Get business name from google place api in Unity - unity3d

I've been looking around the google place api documentation for days but still struggle finding a way to get the exact business name of the location for example MacDonald, Starbucks, etc.
So far I can only get the address by using reverse geocoding api.
Please help, your suggestions will be a big help for me.
Appreciate it!
Thank you.


How to add IP lookup commands to discord.js bot

Im trying to make and IP lookup bot that just shows as much information possible about the looked up ip, for example you would type something like:
-ip [ip here]
and the bot would return in an embed:
**[IP/Header Here]**
In the future I would like to add rockstar social club lookup as well (I assume its almost the exact same code.)
note: im making this bot for fun and dont plan to use it maliciously
I do know some knowledge about discord.js in general (as im developing a separate bot) but for something like this I have 0 prior knowledge so any other npm modules etc I need to install, please let me know :D
Thanks in advance for the help
You're probably looking for an API that'll give you info about the IP. Take a look at not recommending them in particular, just the first one I found. You can find a lot more with a simple google search.

Is it possible to assign a phone number to a server without a third party tool?

I have been planning a long-term development project and a major requirement for the project is to be able to have a server receive text messages.
I know about services such as Twilio and Plivo, but I'm wondering if there's another way to create this functionality without going through a paid service.
I guess a good starter question would be: How do Twilio and Plivo do it and is there some sort of way I can recreate this myself?
I am willing to do all the research and studying necessary to figure it out, but I'm not sure where to start.
If anyone can lead me in the right direction or give me some sort of insight on this, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Is it possible to share revenue with uber intergrated app for every trip of a rider?

I am exploring uber api and i need to found out if such an application can develop which can share rider's revenue with the integrated app on each trip .
No, it is not possible. Check out our affiliate program for more details about earning with the Uber API.
Right, I'm a little confused by the wording of "integrated app", but I'll just link the API endpoints you should take a look at to see if they satisfy what you need for developing your own application. If this isn't helpful, just say so and I or someone else will try and help further.
If you want to look at riders, the best way I can think of is to use the history to get a list of user recent rides and then request a receipt for every request_id in the history.
If you want to look at drivers, you can just look at all earnings that are given to a specific driver.
If someone wants to correct me on better ways to do this, feel free.
EDIT: Dustin knows better than me!

How to find Location using Zipcode?

I am new iphone developer,please help to can i find particular shops list in particular Zip Code.. that means i need to place pins in Some shops by searching Zipcode
Thanks in advance
I'm not sure there's a definitive "Right Way" to do what you're asking, but if it were me...
I would probably use Google's Places API to get a list of so-called Places (I gather this includes a fairly comprehensive list of businesses, as well as other points of interest) near the user. The API requires lat/long coordinates to resolve the list, you could either get that data from the user's iOS device (I don't develop for this platform so I can't give specifics) using Apple's location API, or if you really want to do a lookup by zipcode you might want to look at Google's Geocoding API. Keep in mind that Google's services are by no means the only game in town, and there are certainly other ways to do what you ask. But if it was me, this seems like the simplest solution

Are there free webservices that I can use to fetch data in combination with Core Location

I am new to GPS.If i send "hotels" in label , any free webservice is available to see them as map?any tutorial please? is there any free webservice to give location name if i give current latitude & longitude values?
Taking your questions one by one :
is there any free webservice to give location name if i give current latitude & longitude values?
This is called reverse geocoding and it's in the SDK already - check out the docs here.
any free webservice available to see them as a map
A quick google search for 'hotels api' found a few results for hotels data feeds like this one.
You will also need to read the documentation for MKMapView - there are a few sample apps linked from that page that it's worth downloading and seeing how they work.
any tutorial please
Google for it - a quick search for 'map kit tutorial' returns this as the first link.
PS One of the best ways to get your question ignored is to ask more than one thing at once - you've asked three questions here and seem to have made no effort to find out the answers yourself first - people generally don't like that (take a look at the comments if you don't believe me!)
If you have more than one question, ask them separately here on stack overflow and give some examples of things that you have tried already :)