What is the limited number of requests for OneNote API ?
Anil Kumar Nayak
Unfortunately the specific limits of the OneNote API aren't public - however there shouldn't be scenarios that aren't feasible with the current limits. You might run into it during development, I recommend simply switching between users for development purposes to avoid throttling.
I strongly recommend reading this blog post for best practices on how to avoid throttling with the OneNote API.
after reading all the threads on stackoverflow and other platforms, I still wasn't able to find an answer, which satisfies me.
The task:
I want to create a single page application (SPA) which receives data from a REST API. In this SPA, NO authentication should be used. It's a public site.
But the REST API should only be accessible from people who loaded the SPA from my webserver.
I assume this is only solvable with something on server side like sessions, cookies etc. - otherwise I'm open for your suggestions, solutions etc.
Thx in advance!
There's no reasonably easy way to do this. You can easily prevent other domains (in browsers) from accessing a an API on your domain (via CORS), but it's significantly harder to prevent scripts from doing this.
The issue lies in 'how do you detect legit browser traffic from a script'. It turns out that this is not easy. You could try to detect 'unusual behavior' as much as possible (for example a large amount of requests in a short time), but this doesn't stop clients that are slower.
Ultimately if people want your data, they will find some way around whatever restrictions you come up with. You should reevaluate this and use one of the following options:
Don't do an SPA and API. Although one could wonder, if the data exists in HTML it can still be crawled.
Add authentication. But obviously this won't help you in any way if anyone can authenticate.
Re-evaluate why you have this restriction. What are you worried about? If you're worried about people taking your data and using it elsewhere, how does only showing it in a browser from 1 domain help with that? If you're worried about copyright theft, why not use a legal approach to this?
I've seen a lot of these types of questions, but in my opinion I haven't yet seen one that has a legitimate good reason to want this. But, maybe you're the first.
I believe I answered my question myself on a comment 30 minutes ago... I think with captcha I'm able to secure the REST API against unwanted access to my REST API
I am new to look at the activity standard. When i search on google, I quickly find there has the http://activitystrea.ms/ and in the first page, it said: The Activity Streams format has already been adopted by BBC, Gnip, Google Buzz Gowalla, IBM, MySpace, Opera, Socialcast, Superfeedr, TypePad, Windows Live, YIID, and many others.
I am not quite sure if it is still live and any other activity standard that much more popular in industry?
Over at Fashiolista we've opensourced our approach to building feed systems.
We also use the activity stream standard and we're quite happy with it. As far as I know there are no other standards which have become mainstream. I do think that most companies slightly deviate from the standards.
In addition have a look at this high scalability post were we explain some of the design decisions involved:
This tutorial will help you setup a system like Pinterest's feed using Redis. It's quite easy to get started with.
To learn more about feed design I highly recommend reading some of the articles which we based Feedly on:
Yahoo Research Paper
Twitter 2013 Redis based, with fallback
Cassandra at Instagram
Etsy feed scaling
Facebook history
Django project, with good naming conventions. (But database only)
http://activitystrea.ms/specs/atom/1.0/ (actor, verb, object, target)
Quora post on best practises
Quora scaling a social network feed
Redis ruby example
FriendFeed approach
Thoonk setup
Twitter's Approach
I am developing a software application that uses the Facebook API to conduct searches on open posts etc.
The issue I am trying to get my head around is rate limiting imposed by the Facebook API.
All the other tools that do similar things to mine are managed services, not stand alone software applications. So I assume customers that subscribe to the service are throttled globally from within the managed service.
My issue is that my product is a stand alone software application.
So if I sell 100 software licences and all 100 people try and use it at the same time the application could grind to a halt as the Facebook API will rate limit them.
The application will use the same Application ID; as far as I know I have to.
Is there aby solution to this problem?
As you are planning to build application that you consider would just exceed the starting threshold, you may do what the Facebook Platform Policy suggest, quoting from there
If you exceed, or plan to exceed, any of the following thresholds please contact us as you may be subject to additional terms: (>5M MAU) or (>100M API calls per day) or (>50M impressions per day).
There's a fairly easy way of retrieving 15-minute delayed quotes off of Yahoo! Finance web site ("quotes.csv" API).
However, so far I was unable to find any info on how to access real-time quotes.
