Delete API is not in sync with Enterprise Architect table - enterprise-architect

I am trying to delete an element from EA by using the below code
By using the above mentioned code the Element is getting deleted from the Project browser but its not getting deleted from t_object table. Sometimes the object in the t_object is deleted but t_object_properties in not getting deleted.
How to delete the Element and its properties from Project as well as from t_object ?

You can not assume that an API call will also be reflected directly in EA's tables, nor can you assume to see table updates to be visible in the API unless you restart EA. There can always be caches you don't see and which you can not influence.
However, I'll take a look to see if there's a way to solve the above.


Magento 2 giving error no category save. Error is - No such entity with id = xx

In Magento 2 We are getting error on category save. Error is - No such entity with id = xx please any one can help to resolve the same ?
Thank you.
click to see screen shot for error
It happened to me also, in version 2.2.0.
In my case the problem was the url_rewrite table.
Check the "metadata" column of the url_rewrite table for non-existent categories and delete those rows.
The problem are the url_rewrite rows of products belonging to that category.
Assuming your site is in Developer Mode, you can change it to Production Mode and clear/flush cache and then switch back to Developer Mode.
I had this issue in the front end, as i recently moved the datatbase from one server to another. I have managed to solve by this way.
Please make indexing and recheck. If you are using any third party extension then this issue also occur. If you have deleted any category from any store then this may also happen. Please check all things hope your issue will resolve.
Go to admin Marketing -> URL Rewrite
And search in the target path with specific id category or product where you have an issue.
Then delete the entry where entity with id = xx.
Go back your category or product page and try to save again.

When I try to add a schema in stackmob it is not getting saved

I was trying to do a tutorial in stackmob but while I try to save a schema and when I come back to it I cant find the changes I made to the schema?Any help??
Assuming you mean that you are in the Stackmob Dashboard and trying to create and save a schema, there are two snags that can get you (and me). If you didn't hit save schema, nothing will be saved. The other snag can be that you do not set the Create, Read, Update, and Delete permissions at the bottom of the page, although I think it flags this as something you must complete. If these things have been done and your data is not being retained, provide a bit more info and I can try my best to help.

How can i know which object is preventing me from saving?

I'm working on a Microstrategy 8.1.525.151 Client with a Microstrategy Server 8.1. While creating a report i deleted some objects and after that, each time i try create or change any object (report, filter, attribute) i get the same error when i try to Save
The error is
'Cannot save, move or copy this object because it has been changed in the Metadata'
I've tried refreshing the schema both in the client and server, deleted and recreated the objects (it only works on the server but doesn't refresh on the client) and also the menu Administration/Server/Purge Cache Objects
With the exception of the Microstrategy knowledge base (which i cannot access) all i have found is mentions of changing multiple objects, however i don't know which objects may be causing this error if any
Thanks in advance for the help
If you cannot create/save any other object I'm afraid that your metadata are corrupted.
There are some utility provided by MicroStrategy to fix them, but I don't think they still support version 8.1. Your best shot is to try with MicroStrategy tech support.
You are the only one with this problem? other users can modify objects?
The way i used to solve it was to delete all attributes and reports i created since i started having such a problem, (it was easier because it was all in a single folder for attributes and a single folder for reports and i suspect in certain cases also other objects would need deletion) also restarted the intelligence server

doctrine2: explicitly fetching without cache

I use doctrine2.2.2 with Zend Framework1 and am currently working on an editing tool.
A user clicks a link to move someting "up" in the list, my action does its work, changes are made to teh database, i redirect but then the result, newly fetched from the database is still the old version.
I would figure it has to do with cache since i am not temporarily storing the object in the session or anything.
So the Question is: Is there a way to fetch something and tell Doctrine, not to use the cache for this specific request? Or is there a possibility to delete certain cache entries?
Yep, take a look at .
There is a query api to enable, disable, ... result cache for example, individuallty on each query; or globally.

WatiN SelectList Methods - Page not refreshing/actions not being fired after interacting with a select list

If you don't care about the preface, skip down to the section marked "Question."
Recently my company has upgraded to the latest version of WatiN for its test automation framework. We upgraded to avoid a problem where interacting with a select list would cause an ACCSES DENIED error. This error seems to be a product of the fact that our web application reloads the page it is on (which sits in a frame which sits in a frameset) with new fields after certain select lists options are selected. It could also be that our framework, which wraps around WatiN, often does actions on the same SelectList after the page refresh (I'm still looking into this, I'm new to the framework).
The new version of WatiN does solve the ACCESS DENIED error, but also seems to stop select lists from firing the action that causes the page to reload w/ its new options. In fact, if you use WatiN to make the selection, the select list won't work correctly, even if manually interacted with, until the page has been forced to refresh.
When selecting an option in a SelectList using the newest WatiN code, the event that causes our web app's page to reload with new fields/values does not execute. What are some possibilities that could cause this?
The term i've seen used most often to describe the refreshing that occurs when our select lists are used is "double post-back".
Many thanks,
This is part of the new WatiN code. The new code, if you look into the SelectList class has comments about the fact that it has been changed so that these events don't exactly fire. It says something along the lines of "you may need to use a key press or other event to get a select list to fire its events".
This didn't work for me so we went back to the old code.
One thing that has helped is wrapping calls to the select list w/ a try/catch(System.UnauthorizedAccess e) and then doing a .Refresh on the select list object. Afterwards, the call can be retried and it seems to work pretty well.