In SBCL, I can get the documentation string for a function with something like this:
(documentation #'mapcar t)
However, I don't understand how to get the documentation string for a macro. For example, given the macro:
(defmacro with-lines-in-file ((line filename) &body body)
"Runs body for each line in the file specified by filename."
(let ((file (gensym)))
`(with-open-file (,file ,filename)
(do ((,line (read-line ,file nil) (read-line ,file nil)))
((null ,line) nil)
I'm not able to retrieve the documentation string. I don't understand the CLHS. As you can see below, the CLHS worked great for obtaining the documentation string for a function.
documentation (x function) (doc-type (eql 't))
However, the bit for obtaining the documentation string from a macro doesn't seem to work for me:
documentation (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'compiler-macro))
In the context of my macro, I'm interpreting the above CLHS bit to mean this:
(documentation 'with-lines-in-file 'compiler-macro)
But that call returns NIL.
I'm trying to build a function that creates the file for the Common Lisp packages that I plan to share on GitHub. Here's an example: I've written a post about this here:
The standard says for the Common Lisp function documentation:
function If x is a function name, returns the documentation string of the function, macro, or special operator whose name is x.
The three operator types one can retrieve documentation from, with the argument function are thus:
special operator
Remember, in Common Lisp an operator can only be one of those at a time.
CL-USER> (defmacro foomacro () "foo macro" '(foo))
CL-USER> (documentation 'foomacro 'function)
"foo macro"
Macros are not compiler macros. Those are defined by DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO.
I have used CLISP for some time now, and I'd say, that I finally came to "understand" macros. Now I have one question here:
Is there something similar to describe for functions but for macros?
I would like to put a docstring in my macro so that someone can look at it using a "describe-esk" function / macro on my macro.
If that wasn't clear enough, maybe this code example will clear it up for you:
(defmacro while (test &body body)
"sexier while loop - usage: (while (< x 10) (princ x) (setf x (+ x 1)))"
(list 'loop 'while test 'do (cons 'progn body)))
(describe-macro 'while)
#=>sexier while loop - usage: (while (< x 10) (princ x) (setf x (+ x 1)))
#=>args: test, body
Thank you very much.
Use the documentation function:
(documentation 'while 'function)
The function type is used for any name that's used in the function position of an expression, so it's used for functions, macros, and special operators.
(documentation <x> 'function) will provide you with the documentation of <x> as a function or macro:
> (documentation 'collecting 'function)
"Collect things into a list forwards.
Within the body of this macro The form `(COLLECT THING)' will collect
THING into the list returned by COLLECTING. COLLECT is a local
function so can be passed as an argument, or returned. COLLECT
returns its argument. See WITH-COLLECTORS for which this COLLECTING is
now a shim"
describe may also tell you useful things. Typically programming environments like SLIME will also have all sorts of useful help available. I don't know SLIME very well, but in LW the Show Documentation command when the cursor is over collecting pops up a window which shows
Documentation for (defmacro collecting):
Arguments: (&body forms)
<docstring as above>
I am trying to implement a eval function using CLISP.
My motivation: suppose I have a Lisp program like this:
(defun call (arg)
(some-condition (call (other (strange (functions (on arg)))))
(t nil)
(defun mysterious-function (arg)
(call (strange (functions (on arg))))
(mysterious-function 100) ; only this line can be changed
I want to know what is actually called in (mysterious-function 100).
Currently my idea looks like below, but the obstacles are:
How to look up a symbol (currently using eval)
How to grab a definition of a function (e.g. get something like (defun f (x))) and then parse it
How to detect macro and expand them
Am I in the correct direction?
(defun my-eval (body)
((typep body 'integer) body)
((typep body 'float) body)
((typep body 'rational) body)
((typep body 'complex) body)
((typep body 'boolean) body)
((typep body 'symbol) (eval body))
((typep body 'list) (eval body))
(t (error))
(my-eval '(mysterious-function 100))
Most of the cases in your code can be replaced with a single check: ((constantp body) body)
As for other cases:
You can use boundp to check if a symbol has a global value.
To look up a global symbol value you can use symbol-value.
fboundp can be used to check if a symbol is globally bound to a function
To look up a global function you can use symbol-function to access its function object and can sometimes use function-lambda-expression to retrieve a parseable source code list from the function object. Sometimes this will not work as built in CLISP functions can be defined in C.
