Aggregation filter and lookup on Mongodb - mongodb

My first collection employeecategory is like below;
name: "SECURITY"
name: "PLUMBER"
My second collection complaints is like below;
communityId: 1001,
category: "SECURITY",
//other fields
}, {
communityId: 1001,
category: "GARDENING",
//other fields
I am trying to join above tables and get the below result;
"count": 1,
"name": "GARDENING"
}, {
"count": 1,
"name": "SECURITY"
}, {
"count": 0,
"name": "PLUMBER"
Even if there are no records in collection 2 I need count. I tried below aggregation but didn't worked. If I removed match condition it is working but I need to filter on community id. Could some please suggest best way to do achieve this. Mongo DB version is 3.4.0
$match: {
"complaints.communityId": 1001
}, {
"$lookup": {
from: "complaints",
localField: "name",
foreignField: "category",
as: "embeddedData"

It was not possible to achieve both filtering for communityId = 1001 and grouping without losing count = 0 category in a single aggregation. The way to do it is first start from complaints collection, and filter the communityId = 1001 objects, and create a temp collection with it. Then from employeecategory collection, $lookup to join with that temp collection, and $group with name, you will have your result at this point, then drop the temp table.
// will not modify complaints document, will create a filtered temp document
$match: {
communityId: 1001
$out: "temp"
// will return the answer that is requested by OP
$lookup: {
from: "temp",
localField: "name",
foreignField: "category",
as: "array"
}, {
$group: {
_id: "$name",
count: {
$sum: {
$size: "$array"
db.temp.drop(); // to get rid of this temporary collection
will result;
{ _id: "PLUMBER", count: 0},
{ _id: "SECURITY", count: 2},
{ _id: "GARDENING", count: 1}
for the test data I've had;
{ name: "GARDENING" },
{ name: "SECURITY" },
{ name: "PLUMBER" }
{ category: "GARDENING", communityId: 1001 },
{ category: "SECURITY", communityId: 1001 },
{ category: "SECURITY", communityId: 1001 },
{ category: "SECURITY", communityId: 1002 }


MongoDB aggregate returning only specific fields

I have the following code:
const profiles = await Profile.aggregate([
$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "user",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "user",
$unwind: "$user",
$match: {
"": {
$regex: q.trim(),
$options: "i",
$skip: ? ( - 1) * 10 : 0,
$limit: 11,
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
user: { name: "$name" },
user: { avatar: "$avatar" },
I want to return only specific fields like skills _id and and user.avatar, but this doesn't work. I'm pretty sure that the problem is in $group. I want to receive only these fields
_id: 5ef78d005d23020ca847aa76,
skills: [ 'asd' ],
user: {
_id: 5ef78c7c5d23020ca847aa75,
name: 'Simeon Lazarov',
avatar: 'uploads\\1593286096227 - background.jpg',
You can make use of $project to get specific fields.
After grouping add the below:
$project: {_id:1, skills:1, user:1}
Projection value of 0 means that the field needs to be excluded, Value 1 represents inclusion of the field.
Document reference:

Getting the first created document and grouping by field name in MongoDB

I would like to get the very first department created for each company, however, I'm confused with the aggregate query.
_id: "5b7579f2deea1c6e46fd9739",
name: "Sales",
companyId: "123",
_id: "5c5779f1dffe1c6e45df3973",
name: "Security",
companyId: "123",
_id: "5d9759f5ceda1c6e64df9772",
name: "Human Resource",
companyId: "789",
I'm expecting a result like this:
Expected Result:
_id: "5b7579f2deea1c6e46fd9739",
name: "Sales",
companyId: "123",
_id: "5d9759f5ceda1c6e64df9772",
name: "Human Resource",
companyId: "789",
But I'm getting only one result with my query.
Actual Result:
_id: "5b7579f2deea1c6e46fd9739",
name: "Sales",
companyId: "123",
Aggregate Query:
$sort:{ item: 1 }
$group: {
companyId: { $first:'$companyId'},
name: { $first:'$name'},
You need to group by companyId field like this:
$group: {
_id: "$companyId",
doc: {
$first: "$$ROOT"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$doc"
If you have a natural sort field like a date field, it would be good to apply sort stage on that field before the group stage.

