How to fill below 2d graphes in 3d with plot3()? - matlab

i plotted a 3d plot with the following code, but with my own measured data:
Data = rand(1000, 4); % 4 Channels or more or less
Time = 1:1000;
sData = size(Data);
vSignal = 1:sData(2);
plot3(Time, vSignal(ones(1, sData(1)), :), Data);
view(-150, 60)`
Now I want to fill under the graphes I plotted.But it´s really important for me to be able to plot and fill below multiple graphes!
Do I have to use fill3()? I imported my data as a numeric matrix. I tried several ways but I failed.
Thanks for help.

Here is how to use fill3:
for ii = 1:sData(2)
I use the for loop since I create a patch for each plot separately (I call the filled-in area a Patch). For each patch, I need to give its boundaries, and fill3 will fill everything in between. The boundaries are the exact points that you used in plot3, but in addition you need two more points on the x-y plane to close the patch (to make it a polygon). That is the reason I extend the vectors by 2.


MATLAB Plotting Contour Map from Different Plots

I am trying to write a MATLAB script to give me a contour map. The contour map must be created from inputs that I generated from 100 images.
The story is like this:
I have 100 images on which I ran an image processing algorithm for optimization. Now, I got their energy curves. So, I have 100 energy curves. I want to create a contour map that will show me where the points are denser on the plot. (the energy curves are plotted as energy vs. iteration with fixed number of iterations)
The following is my variable:
Hope I explained it well.
Thanks in advance.
I interpret your question to boil down to how can I create a surface plot with colors according to the energy found in energy. I would solve this by using the contour function with a grid generated using meshgrid. If each image is described in 1000 data points with 100 files the plot can be generated as follows:
% using stuff as random junk instead of energy
numPoints = 1000;
numFiles = 100;
stuff = rand(1000,100); % replace with actual information
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:numFiles, 1:numPoints);
You can also create a 3D surface plot using surf and the same logic.
From what i see of you graph (and using the comments also), one possible way is to use plot3 to plot a line in 3D for every plot.
For doing so, you can use something like this code:
hold on
for ii=1:100;
% aexp(ii,:)=exp((-x+ii/10)); %exponential
aexp(ii,:)=exp(-(x-ii/100).^2); %~gaussian
% aexp(ii,:)= x*ii; %linear increase
% set(gca,'yscale','log'); % uncomment if you need logscale.
I have a few options of plot. It always plot from the XY view. I changed by hand, but you can use the view command. Notice that i used a simple counter to make the spacing in the z direction.
In a similar manner, you can plot using the contour. For my code, after the data have been generated in the for loop, remove/comment the plot3 and add:
contour(aexp) %outside the for loop,
Notice that i have not really take care what i'm plotting. You can find more info on contour in the Matlab page .
You commented that the x-axis should be number of iterations, y-axis should be energy and z-axis should be the information containing how many lines are passing through from some areas. For this, make a qq variable, being it qq=number_of_lines(number of iterations,energy) . Make a discrete grid for the energy if you don't have one. Number of iterations is probably discrete anyway. The function is you who need to devise, but i would go for something which checks the number of lines for every energy and every iteration. In this case you will have the z-function that depends on y and x, that is the case to use contour or surface.
My function above make a line for every ii point, to have a 3d function. An edition for another extra loop is not hard. Just remember to have the same regular grid for every point, otherwise you will have trouble.

