Simulating random walkers which can not collide into each other in Matlab - matlab

I have written a code to simulate the motion of circular particles in a 2d box. Whenever they move out of the box, I put them inside the box and near the wall. I want to add the diameter (2R) of particles in the code, which means when the distance between the center of two circles become less than 2R, they separate along the line connecting their centers so that the distance between the centers of the circles becomes equal to 2R.
Could anyone suggest a code to perevent the overlapping of particles?
This is my code in which overlap is not considered:
clear all
close all
l = 224; nn = 800; %number of particles
time = 1000; dd = 1;
x= l*rand(1,nn);
y= l*rand(1,nn);
for t = 1:time;
x= x + rand(1,nn)-0.5* ones(1,nn);
y=y+rand(1,nn)-0.5* ones (1,nn);
index = (x < 0); x(index) = abs(normrnd(0,1,1,nnz(index)));
index = (y < 0); y(index) = abs(normrnd(0,1,1,nnz(index)));
index = (x > l); x(index) = l-abs(normrnd(0,1,1,nnz(index)));
index = (y > l); y(index) = l-abs(normrnd(0,1,1,nnz(index)));

Here is some commented code which does what you want. Notably:
psize is some defined particle size for interaction.
point-to-point distances found using pdist2.
points that are too close are moved away from each other by some amount (dp times their current distances, if dp=1/2 then their x and y distances double) until there are no clashes.
See comments for details.
clear; close all;
l = 224; nn = 800; % number of particles
time = 100;
x = l*rand(1,nn); y = l*rand(1,nn);
psize = 2; % Particle size for interaction
dp = 0.1;
figure; hold on; axis([0 l 0 l]);
for t = 1:time;
% Random movement
movement = 2*rand(2,nn)-1;
x = x + movement(1,:);
y = y + movement(2,:);
index = (x < 0); x(index) = abs(normrnd(0,1,1,nnz(index)));
index = (y < 0); y(index) = abs(normrnd(0,1,1,nnz(index)));
index = (x > l); x(index) = l-abs(normrnd(0,1,1,nnz(index)));
index = (y > l); y(index) = l-abs(normrnd(0,1,1,nnz(index)));
% Particle interaction. Loop until there are no clashes. For
% robustness, some max iteration counter should be added!
numclash = 1;
while numclash > 0
dists = pdist2([x;y]', [x;y]'); % Distances between all particles
dists(dists < psize) = NaN; % Those too close are assigned NaN
tooclose = isnan(tril(dists,-1)); % All NaNs identified by logical
[clash1,clash2] = find(tooclose); % Get particles which are clashing
numclash = numel(clash1); % Get number of clashes
% All points where there was a clash, move away from each other
x(clash1) = x(clash1) + (x(clash1)-x(clash2))*dp;
x(clash2) = x(clash2) - (x(clash1)-x(clash2))*dp;
y(clash1) = y(clash1) + (y(clash1)-y(clash2))*dp;
y(clash2) = y(clash2) - (y(clash1)-y(clash2))*dp;
% Plot to visualise results. Colour fade from dark to bright green over time
hold off
For a clearer diagram, you could initialise some colour matrix C = rand(nn,3); and plot using
scatter(x,y,[],C*(t/time),'.'); % the (t/time) factor makes it fade from dark to light
This would give each particle a different colour, which also fade from dark to light, rather than just fading from dark to light as before. The result would be something like this:


How do I properly reverse particle velocities after a collision?

