I am using FlinkKafkaConsumer010 with Flink 1.2.0, and the problem I am facing is that: Is there a way that I can shut down the entire pipeline programmatically if some scenario is seen?
On possible solution is that I can shut down the kafka consumer source by calling the close() method defined inside of FlinkKafkaConsumer010, then the pipeline with shut down as well. For this approach, I create a list that contains the references to all FlinkKafkaConsumer010 instance that I created at the beginning of the pipeline for the kafka topics. Then during the execution of the pipeline, I have another thread that calls close() of each of the FlinkKafkaConsumer010 in my list. I expect that this should shut down the consumer, but the result is that the consumer is still running.
Can someone shed some light on this or give me some other suggestion on how can I shut down the flink pipeline at runtime programmatically?
Is the scenario that you're trying to respond to based on the input events? If so, I would suggest to have a MapFunction somewhere appropriate in the pipeline, and just deliberately throw an exception to fail the job when some condition is met.
The other alternative is to look at the isEndOfStream method in KeyedDeserializationSchema. Basically, when the condition is met for some event, signal that the stream has ended.
One other option to consider is to let the MapFunction mentioned above be instead a FlatMapFunction, that send an signaling event to the outside world. A separate process external to the Flink job listens to that event, and when received, shutdown the Flink job via the Flink CLI.
When my producer has finished streaming all of its messages to Kafka, and after Flink has finished processing them, I want to be able to terminate the Flink job so it doesn't keep running, and also so I can know when Flink has finished processing all the data. I also cannot use batch processing as I need Flink to run in parallel to my Kafka stream.
Usually, Flink uses the isEndOfStream method in a DeserializationSchema class to see if it should end early (returning true in the method would automatically end the job). However, when using Kafka as a source with Flink, the new KafkaSource class has deprecated the use of the isEndOfStream method in deserializers and no longer checks it to see if the stream should end or not. Is there any other way to terminate a Flink job early?
The mechanism provided by the KafkaSource for operating on bounded streams is to use setBounded or setUnbounded with the builder, as in
KafkaSource<String> source = KafkaSource
.setDeserializer(...) // or setValueOnlyDeserializer
.setBounded(...) // or setUnbounded
setBounded indicates that the source should be stopped once it has consumed all of the data up through the specified offsets.
setUnbounded can be used instead to indicate that while the source should not read any data past the specified offsets, it should remain running. This allows the source to participate in checkpointing if running in STREAMING mode.
If you know upfront how much you want to read, this works fine. I've used setBounded with a specific timestamp, e.g.,
and also like this
We have a Spring Boot Kafka Streams processor. For various reasons, we may have a situation where we need the process to start and run, but there are no topics we wish to subscribe to. In such cases, we just want the process to "sleep", because other liveness/environment checkers depend on it running. Also, it's part of a RedHat OCP cluster, and we don't want the pod to be constantly doing a crash backoff loop. I fully understand that it'll never really do anything until it's restarted with a valid topic(s), but that's OK.
If we start it with no topics, we get this message:Failed to start bean 'kStreamBuilder'; nested exception is org.springframework.kafka.KafkaException: Could not start stream: ; nested exception is org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.TopologyException: Invalid topology: Topology has no stream threads and no global threads, must subscribe to at least one source topic or global table.
In a test environment, we could just create a topic that's never written to, but in production, we don't have that flexibility, so a programmatic solution would be best. Ideally, I think, if there's a "null topic" abstraction of some sort (a Kafka "/dev/null"), that would look the cleanest in the code.
Best practices, please?
You can set the autoStartup property on the StreamsBuilderFactoryBean to false and only start() it if you have at least one stream.
If using Spring Boot, it's available as a property:
We are trying to use Akka Streams with Alpakka Kafka to consume a stream of events in a service. For handling event processing errors we are using Kafka autocommit and more than one queue. For example, if we have the topic user_created, which we want to consume from a products service, we also create user_created_for_products_failed and user_created_for_products_dead_letter. These two extra topics are coupled to a specific Kafka consumer group. If an event fails to be processed, it goes to the failed queue, where we try to consume again in five minutes--if it fails again it goes to dead letters.
