how to deploy an application PyQT (QML) - deployment

I succeeded to developed a small application under Windows using PyQT and QML, and now I will like to use it in a tablet (windows).
Then I have no idea how to do the deployed (I want have an icon in my tablet, when I click on it.... the application starts)
I've heard of pydepolyer or py2exe that generates .exe but I do not know how to use it.
this is the architecture of my application.
> projet

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python has a nice little comparison table of freezing tools with links to their manuals.
Freezing your code
I've used both py2exe and pyInstaller. I found that while more difficult to use, in the long run, pyInstaller has more features that are more appealing.
There is also a python wiki dedicated to packaging and deploying PyQt applications.


Porting a pywinauto script from Windows to X11/Xlib

In my organization, I have been using pywinauto to automate some UI procedures that could not be done using the sole command line interface.
In an effort to move away from windows, I am evaluating the effort to port the UI automation script to a Linux environment (our tool has a Linux version, including a similar GUI).
I have had a look at the python-xlib project. But I have the feeling that it is more a framework to develop native X11 applications rather than perform tests on an existing application (I could not find anything like find_window etc...).
Do you have any advice for an X11 framework to automate UI procedures?
Based on several inputs, I finally came up with the following suggestions:
use pywinauto which has some beta level of Linux support (this support is based on pyatspi2).
use directly pyatspi2 to interact with the widgets if they are exposed. To browse through the exposed widgets of the application you want to automate, you can use accerciser.
finally, many framework exist to use only click + keys + mouse locations and are based on image comparison. There are many around, I have not yet tested any of them.
Finally, since my script is meant to run in a docker environment in CI, I installed Xvfb to run the automation in headless mode, without graphics HW.

Ionic Angular js IDE

Is there an IDE like Xcode to develop cross platform apps using ionic? I played with but they charge 40$ per month for the complete app development. Can you suggest some open source IDEs? Basically I wanted something similar to ionic where I can drag and drop objects to build the UI
I had come across the same problem when i started at first and found some suggestions from ionic official website.
I copied contents here for convenience.
Visual Studio Code
VS Code is a new editor that comes with support for ES6 syntax, as well as TypeScript support. It will also prompt users to include TypeScript definition files and download them from Definitely Typed. Visual Studio Code is free and works on OS X, Windows, and Linux.
Atom is cross platform editor built on web technologies. Atom has many plugins to make ES6/TypeScript development very easy. If there isn't something provided by Atom or a plugin, you can even make a plugin yourself, using JavaScript. Atom works on OS X, Windows, and Linux.
WebStorm is a paid IDE that provides many features, such as advanced refactoring support, automatic compilation of code, and gulp/grunt/webpack support. Out of the box, WebStorm comes with support for ES6 and TypeScript, as well as Angular and Ionic syntax support.
ALM is a free open source IDE built for typescript development, it can be run on any computer running chrome and can be hosted on a server and used on any computer with internet access.
Angular IDE by Webclipse
Angular IDE is a freemium IDE built for Angular 2 and TypeScript development providing integrated terminal support helping with node and npm management. Out of the box, Angular IDE includes code completion and validation for ES6, TypeScript, and Angular 2 HTML templates.
Personally i am using "Brackets" its open source as well and really good.
I think community gets totally confused about the OP's question here.He is asking not about an IDE for developing Ionic apps.He is asking the IDE like an Ionic creator.Which is the IDE anyone can create ionic apps without writing a code.
What is an Ionic Creator? See here.
Creator is a simple drag-&-drop tool for going from idea to App
Store, with just the drag of a mouse.
There is no such free and open source tool but the price you have mentioned is not correct with the official Ionic creator. It is $24/mo.You can see details here.
$24/mo for individuals
Unlimited Projects
Private Projects
In-Tool Code Editing
Basic & Native Exporting
Creator Mobile App
By using above tool you can create Ionic 1 apps only.There is no support for Ionic 2 yet. You can see the Roadmap of Ionic 2 creator here.

Any disadvantage using Terminal as opposed to the deprecated GoogleAppEngineLauncher?

I'm doing Udacity's Web Development course. I've heard some users talk about Eclipse, but I'd rather have a basic understanding of the command line than move on to that higher level software.
Is there anything on a Mac that I can't do in Terminal that I could on Google App Engine Launcher?
Thank you.
The gcloud commands from the Cloud SDK provide much more control over your experience. The App Engine Launcher actually causes more problems than it helps with. In the long run, you're much better off with gcloud.
If you wanted to use an IDE, there are new plugins for Eclipse and IntelliJ. If you wanted to keep debugging simple, you could just use the command-line PDB debugger.

Can I use Python in Eclipse to develop Google Cloud Data Flow jobs

I've tried to run the HelloWorld example from the get started guide in an eclipse python project but get errors.
Should I be able to do this or can I only use the virtual environment at the moment?
Short answer -- we did not spend time on the Eclipse developer scenario. Probably better to stick to virtual environments unless you know well how to configure Eclipse.

How to add additional installer to start menu using ClickOnce

I have created a solution that comprise of a WPF application and a mobile device application. What I am trying to figure out is how to facilitate the installation of the mobile application.
When I publish and install the WPF desktop application it creates a start menu folder for the application. Optimally I would like to add the mobile application .msi to this menu but I'm not sure if this is supported by ClickOnce.
Any advice or guidance would be most hopeful.
I suggest looking at Inno Setup. Its a free installer for windows applications and has a simple scripting/wizard process. It'll provide this and all the normal installer functions (install location, start menu, desktop icon etc). It also provides an uninstaller