Is the chrome.fileSystem app API deprecated? - google-chrome-app

I thought I heard a rumor that the chrome.fileSystem app API is going to be deprecated in Chrome in the near future. I already searched Google but could find nothing about it. Does anyone know what the status is on this API and whether I can expect to be able to use in the future?

Turns out I missed seeing the announcement at the top of the Chrome Apps pages until after I posted this question.
Chrome will be removing support for Chrome Apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
This will be completed in the spring of 2018. The app store will stop showing apps in the fall of 2017.


All iOS Device users using the Facebook App's built-in browser are seeing error 404 or page not found

Just these past 2 days, all of the iOS users have complained that they are hitting a Page not found from their Facebook APP built-in browser to my site. It's been quite stressful for me.
The URLs have Chinese in them, and have always worked until these couple of days (I suppose when the built-in browsers started to work).
Any way to fix this? Thanks!
We had similar issue. In our urls we have hashes (#) when we remove it from shared links it works normally.
Question is why facebook built-in browser doesn't like hashes?
It can be connected with release new version of facebook app on iOS systems which was pushed on 29th August.

Is using FB JavaScript SDK the most reliable option?

We use FB JavaScript SDK and we're loading it asynchronously, according to their docs:
We use it to handle the login and for some basic calls to their API (mostly to publish stories and share links):
Since we started using it, we have experienced different issues on some browsers and devices.
As an example, yesterday we experienced problems trying to post on the user's feed from an iOS device (FB.api('/me/feed', 'post'...)), this problem lasted several hours. Earlier, we experienced problems in other platforms such as IE.
It seems like FaceBook pushes changes to their SDK without testing properly on a wide range of devices.
My questions (not easy questions, I believe):
Have you experienced similar problems. Do you think it is reliable?
Is there any realistic alternative to it?
I've always used the JavaScript SDK and it's been fine. Sure, there are issues from time to time, but that's part of being a Facebook developer.
The only alternative I can think of would be the PHP SDK. Both should be equally reliable.

Is it possible for a new Facebook application to use the legacy Javascript SDK?

Due to reasons out of my control I'm forced to use the legacy Facebook Javascript SDK on a new application. My question is. Is this possible? Des Facebook allows you to use the old legacy SDK on new applications? Or is it deprecated already and cannot be used on new applications?
Facebook is moving to OAuth 2.0. All apps are required to migrate over by October 1st. This means the old school Facebook JavaScript SDK is going to be phased out as it does not support this. I'm not sure if the old JavaScript library will stop working at that time, but I would definitely migrate to the newer SDK.
Yes you can still use it. Its still even documented. Just reference it here: You obviously run the risk that they will eventually disable it but it is used all over the Internet so they are not likely to permanently kill it anytime soon.

Does the Facebook application has non-native features?

This is a very general question, i would solve it myself if i had a device on me.
Does the facebook app (for IPhone and similar question regarding the Android platform) has non-native features in it, or is it completely local, meaning operating entirely on the device?
The Native App is not redirecting you to the mobile version of the website.
The only exception I had found are event invitation messages that, when opened within the native app, will forward me to the website. I just checked again and links are not working anymore in messages when being received on the native client. Strange.
And if I may ask: Why? ;-)

what's an online service that logs your users' exceptions?

A few months ago I came across service where you could make your code report exceptions to their website, and then you can get an overview of all your users' exceptions. Unfortunately I didn't bookmark the page and I can't remember the URL.
Does anyone know of such a service? I doesn't matter if it's the same website I found or not. It'd be good if is supports iOS (iPhone os).
Try Hoptoad. Started life as a Rails error tracker, supports iOS now.
iTunesConnect gives you reports for people that submit them through iTunes (users are prompted automatically when they sync).
Flurry Analytics also has the ability to log exceptions, and supports the iOS platform among others.
Flurry supports that. I have a couple of apps that log exceptions and it works pretty well. Their most simple guide to integrating Flurry includes steps for logging exceptions.