Difference between underscore (_) and triple question marks (???) in scala - scala

I am in the middle of writing some code so I wanted to leave a method unimplemented which I am calling but that pathflow is not hitting based on input I am providing. The method looks like this
object HbaseStore {
def get() = _
But the above code threw an exception
HbaseStore.scala:24: error: unbound placeholder parameter
[INFO] def get() = _
But when I replaced _ with ??? code executed successfully. I am just curious to know what is the difference between these two. As far as I know, _ provides default values so I assumed it would define an empty function here and return Nothing.

_ is a placeholder syntax, which is used to bind values. Placeholder syntax is used in many scenarios, for example:
In case of list:
val x = List(1,2,3,4,5)
//To print each value we can do:
x.map(res => println(res))
//Now, we can use placeholder syntax to bind res value.
Pattern matching:
val x = "some value"
x match {
case x:String => //convert to lowercase and print.
case res#_ => //here, type doesnot matter I just want to get that value and print as it is. println(res)
So, basically, you use placeholder syntax if you want to have the value without knowing its type.
On the other hand, ??? is assigned to method or variables as value in case you don't want to provide implementation.
e.g. def doSomething() => ???
here, doSomething() method is not implemented, and you need to provide or override implementation later. Note, that you cannot use variables/methods without implementations and you will get exception in case you try to invoke it. e.g. doSomething() will fail in above case.

If you want to use _ as a default value you need to provide a type of this value. For example var x: Any = _ will be initialized with null but var x: Int = _ will be initialized with 0.
Regarding ??? :
You can click on the definition of ??? in IDE:
def ??? : Nothing = throw new NotImplementedError
Since Nothing is a subtype of any given type, it works.


Scala pattern matching not working with Option[Seq[String]] [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I get around type erasure on Scala? Or, why can't I get the type parameter of my collections?
(11 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
I am new to Scala(2.13.8) and working on code to use pattern matching to handle a value in different ways, code is very simply like below
def getOption(o: Option[Any]): Unit = {
o match {
case l: Some[List[String]] => handleListData(l)
case _ => handleData(_)
The result is handleListData() been invoked for both input. Can someone help on what's wrong in my code?
As sarveshseri mentioned in the comments, the problem here is caused by type erasure. When you compile this code, scalac issues a warning:
[warn] /Users/tmoore/IdeaProjects/scala-scratch/src/main/scala/PatternMatch.scala:6:15: non-variable type argument List[String] in type pattern Some[List[String]] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn] case l: Some[List[String]] => handleListData(l)
[warn] ^
This is because the values of type parameters are not available at runtime due to erasure, so this case is equivalent to:
case l: Some[_] => handleListData(l.asInstanceOf[Some[List[String]]])
This may fail at runtime due to an automatically-inserted cast in handleListData, depending on how it actually uses its argument.
One thing you can do is take advantage of destructuring in the case pattern in order to do a runtime type check on the content of the Option:
case Some(l: List[_]) => handleListData(l)
This will work with a handleListData with a signature like this:
def handleListData(l: List[_]): Unit
Note that it unwraps the Option, which is most likely more useful than passing it along.
However, it does not check that the List contains strings. To do so would require inspecting each item in the list. The alternative is an unsafe cast, made with the assumption that the list contains strings. This opens up the possibility of runtime exceptions later if the list elements are cast to strings, and are in fact some other type.
This change also reveals a problem with the second case:
case _ => handleData(_)
This does not do what you probably think it does, and issues its own compiler warning:
warn] /Users/tmoore/IdeaProjects/scala-scratch/src/main/scala/PatternMatch.scala:7:28: a pure expression does nothing in statement position
[warn] case _ => handleData(_)
[warn] ^
What does this mean? It's telling us that this operation has no effect. It does not invoke the handleData method with o as you might think. This is because the _ character has special meaning in Scala, and that meaning depends on the context where it's used.
In the pattern match case _, it is a wildcard that means "match anything without binding the match to a variable". In the expression handleData(_) it is essentially shorthand for x => handleData(x). In other words, when this case is reached, it evaluates to a Function value that would invoke handleData when applied, and then discards that value without invoking it. The result is that any value of o that doesn't match the first case will have no effect, and handleData is never called.
This can be solved by using o in the call:
case _ => handleData(o)
or by assigning a name to the match:
case x => handleData(x)
Returning to the original problem: how can you call handleListData only when the argument contains a List[String]? Since the type parameter is erased at runtime, this requires some other kind of runtime type information to differentiate it. A common approach is to define a custom algebraic data type instead of using Option:
object PatternMatch {
sealed trait Data
case class StringListData(l: List[String]) extends Data
case class OtherData(o: Any) extends Data
def handle(o: Data): Unit = {
o match {
case StringListData(l) => handleListData(l)
case x => handleData(x)
def handleListData(l: List[String]): Unit = println(s"Handling string list data: $l")
def handleData(value: Any): Unit = println(s"Handling data: $value")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
PatternMatch.handle(StringListData(List("5555", "6666")))
PatternMatch.handle(OtherData(List(7777, 8888)))
PatternMatch.handle(OtherData(List("uh oh!")))
* Output:
* Handling data: OtherData(3)
* Handling string list data: List(5555, 6666)
* Handling data: OtherData(List(7777, 8888))
* Handling data: OtherData(List(uh oh!))
Note that it's still possible here to create an instance of OtherData that actually contains a List[String], in which case handleData is called instead of handleListData. You would need to be careful not to do this when creating the Data passed to handle. This is the best you can do if you really need to handle Any in the default case. You can also extend this pattern with other special cases by creating new subtypes of Data, including a case object to handle the "empty" case, if needed (similar to None for Option):
case object NoData extends Data
// ...
PatternMatch.handle(NoData) // prints: 'Handling data: NoData'

