Android Mobile Apps query from the azure database returns last row only - azure-mobile-services

There's more than 15 items in my azure database table called Events.
I've tried to run most of the commands found on such as :
List<Events> results = eventsTable.execute().get()
List<Events> results ="Events").execute().get();
List<Events> results =;
to return all the row items in the table. The queries seem to run on the last row of the table only and returns the last row or nothing at all when query is executed.
Though the ToDoItem Quickstart from Azure works perfectly with all the queries - which is odd.
Here's some of the code
ArrayList<Events> events = new ArrayLists<Events>();
private void EventsFromTable() {
AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> task = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>(){
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
try {
final List<Events> results = EventsTable.execute().get();
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (Events event : results) {
Events ev = new Events(event.getName(), event.getVenue(), event.getDate());
System.out.println("size is " +events.size());
<======This returns "size is 1"======>
} catch (final Exception e){
createAndShowDialogFromTask(e, "Error");
return null;
Might any one know what the matter is?

According to your code, the variable events seems to be a public shared instance of ArraryList in your Android app, so I don't know whether exists the case which multiple threads access it concurrently. The implementation of ArrayList class is not synchronized, please see here.
So please use the code below instead of the code ArrayList<Events> events = new ArrayLists<Events>(); when you shared the variable between UI thread and data async task thread.
List<Events> events = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayLists<Events>());
And I think it's better for copying data retrieved from table via addAll method, not add method for each, as the code below.
public void run() {


In a swift/firebase project, what causes an array to be readable when .observe is used but not when SingleEvent is used? [duplicate]