So I'm trying to write a program that simulates the movement of gas particles in a sealed environment for an undergrad project (this is my first project so I'm pretty new to coding as a whole). My issue comes down to particle-particle collisions specifically. I have an if statement within an overarching while statement that reverses either the x components or y components of the colliding particles. When I run the script however, particles that should simply collide and have their velocities reversed end up stuttering back and forth. I think what's happening is the separation distance between collided particles after their velocities have been reversed is still below the initial value for collision so the velocities are reversed again. Kinda don't want this to happen and I've been stuck on it for a while. I just want the velocities to be reversed once until a new collision occurs. Collision handling can be found at the bottom of my script. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
clc; clear; close all;
f = figure;
ax = axes('XLim', [0 10], 'YLim', [0 10]);
numberOfParticles = 30;
[particles, particlePositions, particleVelocities] = initializeNewParticle(numberOfParticles);
particleMotion(particles, particleVelocities, particlePositions);
%instantiates N particles
function [particles, particlePositions, particleVelocities] = initializeNewParticle(numberOfParticles)
speedMultiplier = 0.05;
for i = 1:numberOfParticles
particlePositionX(i) = 10*rand;
particlePositionY(i) = 10*rand;
particleVelocityX(i) = speedMultiplier * (-1 + 2*rand);
particleVelocityY(i) = speedMultiplier * (-1 + 2*rand);
particles(i) = line(particlePositionX(i), particlePositionY(i), 'marker', 'o', 'color', 'k', 'markersize', 15);
particlePositions = [particlePositionX; particlePositionY];
particleVelocities = [particleVelocityX; particleVelocityY];
%initial velocities & collision handling
function [] = particleMotion(particles, particleVelocities, particlePositions)
while toc < 10
%checks if particles are within bounds of figure
if any(particlePositions(:) < 0) || any(particlePositions(:) > 10)
%creates array that converts elements to 1 if particles out of bounds
outOfBounds = particlePositions < 0 | particlePositions > 10;
%finds index position of non-zero elements
indexPos = outOfBounds(:) > 0;
%uses index to invert velocities of particles out of bounds
particleVelocities(indexPos) = -particleVelocities(indexPos);
particlePositions = particlePositions + particleVelocities;
set(particles, 'XData', particlePositions(1,:),'YData', particlePositions(2,:), "LineStyle", "none");
%determines all separations from i particle to all N particles
for i = 1 : length(particles)
currentParticleXPos = get(particles(i), 'XData');
targetParticlesXPos(i, :) = particlePositions(1,:) - particlePositions(1,i);
currentParticleYPos = get(particles(i), 'YData');
targetParticlesYPos(i,:) = particlePositions(2,:) - particlePositions(2,i);
distanceBetweenParticles(i,:) = sqrt(targetParticlesXPos(i,:).^2 + targetParticlesYPos(i,:).^2);
%collision check and handling
if find(distanceBetweenParticles >= 0 & distanceBetweenParticles <= 0.5)
collisionCoordinates = triu((distanceBetweenParticles < 0.5 & distanceBetweenParticles > 0));
linearCollisionIndexValue = find(collisionCoordinates == 1);
[particle1,particle2] = ind2sub(size(collisionCoordinates), linearCollisionIndexValue);
particleVelocityX1 = particleVelocities(1,particle1);
particleVelocityX2 = particleVelocities(1,particle2);
particleVelocityY1 = particleVelocities(2,particle1);
particleVelocityY2 = particleVelocities(2,particle2);
if ~isequal(sign(particleVelocityX1), sign(particleVelocityX2))
particleVelocities(1,particle1) = -particleVelocityX1;
particleVelocities(1,particle2) = -particleVelocityX2;
elseif ~isequal(sign(particleVelocityY1), sign(particleVelocityY2))
particleVelocities(2,particle1) = -particleVelocityY1;
particleVelocities(2,particle2) = -particleVelocityY2;

