Cats: Non tail recursive tailRecM method for Monads - scala

In cats, when a Monad is created using Monad trait, an implementation for method tailRecM should be provided.
I have a scenario below that I found impossible to provide a tail recursive implementation of tailRecM
sealed trait Tree[+A]
final case class Branch[A](left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
final case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A]
implicit val treeMonad = new Monad[Tree] {
override def pure[A](value: A): Tree[A] = Leaf(value)
override def flatMap[A, B](initial: Tree[A])(func: A => Tree[B]): Tree[B] =
initial match {
case Branch(l, r) => Branch(flatMap(l)(func), flatMap(r)(func))
case Leaf(value) => func(value)
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(func: (A) => Tree[Either[A, B]]): Tree[B] = {
func(a) match {
case Branch(l, r) =>
flatMap(l) {
case Right(l) => pure(l)
case Left(l) => tailRecM(l)(func)
case Right(r) => pure(r)
case Left(r) => tailRecM(r)(func)
case Leaf(Left(value)) => tailRecM(value)(func)
case Leaf(Right(value)) => Leaf(value)
1) According to the above example, how this tailRecM method can be used for optimizing flatMap method call? Does the implementation of the flatMap method is overridden/modified by tailRecM at the compile time ?
2) If the tailRecM is not tail recursive as above, will it still be efficient than using the original flatMap method ?
Please share your thoughts.

Sometimes there is a way to replace a call stack with explicit list.
Here toVisit keeps track of branches that are waiting to be processed.
And toCollect keeps branches that are waiting to be merged until corresponding branch is finished processed.
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: (A) => Tree[Either[A, B]]): Tree[B] = {
def go(toVisit: List[Tree[Either[A, B]]],
toCollect: List[Tree[B]]): List[Tree[B]] = toVisit match {
case (tree :: tail) =>
tree match {
case Branch(l, r) =>
l match {
case Branch(_, _) => go(l :: r :: tail, toCollect)
case Leaf(Left(a)) => go(f(a) :: r :: tail, toCollect)
case Leaf(Right(b)) => go(r :: tail, pure(b) +: toCollect)
case Leaf(Left(a)) => go(f(a) :: tail, toCollect)
case Leaf(Right(b)) =>
if (toCollect.isEmpty) pure(b) +: toCollect
else Branch(toCollect.head, pure(b)) :: toCollect.tail)
case Nil => toCollect
go(f(a) :: Nil, Nil).head
From cats ticket why to use tailRecM
tailRecM won't blow the stack (like almost every JVM program it may OOM), for any of the Monads in cats.
and then
Without tailRecM (or recursive flatMap) being safe, libraries like can't safely be written since they require monadic recursion.
and another ticket states that clients of cats.Monad should be aware that some monads don't have stacksafe tailRecM
tailRecM can still be used by those that are trying to get stack safety, so long as they understand that certain monads will not be able to give it to them

