I want to define a table with a constraint.
the data is: "article_name,article_time,start_time,end_time"
for the moment I use this condition:
EXCLUDE USING gist (article_name WITH =,
tsrange(start_time,end_time) WITH &&)
but that means to not take any new row for which the range overlaps
with an existing range with the same article_name, whereas I want to change it to get:
don't take new rows for which article_time is inside an existing range (start_time,end_time),
for the same article_name
How can I declare that please?
Thanks a lot
Due to the fact that you can't use <# or #>, I think you need a trigger here with smth like
SELECT count(1)
FROM table_name
WHERE article_name = NEW. article_name
AND NOT tsrange(NEW. start_time,NEW. end_time) <# tsrange(start_time, end_time)
) < 1
return NEW;
I wanted to try out using a recursive CTE for the first time, so I wrote a query to show the notes in a musical scale based on the root note and the steps given the different scales.
When running the script itself all is well, but the second that I try to make it into a function, I get the error "relation "temp_scale_steps" does not exist".
I am using postgreSQL 9.4.1. I can't see any reason why this would not work. Any advice would be gratefully received.
The code below:
create or replace function scale_notes(note_id int, scale_id int)
returns table(ordinal int, note varchar(2))
drop table if exists temp_min_note_seq;
create temp table temp_min_note_seq
select min(note_seq_id) as min_note_id from note_seq where note_id = $1
drop table if exists temp_scale_steps;
create temp table temp_scale_steps
with recursive steps (ordinal, step) as
select ordinal
from scale_steps
where scale_id = $2
union all
select ordinal+1
from steps
where ordinal < (select max(ordinal) from scale_steps where scale_id = $2)
select ordinal
,sum(step) as temp_note_seq_id
from steps
group by 1
order by 1
select x.ordinal
select ordinal
,min_note_id + temp_note_seq_id as temp_note_seq_id
from temp_scale_steps
join temp_min_note_seq on (1=1)
) x
join note_seq ns on (x.temp_note_seq_id = ns.note_seq_id)
join notes n on (ns.note_id = n.note_id)
order by ordinal;
language sql volatile;
In response to comments I have changed the script so that the query is done in one step and now all works. However, I would still be interested to know why the version above does not work.
Imagine I have a table with this definition:
Imagine I insert a few records and end up with the following:
Is there any way I can make an aggregate query that will give me a new hstore with the merged keys (and values) for all rows.
SELECT hstore_sum(values) AS value_sum FROM test;
Desired result:
I am aware of potential conflicts with different values for each key, but in my case the order / priority of which value is picked is not important (it does not even have to be deterministic, as they will be the same for the same key).
Is this possible out of the box or do you have to use some specific homemade SQL functions or other to do it?
You can do a lot of things, f.ex:
My first thought was to use the each() function, and aggregate keys and values separately, like:
SELECT hstore(array_agg(key), array_agg(value))
FROM test,
LATERAL each(hs);
But this performs the worst.
You can use the hstore_to_array() function too, to build a key-value altering array, like (#JakubKania):
SELECT hstore(array_agg(altering_pairs))
FROM test,
LATERAL unnest(hstore_to_array(hs)) altering_pairs;
But this isn't perfect yet.
You can rely the hstore values' representation, and build up a string, which will contain all your pairs:
SELECT hstore(string_agg(nullif(hs::text, ''), ','))
FROM test;
This is quite fast. However, if you want, you can use a custom aggregate function (which can use the built-in hstore concatenation):
CREATE AGGREGATE hstore_sum (hstore) (
SFUNC = hs_concat(hstore, hstore),
STYPE = hstore
-- i used the internal function (hs_concat) for the concat (||) operator,
-- if you do not want to rely on this function,
-- you could easily write an equivalent in a custom SQL function
SELECT hstore_sum(hs)
FROM test;
There is no in built function for that but hstore offers a few functions that allow to transform it to something else, for example an array. So we cast it to array, merge the arrays and create hstore from final array:
SELECT hstore(array_agg(x)) FROM
(SELECT unnest(hstore_to_array(hs)) AS x
FROM test)
as q;
P.S. Some other combination (like going with JSON) might be more efficient.
This is what I wrote which works in production now. I avoid excessive conversion between types e.g. hstore and array. I also don't use hs_concat as sfunc directly as it will pruduce NULL if any of the hashes it is aggregating is NULL.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.agg_hstore_sum_sfunc(state hstore, val hstore)
RETURNS hstore AS $$
state := val;
state := state || val;
RETURN state;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
CREATE AGGREGATE public.sum(hstore) (
SFUNC = public.agg_hstore_sum_sfunc,
STYPE = hstore
Can we create Trigger in HSQL DB, with multiple WHEN clause. Something like this :-
REFERENCING NEW AS nwrow OLD as oldrow
when ( nwrow.person_id>100 )
( insert into TRIGLOG values ('PERSON_more_than_100',nwrow.person_id,SYSDATE) ),
When (nwrow.person_id<=100)
( insert into TRIGLOG values ('PERSON_less_than_100',nwrow.person_id,SYSDATE) )
This query gives syntax errors.
