Fxcop plugin 1.0 Jar for sonarqube 5.6.5 - plugins

I need the Fxcop plugin 1.0 Jar, I got the Fxcop plugin jar code from github But i want the Jar. Please share the path from where i can get the Jar.
My sonar Details
Sonarqube: 5.6.5
SonarC#: 5.10
SonarVB: 3.0.3

Here is a link to the downloads page:
FxCop 1.0


pom.xml error - Missing artifact com.lowagie:itext:jar:4.2.2, how dowload itext 4.2.2 jar file?

How I can download itext 4.2.2 jar as using in old project and getting error in pom.xml, I dont want to use and change itextpdf 5.x.x version
error - Missing artifact com.lowagie:itext:jar:4.2.2
iText 4.2.2 does not exist, and has never existed as a jar. If you look at Maven Central for 4.2.2 (https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.lowagie/itext/4.2.2/pom), you will see that it only exists as a redirect to 5.5.6. I know, because I am the person who wrote that version of the POM and uploaded it to Maven Central. This blog post describes in full detail why it was done: https://itextpdf.com/en/blog/technical-notes/my-maven-build-broken-what-should-i-do
To fix your build, you either need to use com.lowagie:itext:jar:2.1.7 (last official release of the 2.x.x version by iText Software) or you can use com.itextpdf:itextpdf:jar:, but then you also have to update all your import statements from com.lowagie.* to com.itextpdf.*, but apart from that your code should work just fine.
Related issues:
com.lowagie.itext version 4.2.2 missing jar file in MVNrepository
Dependency error in jasper-reports from itext
iText version 4.2.1 redirected in maven central repository
What is the difference between lowagie and iText?
How to migrate com.lowagie itext form 2.1.7 to 4.2.0
What is the Difference between ITEXT and ITEXTPDF?

jbake plugin requires maven upgrade in eclipse

I'm using a maven plugin in my POM file. When I build the project, I get an error:
`[ERROR] Failed to execute goal br.com.ingenieux:jbake-maven-plugin:0.0.9:generate (default-cli) on project uts-documentation: The plugin br.com.ingenieux:jbake-maven-plugin:0.0.9 requires Maven version 3.1.1 -> [Help 1]`
My embedded maven version is 3.0.4. How can I update to the required version without installing a separate instance of maven (would like to avoid that if possible)?
Upgrading to a more recent Eclipse version will bring an updated embedded version of Maven. For example the Eclipse Luna installation that I am running has Maven 3.2.1 embedded.

Sonar / JaCoCo4sbt / Jenkins

I would like to know whats the easiest way to plug JaCoCo4sbt's data into Sonar,
In Jenkins I have installed Sonar & JaCoCo's plugins. I have also installed JaCoCo's plugin in Sonar.
My sonar-project.properties file contains :
And Jenkins's job execute these commands :
sbt jacoco:cover
sbt clean update compile test doc
For now I don't get any code coverage data into Sonar
Do you want to report code coverage on Scala code using the Scala plugin for Sonar (http://docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/Scala+Plugin)?
Unfortunately it does not yet provide a sensor for code coverage.
It's on the roadmap for future versions.
At least jacoco4sbt successfully generates the file jacoco.exec but it is just not picket up by the Scala plugin.
You'll need the following properties:
I don't use sbt, but the following is an ANT example:
Add ant plugins dynamically at buildtime?
Check the properties file at the end for all the Sonar related stuff.

How to build an eclipse plugin with sbt and sbt-osgi?

Is it possible to build an eclipse plugin with a sbt build ?
Once built, do I just drop de jar in the plugin directory of eclipse ?
sbt-tycho look promising but for sbt 0.7
There is a giter8 template from the scala-ide group to build a scala eclipse plugin using maven
g8 scala-ide/scala-plugin.g8
Best way to create a plugin is via the plugin developpement environement (PDE). From there you can add the scala nature.

How to exclude work module from the compile, when deploying to GAE?

Our standard module file is: Myproject.gwt.xml
We have added an extra modulefile for fast compilation called:
When deploying to GAE, it compiles both Myproject.gwt.xml and
How to exclude MyprojectWork.gwt.xml from the compile, when deploying
to GAE ?
GWT SDK 1.7.0
Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5
GAE SDK 1.2.2
If you use Maven than this may solve your problem: stackoverflow #1745315