloud config command. IMO (I've been using GCP for 9 years) the less you use gcloud config, the better for your experience.
I think you're much better placed specifying config explicitly with gcloud commands.
Every gcloud command can include e.g.:
--project=${PROJECT} to specify the project to use
--account=${ACCOUNT} to specify the gcloud auth'd account to use
--region=${REGION} or --zone=${ZONE} or --location=${LOCATION}
Using gcloud commands and explicitly setting flags to specific the project, account, location etc. makes it trivial to flip between these and often (though not always) in a more intentional way.

GCP Cloud SQL failed to delete instance because `deletion_protection` is set to true - gcloud toggle?

Error message:
terraform destroy
module.application.google_sql_database_instance.sql-db-xxx: Destroying... [id=db-xxx]
Error: Error, failed to delete instance because deletion_protection is set to true. Set it to false to proceed with instance deletion
The terraform solution is here:
On newer versions of the provider, you must explicitly set deletion_protection=false (and run terraform >apply to write the field to state) in order to destroy an instance. It is recommended to not set this >field (or set it to true) until you're ready to destroy the instance and its databases.
I do NOT want to make changes to the terraform script. I would rather toggle the deletion protection flag via gcloud, then destroy as per usual.
For gcloud VMs there is a deletion protection flag I can toggle. However, I cannot find the corresponding flag for the database:
cloud sql instances describe db-xxx
Is this deletion_protection flag meta data within terraform itself?
If not, what is the gcloud command to toggle it?
If so, how can I override it via terraform without modifying the code; ie command line parameter?
I have insufficient 'points' to add to the existing thread of a similar title.
To answer your questions:
From Terraform docs:
deletion_protection - Whether or not to allow Terraform to destroy the instance.
So yes, this is within Terraform itself. Deletion protection flag on GCP is currently only available on Compute Engine instances, not Cloud SQL instances.
Currently, deletion protection can only be toggled on a Compute Engine Instance.
You may consider using input variables like this:
terraform apply -var="deletion_protection=false"
terraform destroy
There are also other ways to use input variables. For more reference, here's the link.

How to check which gcloud project is active

To see all your gcloud projects you use command gcloud projects list. To switch to a specific project, you use gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID.
But what command can you use when you want to check which project is active? By which I mean, on which project was called the set command last?
gcloud config get-value project
You can always type gcloud config --help
There's a very cool and well-hidden interactive tool: gcloud beta interactive that will help with gcloud command completion.
Personally, I recommend not using configurations to hold default values (for e.g. project) in order to (help) avoid "To which project did I just apply that command?" issues.
IMO, it's much better to be more explicit and I prefer:
gcloud ... --project=${PROJECT}
If, like me, you put the project value in a variable, you can still make mistakes but it is easier to avoid them.
You can also define sets of configurations and then use gcloud ... --configuration=${CONFIG} and this works too as long as you don't set values in the default config
You can use gcloud projects list --filter='lifecycleState:ACTIVE' to get all active projects.
Or you can list them all showing lifecyclestate and filter with grep or other bash stuff:
$ gcloud projects list --format="table(projectNumber,projectId,,lifecycleState)" --limit 10
310270846648 again-testing-no-notebook 2022-12-11T07:03:03 ACTIVE
Hope this helps.

When creating a new cloud composer env, is it possible to set the bucket to preexisting one?

So I already have an empty storage bucket created for this and I don't want composer to create its own bucket for the dags - I'd like to use the one already created.
It's not ideal to have it just create a random bucket and then go
gcloud composer environments run test-environment --location europe-west1 variables -- --set gcs_bucket gs://my-bucket
I've dug around the docs but it seems you cannot go around it creating a brand new bucket every time?
Currently, it is not possible.
In the environment’s configuration in Cloud Composer API, the dagGcsPrefix parameter is output only, you cannot set it. Documentation also mentions a Cloud Storage bucket is always created along with the Composer environment, the name of the bucket is based on the environment’s region, name and a random Id.
You may want to “Star” this Feature Request for the mentioned functionality, to receive notifications whenever an update on this regard is published. You can also review or subscribe to the Cloud Composer release notes to be updated about recently added features.
You are right, this is currently not supported in Composer.

Alternate ways of obtaining gcloud alpha compute rolling-updates list

When executing gcloud rolling update list the following error is thrown :
gcloud alpha compute rolling-updates list --group some-group --zone us-east1-b
ERROR: (gcloud.alpha.compute.rolling-updates.list) Collection [replicapoolupdater.rollingUpdates] is not registered
Is there a way around this issue using gcloud ?
This alpha list command was broken sometime in March. The fix for it will be coming out most likely this Wednesday with release 115.0.0.
You can also grab very old gcloud (probably a version before 99.0.0) from
Note that this command group will be deprecated as soon as replacement is place, and users are discouraged from using it.