oracle exchange partition with ODI - oracle12c

I am trying to use exchange partition knowledge module in ODI.
When I create two tables with different column order, exchange partitions is working correctly. But when I change column order with alter table script, exchange partition is giving this error:
SQL Error: ORA-14097: column type or size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
this code is giving above error:
I do not understand the difference between these two methods. Why does not it work correctly when I change table column order after create?
Thank you for your help.


DB2 : SQL Error [42997]: Function not supported (Reason code = "21").. SQLCODE=-270, SQLSTATE=42997

I have to write a sql script to modify a lot of types of columns in my db2 database.
Everything goes well excpet for one specific table (script used is the same as others tables) and db2 returns always an error I don't understand.
Here is my script :
and the error :
SQL Error [42997]: Function not supported (Reason code = "21")..
SQLCODE=-270, SQLSTATE=42997, DRIVER=4.26.14
I try to modify some others columns on the same table, but I always receive the same error.
Do you, by any chance, have an idea?
Thanks in advance
The error SQL0270N (sqlcode = -270) has many possible causes, and the specific cause is indicated by the "reason code".
In this case the "reason code 21" means:
A column cannot be dropped or have its length, data type, security,
nullability, or hidden attribute altered on a table that is a base
table for a materialized query table.
The documentation for this sqlcode on Db2-LUW is at:
Search for SQL0270N on that page, and notice the suggested user response:
To drop or alter a column in a table that is a base table for a materialized query table, perform the following steps:
1. Drop the dependent materialized query table.
2. Drop the column of the base table, or alter the length, data type, nullability, or hidden attribute of this column.
3. Re-create the materialized query table.

Postgresql : How to perform similar functionality as exchange partition like we have in Oracle?

New in postgresql ...
Is it possible to implement the same functionality of exchange as we have in oracle.
As per the requirement,
I want to insert the records in Table S which have many partition(LIST)
in non working hours I executed the job which moves the records from TABLE S -> TABLE P via TABLE E. we have this functionality in oracle.
in postgresql we have the functionality of attach and detach partition.
but not sure how to perform the above steps to move paritition in postgresql, as we cannot have same partition name in TABLE S and TABLE P.

How to get the describe tables from the Redshift and ALTER it

I have create a redshift cluster and created a db inside.
My schema is new_schema
I have created 2 tables inside two tables inside table1, table2
My Question.
I want to list the datatypes of table1
I need to change the datatype of description which is inside the table1 which is of VARCHAR to TEXT
I have tried to list the datatypes of table1 with below query but nothing listing
SELECT * FROM PG_TABLE_DEF WHERE schemaname = 'new_schema';
A few possibilities as to why you are not seeing the expected results. Most likely is that new_schema isn't in your search_path. Pg_table_info only return info for tables in your search_path - see:
Another possibility is that the tables have no data rows (no blocks assigned) and this can lead to incomplete info from some system tables.
Another possibility is that the tables were not committed by the creating session and being checked by a different session. Since you say that you are creating a new db this comes to mind.
Are the tables visible in svv_table_info?
Also the premise of changing varchar to text is a bit off. From
You can create an Amazon Redshift table with a TEXT column, but it is
converted to a VARCHAR(256) column that accepts variable-length values
with a maximum of 256 characters.
So it seems like the objective you are trying to achieve is a bit off.

Hive Partition Table with Date Datatype via Spark

I have a scenario and would like to get an expert opinion on it.
I have to load a Hive table in partitions from a relational DB via spark (python). I cannot create the hive table as I am not sure how many columns there are in the source and they might change in the future, so I have to fetch data by using; select * from tablename.
However, I am sure of the partition column and know that will not change. This column is of "date" datatype in the source db.
I am using SaveAsTable with partitionBy options and I am able to properly create folders as per the partition column. The hive table is also getting created.
The issue I am facing is that since the partition column is of "date" data type and the same is not supported in hive for partitions. Due to this I am unable to read data via hive or impala queries as it says date is not supported as partitioned column.
Please note that I cannot typecast the column at the time of issuing the select statement as I have to do a select * from tablename, and not select a,b,cast(c) as varchar from table.

DB2 Partitioning

I know how partitioning in DB2 works but I am unaware about where this partition values exactly get stored. After writing a create partition query, for example:
CREATE TABLE orders(id INT, shipdate DATE, …)
STARTING '1/1/2006' ENDING '12/31/2006'
after running the above query we know that partitions are created on order for every 3 month but when we run a select query the query engine refers this partitions. I am curious to know where this actually get stored, whether in the same table or DB2 has a different table where partition value for every table get stored.
table partitions in DB2 are stored in tablespaces.
For regular tables (if table partitioning is not used) table data is stored in a single tablespace (not considering LOBs).
For partitioned tables multiple tablespaces can used for its partitions.
This is achieved by the "" clause of the CREATE TABLE statement.
In this example the first partition will be stored in TBSP1, the second in TBSP2, The third in TBSP3, the fourth in TBSP1 and so on.
Table partitions are named in DB2 - by default PART1 ..PARTn - and all these details can be looked up in the system catalog view SYSCAT.DATAPARTITIONS including the specified partition ranges.
See also
The column used as partitioning key can be looked up in syscat.datapartitionexpression.
There is also a long syntax for creating partitioned tables where partition names can be explizitly specified as well as the tablespace where the partitions will get stored.
For applications partitioned tables look like a single normal table.
Partitions can be detached from a partitioned table. In this case a partition is "disconnected" from the partitioned table and converted to a table without moving the data (or vice versa).
best regards
After a bit of research I finally figure it out and want to share this information with others, I hope it may come useful to others.
How to see this key values ? => For LUW (Linux/Unix/Windows) you can see the keys in the Table Object Editor or the Object Viewer Script tab. For z/OS there is an Object Viewer tab called "Limit Keys". I've opened issue TDB-885 to create an Object Viewer tab for LUW tables.
A simple query to check this values:
DB2 will create separate Physical Locations for each partition. So each partition will have its own Table-space. When you SELECT on this partitioned Table your SQL may directly go to a single partition or it may span across many depending on how your SQL is. Also, this may allow your SQL to run in parallel i.e. many TS can be accessed concurrently to speed up the SELECT.