To check if a symbol has an associated global macro, use macro-function (returns non-nil if it does).
To expand a macro form, use macroexpand.
You will probably also need to detect special operators with special-operator-p, and handle them accordingly.
I think what you are trying to do would be simplified if you restrict the code you interpret to macros and user-defined functions as much as possible.
I remember reading about a fast-eval function used in genetic programming to skip the macroexpansion phase of evaluating code, and its approach looked similar to what you seem to have in mind.
I'm attempting to make a macro that will take an input stream and do something different depending on the contents of the first line read, and then read further input. I'm having trouble just having a macro that will take an input stream and read some values from it.
A contrived example:
(defmacro read-and-print (&optional in)
,(if (string= (read-line in) "greet")
`(concatenate 'string "hello" (read-line ,in))
`(read-line ,in))))
(with-input-from-string (in "greet
bob") (read-and-print in))
but even that is producing the following error
There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
The thing that's really baffling me is even changing the function to take a string for the first line isn't working:
(defmacro read-and-print (command &optional in)
,(if (string= command "greet")
`(concatenate 'string "hello " (read-line ,in))
`(read-line ,in))))
(with-input-from-string (in "greet
(read-and-print (read-string in) in))
This gives me
The value
is not of type
when binding SB-IMPL::STRING1
While this executes completely fine:
(with-input-from-string (in "greet
(read-and-print "greet" in))
Is there something special about the with-input-from-string macro that I'm missing? I suspect I'm missing something very obvious about macros, but googling has gotten me nowhere.
What you asked
Macros are a code generation tool.
They do not evaluate their arguments.
Your with-input-from-string example works because strings are self-evaluating. If you quite the string literal, you will get an error.
What you should have asked
You do not need a macro here. Use a function instead.
When deciding between a function and a macro, you need to ask yourself:
Am I defining a new syntax?
Does the code generate more code?
Unless you understand the questions and answer yes, you should be using functions.
See also How does Lisp let you redefine the language itself?
Your macro:
(defmacro read-and-print (&optional in)
,(if (string= (read-line in) "greet")
`(concatenate 'string "hello" (read-line ,in))
`(read-line ,in))))
But ,(if ... in ...) makes no sense, since the value of in typically isn't a stream at macro expansion time, but code (a symbol, an expression, ...). Since your code is not executing and the macro sees the source (and not the values of something which has not been executed yet) you can't do that. You can't also not usefully repair that: It's just the wrong approach. Use a function instead.
Use a function:
CL-USER 17 > (defun read-and-print (&optional in)
(if (string= (read-line in) "greet")
(concatenate 'string "hello" (read-line in))
(read-line in)))
CL-USER 18 > (with-input-from-string (in "greet
(read-and-print in))
Using a macro
You still can write it as a macro, but then you need to generate the code so that it runs at runtime, and not at macro-expansion time:
(defmacro read-and-print (&optional in)
(if (string= (read-line ,in) "greet")
(concatenate 'string "hello" (read-line ,in))
(read-line ,in))))
Note: one would actually might want to handle that in is not evaluated multiple times.
This macro would give you the advantage that the code is inlined.
This macro would give you the disadvantage that the code is inlined.
The function above gives you the advantage that the code typically is not inlined.
The function above gives you the advantage that the code can optionally be inlined, by telling the compiler to do so with an inline declaration.
The Lisp forum thread Define macro alias? has an example of creating function alias using a form such as
(setf (symbol-function 'zero?) #'zerop)
This works fine, making zero? a valid predicate. Is it possible to parametrize this form without resorting to macros? I'd like to be able to call the following and have it create function?:
(define-predicate-alias 'functionp)`
My take was approximately:
(defun defalias (old new)
(setf (symbol-function (make-symbol new))
(symbol-function old)))
(defun define-predicate-alias (predicate-function-name)
(let ((alias (format nil "~A?" (string-right-trim "-pP" predicate-function-name))))
(defalias predicate-function-name alias)))
(define-predicate-alias 'zerop)
(zero? '())
This fails when trying to call zero? saying
The function COMMON-LISP-USER::ZERO? is undefined.
make-symbol creates an uninterned symbol. That's why zero? is undefined.
