mount S3 to databricks - scala

I'm trying understand how mount works. I have a S3 bucket named myB, and a folder in it called test. I did a mount using
var AwsBucketName = "myB"
val MountName = "myB"
My question is that: does it create a link between S3 myB and databricks, and would databricks access all the files include the files under test folder? (or if I do a mount using var AwsBucketName = "myB/test"does it only link databricks to that foldertestbut not anyother files that outside of that folder?)
If so, how do I say list files in test folder, read that file or or count() a csv file in scala? I did a display("/mnt/myB")) and it only shows the test folder but not files in it. Quite new here. Many thanks for your help!

From the Databricks documentation:
// Replace with your values
val AccessKey = "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"
// Encode the Secret Key as that can contain "/"
val SecretKey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY".replace("/", "%2F")
val AwsBucketName = "MY_BUCKET"
val MountName = "MOUNT_NAME"
dbutils.fs.mount(s"s3a://$AccessKey:$SecretKey#$AwsBucketName", s"/mnt/$MountName")
If you are unable to see files in your mounted directory it is possible that you have created a directory under /mnt that is not a link to the s3 bucket. If that is the case try deleting the directory (dbfs.fs.rm) and remounting using the above code sample. Note that you will need your AWS credentials (AccessKey and SecretKey above). If you don't know them you will need to ask your AWS account admin for them.

It only lists the folders and files directly under bucket.
In S3
<bucket-name>/<Files & Folders>
In Databricks
Just like below (Output for"/mnt/$MountName"))


Check if directory contains json files using org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path in HDFS

I'm following the steps indicated here Avoid "Path does not exist" in dir based spark load to filter which directories in an array contain json files before sending them to the method.
When I use
inputPaths.filter(f => fs.exists(new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path(f + "/*.json*")))
It returns empty despite json files existing in the path in one of the paths, one of the comments says this doesn't work with HDFS, is there a way to do make this work?
I running this in a databricks notebook
There is a method for listing files in dir:
Sort of
inputPaths.filter(f => fs.listStatus(f).exists(file => file.getPath.getName.endsWith(".json")))

Google Storage Python ACL Update not Working

I have uploaded one image file to my google storage bucket.
#Block 1
#Storing the local file inside the bucket
blob_response = bucket.blob(cloud_path)
blob_response.upload_from_filename(local_path, content_type='image/png')
File gets uploaded fine. I verify the file in bucket.
After uploading the file, in the same method, I am trying to update the acl for file to be publicly accessible as:
#Block 2
blob_file = storage.Blob(bucket=bucket20, name=path_in_bucket)
acl = blob_file.acl
This does not make the file public.
Strange thing is that,after I run the above upload method, if I just call the #Block 2 code. separately in jupyter notebook; It is working fine and file become publicly available.
I have tried:
Checked existence of blob file in bucket after upload code.
Introducing 5 seconds delay after upload.
Any help is appreciated.
If you are changing the file uploaded from upload_from_filename() to public, you can reuse the blob from your upload. Also, add a reloading of acl prior to changing the permission. This was all done in 1 block in Jupyter Notebook using GCP AI Platform.
# Block 1
bucket_name = "your-bucket"
destination_blob_name = "test.txt"
source_file_name = "/home/jupyter/test.txt"
storage_client = storage.Client()
bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.blob(destination_blob_name)
print(blob) #prints the bucket, file uploded
blob.acl.reload() # reload the ACL of the blob
acl = blob.acl
for entry in acl:
print("{}: {}".format(entry["role"], entry["entity"]))

Copy file from Hdfs to Hdfs scala

Is there a known way using Hadoop api / spark scala to copy files from one directory to another on Hdfs ?
I have tried using copyFromLocalFile but was not helpful
Try Hadoop's FileUtil.copy() command, as described here:,%20org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path,%20org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem,%20org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path,%20boolean,%20org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration)
val conf = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration()
val srcPath = new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path("hdfs://my/src/path")
val dstPath = new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path("hdfs://my/dst/path")
As I've understand your question, the answer is as easy as abc. Actually, there is no difference between your OS filesystem and some other distributed versions in the fundamental concepts like copying files in them. That is true that each would have its own rules in commands. For instance, when you want to copy a file from one directory to another you can do something like:
hdfs dfs -cp /dir_1/file_1.txt /dir_2/file_1_new_name.txt
The first part of the example command is just to let the command to be routed to the true destination not the OS's own file system.
for further reading you can use: copying data in hdfs

Spark-SQL: access file in current worker node directory

I need to read a file using spark-sql, and the file is in the current directory.
I use this command to decompress a list of files I have stored on HDFS.
val decompressCommand = Seq(laszippath, "-i", inputFileName , "-o", "out.las").!!
The file is outputted in the current worker node directory, and I know this because executing "ls -a"!! through scala I can see that the file is there. I then try to access it with the following command:
val dataFrame ="out.las")
I assumed that the sql context would try to find the file in the current directory, but it doesn't. Also, it doesn't throw an error but a warning stating that the file could not be found (so spark continues to run).
I attempted to add the file using: sparkContext.addFile("out.las") and then access the location using: val location = SparkFiles.get("out.las") but this didn't work either.
I even ran the command val locationPt = "pwd"!! and then did val fullLocation = locationPt + "/out.las" and attempted to use that value but it didn't work either.
The actual exception that gets thrown is the following:
User class threw exception: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'x' given input columns: [];
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'x' given input columns: []
And this happens when I try to access column "x" from a dataframe. I know that column 'X' exists because I've downloaded some of the files from HDFS, decompressed them locally and ran some tests.
I need to decompress files one by one because I have 1.6TB of data and so I cannot decompress it at one go and access them later.
Can anyone tell me what I can do to access files which are being outputted to the worker node directory? Or maybe should I be doing it some other way?
So I managed to do it now. What I'm doing is I'm saving the file to HDFS, and then retrieving the file using the sql context through hdfs. I overwrite "out.las" each time in HDFS so that I don't have take too much space.
I have used the hadoop API before to get to files, I dunno if it will help you here.
val filePath = "/user/me/dataForHDFS/"
val fs:FileSystem = FileSystem.get(new + "out.las"), sc.hadoopConfiguration)
And I've not tested the below, but I'm pretty sure I'm passing the java array to scala illegally. But just giving an idea of what to do afterward.
var readIn: Array[Byte] = Array.empty[Byte]
val fileIn: FSDataInputStream =
val fileIn.readFully(0, readIn)

Deleting all blobs inside a path prefix using google cloud storage API

I am using google cloud storage python API. I came across a situation where I need to delete a folder that might have hundred of files using API. Is there an efficient way to do it without making recursive and multiple delete call?
One solution that I have is to list all blob objects in the bucket with given path prefix and delete them one by one.
The other solution is to use gsutil:
$ gsutil rm -R gs://bucket/path
Try something like this:
bucket = storage.Client().bucket(bucket_name)
blobs = bucket.list_blobs()
while True:
blob =
if not blob: break
if'/path'): blob.delete()
And if you want to delete the contents of a bucket instead of a folder within a bucket you can do it in a single method call as such:
bucket = storage.Client().bucket(bucket_name)
from import storage
def deleteStorageFolder(bucketName, folder):
This function deletes from GCP Storage
:param bucketName: The bucket name in which the file is to be placed
:param folder: Folder name to be deleted
:return: returns nothing
cloudStorageClient = storage.Client()
bucket = cloudStorageClient.bucket(bucketName)
except Exception as e:
print str(e.message)
In this case folder = "path"