Summarize all intersection points by clockwise direction

This a program that I have, I already asked before for how to find the intersection on my image with a circle, and somebody has an answer it (thank you) and I have another problem...
a = imread('001_4.bmp');
I2 = imcrop(a,[90 5 93 180]);
x=1:j ; y=1:i;
BW = edge(I2,'Canny',0.5);
bw2 = imcomplement(BW);
circle = int32([centx,centy,40]);%<<----------
shapeInserter = vision.ShapeInserter('Fill',false);
% construct binary image of circle only
bwCircle = step(shapeInserter,true(size(bw2)),circle);
% find the indexes of the intersection between the binary image and the circle
[i, j] = find ((bw2 | bwCircle) == 0);
imshow(bw2 & bwCircle) % plot the combination of both images
hold on
plot(j, i, 'r*') % plot the intersection points
K = step(shapeInserter,bw2,circle);
while (k < n)
d = d + sqrt((i(k+1)-i(k)).^2 + (j(k+1)-j(k)).^2);
k = k+1;
Q: How can I calculate all the existing intersection values(red *) in a clockwise direction?
Not sure, but I think that your teacher meant something different from the answer given in the previous question, because
CW direction can be a hint, not a additional problem
I've seen no clue that the circle should be drawn; for small radius circles are blocky and simple bw_circle & bw_edges may not work. For details please see "Steve on image processing" blog, "Intersecting curves that don't intersect"[1]
May be your teacher is rather old and wants Pascal-stile answer.
If my assumptions are correct the code below should be right
img = zeros(7,7); %just sample image, edges == 1
img(:,4) = 1; img(sub2ind(size(img),1:7,1:7)) = 1;
ccx = 4; % Please notice: x is for columns, y is for rows
ccy = 3;
rad = 2;
theta = [(pi/2):-0.01:(-3*pi/2)];
% while plotting it will appear CCW, for visual CW and de-facto CCW use
% 0:0.01:2*pi
cx = rad * cos(theta) + ccx; % gives slightly different data as for
cy = rad * sin(theta) + ccy; % (x-xc)^2 + (y-yc)^2 == rad^2 [2]
ccoord=[cy;cx]'; % Once again: x is for columns, y is for rows
[ccoord, rem_idx, ~] =unique(round(ccoord),'rows');
cx = ccoord(:,2);
cy = ccoord(:,1);
circ = zeros(size(img)); circ(sub2ind(size(img),cy,cx))=1;
cross_sum = 0;
figure, imshow(img | circ,'initialmagnification',5000)
hold on,
h = [];
for un_ang = 1:length(cx),
tmp_val= img(cy(un_ang),cx(un_ang));
if tmp_val == 1 %the point belongs to edge of interest
cross_sum = cross_sum + tmp_val;
h = plot(cx(un_ang),cy(un_ang),'ro');
hold off

