Renderscript compiled files are not updated without cleaning the cache - renderscript

I am trying to run an app that uses Renderscript from NDK with just one file I run it on Samsung Galaxy S7 Android 7.0.
minSdkVersion 23
targetSdkVersion 25
renderscriptTargetApi 23
renderscriptSupportModeEnabled false
renderscriptNdkModeEnabled true
First run it works perfectly, but it does not update the compiled Renderscript on second and consequent launches. So I modify the body of my RS function, but on reinstall it stays the same on the phone.
I have three files in the cache directory:
For the first and consequent runs those files have the same last modified timestamp. So it seems that they are not recompiled on update. Only removal of the files helps to update the functionality when the code changes.
What is wrong? Why are those files not updated on the code change?
If you need more information, please leave a comment, I'll update the question.

RenderScript caches the compilation during the first run. It will / should recompile the .bc file if there is a change to the .bc file.
Try "adb shell setprop 1", and modify your code to see if the auto-recompilation happens or not.
If the CPU driver works fine, it means that Samsung driver has a bug invalidating the code cache.


Flutter error: Unable to locate gradlew script

I can't run all of my flutter apps, because in the console appears everytime this error message:
Downloading Gradle Wrapper... 1,2s
Launching lib\main.dart on SM G960F in debug mode...
Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
Finished with error: Unable to locate gradlew script. Please check that C:\Users\...\android\gradlew.bat exists or that C:\Users\...\android can be read.
I try to fix this problem more than ten hours and don't find a solution.
I will advise you to check your pc properly for unwanted programs. Something is preventing your pc from running the Gradle. I had the same issue only to realize that antivirus was installed on my pc alongside a cd burner that I just installed. Check for any antivirus that might be preventing Gradle from running.
I also faced the same error initially. While creating a flutter application from scratch I just ran the default flutter application which is a counter app in a flutter. I faced the same issue at first. If you are in this same context as described earlier the following could be the solution
1.Java 8 is more suitable for the flutter/android development. The next versions of java have some exceptions. I used the Java 14 and stuck at this issue for some time
The next could be the JAVA_HOME path in your environment variables. If it is not provided the set the JAVA_HOME path.
Run flutter --doctor and check the requirements if satisfied like Android SDK is updated or not, upgrade flutter if required. In some cases having good Internet connection also plays a role in this issue some times.
These are the major points to be satisfied in order to get rid of this error. Mostly this could be the a solution or part of it.
The error suggests that something is preventing gradle to run properly on your machine. Check whether you have any unwanted programs or anti-virus on your machine running that might be preventing gradle to run. If so, remove or stop those programs / anti-virus and try again.
After that, delete the .gradle folder located here C:\Users\yourPcName\.gradle containing the unfinished file and try again . It will work now .
You can also manually download Gradle and map it in Android studio , Learn more with this article here .
Warning, the gradle versions change quickly, so make sure you manually
downloaded the exact version that flutter wanted to download and the
download failed. Download the gradle here and then replace it in the
gradle folder.
If it still doesn't work,
Try to run flutter --doctor
From a console window that has the Flutter directory in the path (see above), run the following command to see if there are any platform dependencies you need to complete the setup:
C:\src\flutter> : flutter doctor
This command checks your environment and displays a report of the status of your Flutter installation. Check the output carefully for other software you might need to install or further tasks to perform (shown in bold text).
You can learn more here :
If flutter doctor itself doesn't work, then know that flutter is not installed on your machine (or you forgot to add it to the environment
I also faced this problem and I made something to run my app on android
tried to open anything on android files and android studio ask me if I want to open for editing android file in android studio then click on it and it will open android project then click run enter image description here

Xcode 4 skips coping app to device/simulator

Whenever I attempt to run the debug version of my app, Xcode (4.0) compiles successfully, skips copying and just runs the old version. However if I clean first, Xcode copies just fine...
No relevant warnings, I triple checked the project and target build settings. Skip install is set to NO on main project and targets, all dependency projects have skip install set to YES.
Any ideas would be very welcome, recompiling every run is very painful.
Xcode's Clean command doesn't clean very thoroughly. There's still plenty of derived data retained after cleaning, something of which can cause these symptoms. I've had the same problem happen to me, where it kept running a old version of the app. To fix it I deleted the app from the simulator and deleted the Xcode derived data for the project.
To delete the derived data, quit Xcode. Locate the derived data in your account Library folder (~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/), and delete the folder for this problematical project. Reopen the project in Xcode, and build and run.

