I'm trying to use a custom sound when Google Home receives no input from the user. But it seems to ignore any SSML data for no input reprompts converting to plain text. This is what my data looks like in my fulfilment code:
response.data.google = { expect_user_response: true,
no_input_prompts: [
{ ssml: 'This is <say-as interpret-as="characters">SSML</say-as> with a <break time="3s"/> pause.' },
{ ssml: '<audio src="https://...myurl.mp3" />' },
{ ssml: '<speak><audio src="https://..myurl.mp3" /></speak>' }
] }
The first reprompt is stripped of SSML so Google Home just says
This is SSML with a pause
(but with no break). The second two reprompts are stripped to just silence!
Does Google not support SSML on reprompts despite the SSML property being available?
It seems you need to wrap the string in a <speak> tag to get it to register as valid SSML.
The reason the 3rd one wasn't working is that Google Home seems to override it and instead tell the user it's about to exit the skill. This may be a bug.
I want to display the data of an article using gatsby-source-facebook.
But I don't know how to write a query.
I can't find the best query at http://localhost:8000/___graphql
I make a simple website with gatsby.js.
I want to get facebook article data (posting date and text) and display it on the site.
I installed gatsby-source-facebook for that.
And changed gatsby-config.js.
→ https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-source-facebook/
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-facebook`,
options: {
places: [`${facebookPageID}`], // Can be either a numeric ID or the URL ID
params: {
fields: 'hours, posts { message, created_time }', // See Facebooks API to see what you can query for
key: process.env.FACEBOOK_GRAPH_TOKEN, // You will need to create a Facebook application and go through review in order to get an API token.
I don't know how to write a query, so I can't get the data. (Can not be displayed.)
For example, http://localhost:8000/___graphql
query {
site {
siteMetadata {
If you enter and execute}, the title and description of the site set in gatsby-config.js enter code here will be displayed. This is normal. So how do you write a query to display facebook article data?
I searched a lot to solve this problem, but I didn't find a solution.
I only found a similar question (How to add facebook comment plugin in Gatsby?) but it could not be resolved. This question was the same as what I wrote here (https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-source-facebook/).
Try this:
query {
allFacebookArticles {
edges {
node {
That plugin stores its data into types matching the format Facebook${type} where $type is the type of thing you're pulling (in your case, articles, so it'd be FacebookArticle).
From GraphiQL, though, you should be able to see that on the sidebar on the left.
Here's an example from my current project (with some other options open):
I apologize if this is a stupid question. I have been spending quite a while trying to get daily updates for my google assistant app to work (found at https://developers.google.com/actions/assistant/updates/daily).
I get the prompt on my phone to initiate the daily updates because my server gets the configure updates event. However, I think I am not sending the correct response back because I just get the error "UnparseableJsonResponse: API Version 2: Failed to parse JSON response string with 'INVALID_ARGUMENT' error: ": Cannot find the field."
Usually, my server just responds with a JSON in the structure:
"speech": 'sample text',
"DisplayText": 'sample text',
"source": "sample"
However, according to the Google documentation, I need to return the JSON
I tried returning this exact JSON but as I suspected it's not that simple. I'm not sure how to adapt this format to one that dialogflow expects. Any help would be much appreciated. Note that I'm looking at the response structure at https://dialogflow.com/docs/fulfillment. I also considered the actions on google structure too at https://developers.google.com/actions/reference/rest/Shared.Types/AppResponse. I'm just very confused on how to do this since the guide is mostly suited for people using node js and the SDK.
How can I take advantage of the navigation templates from the facebook messenger with wit.ai?
At wit ai I created a fully functional bot with the Structured Messages.
The issue that I'm experiencing is that when I connected the wit ai bot to facebook the structured messages don't disappear.
Is there any way that I can fix that?
you will have to send the elements of structured message to facebook when you send message.
Wit.ai will set the structured elements in response objects, its your responsibility to pass it on to facebook send api.
for example for quick replies wit.ai send it as response['quickreplies'] you have to access it and send to facebook as an array with key quick_replies and extra elements
def send_text_fb_message_with_quickreplies(recipientId, msg, quickreplies)
qr = []
quickreplies.each do |i|
reply_hash = {}
reply_hash['content_type'] = 'text'
reply_hash['title'] = i
reply_hash['payload'] = i
recipient: {
id: recipientId
message: {
text: msg,
quick_replies: qr
send_text_fb_message_with_quickreplies(request['sender_id'], response['text'], response['quickreplies'])
with something similar code you can convert quickreplies from wit.ai to facebook compatible quickreplies
I am adding a little customized answer based on library you are using:
In the library you are using change https://github.com/hunkim/Wit-Facebook/blob/master/facebook.js file and is function fbMessage
Check if msg.quickreplies is present, if it is present do processing and make it facebook compatible format like i did in ruby code above.
post that change
message: {
text: msg,
message: {
text: msg,
quick_replies: object_you_created
While Defining the Dialog in the Watson Conversation I'm not able to greet user with his/her name or I'm not able to detect contact number sent by the user and rephrase it to the user. Is it possible to do it in the Watson Conversation Api or not.
Although Mitch's response is correct, here is an example of doing a personalised response.
1. Set your conversation_start node text to "Hello <? context.username ?>".
2. In your code you would do something like this (Python).
import json
from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1
conversation = ConversationV1(
response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspace_id, context= {'username':'Simon'})
print json.dumps(response)
3. When you run this, it should output the following, with the "text" part being what the user sees.
"text":["Hello Simon"]
One thing to be aware is that, the context object is used to maintain the state of the conversation. So if you plan to use just REST API's then you need to merge your context variables into the preceding context object before sending it. You do only need to do this at points where you do know the conversation needs that context.
Do you already have access to this information? You can send these values through as context, and refer to them using $context_variable
The same goes for collecting information from a user. You can capture things using regular expressions via your application, or using some Spring Expressions, you can see the text.matches here:
You would store this as context, and then refer to it using $context_variable again.
Information like names and phone numbers is quite open ended, so can be difficult to capture without using an open entity extraction engine, which we are researching best ways to incorporate this.
To get the user's input, use:
"context": {"yourVariable": "<?input.text?>"}
And to show:
"output": {"text": "You entered this $yourVariable"}
i am using this example to send messages to my friends.
the problem i get into is how do i use the data property to add some tracking info.
I would like to pass a var $test and then be able to read it in a json format, or even an array.
In other words, I would like to pass a var when i send the message and when they accept it and it redirect them to the canvas, i would like to be able to grab it from somewhere:
"name":"Cat's Test Site",
"name":"Cissy Lim",
"data":"'here is my var'",
The "data" parameter currently only supports a string. Very annoying since Facebook seems to support json objects everywhere else. You could put a "json string" there and then eval that to a json object when you want to read it.