Error in lifting method to function

I have a method that with the implicit parameter. i get a error when i convert it to function in 2 case :
def action(implicit i:Int) = i + " in action"
val f = action _
then i get a StackOverflowError.
def action(implicit i:Int) = i + " in action"
val f = action(_)
then i get a error: missing parameter type
I must write like this :
val f = (i:Int) => action(i)
that's ok. And if the parameter of 'action' is not the implicit , all case are right. So how to explain , and what i miss ?
If you specify a parameter to a function to be implicit, you are inviting the compiler to supply the value of that parameter for you. So how does the compiler find those values? It looks for values of the same type (Int in your case) that have been declared as implicit values in a variety of scopes.
(For simplicity, I'll just use a local scope in this example, but you might want to read up on this topic. Programming in Scala, 3rd Ed is a good first step.)
Note that the names of the implicit values are ignored and have no bearing on proceedings, the compiler only looks at the types of implicit values. If multiple implicit values with the required type are found in the same scope, then the compiler will complain about ambiguous implicit values.
For example, the following provides a function with an implicit parameter and a default value for that parameter within the current scope:
def greetPerson(name: String)(implicit greeting: String) = s"$greeting $name!"
implicit val defaultGreeting = "Hello" // Implicit value to be used for greeting argument.
val y = greetPerson("Bob") // Equivalent to greetPerson("Bob")(defaultGreeting).
val z = greetPerson("Fred")("Hi")
Note that y is just a String value of "Hello Bob!", and z is a string with the value "Hi Fred!"; neither of them are functions.
Also note that greetPerson is a curried function. This is because implicit parameters cannot be mixed with regular, non-implicit parameters in the same parameter list.
In general, it's bad practice to use common types (Int, Boolean, String, etc.) as values for implicit parameters. In a big program, there might be a lot of different implicit values in your scope, and you might pick up an unexpected value. For that reason, it's standard practice to wrap such values in a case class instead.
If you're trying to create a value that supplies some of the arguments of another function (that is, a partially applied function), then that would look something like this:
def greetPerson(greeting: String, name: String) = s"$greeting $name!"
val sayHello = greetPerson("Hello", _: String)
val y = sayHello("Bob") // "Hello Bob!"
val sayHi = greetPerson("Hi", _: String)
val z = sayHi("Fred") // "Hi Fred!"
In both cases, we're creating partially applied functions (sayHi and sayHello) that call greetPerson with the greeting parameter specified, but which allow us to specify the name parameter. Both sayHello and sayHi are still only values, but their values are partially applied functions rather than constants.
Depending upon your circumstances, I think the latter case may suit you better...
I would also read up on how the underscore character (_) is used in Scala. In a partially applied function declaration, it corresponds to the arguments that will be provided later. But it has a lot of other uses too. I think there's no alternative to reading up on Scala and learning how and when to use them.

Why does creating a map function whose parameter is of type `Nothing => U` appear to work?

