Kotlin type inference fails for guava TreeMultimap - guava

I have:
data class Edge(val spec: String, val weight: Int)
private val graph: SortedSetMultimap<String, Edge> = TreeMultimap.create()
The call to create() is an error:
MapCrawler.kt: (63, 71): Type inference failed. Expected type mismatch: inferred type is TreeMultimap<(???..???), (???..???)>! but SortedSetMultimap was expected
If I change it to be a
SortedSetMultimap<String, String>
it works fine (no issues with the type inference). In other words, this line compiles just fine:
private val graph: SortedSetMultimap<String, String> = TreeMultimap.create()
What is it about the Edge class that messes up the type inference, and how do I fix it?

You need to pass two comparator implementation to create function.
Have a look at following snippet:
private val graph:SortedSetMultimap<String, Food> = TreeMultimap.create(Comparator<String> { str1, str2 -> 0
// compare string here
}, Comparator<Food> { edge1, edge2 -> 0
// compare Edge object here
I have tested this it works. You can remove data type (:SortedSetMultimap<String, Food>) as assignment statement can infer which type of value is being returned.
Hope this helps.


Shapeless lenses usage with a string definition

I would like use shapeless lenses to access value of the case class field by a String definition.
I know this code works.
case class Test(id: String, calc: Long)
val instance = Test("123232", 3434L)
val lens = lens[Test] >> 'id
val valueOfFieldId = lens.get(instance)
But what I am trying to do is:
val fieldName = "id"
val lens = lens[Test] >> fieldName.witness
//I typed .witness because it was expecting a witness (if I am not wrong)
val valueOfFieldId = lens.get(instance)
But with this code, I am getting this error.
Could not find implicit value for parameter mkLens: shapeless.MkFieldLens[A$A148.this.Test,A$A148.this.str.type]
def get$$instance$$lll = lll;/* ###worksheet### generated $$end$$ */ lazy val lens = lens[Test] >> str.witness
Is it possible to get the value of case class field with a String definition?
You are supposed to use Symbol ('id) here rather than String ("id").
Creating Symbol from String
is runtime operation and Shapeless operates in compile time.
Why can't you use symbols?

Scala Compile Error

I have trouble in building the following code:
type graph_t = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Long, (Long, Float)];
var graph : graph_t = graph_t();
However, it does work by replacing the graph_t() with the original type:
var graph : graph_t = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Long, (Long, Float)] ();
Any answer will be appreciated.
Scala knows two namespaces: types and values. Types define what values are capable of, and values are the things you call methods on.
graph_t() is a method call (the apply method), but you did not define a value called graph_t, you defined a type called graph_t, and you cannot call methods on types.
The reason scala.collection.mutable.Map[Long, (Long, Float)] () works is because scala.collection.mutable.Map is both a type and a value.
That's interesting. Try this:
type s = String;
var x = s()
You get the same error: not found.
That's is because the name of the class is both the name of the type and the name of the constructor, but the name of a type is not necessarily the name of a constructor.
In this case, the function Map actually constructs a concrete implementation of the Map abstract class.

Set a private var by an anonymous class in Scala?

I found an example about abstract type member in Odersky's paper (Chapter 2.1): http://lampwww.epfl.ch/~odersky/papers/ScalableComponent.pdf
I paste it below
abstract class AbsCell {
type T
val init: T
private var value: T = init
def get: T = value
def set(x:T):Unit = {value = x}
val cell = new AbsCell{ type T=Int; val init=1}
cell.set(cell.get + 1)
The codes doesn't work as expected in the latest Scala (Scala Version: 2.11).
I found the value of the last expression cell.get is 1, while what I expected is 2. The reason is that the private var value: T = init doesn't work well for the mixin anonymous class { type T=Int; val init=1}.
Does anyone have any ideas about this?
Your code doesn't work because value is initialized before the val init is. So at the time value is initialized, init is still equal to the default value of type T, which is 0 for T = Int.
You can fix this by making init a def or a lazy val.
Note that the paper you reference does not have the code you mention. In the paper, init is a parameter to the constructor of GenCell/AbsCell, and is therefore initialized properly before value is.