Whenever I use addListenerForSingleValueEvent with setPersistenceEnabled(true), I only manage to get a local offline copy of DataSnapshot and NOT the updated DataSnapshot from the server.
However, if I use addValueEventListener with setPersistenceEnabled(true), I can get the latest copy of DataSnapshot from the server.
Is this normal for addListenerForSingleValueEvent as it only searches DataSnapshot locally (offline) and removes its listener after successfully retrieving DataSnapshot ONCE (either offline or online)?
Update (2021): There is a new method call (get on Android and getData on iOS) that implement the behavior you'll like want: it first tries to get the latest value from the server, and only falls back to the cache when it can't reach the server. The recommendation to use persistent listeners still applies, but at least there's a cleaner option for getting data once even when you have local caching enabled.
How persistence works
The Firebase client keeps a copy of all data you're actively listening to in memory. Once the last listener disconnects, the data is flushed from memory.
If you enable disk persistence in a Firebase Android application with:
The Firebase client will keep a local copy (on disk) of all data that the app has recently listened to.
What happens when you attach a listener
Say you have the following ValueEventListener:
ValueEventListener listener = new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {
// No-op
When you add a ValueEventListener to a location:
// OR
If the value of the location is in the local disk cache, the Firebase client will invoke onDataChange() immediately for that value from the local cache. If will then also initiate a check with the server, to ask for any updates to the value. It may subsequently invoke onDataChange() again if there has been a change of the data on the server since it was last added to the cache.
What happens when you use addListenerForSingleValueEvent
When you add a single value event listener to the same location:
The Firebase client will (like in the previous situation) immediately invoke onDataChange() for the value from the local disk cache. It will not invoke the onDataChange() any more times, even if the value on the server turns out to be different. Do note that updated data still will be requested and returned on subsequent requests.
This was covered previously in How does Firebase sync work, with shared data?
Solution and workaround
The best solution is to use addValueEventListener(), instead of a single-value event listener. A regular value listener will get both the immediate local event and the potential update from the server.
A second solution is to use the new get method (introduced in early 2021), which doesn't have this problematic behavior. Note that this method always tries to first fetch the value from the server, so it will take longer to completely. If your value never changes, it might still be better to use addListenerForSingleValueEvent (but you probably wouldn't have ended up on this page in that case).
As a workaround you can also call keepSynced(true) on the locations where you use a single-value event listener. This ensures that the data is updated whenever it changes, which drastically improves the chance that your single-value event listener will see the current value.
So I have a working solution for this. All you have to do is use ValueEventListener and remove the listener after 0.5 seconds to make sure you've grabbed the updated data by then if needed. Realtime database has very good latency so this is safe. See safe code example below;
public class FirebaseController {
private DatabaseReference mRootRef;
private Handler mHandler = new Handler();
private FirebaseController() {
mRootRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
public static FirebaseController getInstance() {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = new FirebaseController();
return sInstance;
Then some method you'd have liked to use "addListenerForSingleEvent";
public void getTime(final OnTimeRetrievedListener listener) {
DatabaseReference ref = mRootRef.child("serverTime");
ref.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
if (listener != null) {
// This can be called twice if data changed on server - SO DEAL WITH IT!
// This can be called twice if data changed on server - SO DEAL WITH IT!
removeListenerAfter2(ref, this);
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
removeListenerAfter2(ref, this);
// ValueEventListener version workaround for addListenerForSingleEvent not working.
private void removeListenerAfter2(DatabaseReference ref, ValueEventListener listener) {
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
HelperUtil.logE("removing listener", FirebaseController.class);
}, 500);
// ChildEventListener version workaround for addListenerForSingleEvent not working.
private void removeListenerAfter2(DatabaseReference ref, ChildEventListener listener) {
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
HelperUtil.logE("removing listener", FirebaseController.class);
}, 500);
Even if they close the app before the handler is executed, it will be removed anyways.
Edit: this can be abstracted to keep track of added and removed listeners in a HashMap using reference path as key and datasnapshot as value. You can even wrap a fetchData method that has a boolean flag for "once" if this is true it would do this workaround to get data once, else it would continue as normal.
You're Welcome!
You can create transaction and abort it, then onComplete will be called when online (nline data) or offline (cached data)
I previously created function which worked only if database got connection lomng enough to do synch. I fixed issue by adding timeout. I will work on this and test if this works. Maybe in the future, when I get free time, I will create android lib and publish it, but by then it is the code in kotlin:
* #param databaseReference reference to parent database node
* #param callback callback with mutable list which returns list of objects and boolean if data is from cache
* #param timeOutInMillis if not set it will wait all the time to get data online. If set - when timeout occurs it will send data from cache if exists
fun readChildrenOnlineElseLocal(databaseReference: DatabaseReference, callback: ((mutableList: MutableList<#kotlin.UnsafeVariance T>, isDataFromCache: Boolean) -> Unit), timeOutInMillis: Long? = null) {
var countDownTimer: CountDownTimer? = null
val transactionHandlerAbort = object : Transaction.Handler { //for cache load
override fun onComplete(p0: DatabaseError?, p1: Boolean, data: DataSnapshot?) {
val listOfObjects = ArrayList<T>()
data?.let {
data.children.forEach {
val child = it.getValue(aClass)
child?.let {
callback.invoke(listOfObjects, true)
override fun doTransaction(p0: MutableData?): Transaction.Result {
return Transaction.abort()
val transactionHandlerSuccess = object : Transaction.Handler { //for online load
override fun onComplete(p0: DatabaseError?, p1: Boolean, data: DataSnapshot?) {
val listOfObjects = ArrayList<T>()
data?.let {
data.children.forEach {
val child = it.getValue(aClass)
child?.let {
callback.invoke(listOfObjects, false)
override fun doTransaction(p0: MutableData?): Transaction.Result {
return Transaction.success(p0)
In the code if time out is set then I set up timer which will call transaction with abort. This transaction will be called even when offline and will provide online or cached data (in this function there is really high chance that this data is cached one).
Then I call transaction with success. OnComplete will be called ONLY if we got response from firebase database. We can now cancel timer (if not null) and send data to callback.
This implementation makes dev 99% sure that data is from cache or is online one.
If you want to make it faster for offline (to don't wait stupidly with timeout when obviously database is not connected) then check if database is connected before using function above:
DatabaseReference connectedRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(".info/connected");
connectedRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
boolean connected = snapshot.getValue(Boolean.class);
if (connected) {
} else {
System.out.println("not connected");
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError error) {
System.err.println("Listener was cancelled");
When workinkg with persistence enabled, I counted the times the listener received a call to onDataChange() and stoped to listen at 2 times. Worked for me, maybe helps:
private int timesRead;
private ValueEventListener listener;
private DatabaseReference ref;
private void readFB() {
timesRead = 0;
if (ref == null) {
ref = mFBDatabase.child("URL");
if (listener == null) {
listener = new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
//process dataSnapshot
if (timesRead == 2) {
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {

