Levenshtein distance in Swift3 - swift

I'm using a tutorial from Rosetta Code to calculate Levenshtein distance. It seems their code is in Swift2 so I get this error Binary operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type '[Int]' and 'Repeated<String.CharacterView>' when doing this: var cur = [i + 2] + empty where let empty = repeatElement(s, count: 0). How can I go about this?

There were a couple of changes to make.
The construction of the Array empty.
enumerate() is now enumerated()
successor() doesn't exist anymore so I replaced it with +1
So the function is now
Swift 4:
func levDis(_ w1: String, _ w2: String) -> Int {
let empty = [Int](repeating:0, count: w2.count)
var last = [Int](0...w2.count)
for (i, char1) in w1.enumerated() {
var cur = [i + 1] + empty
for (j, char2) in w2.enumerated() {
cur[j + 1] = char1 == char2 ? last[j] : min(last[j], last[j + 1], cur[j]) + 1
last = cur
return last.last!
Swift 3:
func levDis(w1: String, w2: String) -> Int {
let (t, s) = (w1.characters, w2.characters)
let empty = Array<Int>(repeating:0, count: s.count)
var last = [Int](0...s.count)
for (i, tLett) in t.enumerated() {
var cur = [i + 1] + empty
for (j, sLett) in s.enumerated() {
cur[j + 1] = tLett == sLett ? last[j] : min(last[j], last[j + 1], cur[j])+1
last = cur
return last.last!

Updated and improved answer to Swift 4, based on #Spads answer.
extension String {
func levenshteinDistanceScore(to string: String, ignoreCase: Bool = true, trimWhiteSpacesAndNewLines: Bool = true) -> Float {
var firstString = self
var secondString = string
if ignoreCase {
firstString = firstString.lowercased()
secondString = secondString.lowercased()
if trimWhiteSpacesAndNewLines {
firstString = firstString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
secondString = secondString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
let empty = [Int](repeating:0, count: secondString.count)
var last = [Int](0...secondString.count)
for (i, tLett) in firstString.enumerated() {
var cur = [i + 1] + empty
for (j, sLett) in secondString.enumerated() {
cur[j + 1] = tLett == sLett ? last[j] : Swift.min(last[j], last[j + 1], cur[j])+1
last = cur
// maximum string length between the two
let lowestScore = max(firstString.count, secondString.count)
if let validDistance = last.last {
return 1 - (Float(validDistance) / Float(lowestScore))
return 0.0
infix operator =~
func =~(string: String, otherString: String) -> Bool {
return string.levenshteinDistanceScore(to: otherString) >= 0.85

func ~=(string: String, otherString: String) -> Bool {
return string.levenshteinDistanceScore(to: otherString) >= 0.85

Since #Daniel Illescas answer is not working, here is working version with Int return type and with assert.
extension String {
func levenshteinDistance(to string: String, ignoreCase: Bool = true, trimWhiteSpacesAndNewLines: Bool = true) -> Int {
var firstString = self
var secondString = string
if ignoreCase {
firstString = firstString.lowercased()
secondString = secondString.lowercased()
if trimWhiteSpacesAndNewLines {
firstString = firstString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
secondString = secondString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
let empty = [Int](repeating: 0, count: secondString.count)
var last = [Int](0...secondString.count)
for (i, tLett) in firstString.enumerated() {
var cur = [i + 1] + empty
for (j, sLett) in secondString.enumerated() {
cur[j + 1] = tLett == sLett ? last[j] : Swift.min(last[j], last[j + 1], cur[j]) + 1
last = cur
if let validDistance = last.last {
return validDistance
return 0


