Maximum String Length in Intersystems Cache. Does changing it affect speed? - intersystems-cache

I have been having <MAXSTRING> errors returned for some of our existing Intersystems Cache Classes
I have read here that by default, the length of max string is set to around 32k. Running the script WRITE $SYSTEM.SYS.MaxLocalLength() does confirm this at 32767, the minimum max-string length.
My question is, if we change this setting in Intersystems Cache (for example making it reach it's maximum at 3m length), will it affect the speed of the server (in general) negatively? or won't it make much difference?
Around an average of 500 people use the system regularly and make use of the class methods mentioned, if that matters
The documents mention the following:
When a process actually uses a long string, the memory for the string comes from the operating system’s malloc() buffer, not from the partition memory space for the process. Thus the memory allocated for actual long string values is not subject to the limit set by the maximum memory per process (Maximum per Process Memory (KB)) parameter and does not affect the $STORAGE value for the process.
However, I am not entirely sure what this means if we change the size of the string.

We switched to long strings (3MB) a few years ago and did not notice any difference in performance.


What is the downside to increase shared buffer in PostgreSQL

I've noticed a significant performance drop when data is not loaded into shared_buffer when querying PostgreSQL, the difference can be almost 100 times. So in the process of optimizing the query, I was wondering if there is anyway to increase performance by increasing the shared_buffer.
Then I started to investigate the shared_buffer in PostgreSQL. and I found that the recommend value is 25% of the OS memory and PostgreSQL will take advantage of OS cache to accelerate the query. But from what I've seen with my own db, reading from disk vs shared_buffer has huge difference, so I would like to query from shared_buffer for the most time.
So I wondered, what's the downside if I increase the shared_buffer in PostgreSQL? What if I only increase the shared_buffer in my readonly instance?
A downside of increasing the buffer cache is double buffering. When you need to read a page into shared_buffers, it might first need to evict an existing page to make room for it. But then the OS cache might need to evict a page from itself as well so to make room for it to read the page from the actual disk. Then you end up with the same page being located in both places, which wastes cache space. So then instead of reading a page from the OS cache you are more likely to need to read it from actual disk, which is far slower. From a double-buffering perspective, you probably want shared_buffers to be much less than half of the system RAM (using OS cache as the main cache) or much larger than half (using shared_buffers as the main cache)
Another downside is that if it is too large, you might start to get out-of-memory errors or invoke the OOM killer or otherwise destabilize the system.
Another problem is that after some operations, like DROP TABLE, TRUNCATE, or the ending of a COPY in some circumstances, PostgreSQL needs to invalidate a lot of buffers and chooses to do so by scouring the entire buffer cache. If you do a lot of those operations, that time can really add up with large buffer cache settings.
Some workloads (I know about DROP TABLE, but there may be others) perform better with a smaller shared_buffers. But essentially, it is a matter of trial and error (or better yet: reproducible performance tests).
If you can make shared_buffers big enough that it can hold everything you need from the database, that is probably a good choice.

Why does PostgreSQL reserve fixed amount of memory for the text of the currently executing command?

An excerpt from the documentation:
track_activity_query_size (integer) Specifies the amount of memory reserved to store the text of the currently executing command for each active session, for the pg_stat_activity.query field. If this value is specified without units, it is taken as bytes. The default value is 1024 bytes. This parameter can only be set at server start.
As I understand it, it means that if, for example, track_activity_query_size set to 10kB, each session will consume 10kB for the text of the currently executing command regardless of the actual size of the text.
Why is it implemented this way? Would it be too slow to dynamically allocate actually needed amount?
This parameter determines how much memory is allocated in shared memory structures that contain query texts.
PostgreSQL allocates such shared memory areas at server start and does not change their size later. This is to make the code (that has to work on many operating systems) simple and robust. Once you know max_connections and track_activity_query_size, you can determine the maximum memory required.

