Assigning a value to the pointer to an object - class

class Distance
int a;
int main()
Distance d1; //declaring object
char *p=(char *)&d1;
printf("\n %d ",d1.a);
return 0;
This is my code.
When I am passing the value of 'a' to be like 256,512 , I am getting 257,513 respectively but for values like 1000 i get 769 and for values like 16,128,100 I am getting 1.
First I thought it might be related to powers of 2 being incremented by 1 due to changes in their binary representation. But adding 1 to binary representation of 1000 won't give me 769.
Please help me to understand this code.

*p = 1 sets the last byte(char) to 000000001
As you're type casting int to char,
binary for (int)1000 is (binary)0000001111101000
you're assigning (int)1 for last 8 bits i,e (binary)0000001100000001 which is 769.
Using 256512 worked because last 8 bit that you change are all zeros i.e (int)256512 is (binary)111110101000000000 so making last bit as 1 gives you (binary)111110101000000001 which is (int)256513
And I think(not sure) you get 1 for 16,128,100 because this integer is well out of int range and thus not assigned and a is set to 0 as class object is created. and thus setting last bit to 1 makes a = 1


Hash an 8 digit number that contains non repetitive digits from 1 to 8 only

Given that a number can contain only digits from 1 to 8 (with no repetition), and is of length 8, how can we hash such numbers without using a hashSet?
We can't just directly use the value of the number of the hashing value, as the stack size of the program is limited. (By this, I mean that we can't directly make the index of an array, represent our number).
Therefore, this 8 digit number needs to be mapped to, at maximum, a 5 digit number.
I saw this answer. The hash function returns a 8-digit number, for a input that is an 8-digit number.
So, what can I do here?
There's a few things you can do. You could subtract 1 from each digit and parse it as an octal number, which will map one-to-one every number from your domain to the range [0,16777216) with no gaps. The resulting number can be used as an index into a very large array. An example of this could work as below:
function hash(num) {
return parseInt(num
.map(x => x - 1), 8);
const set = new Array(8**8);
set[hash(12345678)] = true;
// 12345678 is in the set
Or if you wanna conserve some space and grow the data structure as you add elements. You can use a tree structure with 8 branches at every node and a maximum depth of 8. I'll leave that up to you to figure out if you think it's worth the trouble.
After seeing the updated question, I began thinking about how you could probably map the number to its position in a lexicographically sorted list of the permutations of the digits 1-8. That would be optimal because it gives you the theoretical 5-digit hash you want (under 40320). I had some trouble formulating the algorithm to do this on my own, so I did some digging. I found this example implementation that does just what you're looking for. I've taken inspiration from this to implement the algorithm in JavaScript for you.
function hash(num) {
const digits = num
.map(x => x - 1);
const len = digits.length;
const seen = new Array(len);
let rank = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
seen[digits[i]] = true;
rank += numsBelowUnseen(digits[i], seen) * fact(len - i - 1);
return rank;
// count unseen digits less than n
function numsBelowUnseen(n, seen) {
let count = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(!seen[i]) count++;
return count;
// factorial fuction
function fact(x) {
return x <= 0 ? 1 : x * fact(x - 1);
kamoroso94 gave me the idea of representing the number in octal. The number remains unique if we remove the first digit from it. So, we can make an array of length 8^7=2097152, and thus use the 7-digit octal version as index.
If this array size is bigger than the stack, then we can use only 6 digits of the input, convert them to their octal values. So, 8^6=262144, that is pretty small. We can make a 2D array of length 8^6. So, total space used will be in the order of 2*(8^6). The first index of the second dimension represents that the number starts from the smaller number, and the second index represents that the number starts from the bigger number.


I found this line in the if.c of unix version 6.
ncom = "/usr/bin/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
Why are there so many x's?
And why would you set this?
The code you are talking of looks like this:
ncom = "/usr/bin/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
while(c=nargv[0][i]) {
ncom[9+i++] = c;
ncom[9+i] = '\0';
All those x's act as a buffer, they are overridden by the following loop.
Therefore the code effectively adds "/usr/bin/" to the command in nargv[0].
With a little more context the code is doing this:
execv(nargv[0], nargv, np);
execv(ncom+4, nargv, np);
execv(ncom, nargv, np);
If the given command in nargv[0] is "foo" it will first try to run "foo" then "/bin/foo" and finally "/usr/bin/foo".
Be aware that above is a good example how to not do such things:
If the string in nargv[0] happens to be longer than the number of x's, the code will happily continue copying data. This will override other parts of the stack. The result is a good example of a buffer overflow. (You allocate a buffer of some size and write more data than allocated.)
This example will demonstrate the problem:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char s[]="abcde";
int i;
printf("position %2d contains value %3d\n",i,s[i]);
return 0;
If you run it it will (most probably) output this:
position 0 contains value 97
position 1 contains value 98
position 2 contains value 99
position 3 contains value 100
position 4 contains value 101
position 5 contains value 0
position 6 contains value 0
position 7 contains value 0
position 8 contains value 0
position 9 contains value 0
position 10 contains value 0
position 11 contains value 0
position 12 contains value 12
position 1 contains value 0
position 2 contains value 0
position 3 contains value 0
position 4 contains value 0
position 5 contains value 0
position 6 contains value 0
position 7 contains value 0
It will fill the string (containing the ASCII values 97 to 101) with zeroes and continue writing the memory where it will find the position of the variable i it will also set it to zero. Now i is zero and therefore the loop starts again, overriding the the already overridden string again and again.
Not only local variables can be overriden, also the return address of a function might get overriden resulting in either a "segmentation fault" or execution of arbitrary code, which is often used by malware.

