Setters: Consumer vs. direct method call - rx-java2

Why would you use a Consumer
public Consumer<String> setValue();
instead of direct function call
public void setValue(String value);
for setters?
I only see disadvantages:
the direct method call is more readable
another disadvantage of the Consumer variant is, that the calling code must always handle exceptions explicitly
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// handle exception

Consumer is an interface intended mostly for internal use within RxJava. Since you are getting started with RxJava, you shouldn't worry about it.
The whole purpose of RxJava is to flow data, the more you use it the less you handle state or use setters.

You must use the Consumer, when you cannot use method references for some reason: e.g. when you target older Android versions, that don't support Java8.
Note: with the new Android toolchain, Java8 method references are supported directly (even without Retrolambda, etc.), so this is not required anymore.
Thanks to Jake Wharton who answered in rx-preferences #96


How to convert the Core message to a JMS message?

I need to convert org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.message.impl.CoreMessage to javax.jms.Message. How can i do this? Maybe there is a required util method somewhere in the code, or it needs to be done manually?
I want to intercept the following events:
And then send the message to a direct endpoint Camel route which requires a javax.jms.Message instance.
My recommendation would be to simply copy the message and route the copy to the address of your choice, e.g.:
public class MyPlugin implements ActiveMQServerMessagePlugin {
ActiveMQServer server;
public void registered(ActiveMQServer server) {
this.server = server;
public void afterSend(ServerSession session,
Transaction tx,
Message message,
boolean direct,
boolean noAutoCreateQueue,
RoutingStatus result) throws ActiveMQException {
Message copy = message.copy();
try {
server.getPostOffice().route(copy, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
Then a Camel consumer can pick up the message and do whatever it needs to with it. This approach has a few advantages:
It's simple. It would technically be possible to convert the org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message instance into a javax.jms.Message instance, but it's not going to be straight-forward. javax.jms.Message is a JMS client class. It's not used on the server anywhere so there is no existing facility to do any kind of conversion to/from it.
It's fast. If you use a javax.jms.Message you'd also have to use a JMS client to send it and that would mean creating and managing JMS resources like a javax.jms.Connection and a javax.jms.Session. This is not really something you want to be doing in a broker plugin as it will add a fair amount of latency. The method shown here uses the broker's own internal API to deal with the message. No client resources are necessary.
It's asynchronous. By sending the message and letting Camel pick it up later you don't have to wait on Camel at all which reduces the latency added by the plugin.
This looks like the implementation of javax.jms.Message with an underlying org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.client.ClientMessage which extends CoreMessage

Can we invoke a method from a class using IMetaDataImport2 in CLR profiling?

I'm using CLR profiling API to profile my .NET Core application.
In the method enter hook I can get the classID and metadata.
Is there any way to invoke another function from that class using metadata?
E.g.: Consider the below example. In the class CommonStats When a method enter/exit hook invoked for the function ProcessRequestInternal, I need to invoke a function GetDefaultValue and save the return value.
public class CommonStats
String test =
private void ProcessRequestInternal(String str)
test = str;
protected override string GetDefaultValue()
if(test.StartsWith("/")) {
return "SUCCESS";
return "FAILURE";
In general, it is not recommended (and impossible through the Profiler API) to call managed code from your profiler. The way to do this is performing IL rewriting.
Although this is possible from a design perspective, the profiling API does not support managed components. A CLR profiler must be
completely unmanaged. Attempts to combine managed and unmanaged code
in a CLR profiler may cause access violations, program failure, or
deadlocks. The managed components of the profiler will fire events
back to their unmanaged components, which would subsequently call the
managed components again, resulting in circular references.
The only location where a CLR profiler can call managed code safely is
in the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) body of a method. The
recommended practice for modifying the MSIL body is to use the JIT
recompilation methods in the ICorProfilerCallback4 interface.
A good place to start with IL rewriting is
There is a lot of good information found in David's Broman blog, here:

Limit instance count with Autofac?

