Getting text from the Console - swift

I am trying to access the stdout from the console in a Swift script. For example, if my console looked like this:
I would be able to access the '0'. Is there a way to do that in Swift or not?
The script won't be what is printing the text to console so I can't just access a variable. This should help explain it:
The Running Program gets the output from the Other Program and outputs it to the console. I want to get that output from in the Script.


Capturing visible text from Power shell window for the command that is not internal to power shell

Tried using '>' and 'OUT' commands but it is writing different output to the file that is not appearing in power shell window. Please note that these commands are application specific.
You can assign any output to a variable like below
$output = dir
> will only redirect stdout (also called "success stream"). If you want to redirect all possible streams, use *>.
You can read more about redirection here.

Logging Powershell Job Results

I have created a powershell interface which essentially collects information and then sends that info to an external PS script via Start-Job. I have a timer that triggers recieve-job every second, and updates an output box with STDOUT from the job I created.
External PS Script:
This script has many functions (which utilize many cmdlets), and will be printing messages via Write-Verbose to a log. The issue is, sometimes in these functions I print messages and/or also return a value.
As we all know, anything that a function returns is placed into standard output. So anytime a function returns a value, that value is printed into the Output Rich Textbox control. I don't want that. Also, if I am using VERBOSE, the message is not being printed in the control (however, it is being printed to the console)
What I want:
Print only messages to my rich text box AND my log file, with no function return values in the stream (unless they are apart of a message itself).
Note: I am re-writing this application from a VB.NET app, to a Powershell Studio app... and I noticed previously this was being done by streaming STD Output into the text box, using a similar external powershell script--except that script was using WRITE-HOST. That doesn't make sense to me, as write-host isn't even supposed to be put into the stream.
Alternative Approach:
I had a working example of letting the Job add to the log itself, and then having the UI run Get-Content -tail 1... This WOULD WORK, except that some of my messages will be printed on more than one line, and it wouldn't pull everything as expected. If anyone has a way for me to get any X number of new lines in the log at all times, let me know. That might be easier than my current approach.
so basically you want to use powershell backwards? functions should only return a value that you want in your actual output stream, anything that should not be returning a value to the stream should either be captured in a variable or sent to Out-Null, if want to provide information on what the command is doing that is what write-verbose is for. and Write-Verbose is working as intended, just like write-host it is not put into the stream.
To answer your question what you should do is rewrite your functions so that they return a single value(or no value at all if that is appropriate), for functions that cannot be rewritten you can suppress their output in your script by either assigning them to a variable(if they must be used later) or simply piping them to Out-Null. anything that is currently being captured in the verbose stream that needs to be a part of your output should also be moved to the standard stream and written with Write-Output, potentially with `If statements wrapped around them if you only want that data on certain runs, however if you really want to combine the verbose stream with the standard stream you can check out the info here - Redirect two or more Powershell streams other than output stream to the same file

Reading user input from powershell through scriptcs

Here I have a problem to read user inputs from Command prompt or windows powershell through scriptcs.I tried with Console.ReadLine(),Console.Read() or Console.ReadKey() wrapped it around Convert.ToString() to get user response but none of them gives result.Do I need any special package to handle the user input. Any help is appreciated.
I got the solution I was previously executing through Windows power shell and so I don't get the response as desired while using Console.ReadLine() or Console.Read().It appears as if it got hanged and processing instruction indefinitely. But when I work the scriptcs code in command prompt it reads the input and works as expected.

output from corFlags.exe and dumpbin.exe disappear when redirected

We are trying to automate some procedures using corFlags.exe and dumpbin.exe. Trying to capture the output from either of these programs has been impossible so far. In detail, executing
corFlags.exe yourfavorite.dll
in cmd.exe or in powershell.exe (with appropriate change of syntax) produces output just fine, but as soon as one attempts to capture the output, either through re-direction or piping, e.g.
corflags.exe yourFavorite.dll >>out.txt
$l_result = &corflags yourFavorite.dll | select-string -pattern "32BIT"
and the output of corflags is lost. There is a similar problem with dumpbin.
This is occuring on a Windows 7 sp1 machine (6.1.7601 sp1 build 7601).
I am guessing they suffer from the flaw of not flushing their output streams before exiting. See Output shows up in console, but disappears when redirected to file for example.
We have found no way of working around this problem so far (executing in sub-process/batch process/etc. etc.) Does anyone know of a work-around to this problem? Thanks.
A nice, simple demonstration of the problem is as follows. Open the PowerShell ISE and try to run "corFlags.exe some.dll" within the console window. You will not be able to get any output from it!

Powershell call command line application and pass variables when prompted

I have a command line application I would like to call from inside a Powershell script. The purpose of doing so is so I can pass it values calculated by the script. Unfortunately the application does not accept command line parameters, but interactively prompts the user for them.
If I do a Write-Host after calling the command line application then the application must complete before the writes are done. If I pipe the values using Write-Host into the application call, the application behaves as though nothing but return was entered for each of the prompts. Is there a way to do this?
I'd give this a try: