Amazon Postgres RDS pg_stat_statements not loaded - postgresql

I configured my RDS Postgres 9.6.1 instance so, that the pg_stat_activity is loaded via 'shared_preload_libraries' parameter
The I rebooted my instance and then check if the pg_stat_statements can be loaded. But I get the error:
[55000] ERROR: pg_stat_statements must be loaded via shared_preload_libraries
The command
SHOW shared_preload_libraries;
does not show the pg_stat_statements library.
And therefore the error above still remains.
Does somebody else has got the same issue?

Ran into the same problem today.
Turns out I simply had to reboot the database (via CLI or web interface).
As mentioned on the AWS docs:
When you change a static parameter and save the DB parameter group, the parameter change takes effect after you manually reboot the DB instance.

I tried myself. Added to Parameters->shared_preload_libraries values:pg_stat_statements,pg_hint_plan. Clicked "save changes", agreed on "Apply Immediately". Indeed no effect. When I check DB Parameter Group - it shows modified group, but pg_stat_statements unusable. So I think bad on JS and try aws cli:
aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier p5
it reveals that group was not indeed changed!:
"OptionGroupMemberships": [
"Status": "in-sync",
"OptionGroupName": "default:postgres-9-5"
So I did:
aws rds modify-db-instance --db-parameter-group-name with-contrib --apply-immediately --db-instance-identifier p5
aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier p5
aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier p5
And It was changed. So I try to:
mon=> create extension pg_stat_statements ;
mon=> select count(*) from pg_stat_statements;
(1 row)
Voila. Not sure if it was Chrome (Version 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit)) feature or JS failure, or me not getting intuitive clicking steps, but I failed to apply changes as well. Please try with aws cli to see if you success there.
String requires quotes I think.:
String: In general, enclose the value in single quotes, doubling any
single quotes within the value. Quotes can usually be omitted if the
value is a simple number or identifier, however.
So maybe setting shared_preload_libraries this way will help:
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements,pg_hint_plan'
shared_preload_libraries (string)
This variable specifies one or more shared libraries to be preloaded
at server start. This parameter can only be set at server start. If a
specified library is not found, the server will fail to start.


Installation of pg_cron on Azure Flexible PostgeSQL

I am trying to install pg-cron extension for Azure PostgreSQL Flexible server.
According to documentation found here:
pg_cron is available extension, but when I am trying to install it:
create schema cron_pg;
What I get is:
SQL Error [0A000]: ERROR: extension "pg_cron" is not allow-listed for "azure_pg_admin" users in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Hint: to see the full allow list of extensions, please run: "show azure.extensions;"
When executing:
show azure.extensions;
pg_cron is missing:
What am I doing wrong?
You can tell pg_cron to run jobs in another database by updating the database column job in the jobs table.
For example:
UPDATE cron.job SET database = 'wordpress' WHERE jobname = 'wordpress-job';
Pretty late but this issue showed up when I was searching for same problem but with pg_trgm extension. After some looking around eventually realised you just need to update the database settings.
Go to Database in Azure Portal, then to Server parameters and search for azure.extensions parameter. You can then click on the list and enable/disable desired extensions (PG_CRON is available), the server will restart on save and then you will be able to enable the extensions in database.
Seems that the pg_cron extension is already enabled, by default, in the default 'postgres' database.
The reason why I was not seeing this is because I am not using the default 'postgres' database. I have created my own DB which I was connected to.
This actually does not resolve my problem, because I can't execute jobs from pg_cron across databases...

