Use existing page as app page in Facebook (2017) - facebook

I have both a Facebook page and a Facebook app and want to use my existing page as the page for the app. All answers I've found says that the page needs to be changed to "App Page" which is found under "Brands & Products". The problem is that those options aren't available anymore.
Can someone say how to use an existing page as an app page, or confirm that this is no longer possible?

I just found out the answer myself, so I'll answer it.
First go to your PAGE and choose Edit Page Info in the three dot menu.
Under Category, add the tag "App Page". It's important to REMOVE ANY OTHER TAGS!
Then go to your APP at Facebook for Developers and go to Settings - Advanced. Under App Page you'll see a list of all available pages you can choose.


Accessing "About App" page for own apps

I recently created a small application to embed as a page tab on Facebook.
I've done this before, but it seems like the procedure has changed since then.
I found this page:, which says that, in order to embed the page as a page tab, I need to go to the "App About" page and click a link there.
My problem is - I can't find the "about app" page for my app! I was eventually able to determine the page for accessing my app directly ([appID]/), but I don't think this is the page they're referring to. The FAQ suggests searching for the app name on Facebook, but doing so does not pull up my app.
Can anyone lead me in the right direction?
You might not have one, you need to create it via the 'Create page' option in the 'App Details' section of the app settings.
You don't need this page to add an app to a page, you can also use the Add Page Tab Dialog or the Pages API to add your app to a page.

Link App Profile Page With App

We recently accidently deleted the connection between the vanity URL page and our App Profile page; by doing so, the "Go To App" button was also removed from the App Profile page.
Is there a way to display the "Go To App" Button on the app Profile page (so that our users can access the App?
Is there a way to reconnect (re-associate) the two pages (Vanity URL Page and App Profile Page).
It seems like the only connection option we're given on the admin page is to create a new Community page and connect it to the App - (we assume that this option would not work for us since we already once migrated all the likes back in December/January when we created the Vanity URL page.
No where we can find an answer for either the re-connection nor for displaying the "Go To App" button in the App Profile page even though the category is already set to (Product > App). We appreciate your help.
Looks like you are in a pickle.
It looks like Facebook has removed the ability for you to link an existing Page to an App - something that was added before they removed App Profile Pages. If you contact Facebook, maybe they can link the two back together some other way. As for a manual approach, you're out of luck.
Have you tried merge page option. Create a new page for your app and then name it to be exactly like the page where you have all the likes. Now goto this page (with likes) and edit details -> resources and click on merge pages.
This should work but there is a bug in the system preventing this to happen, here are the details.

How to migrate Fanpage with App? [duplicate]

Now that Facebook has depreciated the landing pages for apps, how do I get my app to point to the Fan page for it's landing page?
I've checked under the Advanced tab and contacts -- but there's no place I can see to list my Fan page as being linked to my application.
According to this blog post from December, new apps can create a new Fan page, but there's no information on how to do it for existing pages -- they just say that "it will be linked automatically." Unfortunately it was not -- when you post something from our app onto your wall, the link takes you to our website rather than our Fan page.
I'd love for that link to take you to our fanpage again, but I seemingly can't find any documentation on this.
It is possible. I had the same problem. What you need to do is the following:
Categorize your existing page under "App Page" (found under "Brands & Products").
Change your page name to mach your App name.
Go to your App and select "App Details"
Under "Contact Info" you will find "App Page". There you will be able to create a new page or if all went well, select your page from a list.
I found the info in the little question-mark next to "App page".
It is possible to add the application to any page you administer. This can be achieved from solutions mentioned below:
Solution 1[YOUR_APP_KEY]&pages=1&page=[YOUR_PAGE_ID]
YOUR_APP_KEY You can get it from application settings, its App Id
YOUR_PAGE_ID You can get it through Graph Explorer[PAGE_NAME]
Solution 2[YOUR_APP_KEY]&next=[REDIRECT_URL]
YOUR_APP_KEY You can get it from application settings, its App Id
REDIRECT_URL Any URL you want to redirect back to after adding the tab
Official Solution
Answer from #Dvir Levy is the official solution from Facebook. The issue with that approach is that we mostly can not follow that solution. Suppose we had to add an application tab to a brand page like 'ABCXYZ', if we follow that answer then we had to change the brand page name, and we can't do it, brands/clients we work for doesn't allow these changes.
Due the recent changes on the Facebook UI, some options have changed or are under a different place.
I would like to share the up to date way to achieve this.
On your page
Access the About section
Click on Edit Page Info on the top right side.
Set one of your categories to App page
PS: May be needed your page and app share the same name, but can't confirm this.
On your app
Access your app from the Facebook Developers apps panel.
Access Settings on the left side menu.
Set the category to Apps for pages and hit Save. [#JohnMc mentioned this has to be the only category selected.]
Open the Advanced section and find the App Page block.
Under Existing page select your page and hit Save.
All set!
Note: If you remove the link between the page and the app you won't be able to link them again.
Edit: As #John Mc pointed out in the comments, App page has to be the only category selected.
Happned to me. You need to add yourself (your developer account) as manager/admin of the page. Then it will recognize the link between you and the page and the app will show the app page so you'll be able to choose it.
This is possible.
Go to you business page, add yourself as a managed (make sure you have liked the site first)
Then refresh the App Details developers page.
Select the business app page from the App page contact section.
Note the Business page has to be the Brands & Products : App Page, and the same name as the App.
Here's how to add a tab to a page.
I use the direct URL Method. Go to your page and then type the following into the address bar of your browser.
Where YOUR_APP_ID is the app id shown in the app configuration page, and YOUR_URL is the page you want to to be redirected to once you close the dialog.
In the Facebook app config settings will be Site URL. This is the place where it's currently going, correct? So have your marketing people make a "pretty" landing page for the app, and you can change your app settings to point to the pretty landing page. Maybe all that landing page is a redirect to your Facebook fan page.