Replace your (make-symbol new) with e.g. (intern new *package*). (Or you may want to think more carefully in which package to intern your new symbol.)
Your code makes a symbol, via MAKE-SYMBOL, but you don't put it into a package.
Use the function INTERN to add a symbol to a package.
To expand on Lars' answer, choose the right package. In this case the default might be to use the same package from the aliased function:
About style:
Anything that begins with DEF should actually be a macro. If you have a function, don't use a name beginning with "DEF". If you look at the Common Lisp language, all those are macro. For example: With those defining forms, one would typically expect that they have a side-effect during compilation of files: the compiler gets informed about them. A function can't.
If I put something like this in a file
(define-predicate-alias zerop)
(zero? '())
and then compile the file, I would expect to not see any warnings about an undefined ZERO?. Thus a macro needs to expand (define-predicate-alias 'zerop) into something which makes the new ZERO? known into the compile-time environment.
I would also make the new name the first argument.
Thus use something like MAKE-PREDICATE-ALIAS instead of DEFINE-PREDICATE-ALIAS, for the function.
There are already some answers that explain how you can do this, but I'd point out:
Naming conventions, P, and -P
Common Lisp has a naming convention that is mostly adhered to (there are exceptions, even in the standard library), that if a type name is multiple words (contains a -), then its predicate is named with -P suffix, whereas if it doesn't, the suffix is just P. So we'd have keyboardp and lcd-monitor-p. It's good then, that you're using (string-right-trim "-pP" predicate-function-name)), but since the …P and …-P names in the standard, and those generated by, e.g., defstruct, will be using P, not p, you might just use (string-right-trim "-P" predicate-function-name)). Of course, even this has the possible issues with some names (e.g., pop), but I guess that just comes with the territory.
Symbol names, format, and *print-case*
More importantly, using format to create symbol names for subsequent interning is dangerous, because format doesn't always print a symbol's name with the characters in the same case that they actually appear in its name. E.g.,
(let ((*print-case* :downcase))
(list (intern (symbol-name 'foo))
(intern (format nil "~A" 'foo))))
;=> (FOO |foo|) ; first symbol has name "FOO", second has name "foo"
You may be better off using string concatenation and extracting symbol names directly. This means you could write code like (this is slightly different use case, since the other questions already explain how you can do what you're trying to do):
(defmacro defpredicate (symbol)
(flet ((predicate-name (symbol)
(let* ((name (symbol-name symbol))
(suffix (if (find #\- name) "-P" "P")))
(intern (concatenate 'string name suffix)))))
`(defun ,(predicate-name symbol) (x)
(typep x ',symbol)))) ; however you're checking the type
(macroexpand-1 '(defpredicate zero))
(macroexpand-1 '(defpredicate lcd-monitor))
I'm trying to write a macro in emacs lisp to create some ‘helper functions.’
Ultimately, my helper functions will be more useful than what I have here. I realize that there may be better/more intuitive ways to accomplish the same thing (please post) but my basic question is why won't this work/what am I doing wrong:
(defmacro deftext (functionname texttoinsert)
`(defun ,(make-symbol (concatenate 'string "text-" functionname)) ()
(insert-string ,texttoinsert)))
(deftext "swallow" "What is the flight speed velocity of a laden swallow?")
(deftext "ni" "What is the flight speed velocity of a laden swallow?")
If I take the output of the macroexpand and evaluate that, I get the interactive functions I was intending to get with the macro, but even though the macro runs and appears to evaluate, I can't call M-x text-ni or text-swallow.
This does what you want:
(defmacro deftext (functionname texttoinsert)
(let ((funsymbol (intern (concat "text-" functionname))))
`(defun ,funsymbol () (interactive) (insert-string ,texttoinsert))))
As has been pointed out, the solution is to use intern instead of make-symbol.
It's possible to create multiple independent symbols with the same name, but only one of them can be the canonical symbol for the given name -- i.e. the symbol you will obtain when you refer to it elsewhere.
intern returns the canonical symbol for the given name. It creates a new symbol only if no interned symbol by that name already exists. This means that it will only ever create one symbol for any given name1.
make-symbol, on the other hand, creates a new symbol every time it is called. These are uninterned symbols -- each one is a completely valid and functional symbol, but not the one which will be seen when you refer to a symbol by its name.
