PostgreSQL / WAL-archiving: can I leave archive_command empty when doing image snapshot backups? - postgresql

I have a PostgreSQL 9.5 instance running off an Azure VM. As described here, I must specify a post- and a prescript to tell Azure: "Yes, I've taken care of putting the VM in a state, so the entire VM/blob can be backed up as a snapshot that can be restored as a working new VM" and "Now I'm done", thus Azure will flag the backup as Application consistent.
In terms of PostgreSQL, I have read the docs on continuous archiving, that instruct why and how to enable WAL Archiving to allow for backups. And here comes my question:
If I set archive_mode = on and wal_level = archive, can I leave the archive_command empty, and does this even make sense? Or - should I do some kind of archiving here (like e.g. copying the log segments to another location / disk), and is this archiving necessary to ensure a working database upon restoring the VM in my scenario?
I only need to tell the PostgreSQL "Wait a minute / hold your data-writes (or whatever goes on), while I create a snapshot of the entire VM". The plan is to execute pg_start_backup() before , take the snapshot and then pg_stop_backup().
I do realize, this method (if it's even valid) is essentially a file system level backup, and according to docs, the postgres-service must be shut down for the fs-backup to be valid. Another place I've read that hitting the pg_start_backup() should be enough to guarantee for a valid stand-alone physical backup.

If the snapshots you plan to take are truly atomic, that is, the restored snapshot represents the state of the file system at some point in time, you can just restart the database from such a snapshot, and it will perform crash recovery and come up in a consistent state.
In that case, there is no need to care about WAL archiving or backup mode. You could set archive_mod = off and not worry about it.
If the snapshot is not truly atomic, or you want point-in-time-recovery (the ability to restore the database to a point in time between backups), you need WAL archiving set up and running, because you need the WALs to restore the database to a consistent state.
In that case archive_mode must be on and archive_command must be a command that returns success only if the WAL file has been archived successfully. If only one WAL is missing between your last backup and the time to which you want to restore the database, it will not work.


Cloud SQL - Growing each day, but not replicating

I've had a replica slave set up for about two weeks now. It has been failing replication due to configuration issues, but still growing in the size of the master each day (about 5gb a day).
Until today, binary logs were disabled. And if I go to Monitoring -> slave instance, under Backup Configuration, it says "false".
How do I determine why this is growing each day?
I noticed in monitoring in the InnoDB Pages Read/Write section, there are upticks of Write each day, but no read. But what is it writing to? The DB hasn't changed. and there are no binary logs.
I noticed in the docs, it says "Point-in-time recovery is enabled by default when you create a new Cloud SQL instance."
But there has never been a "Backup" listed in the Operations list on the instance. And when I do gcloud sql instances describe my-instance, it's not listed under backUpConfiguration
The issue you are having could possibly happen due to Point-in-time recovery, it will show an increase to your storage constantly.
There, you will be able to keep automated backups enabled while disabling point-in-time recovery. Once you disable it, the binary logs will be deleted and you will notice an immediate reduction in storage usage.
Here are the steps to disable Point-in-time recovery:
Select your instance
Select Backups
Under Settings, select Edit
Uncheck box for point-in-time recovery
To add an explanation of Point-in-time recovery, I will add Google Cloud SQL documentation with Postgres and MySQL.
It is necessary to archive the WAL files for instances it is enabled on. This archiving is done automatically on the backend and will consume storage space (even if the instance is idle), and, consequently, using this feature would cause an increased storage space on your DB instance.