GCP pg_stat_statements insufficient privileges and read replicas

I'm running postgres on GCP SQL service.
I have a main and a read replica.
I've enabled pg_stat_statements on the main node but still I get messages that I have insufficient privileges for almost each and every row.
When i've tried to enable the extension on the read replica it gave me an error that: cannot execute CREATE EXTENSION in a read-only transaction.
All of those actions I have tried to do with the highest privilege user that I have (using a user who is a member of cloudsqlsuperuser, basically same as the default postgres user)
So I have 2 questions:
How do I fix the privileges issue so I can see the statistics in the table?
How do I enable extension on the read replica?
After having run some more tests on postgres 9.6, I have also obtained the messages <insufficient privilege>.
I have run the following query on both postgres 9.6 and 13 and obtained different results:
SELECT userid, usename, query
FROM pg_stat_statements
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user
ON userid = usesysid;
I noticed in postgres 9.6 that the queries I cannot see come from the roles/users cloudsqlagent and cloudsqladmin(preconfigured Cloud SQL postgres roles).
This does not happen with postgres 13 or better said versions 10 and higher and it is because when using EXTENSION pg_stat_statements, SQL statements from all users are visible to users with the cloudsqlsuperuser. This is the behavior of the product across different versions and it is described in the blue box of this link.
Basically only in version 9.6 the SQL statements from all users are NOT visible to users with the cloudsqlsuperuser role.
So if I enable it on the master, it should be enabled on the replica
as well?
Yes, after enabling the extension in the master you can connect to the replica and check with the following command that pg_stat_statements has been enabled:
SELECT * FROM pg_extension;
If you would like a more uniform behavior across postgres versions or if you strongly need the SQL statements from all users to be visible to the cloudsqlsuperuser role, I would recommend then creating a public issue tracker with the template feature request.
I hope you find this useful.
On the permissions side of things, cloudsqlsuperuser is not a real superuser (but is as close as you'll get in GCP cloudsql). Due to this I've sometimes found that I've needed to explicitly grant it access to objects / roles to be able to access things.
Therefore I'd try doing:
GRANT pg_read_all_stats TO cloudsqlsuperuser;
I'm not too sure about how to enable on the read replica unfortunately.
However, you might be interested in the recently released insights feature - I haven't been able to play with this properly yet, but from what I've seen it's pretty nifty.

How to import sql file in Google SQL with binary mode enabled?

I have a database that is giving error:
ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement, but this is not allowed unless option --binary-mode is enabled and mysql is run in non-interactive mode. Set --binary-mode to 1 if ASCII '\0' is expected.
I'm including importing the database through the console with gcloud sql import sql mydb gs://my-path/mydb.sql --database=mydb but I don't see in the documentation any flags for binary mode. Is it possible at all?
Optional - is there a way to set this flag when importing through the MySQL Workbench. I haven't seen anything about it there too, but may be I'm missing some setting or something. If there is way to set that flag, then I can import my database through MySQL Workbench.
Thank you.
Depending where the source database is hosted, on Cloud SQL or on an on-premise environment, the proper flags are set during the export, so the dump file is compatible with the target database.
Since you would like to import a file that has been exported from an on-premise environment, mysqldump is the suggested way to perform the export.
First, create a dump file as suggested in the documentation. Make sure to pay attention to the following 2 points:
Do not export customer-created MySQL users. This will cause the import to the new instance to fail. Instead, manually create the MySQL users you wish to.
Make sure that you have configured the appropriate flags in order to make sure that the dump file will contain all the necessary details you need. Eg triggers, stored procedures etc.
Then, create a Cloud Storage Bucket and upload the dump file to the bucket.
Before proceeding with the import, grant the Storage Object Admin role to the service account of the target Cloud SQL instance. You may do that with the following command:
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:[SERVICE-ACCOUNT]:objectAdmin gs://[BUCKET-NAME]
You may locate the aforementioned Service Account in the Cloud SQL instance Overview, or by running the following command:
gcloud sql instances describe [INSTANCE_NAME]
The service account will be mentioned at the serviceAccountEmailAddress field.
Now you are able to do the import either from Console, or using the gcloud command or a REST API.
More details in Google documentation
Best Practices for importing/exporting data