I'm writing Scala code that uses an API where calls to the API can either succeed, fail, or return an exception. I'm trying to make an ApiCallResult monad to represent this, and I'm trying to make use of the Nothing type so that the failure and exception cases can be treated as a subtype of any ApiCallResult type, similar to None or Nil. What I have so far appears to work, but my use of Nothing in the map and flatMap functions has me confused. Here's a simplified example of what I have with just the map implementation:
sealed trait ApiCallResult[+T] {
def map[U]( f: T => U ): ApiCallResult[U]
case class ResponseException(exception: APICallExceptionReturn) extends ApiCallResult[Nothing] {
override def map[U]( f: Nothing => U ) = this
case object ResponseFailure extends ApiCallResult[Nothing] {
override def map[U]( f: Nothing => U ) = ResponseFailure
case class ResponseSuccess[T](payload: T) extends ApiCallResult[T] {
override def map[U]( f: T => U ) = ResponseSuccess( f(payload) )
val s: ApiCallResult[String] = ResponseSuccess("foo")
s.map( _.size ) // evaluates to ResponseSuccess(3)
val t: ApiCallResult[String] = ResponseFailure
t.map( _.size ) // evaluates to ResponseFailure
So it appears to work the way I intended with map operating on successful results but passing failures and exceptions along unchanged. However using Nothing as the type of an input parameter makes no sense to me since there is no instance of the Nothing type. The _.size function in the example has type String => Int, how can that be safely passed to something that expects Nothing => U? What's really going on here?
I also notice that the Scala standard library avoids this issue when implementing None by letting it inherit the map function from Option. This only furthers my sense that I'm somehow doing something horribly wrong.
Three things are aligning to make this happen, all having to do with covariance and contravariance in the face of a bottom type:
Nothing is the bottom type for all types, e.g. every type is its super.
The type signature of Function1[-T, +R], meaning it accepts any type which is a super of T and returns any type for which R is a super.
The type ApiCallResult[+R] means any type U for which R is a super of U is valid.
So any type is a super of Nothing means both any argument type is valid and the fact that you return something typed around Nothing is a valid return type.
I suggest that you don't need to distinguish failures and exceptions most of the time.
type ApiCallResult[+T] = Try[T]
case class ApiFailure() extends Throwable
val s: ApiCallResult[String] = Success("this is a string")
val t: ApiCallResult[String] = Failure(new ApiFailure)
To pick up the failure, use a match to select the result:
t match {
case Success(s) =>
case Failure(af: ApiFailure) =>
case Failure(x) =>

Strange implicit def with function parameter behaviour in Scala

I've written a simple code in Scala with implicit conversion of Function1 to some case class.
object MyApp extends App{
case class FunctionContainer(val function:AnyRef)
implicit def cast(function1: Int => String):FunctionContainer = new FunctionContainer(function1)
def someFunction(i:Int):String = "someString"
def abc(f : FunctionContainer):String = "abc"
But it doesn't work. Compiler doesn't want to pass someFunction as an argument to abc. I can guess its reasons but don't know exactly why it doesn't work.
When you use a method name as you have, the compiler has to pick how to convert the method type to a value. If the expected type is a function, then it eta-expands; otherwise it supplies empty parens to invoke the method. That is described here in the spec.
But it wasn't always that way. Ten years ago, you would have got your function value just by using the method name.
The new online spec omits the "Change Log" appendix, so for the record, here is the moment when someone got frustrated with parens and introduced the current rules. (See Scala Reference 2.9, page 181.)
This has not eliminated all irksome anomalies.
The rules for implicit conversions of methods to functions (§6.26) have been tightened. Previously, a parameterized method used as a value was always implicitly converted to a function. This could lead to unexpected results when method arguments were forgotten. Consider for instance the statement below:
where show is defined as follows:
def show(x: String) = Console.println(x)
Most likely, the programmer forgot to supply an empty argument list () to toString. The previous Scala version would treat this code as a partially applied method, and expand it to:
show(() => x.toString())
As a result, the address of a closure would be printed instead of the value of s. Scala version 2.0 will apply a conversion from partially applied method to function value only if the expected type of the expression is indeed a function type. For instance, the conversion would not be applied in the code above because the expected type of show’s parameter is String, not a function type. The new convention disallows some previously legal code. Example:
def sum(f: int => double)(a: int, b: int): double =
if (a > b) 0 else f(a) + sum(f)(a + 1, b)
val sumInts = sum(x => x) // error: missing arguments
The partial application of sum in the last line of the code above will not be converted to a function type. Instead, the compiler will produce an error message which states that arguments for method sum are missing. The problem can be fixed by providing an expected type for the partial application, for instance by annotating the definition of sumInts with its type:
val sumInts: (int, int) => double = sum(x => x) // OK
On the other hand, Scala version 2.0 now automatically applies methods with empty parameter lists to () argument lists when necessary. For instance, the show expression above will now be expanded to
Your someFunction appears as a method here.
You could try either
object MyApp extends App{
case class FunctionContainer(val function:AnyRef)
implicit def cast(function1: Int => String):FunctionContainer = new FunctionContainer(function1)
val someFunction = (i:Int) => "someString"
def abc(f : FunctionContainer):String = "abc"
object MyApp extends App{
case class FunctionContainer(val function:AnyRef)
implicit def cast(function1: Int => String):FunctionContainer = new FunctionContainer(function1)
def someFunction(i:Int): String = "someString"
def abc(f : FunctionContainer):String = "abc"
println(abc(someFunction(_: Int)))
By the way: implicitly casting such common functions to something else can quickly lead to problems. Are you absolutely sure that you need this? Wouldn't it be easier to overload abc?
You should use eta-expansion
println(abc(someFunction _))