Relation between tailRecM and flatMap
To answer you first question, the following code is part of FlatMapLaws.scala, from cats-laws. It tests consistency between flatMap and tailRecM methods.
* It is possible to implement flatMap from tailRecM and map
* and it should agree with the flatMap implementation.
def flatMapFromTailRecMConsistency[A, B](fa: F[A], fn: A => F[B]): IsEq[F[B]] = {
val tailRecMFlatMap = F.tailRecM[Option[A], B](Option.empty[A]) {
case None => { a => Left(Some(a)) }
case Some(a) => { b => Right(b) }
F.flatMap(fa)(fn) <-> tailRecMFlatMap
This shows how to implement a flatMap from tailRecM and implicitly suggests that the compiler will not do such thing automatically. It's up to the user of the Monad to decide when it makes sense to use tailRecM over flatMap.
This blog has nice scala examples to explain when tailRecM comes in useful. It follows the PureScript article by Phil Freeman, which originally introduced the method.
It explains the downsides in using flatMap for monadic composition:
This characteristic of Scala limits the usefulness of monadic composition where flatMap can call monadic function f, which then can call flatMap etc..
In contrast with a tailRecM-based implementation:
This guarantees greater safety on the user of FlatMap typeclass, but it would mean that each the implementers of the instances would need to provide a safe tailRecM.
Many of the provided methods in cats leverage monadic composition. So, even if you don't use it directly, implementing tailRecM allows for more efficient composition with other monads.
Implmentation for tree
In a different answer, #nazarii-bardiuk provides an implementation of tailRecM which is tail recursive, but does not pass the flatMap/tailRecM consistency test mentioned above. The tree structure is not properly rebuilt after recursion. A fixed version below:
def tailRecM[A, B](arg: A)(func: A => Tree[Either[A, B]]): Tree[B] = {
def loop(toVisit: List[Tree[Either[A, B]]],
toCollect: List[Option[Tree[B]]]): List[Tree[B]] =
toVisit match {
case Branch(l, r) :: next =>
loop(l :: r :: next, None :: toCollect)
case Leaf(Left(value)) :: next =>
loop(func(value) :: next, toCollect)
case Leaf(Right(value)) :: next =>
loop(next, Some(pure(value)) :: toCollect)
case Nil =>
toCollect.foldLeft(Nil: List[Tree[B]]) { (acc, maybeTree) => :: acc).getOrElse {
val left :: right :: tail = acc
branch(left, right) :: tail
loop(List(func(arg)), Nil).head
(gist with test)
You're probably aware, but your example (as well as the answer by #nazarii-bardiuk) is used in the book Scala with Cats by Noel Welsh and Dave Gurnell (highly recommended).


Tail recursive fold on a binary tree in Scala

I am trying to find a tail recursive fold function for a binary tree. Given the following definitions:
// From the book "Functional Programming in Scala", page 45
sealed trait Tree[+A]
case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A]
case class Branch[A](left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
Implementing a non tail recursive function is quite straightforward:
def fold[A, B](t: Tree[A])(map: A => B)(red: (B, B) => B): B =
t match {
case Leaf(v) => map(v)
case Branch(l, r) =>
red(fold(l)(map)(red), fold(r)(map)(red))
But now I am struggling to find a tail recursive fold function so that the annotation #annotation.tailrec can be used.
During my research I have found several examples where tail recursive functions on a tree can e.g. compute the sum of all leafs using an own stack which is then basically a List[Tree[Int]]. But as far as I understand in this case it only works for the additions because it is not important whether you first evaluate the left or the right hand side of the operator. But for a generalised fold it is quite relevant. To show my intension here are some example trees:
val leafs = Branch(Leaf(1), Leaf(2))
val left = Branch(Branch(Leaf(1), Leaf(2)), Leaf(3))
val right = Branch(Leaf(1), Branch(Leaf(2), Leaf(3)))
val bal = Branch(Branch(Leaf(1), Leaf(2)), Branch(Leaf(3), Leaf(4)))
val cmb = Branch(right, Branch(bal, Branch(leafs, left)))
val trees = List(leafs, left, right, bal, cmb)
Based on those trees I want to create a deep copy with the given fold method like:
val oldNewPairs = => (t, fold(t)(Leaf(_): Tree[Int])(Branch(_, _))))
And then proof that the condition of equality holds for all created copies:
val conditionHolds = oldNewPairs.forall(p => {
if (p._1 == p._2) true
else {
println("Condition holds: " + conditionHolds)
Could someone give me some pointers, please?
You can find the code used in this question at ScalaFiddle:
You could reach a tail recursive solution if you stop using the function call stack and start using a stack managed by your code and an accumulator:
def fold[A, B](t: Tree[A])(map: A => B)(red: (B, B) => B): B = {
case object BranchStub extends Tree[Nothing]
def foldImp(toVisit: List[Tree[A]], acc: Vector[B]): Vector[B] =
if(toVisit.isEmpty) acc
else {
toVisit.head match {
case Leaf(v) =>
val leafRes = map(v)
acc :+ leafRes
case Branch(l, r) =>
foldImp(l :: r :: BranchStub :: toVisit.tail, acc)
case BranchStub =>
foldImp(toVisit.tail, acc.dropRight(2) ++ Vector(acc.takeRight(2).reduce(red)))
foldImp(t::Nil, Vector.empty).head
The idea is to accumulate values from left to right, keep track of the parenthood relation by the introduction of a stub node and reduce the result using your red function using the last two elements of the accumulator whenever a stub node is found in the exploration.
This solution could be optimized but it is already a tail recursive function implementation.
It can be slightly simplified by changing the accumulator data structure to a list seen as a stack:
def fold[A, B](t: Tree[A])(map: A => B)(red: (B, B) => B): B = {
case object BranchStub extends Tree[Nothing]
def foldImp(toVisit: List[Tree[A]], acc: List[B]): List[B] =
if(toVisit.isEmpty) acc
else {
toVisit.head match {
case Leaf(v) =>
case Branch(l, r) =>
foldImp(r :: l :: BranchStub :: toVisit.tail, acc)
case BranchStub =>
foldImp(toVisit.tail, acc.take(2).reduce(red) :: acc.drop(2))
foldImp(t::Nil, Nil).head

