Why is ml-engine functions present in Google Client API library instead of Google Cloud client library? - google-api-client

https://cloud.google.com/ml-engine/docs/tutorials/python-guide says ml-engine library in present in Google Client API library. Since Google Cloud client library is tailor-made for cloud applications, it should have had it no?

The difference is that the client library is essentially autogenerated from REST API while the Google Cloud one is handwritten to follow idiomatic usage for each language. So, usually the client API has wider language coverage and is immediately available. The Cloud API for specific languages are created if there is sufficient need.
So, I guess what I am saying is that you should provide feedback to the cloudml team on which language you'd like Google Cloud API for ml-engine.


MATLAB Rest API/Rest API Web Service and Matlab Production Server

A consulting client will provide a REST API and I need to connect to it through a locally installed on-premises Matlab (not Matlab Production Server), download and crunch some data and then send the results back.
I don't have experience with REST API yet so please excuse if I am mixing terms.
Right now I am trying to understand which is the relevant documentation for me and there are two options I am looking at:
The methods listed here - https://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/internet-file-access.html?s_tid=CRUX_lftnav , all relate to a RESTful Web Service. I don't know yet if the client has a REST API that can be categorized as a web service (I am going to use it to access some client data) - would anybody know what the 'standard' use case for a REST API is and if it will likely be considered as a 'web service'? I guess the 'web' service part refers to the HTTP protocol and it does need to be a website?
Then there is a bunch of documentation related specifically for the Matlab Production Server, which seems to me to be a more general version of dealing with REST APIs - https://nl.mathworks.com/help/mps/restful-api-and-json.html
However, if I understand it well, the second option is exclusive to MPS (and this is not what we will be using to access the API - we will be using standard Matlab Standalone desktop version)
Appreciate any help and clarifications!
p.s. I have read REST api vs REST Webservice vs RESTFul web service and that has cleared some questions on the difference between REST Api and REST API web service but it is still somewhat unclear in my head.
Sounds like you want to use webread and webwrite.
The MPS stuff is where MATLAB acts as the REST API, i.e. MATLAB is the server...
With webread and webwrite you can read/write data to/from an external server that's nothing to do with MATLAB.

What is the difference betweeen: aws-sdk/clients/appsync and aws-appsync?

Can anyone please tell me what is the difference between:
aws-sdk/clients/appsync, and aws-appsync
According to the doc, aws-sdk/clients/appsync is used because just including aws-sdk is too large when we just need appsync, we use aws-sdk/clients/appsync.
However, aws-appsync seems also doing the same thing. When I create a client using aws-sdk/clients/appsync, there is no hydrated() function while aws-appsync has.
Why can't we simplify everything by just using aws-sdk/clients/<any_aws_package> and break everything that did not use it?
What is the point of separating something that is similar?
Thank you very much in advance for all your help.
difference between: aws-sdk/clients/appsync, and aws-appsync
GraphQL originated at Facebook and the React/React Native apps used react-apollo to talk to the GraphQL based APIs.
AWS AppSync is the AWS offering for GraphQL. aws-sdk/clients/appsync is the JS SDK to invoke various AppSync management/control APIs (like create GraphQL API, create data source etc). Not sure if they also provided apis to consume the GraphQL based api.
aws-appsync is the way to consume AppSync backed GraphQL APIs. It plays well with react-apollo which is now moved to apollo-client.
There is another high level JS library from AWS Amplify, which is used to consume AppSync backed GraphQL APIs.
aws-sdk/clients/appsync is used because just including aws-sdk is too
The initial release of the aws-sdk (Github repo here) contained the clients for all the AWS services and more. You need to install aws-sdk and you can talk to pretty much all the AWS services by initialising the clients for them. Obvisously it was not so good in terms of packaging JS bundles, the library was also not very modular.
Now the latest version V3 (rewritten using TypeScript) which is GA now, moves the clients to individual npm packages i.e. you need to only install the client you need e.g. npm i #aws-sdk/client-appsync instead of npm i aws-sdk. Learn more about it here. If you are getting started use the V3 packages.
Why can't we simplify everything by just using
aws-sdk/clients/<any_aws_package> and break everything that did not
use it?
It is the case with the V3 JS SDK.
What is the point of separating something that is similar?
They are not similar. One is used to consume the GraphQL based APIs (provided by AppSync) and the other is to manage AppSync itself. The V3 packages follow this very strictly while the earlier versions may have some utility code/ high level abstractions along with the core AWS apis.

Is there an OpenAPI or other API Specification for the Amazon Connect API?

