Bug during COPY in Postgres - postgresql

I have a table named basic_data which contains more than 8 millions rows and I want to copy all this data into a CSV file.
So I use the COPY command like this :
copy basic_data to '/tmp/data_fdw.csv' delimiter ';' null '';
COPY 8792481
This work great but when I want to insert my data into another table with exactly the same schema (but it's a foreign table), I had this following error:
ERROR: value out of range: overflow


ERROR: extra data after last expected column on postgres

When I tried to copy a very large txt file into my postgres database, I got a following error below.
Note that I created a table with a single column and am not using any delimiter when importing the txt file.
db1=# create table travis_2018_data (v text);
db1=# \COPY travis_2018_data FROM 'C:\Users\testu\Downloads\travis_2018\2018-Certification\PROP.txt';
The error:
ERROR: extra data after last expected column
CONTEXT: COPY travis_2018_data, line 295032: "000000561125P 02018000000000000
I'm wondering why I still get the error about the extra data (or column) on line 295032 ?
Your text probably contains a tab character which is the default column delimiter for the TEXT format when using \copy (or copy) without specifying a format.
So \copy thinks the line contains two column but only expects one, hence the error message
You need to specify a delimiter that will not occur in the file. The character with the ASCII value 1 is a highly unlikely to occur in such a file, so you can try:
\COPY travis_2018_data FROM '.....' DELIMITER E'\x01'

Postgresql CSV import not working [duplicate]

I use basketball data tables to get some understanding of Postgres 9.2 & phppgadmin. Therefore I would like to import csv tables into that database. However, I get:
ERROR: missing data for column "year"
CONTEXT: COPY coaches, line 1: ""coachid";"year";"yr_order";"firstname";"lastname";"season_win";"season_loss";"playoff_win";"playoff..."
with command:
\copy coaches FROM '/Users/Desktop/Database/NBAPostGres/DataOriginal/coaches_data.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;
The current table has no missings. So my questions are:
What did I wrong and if using a table with missing values?
How to import such table or handle such structure generally(also in respect to missing values)?
Data structure:
coachid year yr_order firstname lastname season_win
HAMBLFR01 204 2 Frank Hamblen 10
RUSSEJO01 1946 1 John Russell 22
I used:
varchar integer integer character character integer
You can have columns missing for the whole table. Tell COPY (or the psql wrapper \copy) to only fill selected columns by appending a column list to the table:
\copy coaches (coachid, yr_order, firstname)
FROM '/Users/.../coaches_data.csv' (FORMAT csv, HEADER, DELIMITER ',');
Missing values are filled in with column defaults. The manual:
If there are any columns in the table that are not in the column list,
COPY FROM will insert the default values for those columns.
But you cannot have values missing for just some rows. That's not possible. The text representation of NULL can be used (overruling respective column defaults).
It's all in the manual, really:
psql \copy
ERROR: missing data for column "year" CONTEXT: COPY coaches, line 1:
This type of error is also the result of a Table-mismatch. The table you are importing the text file into either has more columns or less columns than the text file has.

Can I import CSV data into a table without knowing the columns of the CSV?

I have a CSV file file.csv.
In Postgres, I have made a table named grants:
OWNER TO postgres;
I want to import file.csv data without having to specify columns in Postgres.
But if I run COPY grants FROM '/PATH/TO/grants.csv' CSV HEADER;, I get this error: ERROR: extra data after last expected column.
How do I import the CSV data without having to specify columns and types?
The error is normal.
You created a table with no column. The COPY command try to import data into the table with the good structure.
So you have to create the table corresponding to your csv file before execute the COPY command.
I discovered pgfutter :
"Import CSV and JSON into PostgreSQL the easy way. This small tool abstract all the hassles and swearing you normally have to deal with when you just want to dump some data into the database"
Perhaps a solution ...
The best method for me was to convert the csv to dataframe and then follow
No, it is not possible using the COPY command
If a list of columns is specified, COPY will only copy the data in the
specified columns to or from the file. If there are any columns in the
table that are not in the column list, COPY FROM will insert the
default values for those columns.
COPY does not create columns for you.

Missing data for column while trying to copy a csv file in a postgresql database

I have an issue trying to copy a CSV file in a table.
Here is my SQL statement:
CREATE TABLE nom_graph
\copy nom_graph FROM '/home/giutools/EDP/out/SYNTHESE_RESYNC.csv' (DELIMITER('|'))
and this is the error I get:
psql:nom_graph.sql:179: ERROR: missing data for column "edp_rec"
CONTEXT: COPY nom_graph, line 1: "DATE;EDP_REC;EDP_EC;NB_KO"
The CSV file is composed by a : date ; and all the other values are FLOAT.
I really can't understand what's the issue, been trying to solve it for two days now.
The Problem is with your CSV file,
Step1: Convert the excel file to CSV using http://www.zamzar.com .
Step2: Create table in postgresql with the same column that you see in your excel file.
Step3: Copy the CSV file to the already created table using below command,
copy table_name (column1,column2,..) from 'C:\Users\Public\lifile_name.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
Done, hope you find this helpful!

COPY command does not ignore sequence column

I have a database whereas the first column is labeled as serial not null primary key. The table creation and automatic sequence table creation is successful. However, whenever I do:
copy <table_name> from '/path/to/file' delimiter ',' CSV HEADER;
PostgreSQL tries to read my first column into the serial column, which fails because my first column in my CSV file contains characters (not an integer).
How can I tell the COPY command to populate using a serial column as the first column?
I determined that if I specified the header names and named my columns exactly like the header names in my CSV file, that the import worked:
copy <table_name>(column1, column2, etc) from '/path/to/file' delimiter ',' CSV HEADER;