What causes a cache issue that occurs with observeSingleEvent but not with .observe(DataEventType.value? [duplicate]

Whenever I use addListenerForSingleValueEvent with setPersistenceEnabled(true), I only manage to get a local offline copy of DataSnapshot and NOT the updated DataSnapshot from the server.
However, if I use addValueEventListener with setPersistenceEnabled(true), I can get the latest copy of DataSnapshot from the server.
Is this normal for addListenerForSingleValueEvent as it only searches DataSnapshot locally (offline) and removes its listener after successfully retrieving DataSnapshot ONCE (either offline or online)?
Update (2021): There is a new method call (get on Android and getData on iOS) that implement the behavior you'll like want: it first tries to get the latest value from the server, and only falls back to the cache when it can't reach the server. The recommendation to use persistent listeners still applies, but at least there's a cleaner option for getting data once even when you have local caching enabled.
How persistence works
The Firebase client keeps a copy of all data you're actively listening to in memory. Once the last listener disconnects, the data is flushed from memory.
If you enable disk persistence in a Firebase Android application with:
The Firebase client will keep a local copy (on disk) of all data that the app has recently listened to.
What happens when you attach a listener
Say you have the following ValueEventListener:
ValueEventListener listener = new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {
// No-op
When you add a ValueEventListener to a location:
// OR
If the value of the location is in the local disk cache, the Firebase client will invoke onDataChange() immediately for that value from the local cache. If will then also initiate a check with the server, to ask for any updates to the value. It may subsequently invoke onDataChange() again if there has been a change of the data on the server since it was last added to the cache.
What happens when you use addListenerForSingleValueEvent
When you add a single value event listener to the same location:
The Firebase client will (like in the previous situation) immediately invoke onDataChange() for the value from the local disk cache. It will not invoke the onDataChange() any more times, even if the value on the server turns out to be different. Do note that updated data still will be requested and returned on subsequent requests.
This was covered previously in How does Firebase sync work, with shared data?
Solution and workaround
The best solution is to use addValueEventListener(), instead of a single-value event listener. A regular value listener will get both the immediate local event and the potential update from the server.
A second solution is to use the new get method (introduced in early 2021), which doesn't have this problematic behavior. Note that this method always tries to first fetch the value from the server, so it will take longer to completely. If your value never changes, it might still be better to use addListenerForSingleValueEvent (but you probably wouldn't have ended up on this page in that case).
As a workaround you can also call keepSynced(true) on the locations where you use a single-value event listener. This ensures that the data is updated whenever it changes, which drastically improves the chance that your single-value event listener will see the current value.
So I have a working solution for this. All you have to do is use ValueEventListener and remove the listener after 0.5 seconds to make sure you've grabbed the updated data by then if needed. Realtime database has very good latency so this is safe. See safe code example below;
public class FirebaseController {
private DatabaseReference mRootRef;
private Handler mHandler = new Handler();
private FirebaseController() {
mRootRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
public static FirebaseController getInstance() {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = new FirebaseController();
return sInstance;
Then some method you'd have liked to use "addListenerForSingleEvent";
public void getTime(final OnTimeRetrievedListener listener) {
DatabaseReference ref = mRootRef.child("serverTime");
ref.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
if (listener != null) {
// This can be called twice if data changed on server - SO DEAL WITH IT!
// This can be called twice if data changed on server - SO DEAL WITH IT!
removeListenerAfter2(ref, this);
