Algolia, Show results when one word match - algolia

I don't know if I have a problem with my configuration or if there is something else to do but when I search "word1" I get some results, and "word1 word2" I don't get any.
"word2" my be any type of word (like "kfuzefzuefd"), it's normal that I don't get results with it, but i'd like to show the results from "word1".
What can I do?

In order to solve that, you can use the removeWordsIfNoResults parameter in order to get results for word1 in case word1 word2 gives no results.
You can modify this parameter in your dashboard if you go to Indices -> Ranking tab -> Remove words if no results if you scroll at the bottom in the Query Expansion section.


How can I list all occurrences of a search term in one specific file in VS Code?

In VS Code I can find all occurrences of a search term in all project files via the main Search ("Find in Files" -- Ctrl+Shift+F).
This is a nice list of occurrences grouped by filename. However when I have many files in my project, but I am interested only in the occurrences for one file this list is pretty unwieldy.
How can I list all occurrences of a search term in only one specific file?
P.S. I know how to jump inside a file from occurrence to occurrence ("Find" -- Ctrl+f and then Enter), but here I would like a list of occurrences.
To get a list of search matches for a specific file, use the search pane's file filter mechanism and in the "files to include" field, enter the relative path to the file that you want to search in. To see the "files to include" field, you need to expand the little menu (see the "..." button) under the search field. Then just enter a search query like you normally would.

Searching for text in square brackets in Azure Boards Query Editor

I want to search for a word in square brackets in the title of my work items. But the work items that include the same word not in square brackets are also listed.
The solution that works for tsql does not work for azure query. It doesn't work when I search for '[[]MyWord]%' as I do in SQL. How can I list work items that only contain the word in square brackets?
For example I want to find work item titled Hello [World], but I don't want to list work item titled Hello World.
enter image description here
You can set the Operator to Contains instead of Contains Words.
There is a sample. I have two work items named "Hello World" and "Hello [World]".
When I set the Operator to Contains, it will only return "Hello [World]".
When I set the Operator to Contains Words, it will return both work items.

How to global search for substring in VSCode?

My VSCode is currently set to global search only for exact whole words instead of substrings. For example, searching for 'redirect' will only search for that standalone word instead of other variables such as 'redirectTo', and searching for 'redirectTo' will not come up in the results for other variables such as 'redirectToLogin'. Is there a setting on VSCode to search for substrings?
See the middle option in the image - the Ab with the box on three sides of it - that toggles between whole word search and substring matches. Make sure it is off for the substring matches. It will have a (on Windows anyhow) a blue focus box around it if it is activated - match whole words only.

Autocomplete for delimited phrases in the file?

Is it somehow possible to autocomplete a whole phrase which has been delimited from earlier on in the file?
For example the following phrase exists:
- Item: [The first item on the agenda]
And I want to be able to type [The f and have the remainder of the phrase appear in the autocomplete pop up.

Eclipse : search for only a particular word under Eclipse IDE

Is it possible to search for only a particular word under Eclipse IDE .
For example i need to search for a word "sub" .
But the problem is that , when i did ctr l + H and typed the word "sub" , it producing all matching results such as
submit ----etc , but i want the exact word "sub" in my Search .
Please let me know if its possible ??
Thanks in advance .
Try using regular expressions in the File Search Dialogue (Ctrl + H). You can use the word boundaries modifier \b like so :
\bsub\b asks eclipse to search for all matches in which sub is both followed and preceded by a word boundary. Read more about word boundaries here.
Here is a sample snapshot of the Search Results using the above:
If you want to restrict the search to the current project then try selecting 'Enclosing Projects' radio option. This option will be disabled if you don't already have a file from the Project opened. To get past this annoyance, I would recommend creating a Working Set with just the project(s) of interest and then restricting the search on that Working Set.
You can do it from Find/Replace menu (CTRL+F) and flagging the Whole word option :
Otherwise from the standard Search menu(CTRL+H) you can achieve the same result using an appropriate regular expression, in your case you just need to append a space after(or/and before) the sub text and you will get only the whole word.
Select the word and then press Ctrl+Alt+letter(G) it will search the word where it is used.