I'm looking to get familiar with the Amazon Connect API. I've seen the reference below but it's difficult to use for me because the navigation is a flat, alphabetical list of endpoints ordered by action instead of resource. Of note, the endpoints are alphabetized beginning with "Delete", Get", "List", "Update" and others, while it would be great to have these grouped by resource.
I'd like to reorganize the docs which can be done by editing an OpenAPI or other API specification and adding tags for each operation. I looked though the reference and conducted a few searches unsuccessfully.
I'm using the following API Reference:
Any other spec format such as RAML or a proprietary format would be okay as well. For example, Google provides their own "Google Discovery Format" which can be converted to OpenAPI. The following is mentioned at https://googleapis.github.io/ .
We recommend using OpenAPI and OpenAPI-based tools for working with Google’s REST APIs. Several tools for converting Google Discovery Format to OpenAPI have been published:
google-discovery-to-swagger, an MIT-licensed open source script for converting Google Discovery format into Swagger 2.0.
API Spec Converter, an online converter from LucyBot.
The API Transformer from APIMatic.
Google’s OpenAPI tools include gnostic, a front-end for OpenAPI tools that reads OpenAPI descriptions, puts them in an efficient binary representation, and allows efficient plugins and standalone tools to be easily written in any programming language with Protocol Buffer support.
Is there an OpenAPI or other spec available for this API? If there is, I'd like to update it with tags and then render it in an easier to consume format.
Update: Aossey notes that Amazon doesn't publish OpenAPI specs for their APIs. To address this, I've started to assemble some information in the repo below, potentially resulting in an OpenAPI spec. Feel free to contribute.
The short answer is no, there is no OpenAPI spec for these APIs.
These functions (listed in the docs you linked) are implemented in AWS SDK and the AWS CLI. While there are underlying HTTP endpoints, they are not easily consumable in the way you're most likely looking for. The SDK and CLI take care of authentication/authorization (via IAM service) and request signing for you, which you would have to implement yourself if you were going to leverage the endpoints directly.

Where is the documentation for the Google Analytics API JavaScript client library?

I have spent days looking for proper comprehensive documentation for the JavaScript client library for the Google Analytics API. The only bits I could find was this page: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v4/rest/ which has all of ~20 completely uninformative words on the page, and https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v4/quickstart/web-js, which does have some actual JavaScript, but nothing like documentation. It just illustrates two or three functions using the client API.
Is there nowhere that they actually list the full API? How are we supposed to know what functionality is available?!
Then there are the pages in this section: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v4/basics#request_body which list a lot of query samples, but don't explain how to use any of this in a client library. Is there any practical information on how to get started with accessing the Analytics API anywhere?
The Analytics API is language agnostic, the google js client library docs apply to all of Google's APIs. Every client libarary is built around the discovery service API which describes the entirety of whats is available.
V3 API discovery call
Analytics Reporting Discovery call
How to use a client library is centrally documented and applies to every Google API.
Analytics Specific
There are lots of languages and client libraries and the Analytics API team cannot support every language. Instead they make available comprehensive reference docs which describe what endpoints are available. Once you learn how to use a particular client library calling the individual API endpoints happen in the same why.
That being said every endpoint they have is documented in JS.
The Analytics Mangement API is well documented in JavaScript. the Open source Google deomos and tools is built with it.
The Analytics Reporting API Samples page has documentated examples in JavaScript. You even linked to a Quickstart guide which should help you understand how to use the client library.
Can you expound more on what you'd expect in terms of documentation?
Final tip
If you load the analytics client library
gapi.client.load('analytics', 'v3').then(...)
In the chrome console you can then just start playing with it dynamically:
gapi.client.analytics.managment.[hit tab]
will list all the management API methods available.

Need help getting started with making REST services using GAE

I've just started on a small project to create some REST services using Google App Engine and Java. I'm new to both technologies, but I've done some reading on both. I'm familiar with SOAP (have used them previously), and I think I understand the conceptual differences between REST and SOAP.
Currently I need info regarding two things:
1) I'm trying to find some tutorial which builds a simple REST service from scratch for deploying on Google App Engine (GAE). The simpler the better, but it should have at least a few routing options. I don't need any UI, if that matters.
2) Which RESTful Framework should I use with Google App Engine. Again, simplicity is what I'd like, and something which has tutorials and a newcomer can easily grasp.
My ultimate goal is to just write a REST wrapper with multiple routing options, which eventual consumes some pre-existing SOAP services and returns their results.
Have you checked out Google Cloud Endpoints for creating a REST service? Its pretty simple and straightforward, also has support for OAuth.
I would give Jello framework a try. It offers a clean, and simple to follow, JSON format and provides a very powerful and comprehensive RESTful implementation that follows the OData specification.
Here is Jello's REST development guide: http://jello-framework.com/guide/rest.html