I have a console app that will create an instance of a class and execute a method on it, and that's really all it does (but this method may do a lot of things). The class is determined at runtime based on command line args, and this is registered to Autofac so it can be correctly resolved, supplying class-specific constructor parameters extracted from the command line. All this works.
Now, I need to impose a system-wide limit to the number of instances per class that can be running at any one time. I will probably use a simple SQL database to keep track of number of allowed and running instances per class, and I have no problem with the SQL side of things.
But how do I actually impose this limit in a nice manner using Autofac?
I am thinking that I would have some "slot service" that would do something like this:
Try to reserve a new instance "slot".
If no more slots, log a message and terminate the process.
If slot successfully reserved, create instance and return it.
My idea is also to free the instance's slot in the class' Dispose method, preferably by using another method on the slot service.
How would I fit this into Autofac?
One possibility would be to register the class I want to instantiate with a lambda/delegate that does the above steps. But in that case, how do I "terminate"? Throw an exception? That would require some code to catch the exception and either log it or simply ignore it before terminating the process. I don't like it. I'd like the entire slot reservation stuff inside the delegate, lambda or service.
Another solution might be to do the slot reservation outside of Autofac, but that also seems somewhat messy.
I would prefer a solution where the "slot service" itself can be nicely unit tested, i.e. non-static and with an interface, and preferably resolved with Autofac.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here... Any suggestions?
This is my "best bet" so far:
static void Main(string[] args)
ReadCommandLine(args, out Type itemClass, out Type paramsClass, out Type paramsInterface, out object parameters);
BuildContainer(itemClass, paramsClass, paramsInterface, parameters);
IInstanceHandler ih = Container.Resolve<IInstanceHandler>();
if (ih.RegisterInstance(itemClass, out long instanceid))
ih.UnregisterInstance(itemClass, instanceid);

GWT / JSNI - "DataCloneError - An object could not be cloned" - how do I debug?