plot polar grey values in matrix without interpolating every for loop

I have a matrix with grey values between 0 and 1. For every entry in the matrix, there are certain polar coordinates that indicate the position of the grey values. I already have either Theta and Rho values (polar) ,both in separate 512×960 matrices. And grayscale values (in a matrix called C) for every Theta and Rho combination. I have the same for X and Y, as I just use pol2cart for the transformation. The problem is that I cannot directly plot these values, as they do not yet fit in the 'bins' of the new matrix.
What I want: to put the grey values in a square matrix of size 1024×1024. I cannot do this directly, because the polar coordinates fall in between the grid of this matrix. Therefore, we now use interpolation, but this is extremely time consuming and has to be done separately for every dataset, although the transformation from the original matrices to this final one will always be the same. Therefore, I'd like to solve this matrix once (either analytically or numerically) and use a matrix multiplication or something similar to apply the manipulation efficiently in every cycle of the code.
One example of what one of these transformations could look like this:
The zeros in the first matrix are the grid, and the value 1 (in between the grid) is the grey value that falls in between four grid points, then I'd like to transform to the second matrix (don't mind the visual spacing between the points).
For every dataset, I have hundreds of these matrices, so I would like to make the code more efficient.
Background: I'm using TriScatteredInterp now for the interpolation. We tried scatteredInterpolant as well, but that is slower. I also posted a related question, but decided to split the two possible solutions, because the solution I ask for here is also applicable to non-MATLAB code and will probably be faster and makes for a smoother (no continuous popping up of figures) execution of the code.
Using the image processing toolbox
Images work a bit differently than the data you have. However, it's fairly straightforward to map one representation into the other.
There is only one problem I see: wrapping. Obviously, θ = 2π = 0, but MATLAB does not know that. AFAIK, there is no easy way to tell MATLAB that.
Why does this matter? Well, simply put, inter-pixel interpolation uses information from the nearest N neighbors to find intermediate colors, with N depending on the interpolation kernel. When doing this somewhere in the middle of the image there is no problem, but at the edges MATLAB has to know that the left edge equals the right edge. This is not standard image processing, and I'm not aware of any function that is capable of this.
Now, when disregarding the wrapping problem, this is one way to do it:
function resize_polar()
% ==========================================================================
% Some random greyscale data
C = double(rgb2gray(imread('stars.png')))/255;
% Your current size, and desired size
sz_x = size(C,2); new_sz_x = 1024;
sz_y = size(C,1); new_sz_y = 1024;
% Ranges for teat and rho;
% replace with your actual values
rho_start = 0; theta_start = 0;
rho_end = 10; theta_end = 2*pi;
% Generate regularly spaced grid;
theta = linspace(theta_start, theta_end, sz_x);
rho = linspace(rho_start, rho_end, sz_y);
[theta, rho] = meshgrid(theta,rho);
% Make plot of generated data
plot_polar(theta, rho, C, 'Original image');
% Resize data
[theta,rho,C] = resize_polar_data(theta, rho, C, [new_sz_y new_sz_x]);
% Make plot of generated data
plot_polar(theta, rho, C, 'Rescaled image');
function [theta,rho,data] = resize_polar_data(theta,rho,data, new_dims)
% Create fake RGB image cube
IMG = cat(3, theta,rho,data);
% Rescale as if theta and rho are RG color data in the RGB
% image cube
IMG = imresize(IMG, new_dims, 'nearest');
% Split up the data again
theta = IMG(:,:,1);
rho = IMG(:,:,2);
data = IMG(:,:,3);
function plot_polar(theta, rho, data, label)
[X,Y] = pol2cart(theta, rho);
figure('renderer', 'opengl')
clf, hold on
surf(X,Y,zeros(size(X)), data, ...
'edgecolor', 'none');
colormap gray
The images used and plotted:
Le awesomely-drawn 512×960 PNG image
Now, the two look the same (couldn't really come up with a better-suited image), so you'll have to believe me that the 512×960 has indeed been rescaled to 1024×1024, with nearest-neighbor interpolation.
Here are some timings for the actual imresize() operation for some simple kernels:
nearest : 0.008511 seconds.
bilinear: 0.019651 seconds.
bicubic : 0.025390 seconds. <-- default kernel
But this depends strongly on your hardware; I believe imresize offloads a lot of work to the GPU, so if you have a crappy one, it'll be slower.
If the wrapping problem is really important to you, you can modify the function above to do the following:
first, rescale the image with imresize() like before
horizontally concatenate the second half of the grayscale data and the first half. Meaning, you swap the first and second halves to make the left and right edges (0 and 2π) touch in the middle.
rescale this intermediate image with imresize()
Extract the central vertical strip of the rescaled intermediate image
split that up in two equal-width strips
and replace the edge strips of the output image with the two strips you just created
Now, this is kind of a brute force approach: you are re-scaling an image twice, and most of the pixels of the second image round will be discarded. If performance is a problem, you can of course apply the rescale to only the central strip of that intermediate image. But, well, that will be a bit more complicated.

