How to call list passed as argument in Scala - scala

I am trying to do the following...
I have a class defined as RefInt and a method refInt5 which should take a List of references to instances of RefInt.
I need to change the argument in such a way so that it becomes visible to the caller.
object argpass {
class RefInt (initial : Int) {
private var n : Int = initial
def get () : Int = n
def set (m : Int) : Unit = { n = m }
def refint5 (xs : List[RefInt]) : Unit = {
// What am I missing to modify RefInt(s)?
The test code I have to see if the argument has changed.
property ("EX05 - refint5", EX (5)) {
val rand = scala.util.Random
val xs : List[Int] = (1 to 5) (x => rand.nextInt (100))
val ys : List[RefInt] = (x => new RefInt (x))
refint5 (ys)
var changed = false
for ((x, r) <- (ys)) {
if (x != r.get) {
changed = true
if (!changed) {
throw new RuntimeException ("xs is unchanged!")

One possible option: Iterate xs, call set for each element - get the current value - add 1.
def refint5(xs: List[RefInt]): Unit = {
xs.foreach { x => x.set(x.get + 1) }


Scala Lazy Dynamic Programming

So I'm following and implementing the Fibonacci example in Scala. Here is my implementation:
class Lazy[T] (expr : => T) {
lazy val value = expr
def apply(): T = value
object Lazy{ def apply[T](expr : => T) = new Lazy({expr}) }
def fib(n: Int): Int = {
def doFib(i: Int): Lazy[Int] = Lazy {
if (i <= 2) 1
else fibs(i - 1)() + fibs(i - 2)()
lazy val fibs = Array.tabulate[Lazy[Int]](n)(doFib)
In this case, fib(5) correctly returns result 5.
Then I want to see if Lazy[T] can be made into a monad by trying the following code, which results in StackOverflow runtime error:
class Lazy[T] (expr : => T) {
lazy val value = expr
def apply(): T = value
def flatMap[A](f: T => Lazy[A]): Lazy[A] = Lazy { f(value).value }
def map[A](f: T => A): Lazy[A] = Lazy { f(value) }
object Lazy{ def apply[T](expr : => T) = new Lazy({expr}) }
def fib(n: Int): Int = {
def doFib(i: Int): Lazy[Int] =
if (i <= 2) Lazy(1)
else for {
a <- fibs(i - 1)
b <- fibs(i - 2)
} yield a + b
lazy val fibs = Array.tabulate[Lazy[Int]](n)(doFib)
It appears that fibs(i - 1) is calculated too early, which results in infinite recursion. I wonder if there is a for comprehension syntax that's equivalent to the first code snippet?
You are right, "fibs(i - 1) is calculated too early". It is evaluated immediately when you call doFib, because the doFib(i) needs fibs(i - 1) in order to be able to return anything, which in turn needs the return value of doFib(i - 1) and so on, so that the recursion unfolds completely while you are constructing the array of lazy ints (before you invoke doFib(n).value).
If you want it lazy, then return a Lazy that does not require immediate evaluation of fibs(i - 1):
class Lazy[T] (expr : => T) {
lazy val value = expr
def apply(): T = value
def flatMap[A](f: T => Lazy[A]): Lazy[A] = Lazy { f(value).value }
def map[A](f: T => A): Lazy[A] = Lazy { f(value) }
object Lazy{ def apply[T](expr : => T) = new Lazy({expr}) }
def fib(n: Int): Int = {
def doFib(i: Int): Lazy[Int] =
if (i <= 2) Lazy(1)
else Lazy{ (for {
a <- fibs(i - 1)
b <- fibs(i - 2)
} yield a + b).value
lazy val fibs = Array.tabulate[Lazy[Int]](n)(doFib)
println(fib(40)) // 102334155
Alternatively, you can wrap the whole if-else in a Lazy:
def doFib(i: Int): Lazy[Int] = Lazy {
if (i <= 2) 1
else (for {
a <- fibs(i - 1)
b <- fibs(i - 2)
} yield a + b).value
This produces the same expected result.