How to load data from S3 to PostgreSQL RDS

I have a need to load data from S3 to Postgres RDS (around 50-100 GB) I don't have the option to use AWS Data Pipeline and I am looking for something similar to using the COPY command to load data in S3 into Amazon Redshift.
I would appreciate any suggestions on how I can accomplish this.
Originally, this answer was trying to use the S3 to Postgres RDS Functionality. That whole enterprise failed (see below).
The way I have finally been able to do this is:
Set-up an EC2 instance with psql installed (see below near end of post)
Copy the relevant CSVs to import from S3 to the local instance
Use the psql /copy command to import the files up
This last part is really, really important. If you use the SQL COPY command the entire RDS Postgres role structure will frustrate you to no end. It has a wonky SUPERRDSADMIN role which is not very super at all. However, if you use the psql /copy commany you apparently can do anything. I have confirmed this be the case and have started my uploads succesfully. I will come back and re-edit this post (time permitting) to add relevant documentation steps for the above.
Caveat Emptor: The post below was all the original work I had done trying to get this implemented. I don't want to bury the lead despite multiple efforts (including what can only be described as pathetic tech support from AWS) I don't believe that this feature is ready for prime time. Despite a very simple test environment, easy to replicate, AWS has not provided an effective way to not get the copy statement to crap out as follows:
The actual call to aws_s3.table_import_from_s3(...) is reporting a permission problem between RDS and S3. From my research work with psql this appears to be a C library, probably installed by AWS.
NOTICE: CURL error code: 28 when attempting to validate pre-signed URL, 1 attempt(s) remaining
NOTICE: HINT: make sure your instance is able to connect with S3.
S3 to Postgres RDS Functionality Now Added
On 2019-04-24 AWS released functionality allowing a Postgres RDS to load directly from S3. You can read the announcement here, and see the documentation page here.
I am sharing with the OP because this appears to be the AWS supported way of solving the question posed.
Key summary points:
Requires Postgres 11.1 or greater
Need access to psql and the ability to connect it to the RDS instance
Need to install the aws_s3 extension which pulls in aws_commons.
You can get to the S3 bucket by specifying credentials or by assigning IAM roles to RDS
It advertises supporting all of the same data formats as the postgres COPY command
It currently only appears to support a single file at a time (ie no regex)
The instructions are fairly detailed and provide a variety of paths to configuring (AWS CLI scripts, Console instructions, etc). Additionally, the option to use your IAM keys rather than have to set-up roles is nice.
I did not find a way to download just psql, so I had to bring down a full postgres install down to my mac, but that was no big deal with brew:
brew install postgres
and since the DB service does not get activated it is the quickest way to get psql.
Update: Decided that having psql on my mac was a security hole, port forwarding, etc. I found that there is a simple Postgres install available for AMI Linux 2 under the AMI Extras rubric. The install command is fairly simple on your ami instance type.
sudo amazon-linux-extras install postgresql10
psql is fairly easy to use, however, important to keep in mind that any instructions to psql itself are escaped by a \. Documentation on psql can be found here. Recommend going through it at least once before executing the AWS recommended scripts.
To the extent you run tight security and have access to your RDS instances seriously restricted (which I do) don't forget to open up the ports from your AMI instance running Postgres to your RDS instance.
If your preference is a GUI then you can try to use PGAdmin4. It is the AWS recommended way of connecting to RDS Postgres instances according to the docs. I was unable to get any of the SSH tunneling features to work (which is why I ended up doing the localhost SSH mapping that I used for psql). I also found it to be rather buggy in other ways. Reading reviews of the product it seems that version 4 may not be the stablest of releases.
Use the COPY command to load a table in parallel from data files on
Amazon S3. You can specify the files to be loaded by using an Amazon
S3 object prefix or by using a manifest file.
The syntax to specify the files to be loaded by using a prefix is as
copy <table_name> from 's3://<bucket_name>/<object_prefix>'
Another option is to mount s3 and use direct path to the csv with COPY command. I'm not sure If it will hold 100GB effectively, but worth of trying. Here is some list of options on software.
Yet another option would be "parsing" s3 file part by part with something described here to a file and COPY from named pipe, described here
And the most obvious option to just download file to local storage and use COPY I don't cover at all
Also worth of mentioning would be s3_fdw (status unstable). Readme is very laconic, but I assume you could create a foreign table leading to s3 file. Which itself means you can load data to other relation...