Declare a null var in Scala

I have read that null should not be used in scala.
How can I leave myVar uninitialized without the use of null?
class TestClass {
private var myVar: MyClass = null
I understand I can just make a dummy MyClass, that is never used in place of the null. But this can and does reduce the code's understandability.
As Rado has explained I can change null as shown below. I understand that I can now check to see if the variable is set during run-time, however, if I don't program that check then there is no benefit of using Option in this case.
Coming from Java, I feel there should be a way to simply leave the var uninitialized at compile-time and let it set during run-time without using the Option class, because as I mentioned above, if I don't code for the unset case then why use Option?
class TestClass {
private var myVar: Option[MyClass] = None
private def createVar() {
myVar = Some(new MyClass)
x: MyClass = myVar.get
I am thinking the only other way of doing what I am asking is:
class TestClass {
// Using dummy MyClass that will never be used.
private var myVar: MyClass = new MyClass
private def process(myVar: MyClass) {
this.myVar = myVar
The Scala way is to declare the variable as Option[MyClass]:
class TestClass {
private var myVar: Option[MyClass] = None
private def createVar() {
myVar = Some(new MyClass)
// Usage example:
def useMyVar(): Unit = {
myVar match {
case Some(myClass) => {
// Use myClass here ...
case None => // What to do if myVar is undefined?
That way you avoid NullPointerException. You make it explicit that the variable can be in undefined state. Everytime you use the myVar you have to define what to do if it is undefined.
I need myVar to be of type MyClass not Option[MyClass]. I see that I
could use Rado's updated answer and then use the get method, but is
there any other way?
When you use Option you can telling the compiler and everyone else who will read/use your code that it's okay not to define this value and the code will handle that condition and not fail at runtime.
The other way of dealing with is to do null checks every time before you access the variable because it could be null and therefore throw an exception at runtime.
When you use Option, the compiler will tell you if at compile time that you have not handled a condition where the value of a variable maybe undefined.
If you think about it, it's really a big deal. you have converted a runtime exception (which is deterministic) to a compile-time error.
If you want to extract the value out of something like an Option (which supports map and also flatMap), then you don't necessarily have to keep doing pattern matching on whether or not the Option contains a value (i.e. is a "Some") or not (i.e. is a "None").
Two methods are very useful - if you want just alter (or "map") the value within the Option then you can use the map method, which takes a function with a general type of:
f: A => B
so in your case at compile time would end up being:
f: MyClass => B
When you map an option, if the option is a "Some" then the contained value is passed through to the mapping function, and the function is applied (to change the MyClass to a B if you like...) and the result is passed back wrapped in an Option. If your Option is a None, then you just get a None back.
Here's a simple example:
scala> case class MyClass(value : String)
defined class MyClass
scala> val emptyOption : Option[MyClass] = None
emptyOption: Option[MyClass] = None
scala> val nonEmptyOption = Some(new MyClass("Some value"))
nonEmptyOption: Option[MyClass] = Some(MyClass(Some value)
Try and extract the value from both option instances using map:
scala> nonEmptyOption map { s => s.value + " mapped" }
res10: Option[String] = Some(Some value mapped)
scala> emptyOption map { s => s.value }
res11: Option[String] = None
So basically, if you map across an empty option, you always get a None. Map across a non-empty Option and you can extract the contained value and transform it and get the result wrapped back in an Option. Notice that you don't need to explicitly check any patterns...the map method takes care of it.
Flatmap is a bit more challenging to explain, but it basically isn't massively different except that it takes a function which has type:
g: A => M[B]
which basically allows you to take the value out of the Option (the 'A' in the type signature above), do something to it (i.e. a computation) and then return the result ('B') - wrapped in another container such as another Option, List...
The same notion (across Option anyway) that if the Option is a None then nothing really happens still applies. flatMap and map form the basis of Scala "for comprehensions" which you can read about (and are done far more justice than I could!!) in lots of other places.