R.NET vs R.NET.Community in NuGet - nuget

Can anyone tell me the difference between R.NET and R.NET.Community in the NuGET package manager? They both reference http://rdotnet.codeplex.com/ as their Project URL.
The old project page says:
R.NET is now distributed via R.NET.Community on NuGet
does this mean that the R.NET package is obsolete and should not be installed?
I'm working on a project that has both R.NET 1.5.5 and R.NET.Community 1.6.5 installed. Is it safe to remove R.NET and everything should still work?

You are correct - R.NET was replaced by R.NET.Community:
Note that you must uninstall packages dependencies or R.NET 1.5.5 or earlier, if pre-existing. R.NET 1.5.13 uses a different package identifier: R.NET.Community
It's also worth noting that, at the time of writing, R.NET development seems to have stalled, with the last commit being in August 2015. The issue/bug list however is growing.


Is it possible to always use the latest nuget version including preview?

I know that to always use a latest nuget package in my client project, I need to do things such as:
<PackageReference Include="MyServerNugetPackage" Version="2.*" />
So this will force my project to take the latest version 2 nuget package. As I am both the consumer and creator of the nuget package, the QA team wants that certain branch of my client project, I should consume the latest preview version of the nuget package (So they can test the preview functions in the nuget package before other teams consume them).
As my knowledge goes, "2.*" will return the latest stable version of nuget package and I am not really aware if it is possible to get latest preview version. Can it be done?
See this article
Support pre release packages with floating versions

Why is the latest stable version of Newtonsoft showing in Nuget Package Manager as 12.0.3 in one project and as 9.0.1 in another?

In my class library, Manage Nuget Packages shows the latest stable version of Newtonsoft as 12.0.3. In another application that references the class library, Manage Nuget Packages shows the latest stable version of Newtonsoft as 9.0.1
What would explain that difference, and how is it fixed in Visual Studio 2019? When I try to compile the application, it fails with the error that the class library's version of Newtonsoft is newer.
EDIT: I think I've found the reason: in the top right corner of the window the package source for the application was not nuget.org but Visual Studio Offline Sources.
Why is the latest stable version of Newtonsoft showing in Nuget
Package Manager as 12.0.3 in one project and as 9.0.1 in another?
When you install a nuget package, you should select the right nuget package source.
As it shows that, Visual Studio Offline Sources is your local nuget caches. It is required that you download the corresponding nuget version and then exist in this data source. So it depends on you and not all versions of the package are fully displayed.
nuget.org is the ultimate destination for developers releasing nuget packages. You can find every version of the package here. So you should check this link.
Check and enable that link.
Then, open Nuget Package Manager UI and choose nuget.org and you can find it.

NuGet Package Dependency Auto Upgrade

I have a private NuGet package that I'm installing on an existing project. The project already contains several of the dependencies the private NuGet package requires but at a lower version than what the private package requires. When I try to install the private package the installation throws an error (no error number)
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for
In the package manager output it is reporting a
Detected package downgrade
Since the package that it's referencing is a public package on NuGet.org I would expect at a minimum to be prompted to upgrade the dependency during the installation process instead of erroring and rolling back. I've know packages that are not already included in the project are being installed automatically and can see that in the logs.
I've seen other posting that range from ignoring the warning/error to a pre-build script that does the upgrade (which is not a option for installing new packages)
Can the package manager be instructed to automatically upgrade the existing packages to at least the minimum version the dependency list has defined?
Afraid not.
It's not really a trivial problem to solve - suppose it uses the approach you suggested and your project currently references packageA v1.0.0 and packageB v1.0.0.
You add a new package with a dependency on package A v2.0.0.
It prompts you to upgrade packageAfrom 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 to avoid a downgrade.
But package A 2.0.0 has a new dependency on packageBat 2.0.0, which causes a downgrade for you on that package.
Every new upgrade in turn can trigger new upgrades. You can also engineer scenarios where there isn't even a way to upgrade other packages to make it all work. On top of that all of this requires fetching lots of information from your package source.
Since there's not a clear, general way to fix this the tooling leaves you to work out what you want to do yourself.

monogame.extended.entities no world in namespace`

VS 2017, monogame project, pulled in the MonoGame.Extended.Entities dependency. I went to the class browser and I don't see the world object. I can see it's apart of the code on github and should be there.
I installed the dependency through the nuget manager in vs 2017.
using version 1.1.0 MonoGame.Extended.Entities
I had this issue as well. The demos on their GitHub page all function normally, and they reference the source code, not the nuget packages, so the night versions are lacking . The 1.1.0 nuget version doesn't appear to match the GitHub version 1.1.0, which is a little unusual. I fixed it by updating the packages to the prerelease version. The method I used can be found in their docs:

nuget gallery versions and github

If I go to nuget gallery and search for a package e.g. Newtonsoft.Json
And I see a version available e.g. as of today 11.0.1-beta3 (current version)
I then go to github for the project. In this case:
I look at releases and Tags and only see the "latest" which is 10.0.3
My question is where is 11.0.1-beta3 (current version)?
And how do I see what in it? e.g. I want to see if an issue has been fixed and is available
Release Differences
Newtonsoft.Json 10.0.3 is the latest / current Stable Release.
Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.1-beta3 is the latest / current Beta Release.
You can locate the Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.1-beta3 in the Nuget Gallery by scrolling down to the "Version History" section. Or just visit this link.
Source Code
Regarding taking a peek at the code, since it is indeed open-source software, you can view the release notes and download the source-code from the Github Release page, as you saw. But of course only release versions will be listed here -- beta versions, still being a work-in-progress, will not.
Other than just installing the 11.0.1-beta3 package and inspecting the Newtonsoft.Json files in your IDE, you may be able to step through the source code in the Nuget Package following this method. Not sure why you would, but if that's what you need go for it!