How to reproduce case class behaviour with apply/unapply methods?

I tried to replace case class with mundane class and companion object and suddenly get type error.
Code that compiles fine (synthetic example):
trait Elem[A,B] {
def ::[C](other : Elem[C,A]) : Elem[C,B] = other match {
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
case simple => Chain(simple, this)
class Simple[A,B] extends Elem[A,B]
final case class Chain[A,B,C](head : Elem[A,B], tail : Elem[B,C]) extends Elem[A,C]
Change the last definition with:
final class Chain[A,B,C](val head : Elem[A,B], val tail : Elem[B,C]) extends Elem[A,C]
object Chain {
def unapply[A,B,C](src : Chain[A,B,C]) : Option[(Elem[A,B], Elem[B,C])] =
Some( (src.head, src.tail) )
def apply[A,B,C](head : Elem[A,B], tail : Elem[B,C]) : Chain[A,B,C] =
new Chain(head, tail)
But that seemingly equivalent code make compiler emit errors:
CaseMystery.scala:17: error: type mismatch;
found : test.casemystery.Fail.Elem[A,B] where type B, type A >: C <: C
required: test.casemystery.Fail.Elem[A,Any] where type A >: C <: C
Note: B <: Any, but trait Elem is invariant in type B.
You may wish to define B as +B instead. (SLS 4.5)
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
CaseMystery.scala:17: error: type mismatch;
found : test.casemystery.Fail.Elem[B(in method ::),B(in trait Elem)] where type B(in method ::)
required: test.casemystery.Fail.Elem[Any,B(in trait Elem)]
Note: B <: Any, but trait Elem is invariant in type A.
You may wish to define A as +A instead. (SLS 4.5)
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
two errors found
What is the difference between implicitly created method with the case statement and explicitly written methods for mundane class?
This answer ended up being longer than I expected. If you just want the guts of what is happening with type inference, skip to the end. Otherwise, you get led through the steps of getting to the answer.
The problem is in the case, but not the one in case class
In this case, as much as I hate to admit it, case classes really are magic. In particular, they get special treatment at the type checker level (I think we can agree that your code would work if it got past that phase - you might even be able to throw enough casts at it to make that work).
The problem is, surprisingly enough, not in the class Chain itself, but in the places it is used, specifically in the pattern matching part. For example, consider the case class
case class Clazz(field: Int)
Then, you expect the following to be equivalent:
Clazz(3) match { case Clazz(i) => i }
// vs
val v = Clazz.unapply(Clazz(3))
if (v.isDefined) v.get else throw new Exception("No match")
But, Scala wants to be more clever and optimize this. In particular, this unapply method pretty can pretty much never fail (let's ignore null for now) and is probably used a lot, so Scala wants to avoid it altogether and just extract the fields as it usually would get any member of an object. As my compiler professor is fond of saying, "compilers are the art of cheating without getting caught".
Yet here there is a difference in the type-checker. The problem is in
def ::[Z, X](other : Elem[Z, X]) : Elem[Z, Y] = other match {
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
case simple => Chain(simple, this)
If you compile with -Xprint:typer you'll see what the type checker sees. The case class version has
def ::[C](other: Elem[C,A]): Elem[C,B] = other match {
case (head: Elem[C,Any], tail: Elem[Any,A])Chain[C,Any,A]((head # _), (tail # _)) => Chain.apply[C, Any, B](head, {
<synthetic> <artifact> val x$1: Elem[Any,A] = tail;
case (simple # _) => Chain.apply[C, A, B](simple, this)
While the regular class has
def ::[C](other: Elem[C,A]): Elem[C,B] = other match {
case Chain.unapply[A, B, C](<unapply-selector>) <unapply> ((head # _), (tail # _)) => Chain.apply[A, Any, B](<head: error>, {
<synthetic> <artifact> val x$1: Elem[_, _ >: A <: A] = tail;
case (simple # _) => Chain.apply[C, A, B](simple, this)
So the type checker actually gets a different (special) case construct.
So what does the match get translated to?
Just for fun, we can check what happens at the next phase -Xprint:patmat which expands out patterns (although here the fact that these are no longer really valid Scala programs really becomes painful). First, the case class has
def ::[C](other: Elem[C,A]): Elem[C,B] = {
case <synthetic> val x1: Elem[C,A] = other;
if (x1.isInstanceOf[Chain[C,Any,A]])
<synthetic> val x2: Chain[C,Any,A] = (x1.asInstanceOf[Chain[C,Any,A]]: Chain[C,Any,A]);
val head: Elem[C,Any] = x2.head;
val tail: Elem[Any,A] = x2.tail;