See: C-hig (elisp) Creating Symbols RET
Because defun returns the symbol it sets, you can observe what's going on by capturing the return value and using it as a function:
(defalias 'foo (deftext "ni" "What is the flight speed velocity of a laden swallow?"))
M-x text-ni ;; doesn't work
M-x foo ;; works
or similarly:
(call-interactively (deftext "shrubbery" "It is a good shrubbery. I like the laurels particularly."))
The tricky part in all this -- and the reason that evaluating the expanded form did what you wanted, and yet the macro didn't -- is to do with exactly how and when (or indeed if) the lisp reader translates the name of the function into a symbol.
If we write a function foo1:
(defun foo1 (texttoinsert) (insert-string texttoinsert))
The lisp reader reads that as text, and converts it into a lisp object. We can use read-from-string to do the same thing, and we can look at the printed representation of the resulting lisp object:
ELISP> (car (read-from-string "(defun foo1 (texttoinsert) (insert-string texttoinsert))"))
(defun foo1
(insert-string texttoinsert))
Within that object, the function name is the canonical symbol with the name "foo1". Note, however, that the return value we see from read-from-string is only the printed representation of that object, and the canonical symbol is represented only by its name. The printed representation does not enable us to distinguish between interned and uninterned symbols, as all symbols are represented only by their name.
(Skipping ahead momentarily, this is the source of your issue when evaluating the printed expansion of your macro, as that printed form is passed through the lisp reader, and what was once an uninterned symbol becomes an interned symbol.)
If we then move on to macros:
(defmacro deffoo2 ()
`(defun foo2 (texttoinsert) (insert-string texttoinsert)))
ELISP> (car (read-from-string "(defmacro deffoo2 ()
`(defun foo2 (texttoinsert) (insert-string texttoinsert)))"))
(defmacro deffoo2 nil
`(defun foo2
(insert-string texttoinsert)))
This time the reader has read the macro definition into a lisp object, and within that object is the canonical symbol foo2. We can verify this by inspecting the object directly:
ELISP> (eq 'foo2
(cadr (cadr (nth 3
(car (read-from-string "(defmacro deffoo2 ()
`(defun foo2 () (insert-string texttoinsert)))"))))))
So for this macro, it is already dealing with that canonical symbol foo2 before any macro call/expansion happens, because the lisp reader established that when reading the macro itself. Unlike our previous simple function definition (in which the function symbol was determined by the lisp reader as the function was defined), when a macro is called & expanded the lisp reader is not utilised. The macro expansion is performed using pre-existing lisp objects -- no reading is necessary.
In this example the function symbol is already present in the macro, and because it is the canonical symbol we could use (foo2) elsewhere in our code to call that function. (Or, had I made the definition interactive, use M-x foo2.)
Finally getting back to the original macro from the question, it's obvious that the lisp reader never encounters a function name symbol for the function it will define:
ELISP> (car (read-from-string "(defmacro deftext (functionname texttoinsert)
`(defun ,(make-symbol (concatenate 'string \"text-\" functionname)) ()
(insert-string ,texttoinsert)))"))
(defmacro deftext
(functionname texttoinsert)
`(defun ,(make-symbol
(concatenate 'string "text-" functionname))
(insert-string ,texttoinsert)))
Instead this object produced by the lisp reader contains the expression ,(make-symbol (concatenate 'string "text-" functionname)); and that backquoted expression will be evaluated at expansion time to create a new uninterned symbol which will be a part of the object created by that expansion.
In our earlier examples the resulting object had a car of defun (interned), and a cadr of foo1 or foo2 (both also interned).
In this last example, the object has a car of defun (interned) but a cadr of an uninterned symbol (with the name resulting from the concatenate expression).
And finally, if you print that object, the printed representation of that uninterned function symbol will be the symbol name, and reading that printed representation back by evaluating it would cause the function cell for the canonical symbol to be defined instead.
1 In fact the unintern function can be used to unintern a symbol, after which calling intern for the same name would naturally create a new symbol; but that's not important for this discussion.
FWIW, if you use lexical-binding, you don't need to use a macro:
(defun deftext (functionname texttoinsert)
(defalias (intern (concat "text-" functionname))
(lambda ()
(insert-string texttoinsert))))
It's been years, but I think you're probably missing an fset to define the function; see the docs if you are wanting it a compile time too.