binary to decimal in objective-c

I want to convert the decimal number 27 into binary such a way that , first the digit 2 is converted and its binary value is placed in an array and then the digit 7 is converted and its binary number is placed in that array. what should I do?
thanks in advance
That's called binary-coded decimal. It's easiest to work right-to-left. Take the value modulo 10 (% operator in C/C++/ObjC) and put it in the array. Then integer-divide the value by 10 (/ operator in C/C++/ObjC). Continue until your value is zero. Then reverse the array if you need most-significant digit first.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to go from 27 to an array that looks like {0010, 0111}.
If you understand how base systems work (specifically the decimal system), this should be simple.
First, you find the remainder of your number when divided by 10. Your number 27 in this case would result with 7.
Then you integer divide your number by 10 and store it back in that variable. Your number 27 would result in 2.
How many times do you do this?
You do this until you have no more digits.
How many digits can you have?
Well, if you think about the number 100, it has 3 digits because the number needs to remember that one 10^2 exists in the number. On the other hand, 99 does not.
The answer to the previous question is 1 + floor of Log base 10 of the input number.
Log of 100 is 2, plus 1 is 3, which equals number of digits.
Log of 99 is a little less than 2, but flooring it is 1, plus 1 is 2.
In java it is like this:
int input = 27;
int number = 0;
int numDigits = Math.floor(Log(10, input)) + 1;
int[] digitArray = new int [numDigits];
for (int i = 0; i < numDigits; i++) {
number = input % 10;
digitArray[numDigits - i - 1] = number;
input = input / 10;
return digitArray;
Java doesn't have a Log function that is portable for any base (it has it for base e), but it is trivial to make a function for it.
double Log( double base, double value ) {
return Math.log(value)/Math.log(base);
Good luck.

int and ++new goes up by 2 every time

Just a silly question:
I have a simple counter, but it seems that it gives the double value of what I expect.
short int *new = 0;
NSLog(#"Items: %hi", new);
And this returns:
Items: 2
Relatively new to Cocoa, and still working out the little details as is clear form above...
You don't have an integer variable, you have a pointer to an integer variable (a short integer, to be specific). It increments by 2 because short integers are two bytes long. A pointer variable holds a memory address of another value. Incrementing a pointer means, "make this pointer point to the next thing in memory", where "thing" is the type of value the pointer was declared to point at. A pointer to double would increment by 8 each time.
The "*" in the declaration makes it a pointer. If you just want an int, you'd just write
short int new = 0;
Aah, when you increment a pointer, in increments it by the size of the object it holds. You're looking at an address, not a number.
do this, and see:
short int *new = 0;
NSLog(#"Items now: %hi", new);
NSLog(#"Items then: %hi", new);
Because the way you define new is as a pointer to an integer, *new. You set the memory location to contain a short int, which is a 16-bit integer, so it takes up two bytes in memory. So increasing that on the second line means increasing the memory location by 2.
I don't think you intend to deal with memory locations. It's kind of odd to define an integer and also control its location in memory, unless in specific situations. Code that would do what you want is:
short int new = 0;
NSLog(#"Items: %hi", new);

how can I count the number of set bits in a uint in specman?

I want to count the number of set bits in a uint in Specman:
var x: uint;
gen x;
var x_set_bits: uint;
x_set_bits = ?;
What's the best way to do this?
One way I've seen is:
x_set_bits = pack(NULL, x).count(it == 1);
pack(NULL, x) converts x to a list of bits.
count acts on the list and counts all the elements for which the condition holds. In this case the condition is that the element equals 1, which comes out to the number of set bits.
I don't know Specman, but another way I've seen this done looks a bit cheesy, but tends to be efficient: Keep a 256-element array; each element of the array consists of the number of bits corresponding to that value. For example (pseudocode):
bit_count = [0, 1, 1, 2, 1, ...]
Thus, bit_count2 == 1, because the value 2, in binary, has a single "1" bit. Simiarly, bit_count[255] == 8.
Then, break the uint into bytes, use the byte values to index into the bit_count array, and add the results. Pseudocode:
total = 0
for byte in list_of_bytes
total = total + bit_count[byte]
This issue shows up in the book Beautiful Code, in the chapter by Henry S. Warren. Also, Matt Howells shows a C-language implementation that efficiently calculates a bit count. See this answer.