What will be correct syntax ?
Currently there is no support for multiple WHEN clauses in a trigger. The WHEN clause is generally used with a simple condition to call the trigger only when necessary.
For more complex conditions use a CASE or IF condition:
REFERENCING NEW AS nwrow OLD as oldrow
IF ( nwrow.person_id>100 ) THEN
insert into TRIGLOG values ('PERSON_more_than_100',nwrow.person_id,SYSDATE);
insert into TRIGLOG values ('PERSON_less_than_100',nwrow.person_id,SYSDATE);
SELECT commandid
FROM results
FROM generate_series(0,119999)
WHERE generate_series = results.commandid
I have a column in results of type int but various tests failed and were not added to the table. I would like to create a query that returns a list of commandid that are not found in results. I thought the above query would do what I wanted. However, it does not even work if I use a range that is outside the expected possible range of commandid (like negative numbers).
Given sample data:
create table results ( commandid integer primary key);
insert into results (commandid) select * from generate_series(1,1000);
delete from results where random() < 0.20;
This works:
SELECT s.i AS missing_cmd
FROM generate_series(0,1000) s(i)
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM results WHERE commandid = s.i);
as does this alternative formulation:
SELECT s.i AS missing_cmd
FROM generate_series(0,1000) s(i)
LEFT OUTER JOIN results ON (results.commandid = s.i)
WHERE results.commandid IS NULL;
Both of the above appear to result in identical query plans in my tests, but you should compare with your data on your database using EXPLAIN ANALYZE to see which is best.
Note that instead of NOT IN I've used NOT EXISTS with a subquery in one formulation, and an ordinary OUTER JOIN in the other. It's much easier for the DB server to optimise these and it avoids the confusing issues that can arise with NULLs in NOT IN.
I initially favoured the OUTER JOIN formulation, but at least in 9.1 with my test data the NOT EXISTS form optimizes to the same plan.
Both will perform better than the NOT IN formulation below when the series is large, as in your case. NOT IN used to require Pg to do a linear search of the IN list for every tuple being tested, but examination of the query plan suggests Pg may be smart enough to hash it now. The NOT EXISTS (transformed into a JOIN by the query planner) and the JOIN work better.
The NOT IN formulation is both confusing in the presence of NULL commandids and can be inefficient:
SELECT s.i AS missing_cmd
FROM generate_series(0,1000) s(i)
WHERE s.i NOT IN (SELECT commandid FROM results);
so I'd avoid it. With 1,000,000 rows the other two completed in 1.2 seconds and the NOT IN formulation ran CPU-bound until I got bored and cancelled it.
As I mentioned in the comment, you need to do the reverse of the above query.
generate_series(0, 119999)
NOT generate_series IN (SELECT commandid FROM results);
At that point, you should find values that do not exist within the commandid column within the selected range.
I am not so experienced SQL guru, but I like other ways to solve problem.
Just today I had similar problem - to find unused numbers in one character column.
I have solved my problem by using pl/pgsql and was very interested in what will be speed of my procedure.
I used #Craig Ringer's way to generate table with serial column, add one million records, and then delete every 99th record. This procedure work about 3 sec in searching for missing numbers:
-- creating table
create table results (commandid character(7) primary key);
-- populating table with serial numbers formatted as characters
insert into results (commandid) select cast(num_id as character(7)) from generate_series(1,1000000) as num_id;
-- delete some records
delete from results where cast(commandid as integer) % 99 = 0;
create or replace function unused_numbers()
returns setof integer as
i integer;
r record;
-- looping trough table with sychronized counter:
i := 1;
for r in
(select distinct cast(commandid as integer) as num_value
from results
order by num_value asc)
if not (i = r.num_value) then
while true loop
return next i;
i = i + 1;
if (i = r.num_value) then
i = i + 1;
end if;
end loop;
i := i + 1;
end if;
end loop;
language plpgsql volatile
cost 100
rows 1000;
select * from unused_numbers();
Maybe it will be usable for someone.
If you're on AWS redshift, you might end up needing to defy the question, since it doesn't support generate_series. You'll end up with something like this:
startpoints.id gapstart,
min(endpoints.id) resume
from (
select id+1 id
from yourtable outer_series
where not exists
(select null
from yourtable inner_series
where inner_series.id = outer_series.id + 1
order by id
) startpoints,
yourtable endpoints
endpoints.id > startpoints.id
group by
FYI: I am completely new to using cursors...