Changing color of plot lines in a loop

I have a question about changing the color of lines in a plot in MATLAB. I have written a code where I want to change the color of lines in a plot that is embedded in several for loops (the code is shown below). In the code, a new plot is created (with its own figure) when the "if loop" condition is satisfied. I want each plot to have lines with different colors (from other plots), so I created a variable = "NewColor" to increment and change the line colors. However, the following problem has been occurring:
Suppose I am in debug mode and I have stopped at the plot command. I run the next step and a plot is created with a blue line. I check the value of NewColor and find NewColor = 0.1. Next, I use the "run to cursor" command to step to the next time the plot command is activated. When I do this I am still within the "i for loop", so NewColor has not changed. I check the editor to find that NewColor = 0.1. Therefore, when I run the next step a blue line should show up on the current plot. To the contrary and my disbelief an orange line shows up (in addition to the blue line). I don't understand since in both steps of the debugger NewColor = 0.1, and the code is written so the color of the lines = [0,NewColor,0]. If anyone can find the error of my ways it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
ThetaPlot = [40,50]; % Put incident angle as input
Count1 = 0;
Count2 = 0;
NewColor = 0;
for m = 1:length(ThetaPlot)
NewColor = 0.1;
Title = sprintf('Angle(%d)',ThetaPlot(m));
Count1 = 0;
for i = 1:length(xrange)-1 % X Coordinate of Start Node
for j = 1:length(yrange)-1 % Y Coordinate of Start Node
Count1 = Count1+1;
for k = 2:length(xrange) % X Coordinate of End Node
for l = 2:length(yrange) % Y Coordinate of End Node
Count2 = Count2+1;
if ReflRayData(Count2,ThetaPlot(m) - ThetaIncident(1) + 1,Count1) == 1
x = [xrange(i),xrange(k)];
y = [yrange(j),yrange(l)];
hold on;
Count2 = 0;
NewColor = NewColor + 0.02;
Full Code:
%% Calculating Angles of Reflection
run = 1; % Set run = 1 for calculations
if run == 1
xrange = [0:1:14.5]'; % Coordinates to try for Panel Geometry (in)
yrange = [0:1:36]'; % Coordinates to try for Panel Geometry (in)
ThetaIncident = [-90:1:90]'; % Incident Angle of Ray (measured relative to normal direction with clockwise postive)
OvenGlassXrange = [14.5:0.1:36.5]; %Range of X coordinates for Oven Glass
ReflRayData = zeros((length(xrange)-1)*(length(yrange)-1),length(ThetaIncident),(length(xrange)-1)*(length(yrange)-1)); % Matrix containing Reflected Ray Data
Count1 = 0;
Count2 = 0;
for i = 1:length(xrange)-1 % X Coordinate of Start Node
for j = 1:length(yrange)-1 % Y Coordinate of Start Node
Count1 = Count1+1;
for k = 2:length(xrange) % X Coordinate of End Node
for l = 2:length(yrange) % Y Coordinate of End Node
Count2 = Count2+1;
for m = 1:length(ThetaIncident)
xStart = xrange(i);
yStart = yrange(j);
xEnd = xrange(k);
yEnd = yrange(l);
m1 = (yEnd - yStart)/(xEnd - xStart); % Slope between Start and End Nodes
b1 = yStart - m1*xStart;
m2 = 1/m1; % Slope of normal direction
b2 = (yEnd - 0.5*(yEnd - yStart)) - m2*(xEnd - 0.5*(xEnd - xStart));
ArbXCoor = 1; % Arbitary Point X Coordinate on Normal Line
ArbYCoor = m2*ArbXCoor+b2; % Arbitary Point Y Coordinate on Normal Line
ThetaReflected = -ThetaIncident(m); % Reflected Angle
ArbXCoorRot = ArbXCoor*cosd(ThetaReflected) - ArbYCoor*sind(ThetaReflected); % Arbitary Point X Coordinate on Reflected Line
ArbYCoorRot = ArbYCoor*cosd(ThetaReflected) + ArbXCoor*sind(ThetaReflected); % Arbitary Point Y Coordinate on Reflected Line
m3 = (ArbYCoorRot - (yEnd - 0.5*(yEnd - yStart)))/(ArbXCoorRot - (xEnd - 0.5*(xEnd - xStart))); % Slope of Reflected Line
b3 = (yEnd - 0.5*(yEnd - yStart)) - m3*(xEnd - 0.5*(xEnd - xStart));
ElemLength = sqrt((yEnd - yStart)^2 + (xEnd - xStart)^2);
if min(OvenGlassXrange) < -b3/m3 && -b3/m3 < max(OvenGlassXrange) && -1 < m1 && m1 < 0 && m1 ~= -Inf && m1 ~= Inf && ElemLength < 3
ReflRayData(Count2,m,Count1) = 1;
Count2 = 0;
%% Plotting
ThetaPlot = [40,50]; % Put incident angle as input
Count1 = 0;
Count2 = 0;
NewColor = 0;
for m = 1:length(ThetaPlot)
NewColor = 0.1;
Title = sprintf('Angle(%d)',ThetaPlot(m));
Count1 = 0;
for i = 1:length(xrange)-1 % X Coordinate of Start Node
for j = 1:length(yrange)-1 % Y Coordinate of Start Node
Count1 = Count1+1;
for k = 2:length(xrange) % X Coordinate of End Node
hold on;
for l = 2:length(yrange) % Y Coordinate of End Node
Count2 = Count2+1;
if ReflRayData(Count2,ThetaPlot(m) - ThetaIncident(1) + 1,Count1) == 1
x = [xrange(i),xrange(k)];
y = [yrange(j),yrange(l)];
hold on;
Count2 = 0;
NewColor = NewColor + 0.02;
instead of plot(x,y,['-',[0,NewColor,0],'o']); try:
According to the Matlab documentation, by calling hold on Matlab uses the next color.
hold on retains plots in the current axes so that new plots added to the axes do not delete existing plots. New plots use the next colors and line styles based on the ColorOrder and LineStyleOrder properties of the axes.
Therefore, in your code when you call hold on inside the for, it just uses the next color.
My solution is to put figure; hold on; before for loop and remove that one in you loop