GridFS disk management

In my environments I can have DB of 5-10 GB or DB of 10 TB (video recordings).
Focusing on the 5-10 GB: if I keep default settings for prealloc an small-files I can actually loose 20-40% of the disk space because of allocations.
In my production environments, the disk size can be 512G, but user can limit DB allocation to only 10G.
To implement this, I have a scheduled task that deletes the old documents from the DB when DB dataSize reached a certain threshold.
I can't use capped-collection (GridFS, sharding limitation, cannot delete random documents..), I can't use --no-prealloc/small-files flags, cause i need the files insert to be efficient.
So what happens, is this: if dataSize gets to 10G, the fileSize would be at least 12G, so I need to take that in consideration and lower the threshold in 2GB (and lose a lot of disk space).
What I do want, is to tell mongo to pre-allocate all the 10 GB the user requested, and disable further pre-alloc.
For example, running mongod with --no-prealloc and --small-files, but pre-allocate in advance all the 10 GB.
Another protection I gain here, is protecting the user against sudden disk-full errors. If he regularly downloads Game of Thrones episodes to the same drive, he can't take space from the DB 10G, since it's already pre-allocated.
(using C# driver)
I think I found a solution: You might want to look at the --quota and --quotafiles command line opts. In your case, you also might want to add the --smalfiles option. So
mongod --smallfiles --quota --quotafiles 11
should give you a size of exactly 10224 MB for your data, which, adding the default namespace file size of 16MB equals your target size of 10GB, excluding indices.
The following applies to regular collections as per documentation. But since metadata can be attached to files, it might very well apply to GridFS as well.
MongoDB uses what is called a record to store data. A record consists of two parts: the actual data and something which is called "padding". The padding is basically unused data which is used if the document grows in size. The reason for that is that a document or file chunk in GridFS respectively never gets fragmented to enhance query performance. So what would happen when the document or a file chunk grows in size is that it had to be moved to a different location in the datafile(s) every time the file is modified, which can be a very costly operation in terms of IO and time. So with the default settings, if the document or file chunk grows in size is that the padding is used instead of moving the file, thus reducing the need of moving around data in the data file and thereby improving performance. Only if the growth of the data exceeds the preallocated padding the document or file chunk is moved within the datafile(s).
The default strategy for preallocating padding space is "usePowerOf2Sizes", which determines the padding size by taking the document size and uses the next power of two size as the size preallocated for the document. Say we have a 47 byte document, the usePowerOf2Sizes strategy would preallocate 64 bytes for that document, resulting in a padding of 17 bytes.
There is another preallocation strategy, however. It is called "exactFit". It determines the padding space by multiplying the document size with a dynamically computed "paddingFactor". As far as I understood, the padding factor is determined by the average document growth in the respective collection. Since we are talking of static files in your case, the padding factor should always be 0, and because of this, there should not be any "lost" space any more.
So I think a possible solution would be to change the allocation strategy for both the files and the chunks collection to exactFit. Could you try that and share your findings with us?