Karatsuba multiplication in swift

I was trying to implement Karatsuba multiplication in swift. I wrote the below code and it is working fine for some smaller numbers but as the number gets bigger this code fails to give the correct answer. I have debugged in every possible way I can but could not find the bug. Algorithm wise I think I did correctly write the code. And the code is working fine for smaller numbers. But the final answer is wrong for bigger numbers. If anyone out there can crack down the mistake I'm making, pls do help me
func findMultiplication(x: String, y: String) -> String {
if isZero(str: x) || isZero(str: y) {
return "0"
var x = removeLeadingZeros(number: x)
var y = removeLeadingZeros(number: y)
if x.count < 2 || y.count < 2 {
let result = Int(x)!*Int(y)!
return String(result)
var middleIndexX: String.Index
var middleIndexY: String.Index
var middleIndex: Int
if x.count >= y.count {
y = addLeftPaddingZeros(numberOfZeros: x.count-y.count, for: y)
middleIndex = x.count / 2
if x.count % 2 != 0 {
middleIndex += 1
} else {
x = addLeftPaddingZeros(numberOfZeros: y.count-x.count, for: x)
middleIndex = y.count / 2
if y.count % 2 != 0 {
middleIndex += 1
middleIndexX = x.index(x.startIndex, offsetBy: middleIndex)
middleIndexY = y.index(y.startIndex, offsetBy: middleIndex)
let a = String(x[x.startIndex..<middleIndexX])
let b = String(x[middleIndexX..<x.endIndex])
let c = String(y[y.startIndex..<middleIndexY])
let d = String(y[middleIndexY..<y.endIndex])
let ac = findMultiplication(x: a, y: c)
let bd = findMultiplication(x: b, y: d)
let aPb = Int(a)! + Int(b)!
let cPd = Int(c)! + Int(d)!
let gauss = findMultiplication(x: String(aPb), y: String(cPd))
let thirdItem = String(Int(gauss)! - Int(ac)! - Int(bd)!)
var returnSum = 0
returnSum += Int(addLeftPaddingZeros(numberOfZeros: x.count, for: ac, isLeft: false)) ?? 0
returnSum += Int(addLeftPaddingZeros(numberOfZeros: middleIndex, for: thirdItem, isLeft: false)) ?? 0
returnSum += Int(bd) ?? 0
return String(returnSum)
print(findMultiplication(x: "123400", y: "123711"))
func removeLeadingZeros(number: String) -> String {
var number = number
while number.first == "0" {
if number == "" {
return "0"
return number
//The function name is given like this only. BUt his will help to add padding zero in left and right also
func addLeftPaddingZeros(numberOfZeros: Int, for str: String, isLeft: Bool = true) -> String {
var padding = ""
for _ in 0 ..< numberOfZeros {
padding += "0"
if isLeft {
return padding+str
} else {
return str + padding
func isZero(str: String) -> Bool {
for char in str {
if char != "0" {
return false
return true

Task from the interview. How we would solve it?

Convert String in this way
let initialString = "atttbcdddd"
// result must be like this "at3bcd4"
But repetition must be more than 2. For example, if we have "aa" the result will be "aa", but if we have "aaa", the result will be "a3"
One more example:
let str = "aahhhgggg"
//result "aah3g4"
My try:
func encrypt(_ str: String) -> String {
let char = str.components(separatedBy: "t") //must input the character
var count = char.count - 1
var string = ""
return string
if i input "ttttt" it will return "t5" but i should input the character
What you are looking for is the “Run-length encoding”. Note that this is not an encryption!
Here is a possible implementation (explanations inline):
func runLengthEncode(_ str: String) -> String {
var result = ""
var pos = str.startIndex // Start index of current run
while pos != str.endIndex {
let char = str[pos]
// Find index of next run (or `endIndex` if there is none):
let next = str[pos...].firstIndex(where: { $0 != char }) ?? str.endIndex
// Compute the length of the current run:
let length = str.distance(from: pos, to: next)
// Append compressed output to the result:
result.append(length <= 2 ? String(repeating: char, count: length) : "\(char)\(length)")
pos = next // ... and continue with next run
return result
print(runLengthEncode("atttbcdddd")) // at3bcd4
print(runLengthEncode("aahhhgggg")) // aah3g4
print(runLengthEncode("abbbaaa")) // ab3a3
Checkout this :
func convertString(_ input : String) -> String {
let allElements = Array(input)
let uniqueElements = Array(NSOrderedSet(array: allElements)) as! [Character]
var outputString = ""
for uniqueChar in uniqueElements {
var count = 0
for char in allElements {
if char == uniqueChar {
if count > 2 {
outputString += "\(uniqueChar)\(count)"
} else if count == 2 {
outputString += "\(uniqueChar)\(uniqueChar)"
} else {
outputString += "\(uniqueChar)"
return outputString
Input : convertString("atttbcdddd")
Output : at3bcd4
I've tried it before for one of the interview and also I think you too :). However, very simple way to do it is just go through step by step of code.
let initialString = "atttbcdddd"
var previousChar: Character = " "
var output = ""
var i = 1 // Used to count the repeated charaters
var counter = 0 // To check the last character has been reached
//Going through each character
for char in initialString {
//Increase the characters counter to check the last element has been reached. If it is, add the character to output.
counter += 1
if previousChar == char { i += 1 }
else {
output = output + (i == 1 ? "\(previousChar)" : "\(previousChar)\(i)")
i = 1
if initialString.count == counter {
output = output + (i == 1 ? "\(previousChar)" : "\(previousChar)\(i)")
previousChar = char
let finalOutput = output.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
let initialString = "atttbcdddd"
let myInitialString = initialString + " "
var currentLetter: Character = " "
var currentCount = 1
var answer = ""
for (_, char) in myInitialString.enumerated(){
if char == currentLetter {
currentCount += 1
} else {
if currentCount > 1 {
answer += String(currentCount)
answer += String(char)
currentCount = 1
currentLetter = char
Use reduce here.
func exp(_ s : String, _ term: String) -> String{ //term_inator: Any Char not in the Sequence.
guard let first = s.first else {return ""}
return """
\(s.dropFirst().appending(term).reduce(("\(first)",1)){ r, c in
let t = c == r.0.last!
let tc = t ? r.1 : 0
let tb = t ? "" : "\(c)"
let ta = t ? "" : r.1 > 2 ? "\(r.1)" : r.1 == 2 ? "\(r.0.last!)" : ""
return (r.0 + ta + tb, tc + 1)
print(exp(initialString, " "))
let initialString = "abbbaaa" // ab3a3
let initialString = "aahhhgggg" // aah3g4
let initialString = "aabbaa" // aabbaa