ERROR: cannot execute CREATE TABLE in a read-only transaction

I'm trying to setup the pgexercises data in my local machine. When I run: psql -U <username> -f clubdata.sql -d postgres -x I get the error: psql:clubdata.sql:6: ERROR: cannot execute CREATE SCHEMA in a read-only transaction.
Why did it create a read-only database on my local machine? Can I change this?
Normally the most plausible reasons for this kind of error are :
trying create statements on a read-only replica (the entire instance is read-only).
<username> has default_transaction_read_only set to ON
the database has default_transaction_read_only set to ON
The script mentioned has in its first lines:
\c exercises
and you report that the error happens with CREATE SCHEMA at line 6, not before.
That means that the CREATE DATABASE does work, when run by <username>.
And it wouldn't work if any of the reasons above was directly applicable.
One possibility that would technically explain this would be that default_transaction_read_only would be ON in the postgresql.conf file, and set to OFF for the database postgres, the one that the invocation of psql connects to, through an ALTER DATABASE statement that supersedes the configuration file.
That would be why CREATE DATABASE works, but then as soon as it connects to a different database with \c, the default_transaction_read_only setting of the session would flip to ON.
But of course that would be a pretty weird and unusual configuration.
Reached out to and they were able to help me.
I ran these commands(separately):
psql -U <username> -d postgres
set transaction read write;
alter database exercises set default_transaction_read_only = off;
Then I dropped the database from the terminal dropdb exercises and ran script again psql -U <username> -f clubdata.sql -d postgres -x -q
I was having getting cannot execute CREATE TABLE in a read-only transaction, cannot execute DELETE TABLE in a read-only transaction and others.
They all followed a cannot execute INSERT in a read-only transaction. It was like the connection had switched itself over to read-only in the middle of my batch processing.
Turns out, I was running out of storage!
Write access was disabled when the database could no longer write anything. I am using Postgres on Azure. I don't know if the same effect would happen if I was on a dedicated server.
I had same issue for Postgre Update statement
SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 25006 ERROR: cannot execute UPDATE in a read-only transaction
Verified Database access by running below query and it will return either true or false
SELECT pg_is_in_recovery()
true -> Database has only Read Access
false -> Database has full Access
if returns true then check with DBA team for the full access and also try for ping in command prompt and ensure the connectivity.
ping <database hostname or dns>
Also verify if you have primary and standby node for the database
In my case I had a master and replication nodes, and the master node became replication node, which I believe switched it into hot_standby mode. So I was trying to write data into a node that was meant only for reading, therefore the "read-only" problem.
You can query the node in question with SELECT pg_is_in_recovery(), and if it returns True then it is "read-only", and I suppose you should switch to using whatever master node you have now.
I got this information from:
So full credit and my thanks goes to Craig Ringer!
Dbeaver: In my case
This was on.
This doesn't quite answer the original question, but I received the same error and found this page, which ultimately led to a fix.
My issue was trying to run a function with temp tables being created and dropped. The function was created with SECURITY DEFINER privileges, and the user had access locally.
In a different environment, I received the cannot execute DROP TABLE in a read-only transaction error message. This environment was AWS Aurora, and by default, non-admin developers were given read-only privileges. Their server connections were thus set up to use the read-only node of Aurora (-ro- is in the connection url), which must put the connection in the read-only state. Running the same function with the same user against the write node worked.
Seems like a good use case for table variables like SQL Server has! Or, at least, AWS should modify their flow to allow temp tables to be created and dropped on read nodes.
This occurred when I was restoring a production database locally, the database is still doing online recovery from the WAL records.
A little bit unexpected as I assumed pgbackgrest was creating instantly recoverable restores, perhaps not.
91902 postgres 20 0 1445256 14804 13180 D 4.3 0.3 0:28.06 postgres: startup recovering 000000010000001E000000A5
If like me you are trying to create DB on heroku and are stuck as this message shows up on the dataclip tab
I did this,
Choose Resources from(Overview Resources Deploy Metrics Activity Access Settings)
Choose Settings out of (Overview, Durability, Settings, Dataclip)
Then in Administration->Database Credentials choose View Credentials...
then open terminal and fill that info here and enter
psql --host=*************** --port=5432 --username=*********pubxl --password --dbname=*******lol
then it'll ask for password, copy-paste from there and you can run Postgres cmds.
I suddenly started facing this error on postgres installed on my windows machine, when I was running alter query from dbeaver, all I did was deleted the connection of postgres from dbeaver and created a new connection
If you are using Azure Database for PostgreSQL your server gets into read-only mode when the storage used is near total capacity.
The error you get is exactly:
ERROR: cannot execute XXXXXXXXX in a read-only transaction
I just had this error. My cause was not granting permission to the SEQUENCE
GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCE word_mash_word_cube_template_description_reference_seq TO ronshome_user;
If you are facing this issue with an RDS instance cluster, please check your endpoint and use the Writer instance endpoint. Then it should work now.
Issue can be dur to Intellij config:
Go to Database view> click on Data Source Properties (Shift + enter)> (Select your data source)>
Options tab> Under Connection : uncheck Read-only
For me it was Azure PostgreSQL failing over to standby during maintaince in Azure and never failing back to master when PostgreSQL was in HA mode. You can check this event in Service Health and also check which zone you current VM is running from. If it's 2 and not 1 them most likely that's the result of events described above.