Scala higher order function compiler error

I am learning Scala apply and higher order function. I have this coding, but why compiler gave me an error: "missing parameter type", how to fix it ?
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object MyArr {
var mList1 = ListBuffer[Int]()
def filter(p: Int => Boolean): List[Int] = {
val mList = List[Int]()
for (x <- mList1) {
if (p(x)) x :: mList
def apply(x: Array[Int]) = {
for (y <- x) mList1 += y
def isEven(x: Int): Boolean = {
x % 2 == 0
var mCustomArr = MyArr(Array(1, 2, 3, 4))
mCustomArr.filter(x => isEven(x)).foreach(println)
if apply method just takes a single parameter and add it to mList1 , it will work. why ?
If you had added the return type to the apply() definition the compiler would have pointed out exactly where the error is.
def apply(x: Array[Int]): ListBuffer[Int] = {
for (y <- x) mList1 += y
In the apply method, it updates mList1 in Object and return Unit. So variable mCustomArr will be Unit type.
If you want to use filter method, you need to use MyArr Object like MyArr.filter(x => isEven(x)).foreach(println).
But when I look into your implementation of filter method, it looks like mList inside method never changed. I think the filter method could be implemented like
object MyArr {
var mList1 = ListBuffer[Int]()
def filter(p: Int => Boolean): ListBuffer[Int] = {
val mList = ListBuffer[Int]()
for (x <- mList1) {
if (p(x)) mList += x
def apply(x: Array[Int]) = {
for (y <- x) mList1 += y
Hope you happy to learn Scala, Cheers.

Setting instance vars with apply

With Array it's possible to get and set elements with val i = xs(0) and xs(0) = i syntax. How to implement this functionality in my own class? So far I was only able to implement getting the values.
class Matrix(val m : Int, val n : Int) {
val matrix = Array.ofDim[Double](m, n)
def apply(i:Int)(j:Int) = matrix(i)(j)
UPDATE: Thanks to Mauricio for answer about update method. That's the final version
class Matrix(val m:Int, val n:Int) {
private val matrix = Array.ofDim[Double](m, n)
def apply(i:Int) = new {
def apply(j:Int) = matrix(i)(j)
def update(j:Int, v:Double) = { matrix(i)(j) = v }
it("matrix") {
val m = new Matrix(3, 3)
m(0)(1) = 10.0
val x = m(0)(1)
x should equal(10.0)
x.isNegInfinity should be (false) // Implicits for Double work!
You need to declare an update method:
class Matrix(val m : Int, val n : Int) {
private val matrix = Array.ofDim[Double](m, n)
def apply(i:Int)(j:Int) = matrix(i)(j)
def update( i : Int, j : Int, value : Double) {
matrix(i)(j) = value
val m = new Matrix( 10, 10 )
m(9, 9) = 50

