kdb/q: Increase visible rows in browser - webserver

Hi I am running kdb and usually use the browser for basic viewing of the tables by running the kdb on a port: \p xxx
My questions is how can I increase the visible rows in the browser? Currently I believe there is a fixed number of rows that are visible.
I would like to be able to view more or less rows.
Is there a settings or a command?

Here is all the info you need

To expand on the other answer, kdb allows you to change to the console size in a session with \c or via command line with the -c flag. The HTTP size is with an upper case C (\C and -C).
The HTTP size has limits of 10 and 2000 for both height and width, so if you wished to set a height of 2000 and width of 1000:
q)\C 2000 1000


Is there a way to limit default column width?

In Oracle SQL Developer selecting VARCHAR2, CLOB or LONG columns shows all its contents by default. Is there a way to limit this default to e.g. 20 characters, or at least not allowing columns to be bigger than the screen width?
I know I can use Auto-fit all columns → on Header, but it limits the size of columns usually too much. However, it is still easier to expand a small column, than to contract one that spans several screen widths.
This is the default view for version 20.2 - note the CLOB doesn't display in full nor take the entire screen, it leaves room for the other columns.
You could of course always use the SUBSTR() function on your CLOBs to determine exactly how much data to show for casual browsing.

How to put an arbitrary number of row/tuples on chosen number of pages on PostgreSQL

I would like to insert a number of rows into a table and be able to specify to PostgreSQL the number of pages that will be used for that number of rows.
e.g: 3000 Rows into 120 Pages.
I know i can change the fillfactor to specify how much the pages should be filled, i can use that or there is another way?
Also if that's possible, how can i evenly distribute the rows into that number of pages?

How do I expand the number of documents viewed in robo3t when running a MongoDB query?

I can only view 50 documents in document viewer. I have tried changing the 50 in the right hand corner to a larger number to expand the doucment view however this does not work. How do i increase the batch size?
Example of 50 document batch size
Well i tried same i changed 50 to 100 and then clicked on the arrow key on right (in the attached image). I was able to see 100 records.

Long strings are being clipped with (...) in postgres [duplicate]

I've recently installed pgAdmin III 1.18.1 and noticed a strange thing:
Long json query results are shortened to 256 symbols and then ' (...)' is added.
Could someone help me disable this shortening?
Thanks to user Erwin Brandstetter for his answer on Database Administrators.
There is a setting for that in the options: Max characters per column - useful when dealing with big columns. Obviously your setting is 256 characters.
Set it higher or set it to -1 to disable the feature.
in pgadmin (Version 5.4) select
file >> preferences >> Query Tool >> Results grid
and change Resize by data? to false. This will the column be sized to the widest of the datatype or column name.

Postgresql - Table size do not refresh

I want to know the size of my Table (postgresql). I make this query:
select pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size('mytable'));
Result: 8192 bytes
Then, I add 4 rows and the result is the same (8192 bytes).
What am I doing wrong? What am I missing?
Thanks a lot...
Postgres puts records in fixed-size pages, which are 8kB each by default. Storage is allocated one page at a time. Once you add enough rows to reach your table's fillfactor, it will add a second block, and the size will jump to 16384 bytes.