Blackberry eclipse debugger not reflecting code changes

I've been struggling with this for the past day. I seem to be stuck with a weird bug in Eclipse where it decides to step through and exec sections that I've entirely deleted or commented. It also chooses to ignore all the instructions that I've actually added today. I've tried removing all breakpoints, clearing my bin directory, resetting my emulator, but nothing works.
Any help is much appreciated!
It depends on the OS you are debugging for...
5.0 + the sim is hot-swappable, and the menu option: Project-BlackBerry-Clean Simulator actually cleans the simulator
Do you have "Build Automatically" checked? You should (for this anywho)
if you select to Debug while it is running, it will build and resume near to the point it left off (if it still exists after your code edits anyway)
under 5.0, you need to kill the old sim, run the clean.bat as mentioned above and restart the sim
Although upon re-reading your post, sounds more like your build is not making it to the sim, and it is executing the app you already placed on it... Run the sim's clean.bat and check again... Are you sure you have a successful build?
I don't know if this is the solution to your problem but here are a few useful tips:
1.If you make changes to the code and save them while you have started the debugger i.e. have started Eclipse in Debug mode(Debug as...) the debugger won't recognize the changes. You have to recompile, repackage and then restart the debugger.
2.After making the changes to your code it isn't enough to just build the project. You also have to select the project and from the Project menu then Blackberry->Package Projects. After doing this try to start the debugger.
Hope this helps.
try to clean your emulator if you haven't done this yet. Go to emulator folder and use clean.bat to clean the emulator this will remove all applications you installed on emulator.
Whenever I make changes to the BB code I need to do a clean build in Eclipse, sounds silly but it works for me. Otherwise I get the behavior you describe...

Upgrade to iPhone SDK 3.0 Causing UIKit Problems

I have an existing project that I was working on, and I recently decided to update my iPhone SDK and updated to the latest 3.0 SDK.
I update my SDK and go to open my existing project. Sure enough, there are some problems including some certificate problems and so on. Anyway, google and I were able to solve most of them, but I haven't had any luck on what I hope to be the last of my problems.
When running my program in the simulator, I now get
dyld: Library not loaded:
Referenced from:
/Developer/iGameLib/iGameLib/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Reason: image not found
Now, I discovered the UIKit has moved to
and I have updated my target and project settings to point to that new framework location, but still when I build it, no luck.
I have also tried clearing out the simulator's applications and settings, still no luck.
The referencing .app is cleared when I run the "clean" menuitem, I have confirmed this, so clearly something in my project settings are still pointing to use the old UIKit location.
Where should I be looking?
I've gone as far as I can to help myself but I'm afraid I'm at a loss here. I don't see it under the target settings, or the project settings, or the plist, or any of the other files within my project.
I was getting the same error
dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit
The solution on my case was simply quit Xcode and try again.
Quite simply, Xcode is not changing all of the variables correctly in the actual .xcodeproj file. So, here are the steps I took.
Get out of Xcode, you've got to do this job at the terminal. Bring up a terminal and go to where your project is. Find your .xcodeproj and go into it as if it were a directory. It looks like an actual file in finder, but it is one of those package directories.
Now, I couldn't get textedit to allow me to edit it, but you can go into nano, so like I did
sudo nano project.pbxproj which is under my .xcodeproj file/folder/package/whatever.
In this file, you need to find where the SDKROOT is set. Chances are there are a few places it is referenced, but you're looking for SDKROOT = iphoneos2.2.1 or something similar. Change ALL OF THESE (there are a few) to SDKROOT = iphoneos3.0
Now, you're half way there. do ctrl x and save the file. Next you're going to do ls and find out what the .pbxuser file is. Mine is myname.pbxuser. run the same command of
sudo nano myname.pbxuser
In this file, there are a HUGE number of references to the 2.1 iphone sdk directory. Do a search/replace of iPhoneSimulatorOLDVERSION.sdk, in my case it was iPhoneSimulator2.1.sdk
and change the 2.1 to 3.0. Be very careful with this though, I wouldn't want to know what happens when you mess this file up.
Save it and open xcode. CLEAN the project and build and run. Presto!
Check your target settings
Make sure you're actually linking to all of those frameworks in the Target (check under "link binary with libraries")
Make sure you've chosen the 3.0 sdk as your base SDK
Create a blank project and add your frameworks as before; if you still have issues, probably a borked SDK install
BTW, you shouldn't have to re-add sdk frameworks, as the paths are relative to the current SDK
Just trying to be helpful… not sure I can debug from here :)
I have had some similar problems with Xcode that seem to have no apparent cause. The fact of the matter is that Xcode does still have bugs here and there and sometimes you WILL run into a wall.
My Experience: Similar to your situation somewhat, on one particular occasion, an Xcode project I was working just stopped building for whatever mysterious reason, and no amount of cleaning, googling or SO-ing provided me any answers. So I simply created a FRESH, NEW project and filled the source-code from my corrupt project into that of the new project. The new project used the SAME source, libraries, resources, settings, mind you -- and yet it built with no problems. It took about 20-25 minutes to make the transfer but considering that I had spent several HOURS trying to address a bug that would not reveal itself in the corrupt project, the time was well worth it.
So, I'd suggest doing what I did: Maybe try creating a fresh project and transfer your old source and resources over.
Good Luck
I just deleted the UIKit.framework from the 'Frameworks' folder, right-clicked and added it back again.
Clean build, and no problem..
I had the same problem using Xcode 3.2.1 but it was solved in an easier manner. I realized I had recently disabled my target's environment variables, specifically ones to do with memory debugging (NSDebugEnabled, NSZombieEnabled, NSAutoreleaseFreedObjectCheckEnabled, MallocStackLogging, MallocStackLoggingNoCompact). The app ran once in the simulator after removing the environment variables but never again after that.
Quitting Xcode, the Simulator, restarting Xcode and doing a complete clean of the target (including it's dependencies off course) brought me back to a good state.
Same problem when launching my application without debugging.
In my experience the produced binary does not seem to be the culprit.
I created an app from the xcode wizard which does launch OK in the simulator (let's call it testApp, my application being called myApp), I tried to figure out where is the difference with my app.
otool -L myApp
gives correct (relative paths) to the frameworks, same as testApp
ps -E
DYLD_ROOT_PATH, DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH, DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables needed by ld to locate the framework
are OK for myApp compared to the values of these variables when testApp is launched
I suspect that the problem lies somewhere in the communicartion between XCode and the simulator once the app is launched ... altough I can't find what's wrong ...
The solution that worked (at least for me) have certainly some big side effects but here it is :
quit xcode
browse the content of the package myApp.xcodeproj
unlock .model1v3 and .pbxuser for modification (the lock in the information panel (cmd-I on the file))
delete these two files
start xcode and retry to launch your application from there