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
removeListenerAfter2(ref, this);
// ValueEventListener version workaround for addListenerForSingleEvent not working.
private void removeListenerAfter2(DatabaseReference ref, ValueEventListener listener) {
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
HelperUtil.logE("removing listener", FirebaseController.class);
}, 500);
// ChildEventListener version workaround for addListenerForSingleEvent not working.
private void removeListenerAfter2(DatabaseReference ref, ChildEventListener listener) {
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
HelperUtil.logE("removing listener", FirebaseController.class);
}, 500);
Even if they close the app before the handler is executed, it will be removed anyways.
Edit: this can be abstracted to keep track of added and removed listeners in a HashMap using reference path as key and datasnapshot as value. You can even wrap a fetchData method that has a boolean flag for "once" if this is true it would do this workaround to get data once, else it would continue as normal.
You're Welcome!
You can create transaction and abort it, then onComplete will be called when online (nline data) or offline (cached data)
I previously created function which worked only if database got connection lomng enough to do synch. I fixed issue by adding timeout. I will work on this and test if this works. Maybe in the future, when I get free time, I will create android lib and publish it, but by then it is the code in kotlin:
* #param databaseReference reference to parent database node
* #param callback callback with mutable list which returns list of objects and boolean if data is from cache
* #param timeOutInMillis if not set it will wait all the time to get data online. If set - when timeout occurs it will send data from cache if exists
fun readChildrenOnlineElseLocal(databaseReference: DatabaseReference, callback: ((mutableList: MutableList<#kotlin.UnsafeVariance T>, isDataFromCache: Boolean) -> Unit), timeOutInMillis: Long? = null) {
var countDownTimer: CountDownTimer? = null
val transactionHandlerAbort = object : Transaction.Handler { //for cache load
override fun onComplete(p0: DatabaseError?, p1: Boolean, data: DataSnapshot?) {
val listOfObjects = ArrayList<T>()
data?.let {
data.children.forEach {
val child = it.getValue(aClass)
child?.let {
callback.invoke(listOfObjects, true)
override fun doTransaction(p0: MutableData?): Transaction.Result {
return Transaction.abort()
val transactionHandlerSuccess = object : Transaction.Handler { //for online load
override fun onComplete(p0: DatabaseError?, p1: Boolean, data: DataSnapshot?) {
val listOfObjects = ArrayList<T>()
data?.let {
data.children.forEach {
val child = it.getValue(aClass)
child?.let {
callback.invoke(listOfObjects, false)
override fun doTransaction(p0: MutableData?): Transaction.Result {
return Transaction.success(p0)
In the code if time out is set then I set up timer which will call transaction with abort. This transaction will be called even when offline and will provide online or cached data (in this function there is really high chance that this data is cached one).
Then I call transaction with success. OnComplete will be called ONLY if we got response from firebase database. We can now cancel timer (if not null) and send data to callback.
This implementation makes dev 99% sure that data is from cache or is online one.
If you want to make it faster for offline (to don't wait stupidly with timeout when obviously database is not connected) then check if database is connected before using function above:
DatabaseReference connectedRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(".info/connected");
connectedRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
boolean connected = snapshot.getValue(Boolean.class);
if (connected) {
} else {
System.out.println("not connected");
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError error) {
System.err.println("Listener was cancelled");
When workinkg with persistence enabled, I counted the times the listener received a call to onDataChange() and stoped to listen at 2 times. Worked for me, maybe helps:
private int timesRead;
private ValueEventListener listener;
private DatabaseReference ref;
private void readFB() {
timesRead = 0;
if (ref == null) {
ref = mFBDatabase.child("URL");
if (listener == null) {
listener = new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
//process dataSnapshot
if (timesRead == 2) {
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {

How to Iterate through list with RxJava and perform initial process on first item

I am new to RxJava and finding it very useful for network and database processing within my Android applications.
I have two use cases that I cannot implement completely in RxJava
Use Case 1
Clear down my target database table Table A
Fetch a list of database records from Table B that contain a key field
For each row retrieved from Table B, call a Remote API and persist all the returned data into Table A
The closest I have managed is this code
final AtomicInteger id = new AtomicInteger(0);
.flatMapIterable(b -> b)
.flatMap(b_record -> NetworkController.getTable_A_data(b_record.getKey()))
.flatMap(network -> transformNetwork(id, network, NETWORK_B_MAPPER))
Use Case 2
Clear down my target database table Table X
Clear down my target database table Table Y
Fetch a list of database records from Table Z that contain a key field
For each row retrieved from Table B, call a Remote API and persist some of the returned data into Table X the remainder of the data should be persisted into table Y
I have not managed to create any code for use case 2.
I have a number of questions regarding the use of RxJava for these use cases.
Is it possible to achieve both my use cases in RxJava?
Is it "Best Practice" to combine all these steps into an Rx "Stream"
I ended up with this POC test code which seems to work...
I am not sure if its the optimum solution however My API calls return Single and my database operations return Completable so I feel like this is the best solution for me.
public class UseCaseOneA {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
.flatMapIterable(x -> x)
.flatMapSingle(record -> NetworkController.callApi(record.getPrimaryKey()))
.flatMapSingle(z -> transform(z))
.flatMapCompletable(p -> UseCaseOneA.insertDatabaseTableA(p))
.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("ON COMPLETE"))
.doFinally(() -> System.out.println("ON FINALLY"))
private static Single<List<PayloadDO>> transform(final List<RemotePayload> payloads) {
return Single.create(new SingleOnSubscribe<List<PayloadDO>>() {
public void subscribe(final SingleEmitter<List<PayloadDO>> emitter) throws Exception {
System.out.println("transform - " + payloads.size());
final List<PayloadDO> payloadDOs = new ArrayList<>();
for (final RemotePayload remotePayload : payloads) {
payloadDOs.add(new PayloadDO(remotePayload.getPayload()));
private static Observable<List<Record>> manufactureRecords() {
final List<Record> records = new ArrayList<>();
records.add(new Record("111-111-111"));
records.add(new Record("222-222-222"));
records.add(new Record("3333-3333-3333"));
records.add(new Record("44-444-44444-44-4"));
records.add(new Record("5555-55-55-5-55-5555-5555"));
return Observable.just(records);
private static Completable deleteDatabaseTableA() {
return Completable.create(new CompletableOnSubscribe() {
public void subscribe(final CompletableEmitter emitter) throws Exception {
private static Completable deleteDatabaseTableB() {
return Completable.create(new CompletableOnSubscribe() {
public void subscribe(final CompletableEmitter emitter) throws Exception {
private static Completable insertDatabaseTableA(final List<PayloadDO> payloadDOs) {
return Completable.create(new CompletableOnSubscribe() {
public void subscribe(final CompletableEmitter emitter) throws Exception {
System.out.println("insertDatabaseTableA - " + payloadDOs);
private static Completable login() {
return Completable.complete();
This code doesn't address all my use case requirements. Namely being able to transform the remote payload records into multiple Database record types and insert each type into its own specific target databased table.
I could just call the Remote API twice to get the same remote data items and transform first into one database type then secondly into the second database type, however that seems wasteful.
Is there an operand in RxJava where I can reuse the output from my API calls and transform them into another database type?
You have to index the items yourself in some manner, for example, via external counting:
Observable.defer(() -> {
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
return DatabaseController.fetchTable_Bs()
.flatMapIterable(b -> b)
.doOnNext(item -> {
if (counter.getAndIncrement() == 0) {
// this is the very first item
} else {
// these are the subsequent items
The defer is necessary to isolate the counter to the inner sequence so that repetition still works if necessary.