I am attempting to call out to parallels.js via JSNI. Parallels provides a nice API around web workers, and I wrote some lightweight wrapper code which provides a more convenient interface to workers from GWT than Elemental. However I'm getting an error which has me stumped: (DataCloneError) #io.mywrapper.workers.Parallel::runParallel([Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)([Java object: [Ljava.lang.String;#1922352522, JavaScript object(3006), JavaScript object(3008)]): An object could not be cloned.
This comes from, in hosted mode:
at at at at at at io.mywrapper.workers.Parallel.runParallel(
Here's my code:
Example client call to create a worker:
Workers.spawnWorker(new String[]{"hello"}, new Worker() {
public String[] work(String[] data) {
return data;
public void done(String[] data) {
int i = data.length;
The API that provides a general interface:
public class Workers {
public static void spawnWorker(String[] data, Worker worker) {
Parallel.runParallel(data, workFunction(worker), callbackFunction(worker));
* Create a reference to the work function.
public static native JavaScriptObject workFunction(Worker worker) /*-{
return worker == null ? null : $entry(function(x) {
* Create a reference to the done function.
public static native JavaScriptObject callbackFunction(Worker worker) /*-{
return worker == null ? null : $entry(function(x) {
public interface Worker extends Serializable {
* Called to perform the work.
* #param data
* #return
public String[] work(String[] data);
* Called with the result of the work.
* #param data
public void done(String[] data);
And finally the Parallels wrapper:
public class Parallel {
* #param data Data to be passed to the function
* #param work Function to perform the work, given the data
* #param callback Function to be called with result
* #return
public static native void runParallel(String[] data, JavaScriptObject work, JavaScriptObject callback) /*-{
var p = new $wnd.Parallel(data);
What's causing this?
The JSNI docs say, regarding arrays:
opaque value that can only be passed back into Java code
This is quite terse, but ultimately my arrays are passed back into Java code, so I assume these are OK.
EDIT - ok, bad assumption. The arrays, despite only ostensibly being passed back to Java code, are causing the error (which is strange, because there's very little googleability on DataCloneError.) Changing them to String works; however, String isn't sufficient for my needs here. Looks like objects face the same kinds of issues as arrays do; I saw Thomas' reference to JSArrayUtils in another StackOverflow thread, but I can't figure out how to call it with an array of strings (it wants an array of JavaScriptObjects as input for non-primitive types, which does me no good.) Is there a neat way out of this?
EDIT 2 - Changed to use JSArrayString wherever I was using String[]. New issue; no stacktrace this time, but in the console I get the error: Uncaught ReferenceError: __gwt_makeJavaInvoke is not defined. When I click on the url to the generated script in developer tools, I get this snippet:
self.onmessage = function(e) {self.postMessage((function (){
try {
return __gwt_makeJavaInvoke(3)(null, 65626, jsFunction, this, arguments);
catch (e) {
throw e;
I see that _gwt_makeJavaInvoke is part of the JSNI class; so why would it not be found?
You can find working example of GWT and WebWorkers here:
This is a preliminary work, but using this pattern I was able to pass GWT objects to and from webworker using serialization provided by AutoBeanFactory.
If you never use dev mode it is currently safe to pretend that a Java String[] is a JS array with strings in it. This will break in dev mode since arrays have to be usable in Java and Strings are treated specially, and may break in the future if the compiler optimizes arrays differently.
Cases where this could go wrong in the future:
The semantics of Java arrays and JavaScript arrays are different - Java arrays cannot be resized, and are initialized with specific values based on the component type (the data in the array). Since you are writing Java code, the compiler could conceivable make assumptions based on details about how you create and use that array that could be broken by JS code that doesn't know to never modify the array.
Some arrays of primitive types could be optimized into TypedArrays in JavaScript, more closely following Java semantics in terms of resizing and Java behavior in terms of allocation. This would be a performance boost as well, but could break any use of int[], double[], etc.
Instead, you should copy your data into a JsArrayString, or just use the js array to hold the data rather than going back and forth, depending on your use case. The various JsArray types can be resized and already exist as JavaScript objects that outside JS can understand and work with.
Reply to EDIT 2:
At a guess, the parallel.js script is trying to run your code from another scope such a in the webworker (that's the point of the code, right) where your GWT code isn't present. As such, it can't call the makeJavaInvoke which is the bridge back into dev mode (would be a different failure with compiled JS). According to there are specific requirements that a passed callback must meet to be passed in to spawn and perhaps then - your anonymous functions definitely do not meet them, and it may not be possible to maintain java semantics.
Before I get much deeper, check out this answer I did a while ago addressing the basic issues with webworkers and gwt/java:
As noted there, WebWorkers are effectively new processes, with no shared code or shared state with the original process. The Parallel.js code attempts to paper over this with a little bit of trickery - shared state is only available in the form of the contents passed in to the original Parallel constructor, but you are attempting to pass in instances of 'java' objects and calling methods on them. Those Java instances come with their own state, and potentially can link back to the rest of the Java app by fields in the Worker instance. If I were implementing Worker and doing something that referenced other data than what was passed in, then I would be seeing further bizarre failures.
So the functions you pass in must be completely standalone - they must not refer to external code in any way, since then the function can't be passed off to the webworker, or to several webworkers, each unaware of each other's existence. See for example:
That's not possible since it would
require a shared state across workers
require us to transmit all scope variables (I don't think there's even a possibility to read the available scopes)
The only thing which might be possible would be cache variables, but these can already be defined in the function itself with spawn() and don't make any sense in map (because there's no shared state).
Without being actually familiar with how parallel.js is implemented (all of this answer so far is reading the docs and a quick google search for "parallel.js shared state", plus having experiemented with WebWorkers for a day or so and deciding that my present problem wasn't yet worth the bother), I would guess that then is unrestricted, and you can you pass it whatever you like, but spawn, map, and reduce must be written in such a way that their JS can be passed off to the new JS process and completely stand alone there.
This may be possible from your normal Java code when compiled, provided you have just one implementation of Worker and that impl never uses state other than what is directly passed in. In that case the compiler should rewrite your methods to be static so that they are safe to use in this context. However, that doesn't make for a very useful library, as it seems you are trying to achieve. With that in mind, you could keep your worker code in JSNI to ensure that you follow the parallel.js rules.
Finally, and against the normal GWT rules, avoid $entry for calls you expect to happen in other contexts, since those workers have no access to the normal exception handling and scheduling that $entry enables.
(and finally finally, this is probably still possible if you are very careful at writing Worker implementations and write a Generator that invokes each worker implementation in very specific ways to make sure that and can correctly act to knock out the this in those instance methods once they've been rewritten as JS functions. I think the cleanest way to do this is to emit the JSNI in the generator itself, call a static method written in real Java, and from that static method call the specific instance method that does the heavy lifting for spawn, etc.)