string replace substring without NSString API

I would like to be able to find and replace occurrences of a substring in a native Swift string without bridging to the NS class. How can I accomplish this?
This is not a duplicate of this question, as that question is about replacing a single character. This question is about finding and replacing a substring, which may contain many characters.
Method without Foundation:
extension String {
func replacing(_ oldString: String, with newString: String) -> String {
guard !oldString.isEmpty, !newString.isEmpty else { return self }
let charArray = Array(self.characters)
let oldCharArray = Array(oldString.characters)
let newCharArray = Array(newString.characters)
var matchedChars = 0
var resultCharArray = [Character]()
for char in charArray {
if char == oldCharArray[matchedChars] {
matchedChars += 1
if matchedChars == oldCharArray.count {
resultCharArray.append(contentsOf: newCharArray)
matchedChars = 0
} else {
for i in 0 ..< matchedChars {
if char == oldCharArray[0] {
matchedChars = 1
} else {
matchedChars = 0
return String(resultCharArray)
Example usage:
let myString = "Hello World HelHelloello Hello HellHellooo"
print(myString.replacing("Hello", with: "Hi"))
Hi World HelHiello Hi HellHioo
Method using Foundation:
You can use the replacingOccurrences method on the String struct.
let myString = "Hello World"
let newString = myString.replacingOccurrences(of: "World", with: "Everyone")
print(newString) // prints "Hello Everyone"
generic and pure Swift approach
func splitBy<T: RangeReplaceableCollection>(_ s:T, by:T)->[T] where T.Iterator.Element:Equatable {
var tmp = T()
var res = [T]()
var i:T.IndexDistance = 0
let count = by.count
var pc:T.Iterator.Element {
get {
i %= count
let idx = by.index(by.startIndex, offsetBy: i)
return by[idx]
for sc in s {
if sc != pc {
i = 0
if sc != pc {
} else {
i = i.advanced(by: 1)
} else {
i = i.advanced(by: 1)
if i == count {
tmp.removeSubrange(tmp.index(tmp.endIndex, offsetBy: -i)..<tmp.endIndex)
return res
func split(_ s:String, by:String)->[String] {
return splitBy(s.characters, by: by.characters).map(String.init)
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self.Iterator.Element: Equatable {
func split(by : Self)->[Self] {
return splitBy(self, by: by)
how to use it?
let str = "simple text where i would like to replace something with anything"
let pat = "something"
let rep = "anything"
let s0 = str.characters.split(by: pat.characters).map(String.init)
let res = s0.joined(separator: rep)
print(res) // simple text where i would like to replace anything with anything
let res2 = split(str, by: pat).joined(separator: rep)
print(res2) // simple text where i would like to replace anything with anything
let arr = [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3]
let p = [4,1]
print(arr.split(by: p)) // [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3]]