Removing the edge line on a contour plot

I used Matlab to create a polar coordinate and converted it into Cartesian coordinate.
[th,r] = meshgrid((0:0.5:360)*pi/180,0:.02:1);
[X,Y] = pol2cart(th,r);
I get data on this mesh and produce a contourf plot over it.
My problem is that I get a center line in my contourf plot which I would like to remove, could some help me with this
Thank you
If I extend a little bit your example to get something I can plot, I do reproduce the problem:
[th,r] = meshgrid((0:0.5:360)*pi/180,0:.02:1);
[X,Y] = pol2cart(th,r);
Z = sqrt( X.^2 + Y.^2 ) ;
isoLevel = 0:0.1:10 ;
[C ,hc] = contourf(X,Y,Z,isoLevel) ;
The black line at the interface is because the function contourf create patch objects and these objects tend to "close" themselves (they will create a line between the first and last point defined in their profile).
This is easier to observe if you do not complete the definition of your profile over 360 degrees. The picture on the right shows you the same example but with the grid only from 0:350 and with the LineStyle set to :.
As you can see, it is difficult to control how Matlab will actually render this specific profile limit. There are ways to control specific edges of patch objects but in this case it would involve retrieving the handle of each patch object (10 in my case but many more in more complex cases), locating the edge you want to control and basically redefining the patch (each of them). You'd be better off drawing the patches from scratch yourself.
Fortunately, there is a simple ways out of that: Get rid of all the patch edge lines...
but then you may miss your isolines! No problem, just plot them on top of the patches !
You get all your colored patches (with no border) and a set of (iso)lines over which you have full control.
Two easy way to get you patch without lines (i) set the shading to shading flat, or (ii) specify 'EdgeColor','none' in the parameter of the contourf function.
To get your isolines on top, use the sister contour function.
So using the same X,Y and Z data than previously:
isoLevel = 0:0.1:10 ;
[C ,hc] = contourf(X,Y,Z,isoLevel,'EdgeColor','none') ; %// set of patches without border
% shading flat %// use that if you didn't specify ('EdgeColor','none') above
hold on
[C2 ,hc2] = contour(X,Y,Z,isoLevel,'LineColor','k') ; %// now get your isolines
will render:
It's a good idea to store the handle hc2 in case you want to modify your isolines properties (color, style, thicknes etc ...).
Also, specifying the isoline levels is recommended. This way you can make sure both contour and contourf will use the same set of isovalues. It could probably work without this (because the underlying dataset is the same), but personally I always prefer to be explicit and not rely on background calculations.

Making an accurate colorbar for a simple plot

I am trying to make a simple plot (for this example doing a plot of y=x^2 will suffice) where I want to set the colors of the points based on their magnitude given some colormap.
Following along my simple example say I had:
x = 1:10;
y = x.^2;
Use gscatter(x,y,jet(10)); legend hide; colorbar which produces a plot with the points colored but the colorbar does not agree with the colored values. (Can't post picture as this is my first post). Using a caxis([1,100]) command gives the right range but the colors are still off.
So I have two questions:
(1) How can I fix the colors to fit to a colorbar given a range? In my real data, I am looking at values that range from -50 to 50 in some instances and have many more data points.
(2) I want to create a different plot with the same points (but on different axes) and I want the colors of each point on this new plot to have the same colors as their counterparts in the previous plot. How can I, programmatically, extract the color from each point so I can plot it on two different sets of axes?
I would just move the points into a matrix and do an imagesc() command but they aren't spaced as integers or equally so simple scaling wouldn't work either.
Thanks for any help!
Regarding you first question, you need to interpolate the y values into a linear index to the colormap. Something like:
x = 1:10;
y = x.^4;
csize = 128;
cmap = jet(csize);
ind = interp1(linspace(min(y),max(y),csize),1:csize,y,'nearest');
caxis([min(y) max(y)])
Using interp1 in this case is an overkill; you could calculate it directly. However, I think in this way it is clearer.
I think it also answers your 2nd question, since you have the index of the color of each data point, so you can use it again in the same way.