Non overlapping randomly located circles

I need to generate a fixed number of non-overlapping circles located randomly. I can display circles, in this case 20, located randomly with this piece of code,
for i =1:20
x=0 + (5+5)*rand(1)
y=0 + (5+5)*rand(1)
hold on
however circles overlap and I would like to avoid this. This was achieved by previous users with Mathematica , but I am using MATLAB and I would like to stick to it.
For reproducibility, this is the function, circle3, I am using to draw the circles
function h = circle3(x,y,r)
d = r*2;
px = x-r;
py = y-r;
h = rectangle('Position',[px py d d],'Curvature',[1,1]);
Thank you.
you can save a list of all the previously drawn circles. After
randomizing a new circle check that it doesn't intersects the previously drawn circles.
code example:
nCircles = 20;
circles = zeros(nCircles ,2);
r = 0.5;
for i=1:nCircles
%Flag which holds true whenever a new circle was found
newCircleFound = false;
%loop iteration which runs until finding a circle which doesnt intersect with previous ones
while ~newCircleFound
x = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
y = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
%calculates distances from previous drawn circles
prevCirclesY = circles(1:i-1,1);
prevCirclesX = circles(1:i-1,2);
distFromPrevCircles = ((prevCirclesX-x).^2+(prevCirclesY-y).^2).^0.5;
%if the distance is not to small - adds the new circle to the list
if i==1 || sum(distFromPrevCircles<=2*r)==0
newCircleFound = true;
circles(i,:) = [y x];
hold on
*notice that if the amount of circles is too big relatively to the range in which the x and y coordinates are drawn from, the loop may run infinitely.
in order to avoid it - define this range accordingly (it can be defined as a function of nCircles).
If you're happy with brute-forcing, consider this solution:
N = 60; % number of circles
r = 0.5; % radius
newpt = #() rand([1,2]) * 10; % function to generate a new candidate point
xy = newpt(); % matrix to store XY coordinates
fails = 0; % to avoid looping forever
while size(xy,1) < N
% generate new point and test distance
pt = newpt();
if all(pdist2(xy, pt) > 2*r)
xy = [xy; pt]; % add it
fails = 0; % reset failure counter
% increase failure counter,
fails = fails + 1;
% give up if exceeded some threshold
if fails > 1000
error('this is taking too long...');
% plot
plot(xy(:,1), xy(:,2), 'x'), hold on
for i=1:size(xy,1)
circle3(xy(i,1), xy(i,2), r);
hold off
Slightly amended code #drorco to make sure exact number of circles I want are drawn
nCircles = 20;
circles = zeros(nCircles ,2);
r = 0.5;
for i=1:nCircles
%Flag which holds true whenever a new circle was found
newCircleFound = false;
%loop iteration which runs until finding a circle which doesnt intersect with previous ones
while ~newCircleFound & c<=nCircles
x = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
y = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
%calculates distances from previous drawn circles
prevCirclesY = circles(1:i-1,1);
prevCirclesX = circles(1:i-1,2);
distFromPrevCircles = ((prevCirclesX-x).^2+(prevCirclesY-y).^2).^0.5;
%if the distance is not to small - adds the new circle to the list
if i==1 || sum(distFromPrevCircles<=2*r)==0
newCircleFound = true;
circles(i,:) = [y x];
hold on
Although this is an old post, and because I faced the same problem before I would like to share my solution, which uses anonymous functions: . This code allows to create 1, 2 or 3-D cell environments from user-defined cell radii distributions. The purpose was to create a complex environment for monte-carlo simulations of diffusion in biological tissues:
A simpler but less flexible version of this code would be the simple case of a 2-D environment. The following creates a space distribution of N randomly positioned and non-overlapping circles with radius R and with minimum distance D from other cells. All packed in a square region of length S.
function C = cells(N, R, D, S)
C = #(x, y, r) 0;
for n=1:N
o = randi(S-R,1,2);
while C(o(1),o(2),2 * R + D) ~= 0
o = randi(S-R,1,2);
f = #(x, y) sqrt ((x - o(1)) ^ 2 + (y - o(2)) ^ 2);
c = #(x, y, r) f(x, y) .* (f(x, y) < r);
C = #(x, y, r) + C(x, y, r) + c(x, y, r);
C = #(x, y) + C(x, y, R);
where the return C is the combined anonymous functions of all circles. Although it is a brute force solution it is fast and elegant, I believe.