LeetCode 299. Bulls and Cows, Swift Code

The OJ page is: 299. Bulls and Cows, Swift Code
My Swift Code is:
func getHint(secret: String, _ guess: String) -> String
let count = secret.characters.count
var ans = ""
var countA = 0
var countB = 0
var numsCount = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in 0 ..< count
let curSecretIndex = secret.startIndex.advancedBy(i)
let curGuessIndex = guess.startIndex.advancedBy(i)
if secret[curSecretIndex] == guess[curGuessIndex]
countA += 1
let curSecretNum = Int(String(secret[curSecretIndex]))!
let curGuessNum = Int(String(guess[curGuessIndex]))!
if numsCount[curSecretNum] > 0
countB += 1
if numsCount[curGuessNum] < 0
countB += 1
numsCount[curSecretNum] -= 1
numsCount[curGuessNum] += 1
ans = String(countA) + "A" + String(countB) + "B"
return ans
The result it 'Time Limit Exceeded' when running the case:
"6342125515600209181500897947396070342608717883958593622428977819470145518981094482423670643602640743135109789842055897996388630146186752661167826378847934464616412304716111808304498782005822162883686211337836911445498225004774354586168838560300965168000411392051373086314099651372076489284613220040070817961103856849197569739439674339914883676284322398392068700339678002599137137279304395401279115346633764844174685348142841166612675248803215000249557405129671377750613405565000541484366826871257668988459106913268432182614110919996681746630972155917317871065083728781479655332598828637865325616648485574880796687189161689539391392553041342138974604486863793131125744568750189486989526831390549186801009323526430712299903383659261758477604285513561656265905238724724774327396452598472436892619082685728038313372432807929513713314602774582152430611189205157910570001968051407417723280898588867721259234562110839321097595400391525102339288526258798825449826942020614695348904788907661932993430488593552", "2029388157754123013579930824032835962698439709529058700566544658243563588105123607416485416240508396898633255420749620114578170997813662130792145648053315140036623409978307287859342924657549449161362779317296010762442132229389529024391729227555488965589257218766928737602934082420388840064521623805135789781907460246852282793026912370042044884703394961008247101686942091465646505425818246546319109188403876239911011831539311377016115552962442767907020896812732576449580620680669604714802174904961265522985701150408238410077557827782193833638029934745703495039208558090425795228240968930462177363142995202879750991368837565022531005343218914976811148294727154364844319794156224312278949985742616475018653587238917107571280831446981869075410523704462504535667036707669945712843129399060874345018414837070546836481691874559666339572723901027743847187340764130312322743860946054990407323560232897592869469337005471407593834874319157599015450827399558773751402417232829362967857998884017081049757447739946"
How can I improve the performance?
Anyone help? THANKS!
Not sure how did you get the 'Time Limit Exceeded'. Try this in playground:
import Foundation
func bowsAndBulls (guess: String, secret: String) -> String {
if guess.characters.count != secret.characters.count {
return "ERROR"
//use counter variables works too
var countA = [String]()
var countB = [String]()
for i in 0..<guess.characters.count {
let start = guess.startIndex.advancedBy(i)
let end = guess.startIndex.advancedBy(i+1)
let single = guess.substringWithRange(start..<end)
if secret.containsString(single) {
if secret.substringWithRange(start..<end) == single {
return String(countA.count) + "A" + String(countB.count) + "B"
print(bowsAndBulls("5234", secret: "5346"))