Difference between incremental backup and WAL archiving with PgBackRest

As far as I understood
WAL archiving is pushing the WAL logs to a storage place as the WAL files are generated
Incremental backup is pushing all the WAL files created since the last backup
So, assuming my WAL archiving is setup correctly
Why would I need incremental backups?
Shouldn't the cost of incremental backups be almost zero?
Most of the documentation I found is focusing on a high level implementation (e.g. how to setup WAL archiving or incremental backups) vs the internal ( what happens when I trigger an incremental backup)
My question can probably be solved with a link to some documentation, but my google-fu has failed me so far
Backups are not copies of the WAL files, they're copies of the cluster's whole data directory. As it says in the docs, an incremental backup contains:
those database cluster files that have changed since the last backup (which can be another incremental backup, a differential backup, or a full backup)
WALs alone aren't enough to restore a database; they only record changes to the cluster files, so they require a backup as a starting point.
The need for periodic backups (incremental or otherwise) is primarily to do with recovery time. Technically, you could just hold on to your original full backup plus years worth of WAL files, but replaying them all in the event of a failure could take hours or days, and you likely can't tolerate that kind of downtime.
A new backup also means that you can safely discard any older WALs (assuming you don't still need them for point-in-time recovery), meaning less data to store, and less data whose integrity you're relying on in order to recover.
If you want to know more about what pgBackRest is actually doing under the hood, it's all covered pretty thoroughly in the Postgres docs.

SQL Server Always on configuration without backup restore

The secondary server is very far from the primary server. The database size is too huge to copy over the internet. Physically copying the file to an external device and then taking it over to the secondary site, copying it back in a drive to the new server and then restore is also time consuming.
Is there a way to add the secondary server to the Always on configuration without having the need to restore the database first on the secondary server creating a blank database on secondary server to start sync?
PS Note: Secondary server configuration we need it to be read only.
Is there a way to add the secondary server to the Always on configuration without having the need to restore the database first on the secondary server creating a blank database on secondary server to start sync? PS Note: Secondary server configuration we need it to be read only.
It's not clear what you're expecting as an answer.
Firstly, a secondary AG replica is always read only.
You can choose to add a database to an AG using Automatic Seeding, or you can add an existing database by backing up the database and its transaction log from the primary and manually restoring on the secondary.
You can only only join a database to an availability group where its last committed LSN is within the range of the current active log.
Either way, the database(s) you want to add to the AG will have the data copied to the secondary somehow, whether that's over the internet by using automatic seeding, manually copying backup files (the most reliable option in my experience) or by physical media.
Last time I checked, by magic was not an option! :-)

How to configure WAL archiving for a cluster that *only* hosts dev or test databases?