How to link a Facebook app with an existing fan page

Now that Facebook has depreciated the landing pages for apps, how do I get my app to point to the Fan page for it's landing page?
I've checked under the Advanced tab and contacts -- but there's no place I can see to list my Fan page as being linked to my application.
According to this blog post from December, new apps can create a new Fan page, but there's no information on how to do it for existing pages -- they just say that "it will be linked automatically." Unfortunately it was not -- when you post something from our app onto your wall, the link takes you to our website rather than our Fan page.
I'd love for that link to take you to our fanpage again, but I seemingly can't find any documentation on this.
It is possible. I had the same problem. What you need to do is the following:
Categorize your existing page under "App Page" (found under "Brands & Products").
Change your page name to mach your App name.
Go to your App and select "App Details"
Under "Contact Info" you will find "App Page". There you will be able to create a new page or if all went well, select your page from a list.
I found the info in the little question-mark next to "App page".
It is possible to add the application to any page you administer. This can be achieved from solutions mentioned below:
Solution 1[YOUR_APP_KEY]&pages=1&page=[YOUR_PAGE_ID]
YOUR_APP_KEY You can get it from application settings, its App Id
YOUR_PAGE_ID You can get it through Graph Explorer[PAGE_NAME]
Solution 2[YOUR_APP_KEY]&next=[REDIRECT_URL]
YOUR_APP_KEY You can get it from application settings, its App Id
REDIRECT_URL Any URL you want to redirect back to after adding the tab
Official Solution
Answer from #Dvir Levy is the official solution from Facebook. The issue with that approach is that we mostly can not follow that solution. Suppose we had to add an application tab to a brand page like 'ABCXYZ', if we follow that answer then we had to change the brand page name, and we can't do it, brands/clients we work for doesn't allow these changes.
Due the recent changes on the Facebook UI, some options have changed or are under a different place.
I would like to share the up to date way to achieve this.
On your page
Access the About section
Click on Edit Page Info on the top right side.
Set one of your categories to App page
PS: May be needed your page and app share the same name, but can't confirm this.
On your app
Access your app from the Facebook Developers apps panel.
Access Settings on the left side menu.
Set the category to Apps for pages and hit Save. [#JohnMc mentioned this has to be the only category selected.]
Open the Advanced section and find the App Page block.
Under Existing page select your page and hit Save.
All set!
Note: If you remove the link between the page and the app you won't be able to link them again.
Edit: As #John Mc pointed out in the comments, App page has to be the only category selected.
Happned to me. You need to add yourself (your developer account) as manager/admin of the page. Then it will recognize the link between you and the page and the app will show the app page so you'll be able to choose it.
This is possible.
Go to you business page, add yourself as a managed (make sure you have liked the site first)
Then refresh the App Details developers page.
Select the business app page from the App page contact section.
Note the Business page has to be the Brands & Products : App Page, and the same name as the App.
Here's how to add a tab to a page.
I use the direct URL Method. Go to your page and then type the following into the address bar of your browser.
Where YOUR_APP_ID is the app id shown in the app configuration page, and YOUR_URL is the page you want to to be redirected to once you close the dialog.
In the Facebook app config settings will be Site URL. This is the place where it's currently going, correct? So have your marketing people make a "pretty" landing page for the app, and you can change your app settings to point to the pretty landing page. Maybe all that landing page is a redirect to your Facebook fan page.

How to add my facebook app to my fan page?

I'm new to facebook app development and i cant seem to figure this out. I have a simple app i made (an iframe website) that i want to add to a tab on my facebook page. When i try to click on the + tab to add it to my page i only have a few options of youtube, events, fbml... When i do a search absolutely nothing comes up unless i search for those items i just mentioned before (youtube, events, fbml).
Type this into your browser's url bar with the appropiate ids. (I already assume you have configured the app settings for page tab urls,etc).
See for a full explanation.