Is there a way to retrieve Facebook page's likes (aka fan_count) in real time using Webhooks?
My webhook is already functional and I do receive likes on post, new comments, … everything but likes on the page itself.
I subscribed to pretty much every topics possible (feed, mentions, …).
I have subscribed my facebook app to receive webhook updates on feed and it works great with posts, likes and comments. However, I'm not receiving post shares at my endpoint even though facebook docs states that the feed subscription also includes share (Reference: --> feed section).
Anybody has an idea?
I'd like to use the GraphAPI and Webhooks to subscribe to a user's activity feed and extract information such as metadata and stats about the shared posts they like. (Yes, I am well aware of the privacy concerns and this will be handled extremely carefully.)
The closest question I could find is here:
Extract Links from Facebook activity feed
The other answers are not relevant, as they either discuss the old FQL or plugins or are specific to Pages.
I've been reading the GraphAPI documentation and the User Likes information only relates to the Pages they like (which doesn't change much). So this is a subset of the info needed - I need likes for Posts, not just Pages.
What I am really interested in is the objects to which a given user has reacted. You can easily see the reactions for everyone to a given post with a GET /v2.8/{post-id}/reactions HTTP/1.1 call. But this is "reactions by post" and I need "reactions by user".
The best solution I can figure out so far is to subscribe to their feed with a webhook and then collect a list of object IDs and then subscribe to their reactions for a certain period and filter by the user. This is not ideal or very efficient as it requires a fair number of subscriptions, and also only accounts for posts in the user's feed and not other posts they might have stumbled upon via some other means.
So - how to extract all User Like info?
I have some questions regarding the Facebook WebHooks.
1)I would like to get notified every time a fb page gets a new like/post etc. I understand this is the feed field. I assume I have to be the facebook page admin for this?
2)What is the exact body of the update object that I will receive in this case? Will it contain information about the liker? Say his/hers email?
I want to get all fans basic data who likes my Facebook page. I have post a request to this URL( and i am getting response as 100 fans at a time randomly. I need all the fans at once or else 100 unique members at a time but not random. Is there any chance to get all 53k fans at a time. Can we use Graph API for this. Please help me.
Sadly, there's no way you can access the list of your 53,000 fans through Graph API (neither via FQL).
Facebook prevents this list to be accessed to discourage selling fans data to 3rd party companies (and as a subtle way to prevent competition of targeted ads).
However, with the Like button plugin endpoint URL ( you can parse the HTML and saving the new ones appearing there, iterating a call to the endpoint every X seconds. Just be careful as this is really not allowed on Facebook TOS and you can be banned (or even get a legal complaint) by implementing that.
I am developing an app that processes <used_id>/posts connection to read the posts a user have made and count the likes and comments that have been received.
Yesterday I noticed that Instagram photo posts do not appear in posts connection. After a little search I found this Posts from Instagram not showing up on Facebook Open Graph API after which I was able to see Instagram photos in Feed connection if permission user_actions:instapp was added (or friends_actions:instapp for friend posts).
But two problems remain:
1) The posts still do not appear in Posts connection, which is more convenient for usage in my case because I am not interested in Posts of other users which may appear in Feed.
2) Even if I use Feed connection the posts do not have Likes field filled, does not matter whether I specify it directly or not. I assume that the same goes with Comments. Therefore in my case Feed is also useless because I need Likes data.
The only solution that works is by using <user_id>/instapp:take - there I get all photos also with Likes. So I might use it, but the trouble is - then I need to do double API call, because Instagram posts are not the only in which I am interested in (I still need to call <user_id>/posts).
I have submitted this bug report:
Perhaps someone has an idea for a better solution than calling instapp:take?