iPhone Simulator: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 7

Building an iPhone project results in:
Failed to launch simulated application: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 7
And the app doesn't install on the simulator. What's this all about? What's SpringBoard and what is error 7?
I had the exact same problem - I reset the iphone simulator and then quit the simulator (i.e. command q) then started it again.
Boy, is the answer to this one hard to find, but I came up with a workaround. The simulator gives this error if it has any problems with accessing files in ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/. This could be a permissions problem, but in my case it was even more subtle: my home directory is NFS mounted, and that seems to somehow be the source of the problem.
The basic workaround is to create a directory local to the machine, and link the iPhone Simulator's directory to that local directory. You shouldn't need to move your source files or project directory; it's just the simulator targets that are the problem.
Here is one series of steps to accomplish the workaround, to be typed in at the terminal
(1-3 done on every machine you'll be developing on, 4-6 once in your NFS-mounted home directory):
sudo mkdir /usr/local/iphone-dirs
sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/iphone-dirs
mkdir /usr/local/iphone-dirs/my-dir
cd "~/Library/Application Support/"
rm -rf "iPhone Simulator/"
ln -s /usr/local/iphone-dirs/my-dir/ "iPhone Simulator"
There are obviously many variations on this theme; I suspect that using a locally-hosted directory in /tmp would be fine (and not require admin privs, but would have to be redone every time the system is rebooted). As given, steps 1 and 2 are good if you will have multiple users using these machines that you don't want to collide with each other. If you have your own personal machine but NFS-mount your homedir, you could probably just skip to something like step 3 (and sudo it). Just make sure that whatever dir you create in step 3 is the dir that you symlink to in step 6.
No need to quite the simulator or delete the app..
Just select simulator, press command + shift + h + h and remove the app from background process(long press on app icon) then run your app again.
I started with a new project in Xcode and got the error 3 message, but otherwise same deal. New damn project - so no problems with broken code I added or name mistakes or anything else. But the app would build but fail to run in Simulator with the Springboard -3 error code. I've seen this before lots of times, and the basic kill-the-app-in-simulator, clean-and-run would work, but not this time.
Turns out my old 2007 iMac barely has enough RAM and disk space free any more. I'm running Mavericks, and I hid everything but Xcode and the Simulator, then ran a memory cleaning utility to free up every bit of RAM available (got back up to 1GB free or so), and then the app runs in the Simulator without a hitch. No more Springboard error.
I hadn't seen "too little RAM" listed as a reason for this error yet, so this may be useful for somebody else.
Springboard is the app that launches apps. It's the home screen of the iPhone. I had tons of problems when I tried to get my app running on the phone -- turns out that I had an older version of the SDK that was incompatible with the version of the OS my phone had. Reinstalling the latest SDK did the trick.
Also, have heard that clearing the XCode cache sometimes helps (didn't for me) -- XCode menu->Clear cache...
Maybe this will help:
I had similar issues when I was trying to install my current development on the iPhone and this information about the AppID fixed it.
For quick reference, the AppID you created when you started creating certificates for development and provisioning of your iphone asked you to create a reverse domain name identifier. Something like: QS32H9XPNE.domain.subdomain.companyname.*
To correctly link up your application to the AppID would require you to set the identifier in the application to domain.subdomain.companyname.application.*
Hope this helps
I had the same problem but this solution works...!!!
1)Deleting the app from simulator.
2)Quitting simulator.
3)Restart simulator.
XCode menu->Clear cache solved my problem.
This happens to me when i switch from testing on the device to testing on simulator. Restarting Xcode and simulator gets rid of this error for me.Silly.