The hang-ups with real-time quotes are:
Only available to logged-in user
Non-obvious how to scrape the info - I'm somewhat convinced they are placed on the page by some weird Ajax call.
So I was wondering if anyone had managed to develop a publically available solution to retrieve real-time quotes for a stock from Yahoo! Finance.
Implementation language/framework need is flexible but Perl or Excel is highly preferred.
Assume that security is not an issue - I'm willing to supply yahoo userid and pasword, even in cleartext.
I'm not 100% hung up on Yahoo - they are merely the only provider of free realtime stock quotes I'm familiar with. if the same thing can be done with Google Finance, I'd be just as happy.
This is for a personal project, so scalability/fault tolerance/etc... are not important.
I'm looking for a "do the whole retrieval" library ideally, but if I'm pointed to partial solutions (e.g. how to retrieve info from Yahoo's user-logged-in pages; how to scrape realtime quotes from Yahoo's page) I can fill in the blanks.
I saw Finance::YahooQuote but it does not seem to allow you to supply log-in information and appears to use the lagging quotes.csv API
Excel has a built in link to MS stock quotes. They should provide the same information you are looking for. You can also download the addin.
I could find no guarantees of real-time, but the Google Finance Portfolio Data API seems quite well documented and far cleaner than page scraping.
Anywhere providing real-time data will want paying a fairly large sum for it. That's why they delay the free data, because the real-time data is so valuable.
Looking at it the other way, any way you can find to get free real-time data is almost certainly illegal or breaks the usage agreement. This data belongs to someone and they won't like you taking it.
I worked at a company who wanted such data legitimately and they could find no way to get it cheaply. In fact IIRC even a feed of time-delayed data is free if you plan to use it in an application rather than looking at it on a web-page.
As of 1 November 2017, Yahoo has shut down the stock quote API. Alphadvantage https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/ is the current go-to for delayed quotes on US exchanges. You do need to update Finance::Quote to 1.40 or later (1.47 is the current version as of 18 Dec 2017).
I am looking for podcast or videos on REST and RESTful.
Ideally they should cover the basics & the more advanced topics
It's short and very basic, but check out Intro to REST from the GoogleDeveloper channel.
For podcasts, check out the ThoughtWorks IT Matter podcasts REST - Part 1 of 2 and REST - Part 2 of 2 (audio links broken; summaries are still here) where Martin Fowler, Chris Stevenson, Jim Webber, and Sriram Narayan talk about REST.
Also, there's the "Stefan Tilkov on REST", and maybe the "Web Services with Olaf Zimmermann" episodes from Software Engineering radio.
There might be something for you on the RestWiki and the REST wikipedia article has lots of links to follow for more material.
I recently stumbled upon the "RESTful Web Services" video course by Intertech but haven't checked it out. YMMV.
This is quite interesting article. I am afraid it is not a video or podcast, but thought it can be useful.
How I Explained REST to My Wife
For basics, this is a good one : Understanding REST
There are some MIX sessions which you can find by searching for REST but most of them are based on WCF or Data Services.
Thoughtworks has a podcast on REST as well which can you get from here..
Here is one from Stefan Tilkov and another from Alan Dean
If you interested in using REST with WCF and .NET I would recommend Endpoint.TV
Two other articles from infoq:
1. A Brief Introduction to REST
2. REST Anti-Patterns
Just read Fielding's dissertation and his blog. His blog clears up some common misconceptions of REST. Beware of other information on REST that does not use authoritative sources - there's a load of misinformation out there.
Hi there is a nice video on how to use REST in Delphi aplplications by Jonathan Benedicto
DataSnap REST Support for Web Applications
This presentation covers how to use the new DataSnap REST support for Web applications.
here is a link to a video by Marco Cantù that has some nice delphi examples of rest clients
10 Rest Clients in Delphi
From Google to Amazon, from Microsoft to Yahoo, from Facebook to Twitter, most large Web sites offer a REST API and Delphi can easily query all of them. This session provides an overview of 10 REST client APIs showing how to integrate database data and Web applications. Creating Windows 7 applications in Delphi, since Delphi 2007, there has been improved support for new features of the Windows operating system, from Windows Vista to Windows 7. In this session, we explore some of the native features of the VCL and some extra APIs you can use.
Both these video come from the code rage 4