matchEnd4(Chain.apply[C, Any, B](head, {
<synthetic> <artifact> val x$1: Elem[Any,A] = tail;
matchEnd4(Chain.apply[C, A, B](x1, this))
matchEnd4(x: Elem[C,B]){
Although a lot of stuff is confusing here, notice that we never use the unapply method! For the non-case class version, I'll use the working code from user1303559:
def ::[Z, XX >: X](other: Elem[Z,XX]): Elem[Z,Y] = {
case <synthetic> val x1: Elem[Z,XX] = other;
if (x1.isInstanceOf[Chain[A,B,C]])
<synthetic> val x2: Chain[A,B,C] = (x1.asInstanceOf[Chain[A,B,C]]: Chain[A,B,C]);
<synthetic> val o8: Option[(Elem[A,B], Elem[B,C])] = Chain.unapply[A, B, C](x2);
if (o8.isEmpty.unary_!)
val head: Elem[Z,Any] = o8.get._1;
val tail: Elem[Any,XX] = o8.get._2;
matchEnd5(Chain.apply[Z, Any, Y](head, {
<synthetic> <artifact> val x$1: Elem[Any,XX] = tail;
this.::[Any, XX](x$1)
matchEnd5(Chain.apply[Z, XX, Y](x1, this))
matchEnd5(x: Elem[Z,Y]){
And here, sure enough, the unapply method makes an appearance.
It isn't actually cheating (for the Pros)
Of course, Scala doesn't actually cheat - this behavior is all in the specification. In particular, we see that constructor patterns from which case classes benefit are kind of special, since, amongst other things, they are irrefutable (related to what I was saying above about Scala not wanting to use the unapply method since it "knows" it is just extracting the fields).
The part that really interests us though is 8.3.2 Type parameter inference for constructor patterns. The difference between the regular class and the case class is that Chain pattern is a "constructor pattern" when Chain is a case class, and just a regular pattern otherwise. The constructor pattern
other match {
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
case simple => Chain(simple, this)
ends up getting typed as though it were
other match {
case _: Chain[a1,a2,a3] => ...
Then, based on the fact that other: Elem[C,A] from the argument types and the fact that Chain[a1,a2,a3] extends Elem[a1,a3], we get that a1 is C, a3 is A and a2 can by anything, so is Any. Hence why the types in the output of -Xprint:typer for the case class has an Chain[C,Any,A] in it. This does type check.
However, constructor patterns are specific to case classes, so no - there is no way to imitate the case class behavior here.
A constructor pattern is of the form c(p1,…,pn) where n≥0. It
consists of a stable identifier c, followed by element patterns
p1,…,pn. The constructor c is a simple or qualified name which
denotes a case class.
Firstly other is Elem[C, A], but after you had tried to match it as Chain(head, tail) it actually matched to Chain[C, some inner B, A](head: Elem[C, inner B], tail: Elem[inner B, A]). After that you create Chain[C, inner B <: Any, A](head: Elem[C, inner B], (tail :: this): Elem[inner B, B])
But result type must be Elem[C, B], or Chain[C, Any, B]. So compiler trying to cast inner B to Any. But beacause inner B is invariant - you must have exactly Any.
This is actually better rewrite as follows:
trait Elem[X, Y] {
def ::[Z, X](other : Elem[Z, X]) : Elem[Z, Y] = other match {
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
case simple => Chain(simple, this)
final class Chain[A, B, C](val head : Elem[A, B], val tail : Elem[B, C]) extends Elem[A, C]
object Chain {
def unapply[A,B,C](src : Chain[A,B,C]) : Option[(Elem[A,B], Elem[B,C])] =
Some( (src.head, src.tail) )
def apply[A,B,C](head : Elem[A,B], tail : Elem[B,C]) : Chain[A,B,C] =
new Chain(head, tail)
After this error message becoming much more informative and it is obviously how to repair this.
However I don't know why that works for case classes. Sorry.
Working example is:
trait Elem[+X, +Y] {
def ::[Z, XX >: X](other : Elem[Z, XX]) : Elem[Z, Y] = other match {
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
case simple => Chain(simple, this)
final class Chain[A, B, C](val head : Elem[A, B], val tail : Elem[B, C]) extends Elem[A, C]
object Chain {
def unapply[A,B,C](src : Chain[A,B,C]) : Option[(Elem[A,B], Elem[B,C])] =
Some( (src.head, src.tail) )
def apply[A,B,C](head : Elem[A,B], tail : Elem[B,C]) : Chain[A,B,C] =
new Chain(head, tail)
Eventually I found that:
case class A[T](a: T)
List(A(1), A("a")).collect { case A(x) => A(x) }
// res0: List[A[_ >: String with Int]] = List(A(1), A(a))
class B[T](val b: T)
object B {
def unapply[T](b: B[T]): Option[T] = Option(b.b)
List(new B(1), new B("b")).collect { case B(x) => new B(x) }
// res1: List[B[Any]] = List(B#1ee4afee, B#22eaba0c)
Obvious that it is compiler feature. So I think no way there to reproduce the full case class behavior.

