Literal Convertibles in Swift - swift

I want to know how Literal Convertibles work in Swift. The little I know is that the fact that, in var myInteger = 5, myInteger magically becomes an Int is because Int adopts a protocol, ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral and we don't have to do var myInteger = Int(5). Similarly String, Array, Dictionary etc all conform to some Literal protocols.
My Question is
Am I right in my little understanding of Literal Convertibles?
How can we implement these in our own types. For example
class Employee {
var name: String
var salary: Int
// rest of class functionality ...
How can I implement Literal Protocols to do var employee :Employee = "John Doe" which will automatically assign "John Doe" to employee's name property.

You are partially correct in your understanding of the various ExpressibleBy...Literal protocols. When the Swift compiler parses your source code into an Abstract Syntax Tree, it already identified what literal represents what data type: 5 is a literal of type Int, ["name": "John"] is a literal of type Dictionary, etc. Apple makes the base type conform to these protocols for the sake of completeness.
You can adopt these protocols to give your class an opportunity to be initialized from a compile-time constant. But the use case is pretty narrow and I don't see how it applies to your particular situation.
For example, if you want to make your class conform to ExpressibleByStringLiteral, add an initializer to set all your properties from a String:
class Employee: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
typealias StringLiteralType = String
var name: String
var salary: Int
required init(stringLiteral value: StringLiteralType) {
let components = value.components(separatedBy: "|") = components[0]
self.salary = Int(components[1])!
Then you can init your class like this:
let employee1: Employee = "John Smith|50000"
But if you dream about about writing something like this, it's not allowed:
let str = "Jane Doe|60000"
let employee2: Employee = str // error
And if you pass in the wrong data type for salary, it will be a run time error instead of a compile-time error:
let employee3: Employee = "Michael Davis|x" // you won't know this until you run the app
TL, DR: it is a very bad idea to abuse these ExpressibleBy...Literal types.

This can be a scenario to work with Convertibles in custom types.
struct Employee : ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
var name: String = ""
init() {}
init(stringLiteral name: String) { = name
func reportName(_ employee: Employee) {
print("Name of employee is \(")
reportName("John Doe") //Name of employee is John Doe


Swift Protocols: Difference between { get } and { get set } with concrete examples?

I'm pretty new to Swift, and although I've read Apple's documentation and many topics and threads about this, I still can't understand what's the difference between { get } and { get set }. I mean, I'm looking for an explanation with a concrete example.
Like, for example:
protocol PersonProtocol {
var firstName: String { get }
var lastName: String { get set }
What would be the actual difference between these two properties? I tried to play with these properties in a playground:
struct Person: PersonProtocol {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
var p = Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon")
print(p.firstName) // John
print(p.lastName) // Lennon
p.firstName = "Paul"
p.lastName = "McCartney"
print(p.firstName) // Paul
print(p.lastName) // McCartney
Did not help... Thanks for your help.
You are creating a variable of type Person and there are no restrictions on that struct. If you instead create a variable of type PersonProtocol then firstName will be read only
var p1: PersonProtocol = Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon")
print(p1.firstName) // John
print(p1.lastName) // Lennon
p1.firstName = "Paul" <== error: cannot assign to property: 'firstName' is a get-only property
protocol — is a requirement of some minimal interface of the type implementing it.
var name: Type { get } requires type to have property with at least a getter (accessible from outside of the type, not private), i.e. outside code should be able to read value of the property. In the implementing type it could be let name: Type, var name: Type, private(set) var name: Type, fileprivate(set) var name: Type, etc.
var name: Type { get set } requires type to have property with both accessible getter and setter, i.e. outside code should be able to read and write to the property. Here only var name: Type would be allowed.
If protocol requires for getter but you also provide a setter — it's not against protocol requirements.
But if protocol requires for both getter and setter — you must provide both, and not having any of them won't be valid implementation.
Your Person class defined both properties as var(with accessible getter and setter) therefore you can change them both. But PersonProtocol haven't required ability to set firstName.
And as #JoakimDanielson shows, if you will use just interface required by protocol you won't be to change the firstName value.

"Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred" error in Swift

I am trying to practice "class with generic". I encountered 2 errors:
Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
Reference to generic type 'GenericObject' requires arguments in <...>
The 2 errors in GenericManager class. Please reference the following code. How do I solve this issue?
class User {
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
class Employee {
var name: String
var position: String
init(name: String, position: String) { = name
self.position = position
class GenericObject<T> {
var items = [T]()
init(forType: T.Type) {}
func addObject(_ obj: T) {
class GenericManager {
//issue: Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
var objects = [GenericObject]()
//issue: Reference to generic type 'GenericObject' requires arguments in <...>
func addObject(_ obj: GenericObject) {
let u = User(name: "User")
let uo = GenericObject(forType: User.self)
let e = Employee(name: "Employee", position: "session manager")
let eo = GenericObject(forType: Employee.self)
let manager = GenericManager()
The compiler needs to know the type of T, and in this case you haven't supplied it.
You can do it like this:
var objects = [GenericObject<YourTypeHere>]()
For example, if GenericObject will hold an array of Int, it would look like this:
var objects = [GenericObject<Int>]()
I noticed you updated your question. It would be helpful to know what you're trying to achieve, but I'll try to help you anyway.
When you have a generic object, you need to tell the compiler the type of the generic at compile time, that's why it's complaining that the type can't be inferred, it needs to know.
Since you want to be able to add objects to the GenericManager array, you need the generic in those two cases to be the same, so you can modify your class like this:
class GenericManager<T> {
var objects = [GenericObject<T>]()
func addObject(_ obj: GenericObject<T>) {
However, since the objects have to be of the same generic, you can't add a GenericObject<User> and GenericObject<Employee> to the same manager, what you can do is to implement those as GenericObject<Any>, and do the same with the GenericManager, then it will look like this:
let u = User(name: "User")
let uo = GenericObject(forType: Any.self)
let e = Employee(name: "Employee", position: "session manager")
let eo = GenericObject(forType: Any.self)
let manager = GenericManager<Any>()
Keep in mind that this will lose you any advantage that generics would do, what you could do is to create a protocol or common superclass and use that instead of Any, but that depends on what you're trying to achieve.
If you have any further questions, please add a comment instead of silently updating your question.
The problem you are having is that you are trying to use generics, but want to ignore that in GenericManager and store references to objects of different types.
Consider this - when you call manager.objects[0] what would you expect to be returned?
You can solve this by type-erasure using Any as EmilioPelaez suggested. However this is often a codesmell which leads to casting hacks throughout your code.
One alternative would be to use an enum to specify the different types of data you want to represent:
enum GenericObject {
case users([User])
case employees([Employee])
let uo = GenericObject.users([ u ])
let eo = GenericObject.employees([ e ])
Now when you access the properties inside GenericManager you would be required to switch over the different supported types, and when you add a new type you would be required to implement code whenever you use a GenericObject

Protocol function implementation without actually conforming to a protocol

I am a beginner Swift learner and I have a question about protocols. I have followed a tutorial that teaches you about linked lists, which is as follows:
class LinkedListNode<Key> {
let key: Key
var next: LinkedListNode?
weak var previous: LinkedListNode?
init (key: Key) {
self.key = key
And the linked list:
class LinkedList<Element>: CustomStringConvertible {
typealias Node = LinkedListNode<Element>
private var head: Node?
// irrelevant code removed here
var description: String {
var output = "["
var node = head
while node != nil {
output += "\(node!.key)"
node = node!.next
if node != nil { output += ", " }
return output + "]"
The var description: String implementation simply lets you to print each elements in the linked list.
So far, I understand the structure of the linked list, my problem isn't about the linked list actually. What I don't understand is the protocol CustomStringConvertible. Why would it be wrong if I have only the var description: String implementation without conforming to the protocol? I mean, this protocol just simply say "Hey, you need to implement var description: String because you are conformed to me, but why can't we just implement var description: String without conforming to the protocol?
Is it because in the background, there is a function or some sort that takes in a type CustomStringConvertible and run it through some code and voila! text appears.
Why can't we just implement var description: String without conforming to the protocol?
class Foo {
var description: String { return "my awesome description" }
let foo = Foo()
print("\(foo)") // return "stackoverflow.Foo" (myBundleName.Foo)
class Foo: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String { return "my awesome description" }
let foo = Foo()
print("\(foo)") // return "my awesome description"
When you use CustomStringConvertible, you warrant that this class have the variable description, then, you can call it, without knowing the others details of implementation.
Another example:
(someObject as? CustomStringConvertible).description
I don't know the type of someObject, but, if it subscriber the CustomStringConvertible, then, I can call description.
You must conform to CustomStringConvertible if you want string interpolation to use your description property.
You use string interpolation in Swift like this:
"Here's my linked list: \(linkedList)"
The compiler basically turns that into this:
String(stringInterpolationSegment: "Here's my linked list: "),
String(stringInterpolationSegment: linkedList),
String(stringInterpolationSegment: ""))
There's a generic version of String(stringInterpolationSegment:) defined like this:
public init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T) {
self = String(describing: expr)
String(describing: ) is defined like this:
public init<Subject>(describing instance: Subject) {
_print_unlocked(instance, &self)
_print_unlocked is defined like this:
internal func _print_unlocked<T, TargetStream : TextOutputStream>(
_ value: T, _ target: inout TargetStream
) {
// Optional has no representation suitable for display; therefore,
// values of optional type should be printed as a debug
// string. Check for Optional first, before checking protocol
// conformance below, because an Optional value is convertible to a
// protocol if its wrapped type conforms to that protocol.
if _isOptional(type(of: value)) {
let debugPrintable = value as! CustomDebugStringConvertible
debugPrintable.debugDescription.write(to: &target)
if case let streamableObject as TextOutputStreamable = value {
streamableObject.write(to: &target)
if case let printableObject as CustomStringConvertible = value {
printableObject.description.write(to: &target)
if case let debugPrintableObject as CustomDebugStringConvertible = value {
debugPrintableObject.debugDescription.write(to: &target)
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
_adHocPrint_unlocked(value, mirror, &target, isDebugPrint: false)
Notice that _print_unlocked only calls the object's description method if the object conforms to CustomStringConvertible.
If your object doesn't conform to CustomStringConvertible or one of the other protocols used in _print_unlocked, then _print_unlocked creates a Mirror for your object, which ends up just printing the object's type (e.g. MyProject.LinkedList) and nothing else.
CustomStringConvertible allows you to do a print(linkedListInstance) that will print to the console whatever is returned by the description setter.
You can find more information about this protocol here:

Confusion about type casting in swift

I was toying in the playground in xcode 7.3.1 with swift. I am a bit confused about the type casting in swift.
So, here is a bit of code that I tried.
class MediaItem {
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
class Movie: MediaItem {
var director: String
init(name: String, director: String) {
self.director = director
super.init(name: name)
class Song: MediaItem {
var artist: String
init(name: String, artist: String) {
self.artist = artist
super.init(name: name)
var movieItem = Movie(name: "GOT", director: "RRMartin")
movieItem.dynamicType //Movie.Type
(movieItem as? MediaItem).dynamicType //Optional<MediaItem>.Type
var someItm = movieItem as! MediaItem //Movie
someItm.dynamicType //Movie.Type
I've shown the output from the playground in the comment. Here you can see the type in each line.
Now according the docs of apple, The conditional form, as?, returns an optional value of the type you are trying to downcast to. As per the docs, I am trying to downcast to MediaItem, and I am getting the MediaItem as optional type.
But when I use force unwrap(that is as!) the returned type is Movie. But I wanted it to be MediaItem.
Also, another thing to notice is that, the type is actually changed. Some data are actually truncated. Because when I tried to access the director property which is present in the Movie, I cannot access it. As I've downcast it.
So, if the type is downcast, why the returned type is Movie? Shouldn't it be MediaType?
So, my question is this, when I type cast some derived class(Movie) to base class(MediaType), shouldn't the converted type be base class(MediaType)?
dynamicType tells you what the underlying type of the object is. It doesn't tell you what the type of var currently referencing that object is.
For instance:
let a: Any = 3
a.dynamicType // Int.Type
Swift, of course, keeps track of these underlying types which is what allows you to later downcast a MediaItem to a Movie (if that is what it really is).
The confusion for you came when you did:
(movieItem as? MediaItem).dynamicType //Optional<MediaItem>.Type
An Optional is it's own type. It is an enumeration with two values: .None and .Some(T). The .Some value has an associated value that has its own dynamic type. In your example, when you asked for the dynamicType, it returned the underlying type of the Optional which is Optional<MediaItem>.Type. It didn't tell you what the dynamic type of the value associated with that Optional is.
Consider this:
let x = (movieItem as? MediaItem)
x.dynamicType // Optional<MediaItem>.Type
x!.dynamicType // Movie.Type

Preferred way to initialize a class in Swift

In learning Swift, there seems to be two approaches to initializing a class instance:
// Approach A
class Person {
let first: String = "bob"
let last: String = "barker"
let worker = Person()
// Approach B
class Person2 {
let first2: String
let last2: String
init() {
self.first2 = "bill"
self.last2 = "williams"
let dealer = Person2()
Is there any reason why I would use one approach instead of the other?
“If a property always takes the same initial value, provide a default value rather than setting a value within an initializer. The end result is the same, but the default value ties the property’s initialization more closely to its declaration. It makes for shorter, clearer initializers and enables you to infer the type of the property from its default value. The default value also makes it easier for you to take advantage of default initializers and initializer inheritance, as described later in this chapter.”
Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks.
I use the first version when I have a known default value that I am putting into the variable. I use the second for anything that could change based on what I pass into the init.
So my preferred version of the above would be:
// Approach A
class Person {
let first: String = "bob"
let last: String = "barker"
let worker = Person()
// Approach B
class Person2 {
let first2: String
let last2: String
init(first2: String, last2: String) {
self.first2 = first2
self.last2 = last2
let dealer = Person2(first2: "bill", last2: "williams")