Edit Name of cell upon tap - Swift - swift

I want to edit the text in a cell by tapping and I was wondering if there is a way to do it other than by adding a text field. is there something in the table view delegate that I missed?

You can create cell (or any other UIResponder subclass) that conforms UITextInput protocol (or maybe UIKeyInput is enough). Here is simple example (old link)
you should set cell.canBecomeFirstResponder = true.
To show keyboard use cell.becomeFirstResponder()
Maybe there something else, that you should do. I recommend reading docs.
...Or use UITextField :)

We use an array to display no of text label in cell.
so you can do is, you can use a text field and a button on a view.
In button action add a line of code like stringArray[2] = "new string" to replace the particular element from array and when you enter a text and press a button the element will get replaced and just reload the table view.
And you can also write the method in didSelectRowAtIndexPath, write stringArray[indexPath.row] = "new string" and reload the table view and it is done.


NSTableView with custom cell view and NSArrayController bindings drawing a blank string

It took me forever to figure out how to set up editing on a custom cell view for an NSTableView. Thanks to StackOverflow I figured that much out. P.S. I was doing all of this in Interface Builder.
I have a single column table in which the cell is a custom multi-control NSTableCellView, with:
name (in bold)
It's all text. Set up editability on the name only. The table is sorted by the name.
When I edit the name, it has the effect on the bound model that I expect. The table even re-sorts correctly. However, it's displaying incorrectly. The description and detail (not editable) still show up correctly, but the name (which was edited) is a blank. When I inspect the model, it has the correct updated value. But the cell view itself is incorrect.
This doesn't happen all the time--it typically happens if the cell is re-sorted to the top or bottom of the table, but that may be a red herring and may instead have to do with NSTableView cell caching or something.
I hacked up a workaround in which I assign a delegate to the NSTextField (automatically generated for the NSTableCellView) and intercept the textShouldEndEditing event. For some reason this event is getting triggered twice for a given edit (after I press "enter" in the text field)--once for the actual edit where fieldEditor.string is different from the model name, followed by another event where fieldEditor.string is the same as the model name. If I return false for my textShouldEndEditing handler in the latter case, then the cell contents end up being drawn correctly. That's the hack.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong here though, and that shouldn't be necessary.
Is the textShouldEndEditing event supposed to be fired twice?

Objective C Collect Data from TextField and List in TextView

On View1, I have an empty textView that will populate with data from a textField. The textField is on View2. Every time I swipe right to view the data in View1, it never lists in the textView. It overwrites whatever is currently there.
Here's my code: https://github.com/dward1289/Objective-CII/tree/master/week4Proj
The assignment is already done, but even after it was graded I never found out what I was doing wrong. Please take a look, and tell me what I can change so that the textField data will populate in the textView and not overwrite the current text.
I guess you want to append the new input to the old information
. If so,
txtView.text = [txtView.text stringByAppendingString:nameString];

How do you pass data from one text field to another when using Storyboards in iOS5?

I am using storyboards for the 1st time, and I cant figure out what I am doing wrong here ... I have a button that transitions from one view controller to another using StoryBoards (the 2nd view is presented modally).
I am trying to use the "prepare for segue" in order to pass the value of a text field from view 1 to view 2, but it is not working. Can somebody tell me what I have wrong here ... ?
View 1:
-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{
if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:#"saveGame"]) {
statsViewController *svc = (statsViewController *)[segue destinationViewController];
[svc setStatsTextField:gameTextField];
If there is other code I can post to clarify please let me know.
(for the record there are no errors, the text field on view 2 just doesn't update.)
You cannot just assign a text field in one view controller to a property in another one. This achieves nothing for the text field that is actually in the second view controller's view. Instead, you have to assign a value to the text field's text property. (And ideally, this value should not come directly from another text field because you shouldn't use views to store your app's data. Whenever a text field updates, you should store the updated value in a variable in your view controller or model.)
Also, the statsTextField does not yet exist at the time this code is executed because the destination view controller's view is not yet loaded. You should declare a separate string property in statsViewController (class names should begin with a capital letter btw) and then assign the text field's value in viewDidLoad.
The text field is probably nil at that point since the view hasn't been loaded. You can force this (no problem doing so since its about to happen anyway!) by wrapping your code in an if statement:
if (svc.view)
svc.textfield.text = #"Hello";
Accessing the view property forces the view controller to load the view, if it is not already present.
I notice you seem to be passing a whole textfield object instead of a string to the text property - that doesn't seem like a good idea. It should be more like my example above.

How i can fetch what is typed between 2 UITextViews on iphone?

i have two UITextView items, how can i fetch what is written using a button on iphone?
Imagine something like a translate app, the user enters a word in UITextView 1 and by pressing the button the UITextView 2 is getting filled with data.
UITextView has a property text. Simply use this.
Set up IBOutlets for textView1 and textView2. Then have the button do something along these lines:
-(IBAction)moveTextOver:(id)sender {
[textView2 setText:textView1.text];
To get fancier, you can have a method -(NSString *)transformText:(NSString *)text that translates or does whatever you like. Then use
-(IBAction)moveTextOver:(id)sender {
[textView2 setText:[self transformText:textView1.text]];
Create an IBAction method that is linked to a button and in that method read the "text" property of the textView or textField, do your calculations on it and assign the results to the text property of thee second field.

Space between labels when user leave a text field empty

I have some text field which, after a decoding, set some UILabel. The problem is that if the user leave some empty field , I don't like to see that space between the labels. I enclose a picture for a better understanding. thanks in advance.
instead of the view below use a uitableview with custom cells
Each custom cell having a label ...and add a cell if and only if u have a valid string in a textfeild..set userinteraction=NO and set some backgroung color to match ur view..
just put that string in the uilabel in the custom cell...thats it..