Curious pattern matching syntax in

An example from lift cookbook, the pattern matching is bit curious here.
serve("issues" / "by-state" prefix {
case "open" :: Nil XmlGet _ => <p>None open</p>
case "closed" :: Nil XmlGet _ => <p>None closed</p>
case "closed" :: Nil XmlDelete _ => <p>All deleted</p>
I don't understand what the XmlGet _ part is doing.
Could anyone explain a bit?
One of Scala's nice niche features is that many binary operations (e. g. f(x, y)) can be invoked from the infix position x f y. This applies to normal method calls:
case class InfixMethodCalls(x: Int) {
def wild(y: Int): Int = x + y
val infix = InfixMethodCalls(3)
infix wild 4
type constructors:
// A simple union type based on
trait Or[A, B]
case class Good[A, B](value: A) extends Or[A, B]
case class Bad[A, B](value: B) extends Or[A, B]
def myMethod(x: Int Or String): Int
// This is the same as
def myMethod(x: Or[Int, String]): Int
and unapply / unapplySeq:
object InfixMagic {
def unapply(x: Any) = Option((List(x), x))
123 match {
case v :: Nil InfixMagic x => println(s"got v: $v and x: $x")
// is the same as
123 match {
case InfixMagic(v :: Nil, x) => println(s"got v: $v and x: $x")
So in the case of XmlGet this syntax here:
case "open" :: Nil XmlGet _ =>
is the same as:
case XmlGet("open" :: Nil, _) =>
And the _ is ignoring the Req parameter, which is the second part of the returned value from TestGet.unapply.
If you go through RuleHelper class of liftweb framework one will be able to make few assumptions.
XmlGet and XmlDelete extends TestGet trait with unapply method and Request argument. So this part basically means: check if it's XmlGet\XmlDelete method with any request.
How list is separated from second part? Good question. Suppose implicit listStringToSuper and listServeMagic used for this purpose.

