Change default CSS class of Table component on SAPUI - sapui5

I'm using sap.m.Table component. I'v noticed that my cells have default css class sapMListTblCell nd hegight of rows look me very large:
I want height of rows is more adjusted to cell's content.
I've seen this example. In it cells have another css class: sapUiTableTd
I want my cells of my table have that css class. I think I should change css class of my table to sapUiTableCnt (like the example). But it doesn't work.
Please, someone could tell me What I should do?

The cells have that height because UI5 is mobile first - controls are optimized for working on mobile phones. The spacing / size of various controls depends on a so called content density. Normally, you should check whether or not the user is using a mobile device and set the corresponding content density to your root view. By convention, this check is done inside the Component and then called by the root view's controller.
So, setting a compact density class would most likely solve your problem. You can also create your own density class specifically for tables (and other controls that you may want to target). You can set the compact density and specify e.g. the height of the cells:
CSS style:
.sapUiSizeCompact.myCustomSize .sapMListTblCell {
height: 1rem
<Table class="sapUiSizeCompact myCustomSize" />
You can find a working version here (comparison between cozy, compact and our custom density class):


Adding a full width row to a CollectionView two-column structure

I created such a structure with CollectionView, there are two items in one line. The whole structure should go on like this, everything is fine until here, but I must add (only 1) slide at the top. So I want to place one more full width image in 1 line. What path should I follow?
An image of my app
If the full-width image that you need to display is just a first item of the data set you're displaying, make the collection view return a custom size for it based on its index path. In order to do it, assign a delegate to your collection view and implement the UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout protocol, specifically the collectionView(_:layout:sizeForItemAt:) method. Alternatively, if you're targeting iOS 13+, you can do the same with the UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout, but the implementation will be different, in that case I encourage you to read its documentation.
If the item doesn't really belong to the data set, better create a section header with just that item inside.

Is there way to set detailRowHeight prop to 100% in ag-grid?

Recently started working on a master detail structure angular ag-grid. The structure has two levels of master-detail nesting. I need to fix the heights of inner - 2 grids such that they occupy all available real estate on the screen. Currently, ag-grid defaults it to 300 px and a lot of whitespace or unused space appears on a 1920x1200 screen resolution monitor. I also need to have fixed headers for all grids.
Any ideas or pointers would be appreciated...
Update: Referring to a forked version of plunker example from ag-grid here - This is simple and basic set up for master-detail grid.
Note that: I haven't set any detail row height and have setup just one record to show up in the grid to test for the issue.
If you run the plunker code and view the result in separate window, notice that the inner / child grid doesn't occupy all the space available below it. In other words, it doesn't take as much as space/height available from parent container (master's detail row). The default 300px master detailRowHeight is making height fixed for inner grid. Also, from documentation, detailRowHeight prop doesn't seem to take something similar as 100% or 100vh and only takes fixed pixels number. Added a picture of the example below and the height / unused space I referred
We have different resolutions that users use to view data in grid and the heights of inner grids need to auto-adjust taking max. available space to show most information in the grids.
You could try something like this, I pulled it from the documentation:
In your component.ts file add this method. If it's a detail row it will apply different calculations than the other rows.
public rowHeight(params) {
if (params.node && params.node.detail) {
var offset = 80;
var allDetailRowHeight = * 28;
return allDetailRowHeight + offset;
} else {
// otherwise return fixed master row height
return 25;
In your template add the following: [getRowHeight]="rowHeight"
style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"
Hopefully this will get you moving forward. Good Luck!
So I don't have a great, full solution for you but as a starting point I would use CSS to override the styles ag-grid is setting - I don't think detailRowHeight is going to help.
Here's my plunk getting close to what you want with some simple CSS I put in index.html. You can use !important to override ag-grid styles, or you could use javascript to set the CSS after ag-grid does. I prefer !important in this case and don't have to worry about timing.
The problem I wasn't going to get into is getting it to dynamically fill up available space, depending on the row selected, scroll position, etc. I can't think of any simple way to achieve that - I do this type of thing in grid often and end up writing javascript to calculate the available space, and then set the CSS in javascript.
In ag-grid you have the possibility to set auto height for details.
Set grid property detailRowAutoHeight=true to have the detail grid to dynamically change it's height to fit it's rows.
const gridOptions = {
// dynamically set row height for all detail grids
detailRowAutoHeight: true,
// other grid options ...
However if you are providing your own detail component...
detailCellRenderer: 'MyOwnDetailsComponent',
then, it might not work and you will still need to provide an grid options height detail content through...
detailRowHeight: 560,
Please see the ag-grid documentation here

How can I make the grid cells show the whole input text in ag-grid?

I hope you're having a good day.
So I am using ag-grid in my project to transform a bunch of excel tools(files) in one unified web-application.
So far so good.
However, I couldn't find a way to make the grid cells show the whole input text with the ag-grid framework.
In Excel:
In ag-grid:
I hope I have made my point clear.
I have searched in the ag-grid documentation but with no result. This also seems to be the default input text cell rendering in all of their projects examples.
Any help is welcome :)
This one is similar to one I already answered: AG-Grid - How to increase row height dynamically?
Provide a CSS class for the column
header: 'Address',
field: 'address',
cellClass: "cell-wrap-text",
CSS class - keep it in your root level styles.
.cell-wrap-text {
white-space: normal !important;

How can I style a cell or row/column of cells in NatTable programatically?

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to individually style a cell or group of cells when a certain thing happens. For instance I would like to be able to right-click on a cell and hit something like "tag" and it would change the background color of the cell to something different. I would like to do the same thing with rows, columns, or any random group of selected cells. I also need this change in style to persist even if the cell(s) are moved beyond the viewport layer's view.
If you have a hard time with NatTable, maybe it is worth reading some of our tutorials and documents.
In short related to your question. Individual styling is done via config labels on a cell and styles that are registered in the ConfigRegistry for that label. So what you need to do is to implement some sort of label registry based on cell indeces. That label registry then needs to be used by a custom ConfigLabelAccumulator so the labels are attached to the cells with the corresponding indeces.
We have a basic implementation on a column base via the ColumnStyleEditorDialog. This can be seen in the _000_Styled_grid example by clicking on the column header and call "Format cells". Personally I think that feature is not complete, but it should help you in seeing how it works in principle.

spark form item gap in Flex

Is there a way to change the space between a spark form item and its content(textinput, conbobox)? I already set to 0 the "gap" property of the form, but still there is a lot of vertical space left between the form inputs.
Set the gap to -14 to get no gap between the items
<s:FormLayout gap="-14"/>
<s:FormItem .....>
The spark skin for formItem has left/right variables set based on "columns." I.e. left="column1:10" means the element is 10 pixels to the right of column 1.
So, create the skin, reduce those numbers in the "content" column area and check it.
Reducing all those numbers and the gap should tighten, along with setting the gap in form layout.
If you want to change the vertical gap between each Spark Form Item, create a custom skin based on FormSkin and change the gap property FormLayout.
If you want to change the horizontal gap between skin parts (labelDisplay, indicatorDisplay, helpContentGroup, ...), you need to create a custom skin based on FormItemSkin and change the ConstraintColumn values
I changed in my custom FormItem skin as followed, and it worked for me:
<s:ConstraintRow id="row1" baseline="maxAscent:10" height="100%"/>
<s:ConstraintRow id="row1" baseline="maxAscent:0" height="100%"/>
There are no paddingLeft, paddingRight etc. properties in FormItemLayout yet.