Room and RxJava Providing Inconsistent Results

This is my first time working with Room and RxJava. I'm getting some very inconsistent results when I'm reading from the DB. I have a nested RecyclerView, where the first simply shows the days of the week and the second shows the forecast for each day.
Sometimes when I launch the app, everything shows up right away. Other times, only the days will be shown, but not the forecast for each day. Other times, neither RecyclerViews are shown. However, if I view the DB using Stetho, the data is there within the device.
Here's how I've setup my Dao:
public interface MyDao {
// Other CRUD methods
#Query("SELECT DISTINCT date FROM my_table")
Single<List<LocalDate>> getUniqueDays();
#Query("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE date == :localDate")
Single<List<Forecasts>> getForecastForDay(LocalDate localDate);
I populate the first RecyclerView using the following:
Single<List<LocalDate>> source = MyApp.getDatabase().getDao().getUniqueDays();
.subscribe(new SingleObserver<List<LocalDate>>() {
public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
public void onSuccess(List<LocalDate> localDates) {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
This is called within a fragment that displays the days of the week.
Then, within the adapter for the days of the week, I also need to populate the inner RecyclerView, which is done within my bind() of the ViewHolder:
public void bind(LocalDate date, int position){
// A bunch of other views being set
LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(mContext, LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false);
mAdapter = new HourlyForecastAdapter(mContext);
Single<List<Forecasts>> source = MyApp.getDatabase().getDao().getForecastForDay(date);
.subscribe(new SingleObserver<List<Forecasts>>() {
public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
public void onSuccess(List<Forecasts> conditions) {
Timber.i("Size of conditions in onSuccess(): %d", conditions.size());
public void onError(Throwable e) {
However, I have no idea as to why the data isn't being shown consistently. Sometimes at startup the data isn't shown, sometimes it is. Sometimes I'll close out the app and re-open it and some data is missing. Or all of it is there. And again, the data is there in the DB when I inspect the device in Stetho, it's just not being shown within the RecyclerView(s).
If anyone can provide some guidance on this, it would be immensely appreciated...

How can I correctly update a progress bar for an operation of unknown duration within an Eclipse wizard?

I have implemented a wizard for my Eclipse plug-in, showing several pages. One of these pages needs some lengthy initialization, that means it consists of a SWT table, which needs to be populated by information coming from an external source. This source needs to be activated first (one single method call that returns after a couple of seconds - I can not know in advance how long it will take exactly), before it can be used as input for for the table viewer. This initialization is currently done by the table model provider when it needs to access the external source for the first time.
Therefore, when I enter the wizard page, I would like to show a dummy progress bar that just counts up for a while. My approach was the following, but unfortunately does not work at all:
private void initViewer() {
IRunnableWithProgress runnable = new IRunnableWithProgress() { // needed to embed long running operation into the wizard page
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor);
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
viewer.setInput(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()); // this will make the table provider initialize the external source.
while(thread.isAlive()) {
try {
getContainer().run(false, false, runnable);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Could not access data store", e);
This method gets then invoked when the wizard page's setVisible()-method is called and should, after a couple of seconds, set the viewer's input. This, however, never happens, because the inner-most run()-method never gets executed.
Any hints on how to deal with long-running (where an exact estimate is not available) initializations in Eclipse wizards would be very appreciated!
I have given below a simple example on how to use IRunnableWithProgress along with a ProgressMonitorDialog to perform a task of unknown quantity. To start with, have an implementation to IRunnableWithProgress from where the actual task is performed. This implementation could be an inner class.
public class MyRunnableWithProgress implements IRunnableWithProgress {
private String _fileName;
public MyRunnableWithProgress(String fileName) {
_fileName = fileName;
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
int totalUnitsOfWork = IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN;
monitor.beginTask("Performing read. Please wait...", totalUnitsOfWork);
performRead(_fileName, monitor); // This only performs the tasks
Now, a generic implementation to ProgressMonitorDialog can be created as below which could be used for other places where a progress monitor dialog is required.
public class MyProgressMonitorDialog extends ProgressMonitorDialog {
private boolean cancellable;
public MyProgressMonitorDialog(Shell parent, boolean cancellable) {
this.cancellable = cancellable;
public Composite createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
Composite container = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent);
return container;
Having got the required implementation, the task can be invoked as below to get it processed with a progress dialog.
boolean cancellable = false;
IRunnableWithProgress myRunnable = new MyRunnableWithProgress(receivedFileName);
ProgressMonitorDialog progressMonitorDialog = new MyProgressMonitorDialog(getShell(), cancellable);
try {, true, myRunnable);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// Catch in your best way
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//Catch in your best way
Hope this helps!
I assume the reason why it's "not working" for you is that the preparation of input is done in UI thread meaning that the progress bar cannot be updated. A better approach is to prepare input in advance and only set input to viewer after that.