On deployment we want to ensure that we don't lose events. So we are trying to stop the stream before stopping the application. As I said, we are using autocommit, but all of these events that are "flying" are not processed yet. Once the stream and application are stopped, we can deploy the new code and start the application again.
After reading the documentation, we have seen the KillSwitch feature. The problem that we are seeing in it is that the shutdown method returns Unit instead Future[Unit] as we expect. We are not sure that we won't lose events using it, because in tests it looks like it goes too fast to be working properly.
As a workaround, we create an ActorSystem for each stream and use the terminate method (which returns a Future[Terminate]). The problem with this solution is that we don't think that creating an ActorSystem per stream will scale well, and terminate takes a lot of time to resolve (in tests it takes up to one minute to shut down).
Have you faced a problem like this? Is there a faster way (compared to ActorSystem.terminate) to stop a stream and ensure that all the events that the Source has emitted have been processed?
From the documentation (emphasis mine):
When using external offset storage, a call to Consumer.Control.shutdown() suffices to complete the Source, which starts the completion of the stream.
val (consumerControl, streamComplete) =
new TopicPartition(topic, 0) -> offset
Consumer.control.shutdown() returns a Future[Done]. From its Scaladoc description:
Shutdown the consumer Source. It will wait for outstanding offset commit requests to finish before shutting down.
Alternatively, if you're using offset storage in Kafka, use Consumer.Control.drainAndShutdown, which also returns a Future. Again from the documentation (which contains more information about what drainAndShutdown does under the covers):
val drainingControl =
.committableSource(consumerSettings.withStopTimeout(Duration.Zero), Subscriptions.topics(topic))
.mapAsync(1) { msg =>
business(msg.record).map(_ => msg.committableOffset)
val streamComplete = drainingControl.drainAndShutdown()
The Scaladoc description for drainAndShutdown:
Stop producing messages from the Source, wait for stream completion and shut down the consumer Source so that all consumed messages reach the end of the stream. Failures in stream completion will be propagated, the source will be shut down anyway.
I have a Kafka consumer that I create on a schedule. It attempts to consume all of the new messages that have been added since the last commit was made.
I would like to shut the consumer down once it consumes all of the new messages in the log instead of waiting indefinitely for new messages to come in.
I'm having trouble finding a solution via Kafka's documentation.
I see a number of timeout related properties available in the Confluent.Kafka.ConsumerConfig and ClientConfig classes, including FetchWaitMaxMs, but am unable to decipher which to use. I'm using the .NET client.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I have found a solution. Version 1.0.0-beta2 of Confluent's .NET Kafka library provides a method called .Consume(TimeSpan timeSpan). This will return null if there are no new messages to consume or if we're at the partition EOF. I was previously using the .Consume(CancellationToken cancellationToken) overload which was blocking and preventing me from shutting down the consumer. More here: https://github.com/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-dotnet/issues/614#issuecomment-433848857
Another option was to upgrade to version 1.0.0-beta3 which provides a boolean flag on the ConsumeResult object called IsPartitionEOF. This is what I was initially looking for - a way to know when I've reached the end of the partition.
I have never used the .NET client, but assuming it cannot be all that different from the Java client, the poll() method should accept a timeout value in milliseconds, so setting that to 5000 should work in most cases. No need to fiddle with config classes.
Another approach is to find the maximum offset at the time that your consumer is created, and only read up until that offset. This would theoretically prevent your consumer from running indefinitely if, by any chance, it is not consuming as fast as producers produce. But I have never tried that approach.
I am pulling data from a data base to check if I have the available system resources to process further messages coming from KafkaListener. If I my condition is not met then I want #KafkaListener to pause and when the condition is met, I want #KafkaListener to resume. How do I achieve this in spring Kafka?
Also are there any disadvantages of pausing a consumer for a particular partition?
There is no pause/resume control in the current version. Only automatic by the Framework, when it detects slow listener.
In the latest 2.0 we have opposite situation: we don't provide automatic pause/resume - no reason any more, but at the same time allow to configure #KafkaListener method with the Consumer argument, so you can perform any desired logic there already.