Testing GWTP presenter with asynchronous calls

I'm using GWTP, adding a Contract layer to abstract the knowledge between Presenter and View, and I'm pretty satisfied of the result with GWTP.
I'm testing my presenters with Mockito.
But as time passed, I found it was hard to maintain a clean presenter with its tests.
There are some refactoring stuff I did to improve that, but I was still not satisfied.
I found the following to be the heart of the matter :
My presenters need often asynchronous call, or generally call to objects method with a callback to continue my presenter flow (they are usually nested).
For example :
this.populationManager.populate(new PopulationCallback()
public void onPopulate()
In my tests, I ended to verify the population() call of the mocked PopulationManager object. Then to create another test on the doSomeStufWithTheView() method.
But I discovered rather quickly that it was bad design : any change or refactoring ended to broke a lot of my tests, and forced me to create from start others, even though the presenter functionality did not change !
Plus I didn't test if the callback was effectively what I wanted.
So I tried to use mockito doAnswer method to do not break my presenter testing flow :
doAnswer(new Answer(){
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable
Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
return null;
I factored the code for it to be less verbose (and internally less dependant to the arg position) :
doAnswer(new PopulationCallbackAnswer())
So while mocking the populationManager, I could still test the flow of my presenter, basically like that :
public void testSomeStuffAppends()
// Given
doAnswer(new PopulationCallbackAnswer())
// When
// Then
verify(populationManager).populate(any(PopulationCallback.class)); // That was before
verify(this.myView).displaySomething(); // Now I can do that.
I am wondering if it is a good use of the doAnswer method, or if it is a code smell, and a better design can be used ?
Usually, my presenters tend to just use others object (like some Mediator Pattern) and interact with the view. I have some presenter with several hundred (~400) lines of code.
Again, is it a proof of bad design, or is it normal for a presenter to be verbose (because its using others objects) ?
Does anyone heard of some project which uses GWTP and tests its presenter cleanly ?
I hope I explained in a comprehensive way.
Thank you in advance.
PS : I'm pretty new to Stack Overflow, plus my English is still lacking, if my question needs something to be improved, please tell me.
You could use ArgumentCaptor:
Check out this blog post fore more details.
If I understood correctly you are asking about design/architecture.
This is shouldn't be counted as answer, it's just my thoughts.
If I have followed code:
public void loadEmoticonPacks() {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
pack = loadFromServer();
I usually don't count on executor and just check that methods does concrete job by loading and saving. So the executor here is just instrument to prevent long operations in the UI thread.
If I have something like:
public void onAccountEvent(AccountEvent event) {
I will check first that we subscribed for events (and unsubscribed on some destroying) as well I would check that onAccountEvent does expected scenarios.
UPD1. Probably, in example 1, better would be extract method loadFromServerAndSave and check that it's not executed on UI thread as well check that it does everything as expected.
UPD2. It's better to use framework like Guava Bus for events processing.
We are using this doAnswer pattern in our presenter tests as well and usually it works just fine. One caveat though: If you test it like this you are effectively removing the asynchronous nature of the call, that is the callback is executed immediately after the server call is initiated.
This can lead to undiscovered race conditions. To check for those, you could make this a two-step process: when calling the server,the answer method only saves the callback. Then, when it is appropriate in your test, you call sometinh like flush() or onSuccess() on your answer (I would suggest making a utility class for this that can be reused in other circumstances), so that you can control when the callback for the result is really called.