Finding the first non-repeating character in a String using Swift

This finds the duplicates in the array, but i'm looking for something that finds the first non-repeating character in a string. I've been trying to figure out a way to do this and I cannot figure it out. This is the closest i've gotten.
var strArray = ["P","Q","R","S","T","P","R","A","T","B","C","P","P","P","P","P","C","P","P","J"]
var filter = Dictionary<String,Int>()
var len = strArray.count
for var index = 0; index < len ;++index {
var value = strArray[index]
if (filter[value] != nil) {
filter[value] = 1
In order to tell if a character repeats itself, go through the entire array once, incrementing the count of occurrences in a dictionary:
let characters = ["P","Q","R","S","T","P","R","A","T","B","C","P","P","P","P","P","C","P","P","J"]
var counts: [String: Int] = [:]
for character in characters {
counts[character] = (counts[character] ?? 0) + 1
let nonRepeatingCharacters = characters.filter({counts[$0] == 1})
// ["Q", "S", "A", "B", "J"]
let firstNonRepeatingCharacter = nonRepeatingCharacters.first!
// "Q"
Here is a simple solution
func nonRepeat (_ input: String) -> String {
for char in input {
if input.firstIndex(of: char) == input.lastIndex(of: char) {
return String(char)
return ""
print (nonRepeat(inputString))
In the above example it would print "Q"
func firstNonRepeatedCharacter(input: String) -> Character?{
var characterCount : [Character : Int] = [:]
var uniqueCharacter: Character?
for character in input{
if let count = characterCount[character]{
characterCount[character] = count + 1
if(uniqueCharacter == character)
uniqueCharacter = nil
characterCount[character] = 1
if(uniqueCharacter == nil){
uniqueCharacter = character
return uniqueCharacter
Without extra loop to find character from characterCount dictionary
Here is the way I have found to detect the first non-repeated character. It removes spaces and punctuation to find the actual letter or number that does not repeat.
extension String {
func removeNonAlphaNumChars() -> String {
let charSet = NSCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet().invertedSet
return self
var firstNonRepeatedCharacter: Character? {
let alphaNumString = self.removeNonAlphaNumChars()
let characters = alphaNumString.characters
let count = characters.count
guard count > 0 else { return nil }
// Find unique chars
var dict: [Character: Int?] = [:]
for (index, char) in characters.enumerate() {
if dict[char] != nil {
dict[char] = (nil as Int?)
else {
dict[char] = index
return dict.filter { $0.1 != nil }.sort { $0.1 < $1.1 }.first?.0
I totally wonder why the accepted answer was considered correct. They are using
method of a dictionary and that according to documentation would return a random element in the dictionary and not the first element as a dictionary in swift is not ordered like an array.
please do find below an implementation that works
func firstNonRepeatingLetter(_ str: String) -> String{
var characterDict = [String : Int]()
for character in str{
let lower = character.lowercased()
if let count = characterDict[lower]{
characterDict[lower] = count + 1
characterDict[lower] = 1
let filtered = characterDict.filter { $0.value == 1}
for character in str{
let lower = character.lowercased()
if let _ = filtered[lower]{
return lower
return ""
firstNonRepeatingLetter("moonmen") would return "e".
We can iterate once and keep the letter counts inside a dictionary.
Then, iterate again and return first letter where we see it was encountered once only (or "_" if not found a non-repeating letter):
func firstNotRepeatingCharacter(s: String) -> Character {
var letterCounts: [String: Int] = [:]
var result: Character = "_"
for letter in s {
if let currentLetterCount = letterCounts[String(letter)] {
letterCounts[String(letter)] = currentLetterCount + 1
} else {
letterCounts[String(letter)] = 1
for letter in s {
if letterCounts[String(letter)] == 1 {
result = letter
return result
OrderedDictionary makes this easy for all Sequences of Hashables, not just Strings:
import struct OrderedCollections.OrderedDictionary
extension Sequence where Element: Hashable {
var firstUniqueElement: Element? {
OrderedDictionary(zip(self, true)) { _, _ in false }
.first(where: \.value)?
/// `zip` a sequence with a single value, instead of another sequence.
public func zip<Sequence: Swift.Sequence, Constant>(
_ sequence: Sequence, _ constant: Constant
) -> LazyMapSequence<
(LazySequence<Sequence>.Element, Constant)
> {
sequence.lazy.map { ($0, constant) }
func getFirstUniqueChar(string:String)->Character?{
var counts: [String: Int] = [:]
for character in string {
let charString = "\(character)"
counts[charString] = (counts[charString] ?? 0) + 1
let firstNonRepeatingCharacter = string.first {counts["\($0)"] == 1}
return firstNonRepeatingCharacter
print(getFirstUniqueChar(string: string))
import Foundation
import Glibc
var str:String = "aacbbcee"//your input string
var temp:String = ""
var dict:[Character:Int] = [:]
for char in str{
if let count = dict[char]{
dict[char] = count+1//storing values in dict and incrmenting counts o key
dict[char] = 0
var arr:[Character] = []
for (key, value) in dict{
if value == 0{
arr.append(key)//filtering out, take characters which has value>0
} //int(arr)
if arr.count != 0{
outer:for char in str{//outer is labeling the loop
for i in arr{
if i == char{
print(i,"is first")//matching char with array elements if found break
break outer
print("not found")
func firstNonRepeatedChar(string: String) -> Character {
var arr: [Character] = []
var dict: [Character : Int] = [:]
for character in string.description {
for character in arr {
dict[character] = (dict[character] ?? 0) + 1
let nonRepeatedArray = arr.filter { char in
if dict[char] == 1 {return true}
return false
let firstNonRepeatedChar = nonRepeatedArray.first
return firstNonRepeatedChar!
print(firstNonRepeatedChar(string: "strinstrig"))