MongoDB Aggregate Query Group By And Count

I have a subscribers collection:
{id: ObjectId ('52dskf45f10dsd4775'), agencyCode: '4579520',
listOfSubscriptions: [
{name: 'william', CreatedAt: ISODate ('2019-01-02'), subscriptionType: 'smartphones'},
{name: 'marianna', CreatedAt: ISODate ('2019-02-02'), subscriptionType: 'smartphones'},
{name: 'Freewind', CreatedAt: ISODate ('2019-04-02'), subscriptionType: 'smartphones'}
The agencys collection contains the following data:
{agencyCode: '4579520', BU: 'finances', company: ObjectId (' 445700500b24dsjdfm ')}
{agencyCode: '45007', BU: 'finances', company: ObjectId (' 445700500b24dsjdfm ')}
Collection subscriptionsType:
{id:ObjectId ('5lkf81gf45005drkj') ,nameSubscription: 'intense',SubscriptionType: 'smartphones' }
{id:ObjectId ('eb4512ezope780') ,nameSubscription: 'other',SubscriptionType: 'other' }
I want to do a cont on the subscribers by type of subscription.
Here is my request mongodb:
$lookup: {
from: "agencys",
localField: "agencyCode",
foreignField: "agencyCode",
as: "data_agency"
{ $unwind: "$data_agency" },
{ $unwind: "$listOfSubscriptions" },
$match: {
$and: [
{ $agencyCode: '4579520' },
{ "data_agency.BU": 'finances' },
{ "": mongoose.Types.ObjectId('445700500b24dsjdfm') },
$group: {
"_id": "$listOfSubscriptions.subscriptionType",
countLines: { $sum: 1 },
result of my request:
"_id": "smartphones",
"countLines": 3
the result of my request does not display the rest of the subscription type.
I want to display all subscription types like this for the agency '4579520':
"_id": "smartphones",
"countLines": 3
"_id": "other",
"countLines": 0

MongoDB aggregate lookup with nested array

I have a complicated structure I am trying to "join".
The best way to describe it is that I have "Favorite Teams" stored with a user, as an array of name/IDs - however they are stored in a nested object. I want to return the users Favorite Teams Players WITH the team.
Here are the data models
favs: {
mascots: [{
teams: [{
I have an array of Team IDs from the user.favs.teams - and what I want back is the players with their team name.
This is the current aggregation I am using - it is returning the players but not the teams...I am pretty sure I need to unwind, or similar.
$match: {
team_id: {
$in: [--array of team ID's--]
$lookup: {
from: 'teams',
localField: 'team_id',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'players_team'
$project: {
_id: 1,
name: 1,
position: 1,
'players_team[0].name': 1
What I am getting back...
_id: 5c1b37b6fd15241940b11111
name:"Team A"
...other fields...
What I WANT to get back...
_id: 5c1b37b6fd15241940b11111
player_team: "Team A"
Use Below $lookup (Aggregation)
$lookup: {
from: "teams",
let: { teamId: "$team_id" },
pipeline: [
$match: { $expr: { $eq: [ "$_id", "$$teamId" ] } }
$project: { _id: 0 }
as: "players_team"
"$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": {
"$mergeObjects": [
"_id": "$_id",
"name": "$name",
"position": "$position",
"team_id": "$team_id"
player_team: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$", 0 ] }
Sorry If your MongoDB version is less then 3.6. Because of new changes in MongoDB 3.6.

Mongo Aggregation Grouping and Mapping of Object Array

I'm need to group a mongo collection and aggregate.
Example Collection
[{id:"1", skill: "cooking"},{id:"1", skill: "fishing"}]
Lookup Collection
[{ name: "cooking", value: 3 }, { name: "fishing", value: 2 }]
Desired Result
[{id: "1", skills: [{ value: 3, "cooking" }, { value: 2, "fishing"}]}]
Here's how far I am.
$group: '$id'
skills: { $addToSet: '$skill' }
[{id: "1", skills: ["cooking", "fishing"]}]
I'm wondering if this is even possible.
I miss SQL, need help!
We can do this using $lookup, $group and $project in the aggregation pipeline
Shown below is the mongodb shell query
$lookup: {
from: "lookup_collection",
localField: "skill",
foreignField: "name",
as: "skills"
$group: {
_id: "$id",
skills: {
$push: "$skills"
$project: {
"id": "$_id",
"": 1,
"skills.value": 1,
"_id": 0