Applicative vs. monadic combinators and the free monad in Scalaz

A couple of weeks ago Dragisa Krsmanovic asked a question here about how to use the free monad in Scalaz 7 to avoid stack overflows in this situation (I've adapted his code a bit):
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
def setS(i: Int): State[List[Int], Unit] = modify(i :: _)
val s = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(state[List[Int], Unit](())) {
case (st, i) => st.flatMap(_ => setS(i))
I thought that just lifting a trampoline into StateT should work:
import Free.Trampoline
val s = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(state[List[Int], Unit](()).lift[Trampoline]) {
case (st, i) => st.flatMap(_ => setS(i).lift[Trampoline])
But it still blows the stack, so I just posted it as a comment.
Dave Stevens just pointed out that sequencing with the applicative *> instead of the monadic flatMap actually works just fine:
val s = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(state[List[Int], Unit](()).lift[Trampoline]) {
case (st, i) => st *> setS(i).lift[Trampoline]
(Well, it's super slow of course, because that's the price you pay for doing anything interesting like this in Scala, but at least there's no stack overflow.)
What's going on here? I don't think there could be a principled reason for this difference, but really I have no idea what could be going on in the implementation and don't have time to dig around at the moment. But I'm curious and it would be cool if someone else knows.
Mandubian is correct, the flatMap of StateT doesn't allow you to bypass stack accumulation because of the creation of the new StateT immediately before calling the wrapped monad's bind (which would be a Free[Function0] in your case).
So Trampoline can't help, but the Free Monad over the functor for State is one way to ensure stack safety.
We want to go from State[List[Int],Unit] to Free[a[State[List[Int],a],Unit] and our flatMap call will be to Free's flatMap (that doesn't do anything other than create the Free data structure).
val s = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(
Free.liftF[({ type l[a] = State[List[Int],a]})#l,Unit](state[List[Int], Unit](()))) {
case (st, i) => st.flatMap(_ =>
Free.liftF[({ type l[a] = State[List[Int],a]})#l,Unit](setS(i)))
Now we have a Free data structure built that we can easily thread a state through as such:
s.foldRun(List[Int]())( (a,b) => b(a) )
Calling liftF is fairly ugly so I have a PR in to make it easier for State and Kleisli monads so hopefully in the future there won't need to be type lambdas.
Edit: PR accepted so now we have
val s = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(state[List[Int], Unit](()).liftF) {
case (st, i) => st.flatMap(_ => setS(i).liftF)
There is a principled intuition for this difference.
The applicative operator *> evaluates its left argument only for its side effects, and always ignores the result. This is similar (in some cases equivalent) to Haskell's >> function for monads. Here's the source for *>:
/** Combine `self` and `fb` according to `Apply[F]` with a function that discards the `A`s */
final def *>[B](fb: F[B]): F[B] = F.apply2(self,fb)((_,b) => b)
and Apply#apply2:
def apply2[A, B, C](fa: => F[A], fb: => F[B])(f: (A, B) => C): F[C] =
In general, flatMap depends on the result of the left argument (it must, as it is the input for the function in the right argument). Even though in this specific case you are ignoring the left result, flatMap doesn't know that.
It seems likely, given your results, that the implementation for *> is optimized for the case where the result of the left argument is unneeded. However flatMap cannot perform this optimization and so each call grows the stack by retaining the unused left result.
It's possible that this could be optimized at the compiler (scalac) or JIT (HotSpot) level (Haskell's GHC certainly performs this optimization), but for now this seems like a missed optimization opportunity.
Just to add to the discussion...
In StateT, you have:
def flatMap[S3, B](f: A => IndexedStateT[F, S2, S3, B])(implicit F: Bind[F]): IndexedStateT[F, S1, S3, B] =
IndexedStateT(s => F.bind(apply(s)) {
case (s1, a) => f(a)(s1)
The apply(s) fixes the current state reference in the next state.
bind definition interpretes eagerly its parameters catching the reference because it requires it:
def bind[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
At the difference of ap which might not need to interprete one of its parameters:
def ap[A, B](fa: => F[A])(f: => F[A => B]): F[B]
With this code, the Trampoline can't help for StateT flatMap (and also map)...