make a lazy var in scala

Scala does not permit to create laze vars, only lazy vals. It make sense.
But I've bumped on use case, where I'd like to have similar capability. I need a lazy variable holder. It may be assigned a value that should be calculated by time-consuming algorithm. But it may be later reassigned to another value and I'd like not to call first value calculation at all.
Example assuming there is some magic var definition
lazy var value : Int = _
val calc1 : () => Int = ... // some calculation
val calc2 : () => Int = ... // other calculation
value = calc1
value = calc2
val result : Int = value + 1
This piece of code should only call calc2(), not calc1
I have an idea how I can write this container with implicit conversions and and special container class. I'm curios if is there any embedded scala feature that doesn't require me write unnecessary code
This works:
var value: () => Int = _
val calc1: () => Int = () => { println("calc1"); 47 }
val calc2: () => Int = () => { println("calc2"); 11 }
value = calc1
value = calc2
var result = value + 1 /* prints "calc2" */
implicit def invokeUnitToInt(f: () => Int): Int = f()
Having the implicit worries me slightly because it is widely applicable, which might lead to unexpected applications or compiler errors about ambiguous implicits.
Another solution is using a wrapper object with a setter and a getter method that implement the lazy behaviour for you:
lazy val calc3 = { println("calc3"); 3 }
lazy val calc4 = { println("calc4"); 4 }
class LazyVar[A] {
private var f: () => A = _
def value: A = f() /* getter */
def value_=(f: => A) = this.f = () => f /* setter */
var lv = new LazyVar[Int]
lv.value = calc3
lv.value = calc4
var result = lv.value + 1 /* prints "calc4 */
You could simply do the compilers works yourself and do sth like this:
class Foo {
private[this] var _field: String = _
def field = {
if(_field == null) {
_field = "foo" // calc here
def field_=(str: String) {
_field = str
scala> val x = new Foo
x: Foo = Foo#11ba3c1f
scala> x.field
res2: String = foo
scala> x.field = "bar"
x.field: String = bar
scala> x.field
res3: String = bar
edit: This is not thread safe in its currents form!
The difference to the second solution of mhs is, that the calculation will only happen once, whilst in mhs's solution it is called over and over again.
I've summarized all provided advices for building custom container:
object LazyVar {
class NotInitialized extends Exception
case class Update[+T]( update : () => T )
implicit def impliciţUpdate[T](update: () => T) : Update[T] = Update(update)
final class LazyVar[T] (initial : Option[Update[T]] = None ){
private[this] var cache : Option[T] = None
private[this] var data : Option[Update[T]] = initial
def put(update : Update[T]) : LazyVar[T] = this.synchronized {
data = Some(update)
def set(value : T) : LazyVar[T] = this.synchronized {
data = None
cache = Some(value)
def get : T = this.synchronized { data match {
case None => cache.getOrElse(throw new NotInitialized)
case Some(Update(update)) => {
val res = update()
cache = Some(res)
} }
def := (update : Update[T]) : LazyVar[T] = put(update)
def := (value : T) : LazyVar[T] = set(value)
def apply() : T = get
object LazyVar {
def apply[T]( initial : Option[Update[T]] = None ) = new LazyVar[T](initial)
def apply[T]( value : T) = {
val res = new LazyVar[T]()
implicit def geţLazy[T](lazyvar : LazyVar[T]) : T = lazyvar.get
object Test {
val getInt1 : () => Int = () => {
val getInt2 : () => Int = () => {
val li : LazyVar[Int] = LazyVar()
li := getInt1
li := getInt2
val si : Int = li
var value: () => Int = _
lazy val calc1 = {println("some calculation"); 1}
lazy val calc2 = {println("other calculation"); 2}
value = () => calc1
value = () => calc2
scala> val result : Int = value() + 1
other calculation
result: Int = 3
If you want to keep on using a lazy val (it can be used in path-dependent types and it's thread safe), you can add a layer of indirection in its definition (previous solutions use vars as an indirection):
lazy val value: Int = thunk()
#volatile private var thunk: () => Int = ..
thunk = ...
thunk = ...
You could encapsulate this in a class if you wanted to reuse it, of course.

How to do fast prefix string matching in Scala

I'm using some Java code to do fast prefix lookups, using java.util.TreeSet, could I be using scala's TreeSet instead? Or a different solution?
/** A class that uses a TreeSet to do fast prefix matching
class PrefixMatcher {
private val _set = new java.util.TreeSet[String]
def add(s: String) = _set.add(s)
def findMatches(prefix: String): List[String] = {
val matches = new ListBuffer[String]
val tailSet = _set.tailSet(prefix)
for ( tail <- tailSet.toArray ) {
val tailString = tail.asInstanceOf[String]
if ( tailString.startsWith(prefix) )
matches += tailString
return matches.toList
Use a Trie. Nobody's actually posted a Trie here yet, despite the fact that some people have posted sorted TreeMap data structures that they have misnamed as tries. Here is a fairly representative sample of a Trie implementation in Java. I don't know of any in Scala. See also an explanation of Tries on Wikipedia.
The from & takeWhile approach:
class PrefixMatcher {
private val _set = new TreeSet[String]
def add(s: String) = _set.add(s)
def findMatches(prefix: String): Iterable[String] =
_set from prefix takeWhile(_ startsWith prefix)
An alternative is to select a subset from prefix to prefix++ (the smallest string after the prefix). This selects only the range of the tree that actually starts with the given prefix. Filtering of entries is not necessary. The subSet method will create a view of the underlying set.
There's still some work (overflow and empty strings won't work) in the increment method but the intent should be clear.
class PrefixMatcher {
private val _set = new java.util.TreeSet[String]
def add(s: String) = _set.add(s)
def findMatches(prefix: String) : Set[String] = {
def inc(x : String) = { //ignores overflow
assert(x.length > 0)
val last = x.length - 1
(x take last) + (x(last) + 1).asInstanceOf[Char]
_set.subSet(prefix, inc(prefix))
The same works with the scala jcl.TreeSet#range implementation.
As I understand it, the Scala TreeSet is backed by the Java TreeSet, but using the Scala variant would allow you to shorten up the code using a sequence comprehension ( giving you an implementation that looked something like (for Scala 2.7):
import scala.collection.jcl.TreeSet;
class PrefixMatcher
private val _set = new TreeSet[String]
def add(s: String) = _set.add(s)
def findMatches(prefix: String): Iterable[String] =
for (s <- _set.from(prefix) if s.startsWith(prefix)) yield s
object Main
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
val pm = new PrefixMatcher()
Apologies for any bad Scala style on my part, I'm just getting used to the language myself.
I blogged about finding matches for a combination of prefixes a while ago. It's a harder problem, as you don't know when one prefix ends and the other begins. It might interest you. I'll even post below the code that I did not blog (yet, hopefully :), though it is stripped of all comments, none of which were made in English:
package com.blogspot.dcsobral.matcher.DFA
object DFA {
type Matched = List[(String, String)]
def words(s : String) = s.split("\\W").filter(! _.isEmpty).toList
import DFA._
import scala.runtime.RichString
class DFA {
private val initialState : State = new State(None, "")
private var currState : State = initialState
private var _input : RichString = ""
private var _badInput : RichString = ""
private var _accepted : Boolean = true
def accepted : Boolean = _accepted
def input : String = _input.reverse + _badInput.reverse
def transition(c : Char) : List[(String, Matched)] = {
if (c == '\b') backtrack
else {
if (accepted) {
val newState = currState(c)
newState match {
case Some(s) => _input = c + _input; currState = s
case None => _badInput = c + _badInput; _accepted = false
} else {
_badInput = c + _badInput
def transition(s : String) : List[(String, Matched)] = {
s foreach (c => transition(c))
def apply(c : Char) : List[(String, Matched)] = transition(c)
def apply(s : String) : List[(String,Matched)] = transition(s)
def backtrack : List[(String, Matched)] = {
if(_badInput isEmpty) {
_input = _input drop 1
currState.backtrack match {
case Some(s) => currState = s
case None =>
} else {
_badInput = _badInput drop 1
if (_badInput isEmpty) _accepted = true
def optionList : List[(String, Matched)] = if (accepted) currState.optionList else Nil
def possibleTransitions : Set[Char] = if (accepted) (currState possibleTransitions) else Set.empty
def reset : Unit = {
currState = initialState
_input = ""
_badInput = ""
_accepted = true
def addOption(s : String) : Unit = {
initialState addOption s
val saveInput = input
def removeOption(s : String) : Unit = {
initialState removeOption s
val saveInput = input
class State (val backtrack : Option[State],
val input : String) {
private var _options : List[PossibleMatch] = Nil
private val transitions : scala.collection.mutable.Map[Char, State] = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty
private var _possibleTransitions : Set[Char] = Set.empty
private def computePossibleTransitions = {
if (! options.isEmpty)
_possibleTransitions = options map (_.possibleTransitions) reduceLeft (_++_)
_possibleTransitions = Set.empty
private def computeTransition(c : Char) : State = {
val newState = new State(Some(this), input + c)
options foreach (o => if (o.possibleTransitions contains c) (o computeTransition (newState, c)))
def options : List[PossibleMatch] = _options
def optionList : List[(String, Matched)] = options map (pm => (pm.option, pm.bestMatch))
def possibleTransitions : Set[Char] = _possibleTransitions
def transition(c : Char) : Option[State] = {
val t = c.toLowerCase
if (possibleTransitions contains t) Some(transitions getOrElseUpdate (t, computeTransition(t))) else None
def apply(c : Char) : Option[State] = transition(c)
def addOption(option : String) : Unit = {
val w = words(option)
addOption(option, w.size, List(("", w.head)), w)
def addOption(option : String, priority : Int, matched : Matched, remaining : List[String]) : Unit = {
options find (_.option == option) match {
case Some(pM) =>
if (!pM.hasMatchOption(matched)) {
pM.addMatchOption(priority, matched, remaining)
if (priority < pM.priority) {
val (before, _ :: after) = options span (_ != pM)
val (highPriority, lowPriority) = before span (p => p.priority < priority ||
(p.priority == priority && p.option < option))
_options = highPriority ::: (pM :: lowPriority) ::: after
transitions foreach (t => pM computeTransition (t._2, t._1))
case None =>
val (highPriority, lowPriority) = options span (p => p.priority < priority ||
(p.priority == priority && p.option < option))
val newPM = new PossibleMatch(option, priority, matched, remaining)
_options = highPriority ::: (newPM :: lowPriority)
transitions foreach (t => newPM computeTransition (t._2, t._1))
def removeOption(option : String) : Unit = {
options find (_.option == option) match {
case Some(possibleMatch) =>
val (before, _ :: after) = options span (_ != possibleMatch)
(possibleMatch.possibleTransitions ** Set(transitions.keys.toList : _*)).toList foreach (t =>
_options = before ::: after
case None =>
class PossibleMatch (val option : String,
thisPriority : Int,
matched : Matched,
remaining : List[String]) {
private var _priority = thisPriority
private var matchOptions = List(new MatchOption(priority, matched, remaining))
private var _possibleTransitions = matchOptions map (_.possibleTransitions) reduceLeft (_++_)
private def computePossibleTransitions = {
_possibleTransitions = matchOptions map (_.possibleTransitions) reduceLeft (_++_)
def priority : Int = _priority
def hasMatchOption(matched : Matched) : Boolean = matchOptions exists (_.matched == matched)
def addMatchOption(priority : Int, matched : Matched, remaining : List[String]) : Unit = {
if (priority < _priority) _priority = priority
val (highPriority, lowPriority) = matchOptions span (_.priority < priority)
val newMO = new MatchOption(priority, matched, remaining)
matchOptions = highPriority ::: (newMO :: lowPriority)
def bestMatch : Matched = => (p._1.reverse.toString, p._2)) ::: => ("", w))
def possibleTransitions : Set[Char] = _possibleTransitions
def computeTransition(s: State, c : Char) : Unit = {
def computeOptions(state : State,
c : Char,
priority : Int,
matched : Matched,
remaining : List[String]) : Unit = {
remaining match {
case w :: ws =>
if (!w.isEmpty && w(0).toLowerCase == c.toLowerCase) {
val newMatched = (w(0) + matched.head._1, matched.head._2.substring(1)) :: matched.tail
val newPriority = if (matched.head._1 isEmpty) (priority - 1) else priority
if (w.drop(1) isEmpty)
s.addOption(option, newPriority - 1, ("", ws.head) :: newMatched , ws)
s.addOption(option, newPriority, newMatched, w.substring(1) :: ws)
if (ws != Nil) computeOptions(s, c, priority, ("", ws.head) :: matched, ws)
case Nil =>
if(possibleTransitions contains c)
matchOptions foreach (mO => computeOptions(s, c, mO.priority, mO.matched, mO.remaining))
class MatchOption (val priority : Int,
val matched : Matched,
val remaining : List[String]) {
lazy val possibleTransitions : Set[Char] = Set( remaining map (_(0) toLowerCase) : _* )
It really needs some refactoring, though. I always do it when I'm start to explain it for the blog.
Ok, I just realized what you want is pretty much what a friend of mine suggested for another problem. So, here is his answer, simplified for your needs.
class PrefixMatcher {
// import scala.collection.Set // Scala 2.7 needs this -- and returns a gimped Set
private var set = new scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String]()
private def succ(s : String) = s.take(s.length - 1) + ((s.charAt(s.length - 1) + 1)).toChar
def add(s: String) = set += s
def findMatches(prefix: String): Set[String] =
if (prefix.isEmpty) set else set.range(prefix, succ(prefix))