Getting intermediate points generated by plot() in MATLAB

I've got a series of XY point pairs in MATLAB. These pairs describe points around a shape in an image; they're not a function, meaning that two or more y points may exist for each x value.
I can plot these points individually using something like
I can also use plot to connect the points:
What I'm trying to retrieve are my own point values I can use to connect the points so that I can use them for further analysis. I don't want a fully connected graph and I need something data-based, not just the graphic that plot() produces. I'd love to just have plot() generate these points (as it seems to do behind the scenes), but I've tried using the linseries returned by plot() and it either doesn't work as I understand it or just doesn't give me what I want.
I'd think this was an interpolation problem, but the points don't comprise a function; they describe a shape. Essentially, all I need are the points that plot() seems to calculate; straight lines connecting a series of points. A curve would be a bonus and would save me grief downstream.
How can I do this in MATLAB?
Edit: Yes, a picture would help :)
The blue points are the actual point values (x,y), plotted using the first plot() call above. The red outline is the result of calling plot() using the second approach above. I'm trying to get the point data of the red outline; in other words, the points connecting the blue points.
Adrien definitely has the right idea: define a parametric coordinate then perform linear interpolation on the x and y coordinates separately.
One thing I'd like to add is another way to define your parametric coordinate so you can create evenly-spaced interpolation points around the entire shape in one pass. The first thing you want to do, if you haven't already, is make sure the last coordinate point reconnects to the first by replicating the first point and adding it to the end:
B = [B; B(1,:)];
Next, by computing the total distance between subsequent points then taking the cumulative sum, you can get a parametric coordinate that makes small steps for points close together and larger steps for points far apart:
distance = sqrt(sum(diff(B,1,1).^2,2)); %# Distance between subsequent points
s = [0; cumsum(distance)]; %# Parametric coordinate
Now, you can interpolate a new set of points that are evenly spaced around the edge along the straight lines joining your points using the function INTERP1Q:
sNew = linspace(0,s(end),100).'; %'# 100 evenly spaced points from 0 to s(end)
xNew = interp1q(s,B(:,1),sNew); %# Interpolate new x values
yNew = interp1q(s,B(:,2),sNew); %# Interpolate new y values
These new sets of points won't necessarily include the original points, so if you want to be sure the original points also appear in the new set, you can do the following:
[sAll,sortIndex] = sort([s; sNew]); %# Sort all the parametric coordinates
xAll = [B(:,1); xNew]; %# Collect the x coordinates
xAll = xAll(sortIndex); %# Sort the x coordinates
yAll = [B(:,2); yNew]; %# Collect the y coordinate
yAll = yAll(sortIndex); %# Sort the y coordinates
Here's an example to show how the above code performs (I use 11 pairs of x and y coordinates, one of which is repeated for the sake of a complete example):
B = [0.1371 0.1301; ... %# Sample data
0.0541 0.5687; ...
0.0541 0.5687; ... %# Repeated point
0.0588 0.5863; ...
0.3652 0.8670; ...
0.3906 0.8640; ...
0.4090 0.8640; ...
0.8283 0.7939; ...
0.7661 0.3874; ...
0.4804 0.1418; ...
0.4551 0.1418];
%# Run the above code...
plot(B(:,1),B(:,2),'b-*'); %# Plot the original points
hold on; %# Add to the plot
plot(xNew,yNew,'ro'); %# Plot xNew and yNew
I'd first define some parametric coordinate along the different segments (i.e. between the data points)
s = 1:size(B,1);
Then, just use interp1 to interpolate in s space. e.g. If you want to generate 10 values on the line between data point 5 and 6 :
s_interp = linspace(5,6,10); % parametric coordinate interpolation values
x_coord = interp1(s,B(:,1),s_interp,'linear');
y_coord = interp1(s,B(:,2),s_interp,'linear');
This should do the trick.
Actually there is a MATLAB function "improfile", which might help you in your problem. Lets say these are the 4 coordinates which you want to find the locations between these coordinates.
xi=[15 30 20 10];
yi=[5 25 30 50];
grid on
Just generate a random image and run the function
n=50; % total number of points between initial coordinates
[cx,cy,c] = improfile(I,xi,yi,n);
hold on, plot(cx,cy,'bs-','MarkerSize',4)
Hope it helps