Folding on case classes

I have a situation where I have a couple of case classes where all of their variables are optional.
Let's say I have:
case class Size(width: Option[Int], height: Option[Int])
case class Foo(a: Option[String], b: Option[Boolean], c: Option[Char])
Given a collection of the same type of case class I would like to fold over them comparing the option values and keep the values which are defined. I.e. for Size:
values.foldLeft(x) { (a, b) =>
Size(a.width.orElse(b.width), a.height.orElse(b.height))
I would like to do this in a more general way for any of the case classes like the ones above. I'm thinking about doing something with unapply(_).get etc. Does anyone know a smart way to solve this?
Ok, consider this:
def foldCase[C,T1](unapply: C => Option[Option[T1]], apply: Option[T1] => C)
(coll: Seq[C]): C = {
coll.tail.foldLeft(coll.head) { case (current, next) =>
apply(unapply(current).get orElse unapply(next).get)
case class Person(name: Option[String])
foldCase(Person.unapply, Person.apply)(List(Person(None), Person(Some("Joe")), Person(Some("Mary"))))
One could overload foldCase to accept two, three, or more parameters, one version of f for each arity. It could then be used with any case class. Since there's the tuple-thing to worry about, below's one way to make it work with case classes or two parameters. Expanding it to more parameters is then trivial, though a bit tiresome.
def foldCase[C,T1,T2](unapply: C => Option[(Option[T1], Option[T2])], apply: (Option[T1], Option[T2]) => C)
(coll: Seq[C]): C = {
def thisOrElse(current: (Option[T1], Option[T2]), next: (Option[T1], Option[T2])) =
apply(current._1 orElse next._1, current._2 orElse next._2)
coll.tail.foldLeft(coll.head) { case (current, next) =>
thisOrElse(unapply(current).get, unapply(next).get)
val list = Person(None, None) :: Person(Some("Joe"), None) :: Person(None, Some(20)) :: Person(Some("Mary"), Some(25)) :: Nil
def foldPerson = foldCase(Person.unapply, Person.apply) _
To use it overloaded, just put all definitions inside one object:
object Folder {
def foldCase[C,T1](unapply: C => Option[Option[T1]], apply: Option[T1] => C)
(coll: Seq[C]): C = {
coll.tail.foldLeft(coll.head) { case (current, next) =>
apply(unapply(current).get orElse unapply(next).get)
def foldCase[C,T1,T2](unapply: C => Option[(Option[T1], Option[T2])], apply: (Option[T1], Option[T2]) => C)
(coll: Seq[C]): C = {
def thisOrElse(current: (Option[T1], Option[T2]), next: (Option[T1], Option[T2])) =
apply(current._1 orElse next._1, current._2 orElse next._2)
coll.tail.foldLeft(coll.head) { case (current, next) =>
thisOrElse(unapply(current).get, unapply(next).get)
When you do this, however, you'll have to explicitly turn apply and unapply into functions:
case class Question(answer: Option[Boolean])
val list2 = List(Question(None), Question(Some(true)), Question(Some(false)))
Folder.foldCase(Question.unapply _, Question.apply _)(list2)
It might be possible to turn it into a structural type, so that you only need to pass the companion object, but I couldn't do it. On #scala, I was told the answer is a definitive no, at least to how I approached the problem.
[Code updated]
Here is an solution which requires only one abstract class per "arity":
abstract class Foldable2[A,B](val a:Option[A], val b:Option[B]) {
def orElse[F <: Foldable2[A,B]](that: F)(implicit ev: this.type <:< F) =
getClass.getConstructor(classOf[Option[A]], classOf[Option[B]]).newInstance(
this.a.orElse(that.a), this.b.orElse(that.b)
case class Size(w: Option[Int], h: Option[Int]) extends Foldable2(w, h)
//--> Size(Some(1),Some(42))
Note that the implicit <:< argument will give a compile time error when other case classes with the same constructor arguments are passed to the method.
However, a "well formed" constructor is required, else the reflection code will blow up.
You can use productElement or productIterator (on scala.Product) to generically retrieve/iterate the elements of case classes (and tuples), but they're typed as Any, so there will be some pain.