I initially solved this by restarting the iPhone Simulator. But this shouldn't be the answer.
The error came from editing the info plist.
Check that you didn't change any values that were set before provisioning your app for your device.
I wanted to change my Bundle Identifier, but had to go back to the default one after having this error.
Now it's fixed.
Next step will be to get a new provision Id with the Bundle Id changed.
I had same problem, the Simulator would just hang. This is on a fresh install of XC 3.2.5 GM and using Simulator with 4.2 SDK. Apps would run fine on a real device but the simulator would just hang.
I ended up changing the iPhone App Support directory and all sub dirs to 777 access permissions. Not a great idea to 777 -R, but I was desperate and it worked.
$sudo chmod -R 777 ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
For me this was solution. If you have enable background fetch mode. Remove this option if you are getting this alert during run app in simulator.
I had the same problem.
It happens as follow...
I had a folder storing images in some sub-folders.
If I add the root image folder as "directory", I receive this error.
If I add the root image folder as "group", simulator runs fine.
It happens to be related to folder name as well. My image folder was originally named "contents" and I got the error described.
Changed the folder name to "image_files" and reimport it to Xcode project as "folder". It works!
This is totally random...
That did it for me, too:
This happens to me when i switch from
testing on the device to testing on
simulator. Restarting Xcode and
simulator gets rid of this error for
When a home directory mounted in NFS you have the problem with the simulator.
To get rid of it, you need to to create a couple of directories in some local place where you have permissions to write, "iPhone Simulator" and "Interface builder". Then remove "~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator" and "~/Library/Application Support/Interface Builder 3.0". And finally create symlinks at the exact places of the removed directories pointing to the local directories.
For mine, I got the error when I tried to change the App bundle ID setting in my info.plist file for the sake of running a test. Changing it back cured the problem, but didn't do me any good for the test. Thankfully, the app had loaded in the simulator and I ran it manually for my test.
As far as I can tell, the problem stemmed from having a bundle ID that matched both a specific ID and a wild-card ID. The App IDs I've tried that match only a specific ID/Profile haven't shown a problem.
Check your console and you will get a better idea of what the error might be. That error number is pretty generic. In my case I had an error in my Plist file. I chenged something that I shouldn't have. But I realized this was the problem because the console had a more detailed error message:
2010-09-13 23:30:27.149 Appname[5580:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Could not load NIB in bundle:
... and it goes on.
I have had this problem frequently, and generally just quitting and restarting Xcode works.
However, I just had this problem again and nothing seemed to fix it - quitting the sim, Xcode, rebooting… What was strange was some targets worked (I have multiplied build targets for this project), and other projects worked. But one target failed to launch no matter what I did.
In the end, I found the problem: In the target's properties the executable name $[EXECUTABLE_NAME] got accidentally deleted ! Replace it, and it works.
Worth remembering…
I got same error. This is how i solved it. Hope this helps.
To show all hidden files type below from command line
$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killall Finder
Access DerivedData folder and delete it's content(under DerivedData). Basically this is Simulator Cache which sometimes does not get deleted from XCode. Library is a hidden folder
and that is why we run Step 1.
/Users/your username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Quit and re-open simulator , it will work i also got an issue like this and this helped me.
I am facing the exact same issue very frequently, what I do is
1) I quit the iphone simulator
2) and if after following step 1, if issue still the same, then reset the simulator
And it has resolved my issue all the time from step 1 itself.