Scala - how to go resolve "Value is not a member of Nothing" error

This example code is based on Atmosphere classes, but if someone could give me some insights into what the error means in general, I think I can figure out any Atmosphere-specific solution...
val bc = BroadcasterFactory.getDefault().lookup(_broadcasterId)
After the first line, bc should contain a handle to an object whose class definition includes the method broadcast() -- in fact, it contains several overloaded variations. However, the compiler chokes on the second line of code with the following: "value broadcast is not a member of Nothing"
Any ideas/suggestions on what would be causing this?
EDIT: signature for [BroadcasterFactor].lookup :
abstract Broadcaster lookup(Object id)
Note: 1) that is the signature version that I've used in the example, 2) it is the java Inteface signature - whereas the getDefault() hands back an instantiated object that implements that interface.
Solution: force type cast on value:
val bc: Broadcaster = BroadcasterFactory.getDefault().lookup(_broadcasterId)
Nothing is the type name. It's the subtype of all other types. You can't call methods from Nothing itself, you have to specify exact type ((bc: ExactType).broadcast(message)). Nothing has no instances. Method, that returns Nothing will, actually, never return value. It will throw an exception eventually.
Type inference
Definition of lookup:
abstract public <T extends Broadcaster> T lookup(Object id);
in scala this definition looks this way:
def lookup[T <: Broadcaster](Object id): T
There is not specified type parameter in lookup method. In this case compiler will infer this type parameter as the most specific type - Nothing:
scala> def test[T](i: Int): T = ???
test: [T](i: Int)T
scala> lazy val x = test(1)
x: Nothing = <lazy>
scala> lazy val x = test[String](1)
x: String = <lazy>
You could specify type parameter like this:
val bc = BroadcasterFactory.getDefault().lookup[Broadcaster](_broadcasterId)
Draft implementation
In development process lookup can be "implemented" like this:
def lookup(...) = ???
??? returns Nothing.
You should specify either result type of lookup method like this: def lookup(...): <TypeHere> = ... or type of bc: val bc: <TypeHere> =.

Scala class members and constructor parameters name clash

Consider the following class written in Java:
class NonNegativeDouble {
private final double value;
public NonNegativeDouble(double value) {
this.value = Math.abs(value);
public double getValue() { return value; }
It defines a final field called value that is initialized in the constructor, by taking its parameter called alike and applying a function to it.
I want to write something similar to it in Scala. At first, I tried:
class NonNegativeDouble(value: Double) {
def value = Math.abs(value)
But the compiler complains: error: overloaded method value needs result type
Obviously the compiler thinks that the expression value inside the expression Math.abs(value) refers to the method being defined. Therefore, the method being defined is recursive, so I need to state its return type. So, the code I wrote does not do what I expected it to do: I wanted value inside Math.abs(value) to refer to the constructor parameter value, and not to the method being defined. It is as if the compiler implicitly added a this. to Math.abs(this.value).
Adding val or var (or private ... variants) to the constructor parameter doesn't seem to help.
So, my question is: can I define a property with the same name as a constructor parameter, but maybe a different value? If so, how? If not, why?
No, you can't. In Scala, constructor parameters are properties, so it makes no sense to redefine them.
The solution, naturally, is to use another name:
class NonNegativeDouble(initValue: Double) {
val value = Math.abs(initValue)
Used like this, initValue won't be part of the instances created. However, if you use it in a def or a pattern matching declaration, then it becomes a part of every instance of the class.
#Daniel C. Sobral
class NonNegativeDouble(initValue: Double) {
val value = Math.abs(initValue)
your code is right, but "constructor parameters are properties",this is not true.
A post from the official site said,
A parameter such as class Foo(x : Int) is turned into a field if it is
referenced in one or more methods
And Martin's reply confirms its truth:
That's all true, but it should be treated as an implementation
technique. That's why the spec is silent about it.
So normally, we can still treat primary constructor parameters as normal method parameter, but when the parameters is referenced by any of the methods, the compiler will cleverly turn it into a private field.
If any formal parameter preceded by the val, the compiler generates an getter definition automatically.if var, generates a setter additionally. see the language speification section 5.3.
That's all about primary constructor parameters.
You can consider parametric field
class NonNegativeDouble(val value: Double, private val name: String ){
if (value < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("value cannot be negative")
override def toString =
"NonNegativeDouble(value = %s, name = %s)" format (value, name)
val tom = "Tom"
val k = -2.3
val a = new NonNegativeDouble(k.abs, tom)
a: NonNegativeDouble = NonNegativeDouble(value = 2.3, name = Tom)
res13: Double = 2.3
<console>:12: error: value name in class NonNegativeDouble cannot be accessed in NonNegativeDouble
val b = new NonNegativeDouble(k, tom)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: value cannot be negative
It's defines fields and parameters with the same names "value", "name".
You can add modifiers such as private ...
In the case of case classes it should be:
case class NonNegativeDouble(private val initValue: Double) {
val value = Math.abs(initValue)
def copy(value: Double = this.value) = NonNegativeDouble(value)
The implementation of copy is required to prevent the sintesized version of the compiler that will bind the initValue argument.
I expect that the compiler is smart enough to not retain the «extra space» for the initValue. I haven't verified this behaviour.