Concept of "block size" in a cache

I am just beginning to learn the concept of Direct mapped and Set Associative Caches.
I have some very elementary doubts . Here goes.
Supposing addresses are 32 bits long, and i have a 32KB cache with 64Byte block size and 512 frames, how much data is actually stored inside the "block"? If i have an instruction which loads from a value from a memory location and if that value is a 16-bit integer, is it that one of the 64Byte blocks now stores only a 16 bit(2Bytes) integer value. What of the other 62 bytes within the block? If i now have another load instruction which also loads a 16bit integer value, this value now goes into another block of another frame depending on the load address(If the address maps to the same frame of the previous instruction, then the previous value is evicted and the block again stores only 2bytes in 64 bytes). Correct?
Please forgive me if this seems like a very stupid doubt, its just that i want to get my concepts correctly.
I typed up this email for someone to explain caches, but I think you might find it useful as well.
You have 32-bit addresses that can refer to bytes in RAM.
You want to be able to cache the data that you access, to use them later.
Let's say you want a 1-MiB (220 bytes) cache.
What do you do?
You have 2 restrictions you need to meet:
Caching should be as uniform as possible across all addresses. i.e. you don't want to bias toward any particular kind of address.
How do you do this? Use remainder! With mod, you can evenly distribute any integer over whatever range you want.
You want to help minimize bookkeeping costs. That means e.g. if you're caching in blocks of 1 byte, you don't want to store 4 bytes of data just to keep track of where 1 byte belongs to.
How do you do that? You store blocks that are bigger than just 1 byte.
Let's say you choose 16-byte (24-byte) blocks. That means you can cache 220 / 24 = 216 = 65,536 blocks of data.
You now have a few options:
You can design the cache so that data from any memory block could be stored in any of the cache blocks. This would be called a fully-associative cache.
The benefit is that it's the "fairest" kind of cache: all blocks are treated completely equally.
The tradeoff is speed: To find where to put the memory block, you have to search every cache block for a free space. This is really slow.
You can design the cache so that data from any memory block could only be stored in a single cache block. This would be called a direct-mapped cache.
The benefit is that it's the fastest kind of cache: you do only 1 check to see if the item is in the cache or not.
The tradeoff is that, now, if you happen to have a bad memory access pattern, you can have 2 blocks kicking each other out successively, with unused blocks still remaining in the cache.
You can do a mixture of both: map a single memory block into multiple blocks. This is what real processors do -- they have N-way set associative caches.
Direct-mapped cache:
Now you have 65,536 blocks of data, each block being of 16 bytes.
You store it as 65,536 "rows" inside your cache, with each "row" consisting of the data itself, along with the metadata (regarding where the block belongs, whether it's valid, whether it's been written to, etc.).
How does each block in memory get mapped to each block in the cache?
Well, you're using a direct-mapped cache, using mod. That means addresses 0 to 15 will be mapped to block 0 in the cache; 16-31 get mapped to block 2, etc... and it wraps around as you reach the 1-MiB mark.
So, given memory address M, how do you find the row number N? Easy: N = M % 220 / 24.
But that only tells you where to store the data, not how to retrieve it. Once you've stored it, and try to access it again, you have to know which 1-MB portion of memory was stored here, right?
So that's one piece of metadata: the tag bits. If it's in row N, all you need to know is what the quotient was, during the mod operation. Which, for a 32-bit address, is 12 bits big (since the remainder is 20 bits).
So your tag becomes 12 bits long -- specifically, the topmost 12 bits of any memory address.
And you already knew that the lowermost 4 bits are used for the offset within a block (since memory is byte-addressed, and a block is 16 bytes).
That leaves 16 bits for the "index" bits of a memory address, which can be used to find which row the address belongs to. (It's just a division + remainder operation, but in binary.)
You also need other bits: e.g. you need to know whether a block is in fact valid or not, because when the CPU is turned on, it contains invalid data. So you add 1 bit of metadata: the Valid bit.
There's other bits you'll learn about, used for optimization, synchronization, etc... but these are the basic ones. :)
I'm assuming you know the basics of tag, index, and offset but here's a short explanation as I have learned in my computer architecture class. Blocks are replaced in 64 byte blocks, so every time a new block is put into cache it replaces all 64 bytes regardless if you only need one byte. That's why when addressing the cache there is an offset that specifies the byte you want to get from the block. Take your example, if only 16 bit integer is being loaded, the cache will search for the block by the index, check the tag to make sure its the right data and then get the byte according to the offset. Now if you load another 16 bit value, lets say with the same index but different tag, it will replace the 64 byte block with the new block and get the info from the specified offset. (assuming direct mapped)
I hope this helps! If you need more info or this is still fuzzy let me know, I know a couple of good sites that do a good job of teaching this.

Meaning of SIZE and RSS values in prstat output

Can somebody give some clear explanation of the meaning of the SIZE and RSS values we get from prstat in Solaris?
I wrote a testing C++ application that allocates memory with new[], fills it and frees it with delete[].
As I understood, the SIZE value should be related to how much virtual memory has been "reserved" by the process, that is memory "malloced" or "newed".
That memory doesn't sum up in the RSS value unless I really use it (filling with some values). But then even if I free the memory, the RSS doesn't drop.
I don't understand what semantic I can correctly assign to those 2 values.
RSS is (AFAIK reliably) representing how much physical memory a process is using. Using Solaris default memory allocator, freeing memory doesn't do anything about RSS as it just changes some pointers and values to tell that memory is free to be reused.
If you don't use again that memory by allocating it again, it will eventually be paginated out and the RSS will drop.
If you want freed memory to be returned immediately after a free, you can use the Solaris mmap allocator like this:
export UMEM_OPTIONS=backend=mmap
Size is the total virtual memory size of the process, including all mapped files and devices, and RSS should be the resident set size, but is completely unreliable, you should try to get that information from pmap.
As a general rule once memory is allocated to a process it will never be given back to the operating system. On Unix systems the sbrk() call is used to extend the processes address space, and there is not analogous call to go in the other direction.