Matlab figure keeps the history of the previous images

I am working on rotating image manually in Matlab. Each time I run my code with a different image the previous images which are rotated are shown in the Figure. I couldn't figure it out. Any help would be appreciable.
The code is here:
im1 = imread('gradient.jpg');
[h, w, p] = size(im1);
theta = pi/12;
hh = round( h*cos(theta) + w*abs(sin(theta))); %Round to nearest integer
ww = round( w*cos(theta) + h*abs(sin(theta))); %Round to nearest integer
R = [cos(theta) -sin(theta); sin(theta) cos(theta)];
T = [w/2; h/2];
RT = [inv(R) T; 0 0 1];
for z = 1:p
for x = 1:ww
for y = 1:hh
% Using matrix multiplication
i = zeros(3,1);
i = RT*[x-ww/2; y-hh/2; 1];
%% Nearest Neighbour
i = round(i);
if i(1)>0 && i(2)>0 && i(1)<=w && i(2)<=h
im2(y,x,z) = im1(i(2),i(1),z);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x,y); % Generate X and Y arrays for 3-D plots
orig_pos = [X(:)' ; Y(:)' ; ones(1,numel(X))]; % Number of elements in array or subscripted array expression
orig_pos_2 = [X(:)'-(ww/2) ; Y(:)'-(hh/2) ; ones(1,numel(X))];
new_pos = round(RT*orig_pos_2); % Round to nearest neighbour
% Check if new positions fall from map:
valid_pos = new_pos(1,:)>=1 & new_pos(1,:)<=w & new_pos(2,:)>=1 & new_pos(2,:)<=h;
orig_pos = orig_pos(:,valid_pos);
new_pos = new_pos(:,valid_pos);
siz = size(im1);
siz2 = size(im2);
% Expand the 2D indices to include the third dimension.
ind_orig_pos = sub2ind(siz2,orig_pos(2*ones(p,1),:),orig_pos(ones(p,1),:), (1:p)'*ones(1,length(orig_pos)));
ind_new_pos = sub2ind(siz, new_pos(2*ones(p,1),:), new_pos(ones(p,1),:), (1:p)'*ones(1,length(new_pos)));
im2(ind_orig_pos) = im1(ind_new_pos);
There is a problem with the initialization of im2, or rather, the lack of it. im2 is created in the section shown below:
if i(1)>0 && i(2)>0 && i(1)<=w && i(2)<=h
im2(y,x,z) = im1(i(2),i(1),z);
If im2 exists before this code is run and its width or height is larger than the image you are generating the new image will only overwrite the top left corner of your existing im2. Try initializing im2 by adding adding
im2 = zeros(hh, ww, p);
for z = 1:p
for x = 1:ww
for y = 1:hh
As a bonus it might make your code a little faster since Matlab won't have to resize im2 as it grows in the loop.