So I have one function that is a cursor:
CREATE FUNCTION get_all_product_promos(refcursor, cursor_object_id integer) RETURNS refcursor AS '
FROM promos prom1
JOIN promo_objects ON (prom1.promo_id = promo_objects.promotion_id)
WHERE prom1.active = true AND now() BETWEEN prom1.start_date AND prom1.end_date
AND promo_objects.object_id = cursor_object_id
SELECT prom2.promo_id
FROM promos prom2
JOIN promo_buy_objects ON (prom2.promo_id =
LEFT JOIN promo_get_objects ON prom2.promo_id = promo_get_objects.promo_id
WHERE (prom2.buy_quantity IS NOT NULL OR prom2.buy_quantity > 0) AND
prom2.active = true AND now() BETWEEN prom2.start_date AND
prom2.end_date AND promo_buy_objects.object_id = cursor_object_id;
' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SO then in another function I call it and need to process it:
--Get the promotions from the cursor
SELECT get_all_product_promos('promo_cursor', this_object_id)
updated := FALSE;
--Then loop through your results
FETCH promo_cursor into this_promotion
--Preform comparison logic -this is necessary as this logic is used in other contexts from other functions
SELECT * INTO best_promo_results FROM get_best_product_promos(this_promotion, this_object_id, get_free_promotion, get_free_promotion_value, current_promotion_value, current_promotion);
SO the idea here is to select from the cursor, loop using fetch (next is assumed correct?) and put the record fetched into this_promotion. Then send the record in this_promotion to another function. I can't figure out what to declare the type of this_promotion in get_best_product_promos. Here is what I have:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_best_product_promos(this_promotion record, this_object_id integer, get_free_promotion integer, get_free_promotion_value numeric(10,2), current_promotion_value numeric(10,2), current_promotion integer)
It tells me: ERROR: plpgsql functions cannot take type record
OK first I tried:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_best_product_promos(this_promotion get_all_product_promos, this_object_id integer, get_free_promotion integer, get_free_promotion_value numeric(10,2), current_promotion_value numeric(10,2), current_promotion integer)
Because I saw some syntax in the Postgres docs showed a function being created w/ a input parameter that had a type 'tablename' this works, but it has to be a tablename not a function :( I know I am so close, I was told to use cursors to pass records around. So I studied up. Please help.
One possibility would be to define the query you have in get_all_product_promos as a all_product_promos view instead. Then you would automatically have the "all_product_promos%rowtype" type to pass between functions.
That is, something like:
CREATE VIEW all_product_promos AS
SELECT promo_objects.object_id, prom1.*
FROM promos prom1
JOIN promo_objects ON (prom1.promo_id = promo_objects.promotion_id)
WHERE prom1.active = true AND now() BETWEEN prom1.start_date AND prom1.end_date
SELECT promo_buy_objects.object_id, prom2.*
FROM promos prom2
JOIN promo_buy_objects ON (prom2.promo_id = promo_buy_objects.promo_id)
LEFT JOIN promo_get_objects ON prom2.promo_id = promo_get_objects.promo_id
WHERE (prom2.buy_quantity IS NOT NULL OR prom2.buy_quantity > 0)
AND prom2.active = true
AND now() BETWEEN prom2.start_date AND prom2.end_date
You should be able to verify using EXPLAIN that querying SELECT * FROM all_product_promos WHERE object_id = ? takes the object_id parameter into the two subqueries rather than filtering afterwards. Then from another function you can write:
this_promotion all_product_promos%ROWTYPE;
FOR this_promotion IN
SELECT * FROM all_product_promos WHERE object_id = this_object_id
-- deal with promotion in this_promotion
TBH I would avoid using cursors to pass records around in PLPGSQL. In fact, I would avoid using cursors in PLPGSQL full stop- unless you need to pass a whole resultset to another function for some reason. This method of simply looping through the statement is much simpler, with the caveat that the entire resultset is materialised into memory first.
The other disadvantage with this approach is that if you need to add a column to all_product_promos, you will need to recreate all the functions that depend on it, since you can't add columns to a view with 'alter view'. AFAICT this affects named types create with CREATE TYPE too, since ALTER TYPE doesn't seem to allow you to add columns to a type either.
So, you can specify a record format using "CREATE TYPE" to pass between functions. Any relation automagically specifies a type called <relation>%ROWTYPE which you can also use.
The answer:
Select specific fields in the cursor function instead of *
CREATE TYPE get_all_product_promos as (buy_quantity integer, discount_amount numeric(10,2), get_quantity integer, discount_type integer, promo_id integer);
Then I can say:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_best_product_promos(this_promotion get_all_product_promos, this_object_id integer, get_free_promotion integer, get_free_promotion_value numeric(10,2), current_promotion_value numeric(10,2), current_promotion integer)