I've got a dev and test database for a project, i.e. databases that I use to either run my project or run tests, locally. They're both in the same cluster ('instance' – I come from Redmond).
Note that my local cluster is different than the cluster that hosts the production database.
How should I configure those databases with respect to archiving the WAL files?
I'd like to be able to 'build' or 'rebuild' either of those databases by restoring from a base backup and running seed data scripts.
But how should I configure the databases or the cluster for archiving WAL files? I understand that I need them if I want to recover the database. I think that's unlikely (as I didn't even know about 'WAL' or their files, or that, presumably they're shared by all of the databases in the same cluster, which seems weird and scary coming from Microsoft SQL Server.)
In the event that I rebuild one of the databases, I should delete the WAL files since the base backup – how can I do that?
But I also don't want to have to worry about the size of the WAL files growing indefinitely. I don't want to be forced to rebuild just to save space. What can I do to prevent this?
My local cluster only contains a single dev and test database for my project, i.e. losing data from one of these databases is (or should be) no big deal. Even having to recreate the cluster itself, and the two databases, is fine and not an issue if it's even just easier than otherwise to restore the two databases to a 'working' condition for local development and testing.
In other words, I don't care about the data in either database. I will ensure – separate from WAL archiving – that I can restore either database to a state sufficient for my needs.
Also, I'd like to document (e.g. in code) how to configure my local cluster and the two databases so that other developers for the same project can use the same setup for their local clusters. These clusters are all distinct from the cluster that hosts the production database.
Rather than trying to manage your WAL files manually, it's generally recommended that you let a third-party app take care of that for you. There are several options, but pg_backrest is the most popular of the open-source offerings out there.
Each database instance writes its WAL stream, chopped in segments of 16MB.
Every other relational database does the same thing, even Microsoft SQL Server (the differences are in the name and organization of these files).
The WAL contains the physical information required to replay transactions. Imagine it as information like: "in file x, block 2734, change 24 bytes at offset 543 as follows: ..."
With a base backup and this information you can restore any given point in time in the life of the database since the end of the base backup.
Each PostgreSQL cluster writes its own "WAL stream". The files are named with long weird hexadecimal numbers that never repeat, so there is no danger that a later WAL segment of a cluster can conflict with an earlier WAL segment of the same cluster.
You have to make sure that WAL is archived to a different machine, otherwise the exercise is pretty useless. If you have several clusters on the same machine, make sure that you archive them to different directories (or locations in general), because the names of the WAL segments of different clusters will collide.
About retention: You want to keep around your backups for some time. Once you get rid of a base backup, you can also get rid of all WAL segments from before that base backup. There is the pg_archivecleanup executable that can help you get rid of all archived WAL segments older than a given base backup.
I'd like to be able to 'build' or 'rebuild' either of those databases by restoring from a base backup and running seed data scripts.
Where is the basebackup coming from? If you are restoring the PROD base backup and running the seed scripts over it, then you don't need WAL archiving at all on test/dev. But then what you get will be a clone of PROD, which means it will not have different databases for test and for dev in the same instance, since (presumably) PROD doesn't have that.
If the base backup is coming from someplace else, you will have to describe what it is. That will dictate your WAL needs.
Trying to run one instance with both test and dev on it seems like a false economy to me. Just run two instances.
Setting archive_mode=off will entirely disable a wal archive. There will still be "live" WAL files in the pg_wal or pg_xlog directory, but these get removed/recycled automatically after each checkpoint--you should not need to manage these, other than by controlling how often checkpoints take place (and making sure you don't have any replication slots hanging around). The WAL archive and the live WAL files are different things. The live WAL files are mandatory and are needed to automatically recover from something like a power failure. The WAL archive may be needed to manually recover from a hard-drive crash or the total destruction of your server, and probably isn't needed at all on dev/test.

use of archive_command in PostgreSQL streaming replication

When using streaming replication can someone please explain the purpose of archive_command and restore_command in PostgreSQL?
As i studied in streaming replication secondary server read and apply the partially filled WAL files.suppose i have my wal segment location in pg_xlog and using archive_command i am copying this to my local archive directory say /arclogs.
So if secondary server is going to read the partially filled archive logs from pg_xlog over the network then what's the use of files kept in /arclogs.
and also the files will be sent to /arclogs only when they will be 16 mb?
I'm new to PostgreSQL & your help will be appericated.
The master will normally only retain a limited amount of WAL in pg_xlog, controlled by the master's wal_keep_segments setting. If the replica is too slow or disconnected for too long, the master will delete those transaction logs to ensure it can continue running without running out of disk space.
If that happens the replica has no way to catch up to the master, since it needs a continuous and gap-free stream of WAL.
So you can:
Enable WAL archiving (archive_command and archive_mode) as a fallback, so the replica can switch to replaying WAL from archives if the master deletes WAL it needs from its pg_xlog. The replica fetches the WAL with its restore_command. Importantly, the archived WAL does not need to be on the same machine as the master, and usually isn't.
Use a physical replication slot (primary_slot_name in recovery.conf) to connect the replica to the master. If a slot is used, the master knows what WAL the replica requires even when the replica is disconnected. So it won't remove WAL still needed by a replica from pg_xlog. But the downside is that pg_xlog can fill up if a replica is down for too long, causing the master to fail due to lack of disk space.
Do neither, and allow replicas to fail if they fall too far behind. Then re-create them from a new base backup if this happens.
The documentation really needs an overview piece to put all this together.
WAL archiving has an additional benefit: If you make a base backup of the server you can use it, plus WAL archives, to do a point-in-time restore of the master. This lets you recover data from things like accidental table drops. PgBarman is one of the tools that can help you with this.