How to retrieve a blob from sqlite using - sqlite-net

I am having trouble retrieving an image from an sqlite db. The image was stored by another process and I can view it correctly using DB Browser for sqlite.
I have a the following class, which I would like to use in order to store the image:
public class Tile
public Byte[] TileData { get; set; }
public Int64 ZoomLevel { get; set; }
I am then using the following query to retrieve the corresponding tiles:
mbTilesConnection.Query<Tile>("select 'zoom_level' as 'ZoomLevel', 'tile_data' as 'TileData' from tiles where zoom_level = ?", zoomLevel);
In this case tiles is a view containing the zoom_level and tile_data columns.
The query returns the correct number of rows but it seems that Tile.ZoomLevel and Tile.TileData are not mapped correctly to the corresponding columns in the tiles view.
Edit: here is a linked question: How do I query a View in

OK I deserve the ass hat. My query was broken. It should have been
mbTilesConnection.Query<Tile>("select zoom_level as 'ZoomLevel', tile_data as 'TileData' from tiles where zoom_level = ?", zoomLevel);
Instead off:
mbTilesConnection.Query<Tile>("select 'zoom_level' as 'ZoomLevel', 'tile_data' as 'TileData' from tiles where zoom_level = ?", zoomLevel);
Notice the unnecessary ' and ' around zoom_level and tile_data


How to create a chart with static parameters

I am trying to create a telerik reporting doughnut chart. The problem is, my values aren't in the format expected.
My data looks like this:
{ GoodHours: 120, Downtime: 43.5, PlannedTime: 12.77 }
It seems the way the charts are set up is to expect data like this:
Time: 60, Type: "GoodHours",
Time: 45, Type: "GoodHours",
Time: 43.5, Type: "Downtime",
Time: 15, Type: "GoodHours",
Time: 12.77, Type: "PlannedTime"
The reason my data is formatted this way is because it comes from a rather complex Stored Procedure that does the record aggregation itself before sending the data to the report. It's much faster to allow MsSql to crunch the numbers than getting telerik reporting to do it.
I have no clue how to even begin setting up the chart.
I followed the online instructions for creating a doughnut (pie) chart, but it assumes my data is not already digested. I tried adding multiple Series but they ended up being displayed on different levels, sort of like doughnuts within doughnuts.
How would I set this up?
First, write your stored procedure and call it from your C# code.
Create a serializable object to store your data from the SP.
public class reportTimeTypeObj
public decimal time { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
Then create a function that will consume the data and transform it into the format required.
public List<reportTimeTypeObj> getTimeSpentPatientByVisitTypeObj()
//Create a list of objects for your donut.
reportTimeTypeObj list = new List<reportTimeTypeObj>();
//Add code to call stored procedure here
//ds is the data set returned from the stored procedure
if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
list.Add(new reportTimeSpentPatientByVisitTypeObj()
time = dr["time "] != DBNull.Value ?
Convert.ToDecimal(dr["time "]) : 0,
type = dr["type "] != DBNull.Value ?
string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["visit_type"].ToString()) ?
"Not recorded" :
Convert.ToString(dr["visit_type"]) : "Not recorded"
return list;
Next, create an ObjectDataSource (ODS) component using the Report Designer. Assign the function to the ODS. Follow How to: Create Pie Chart to create your chart.
Next, right click on your pie-chart. Click "Change Chart Type...". In the option shows select donut chart.

Alternatives to splitting tables Entity Framework 6 - VARBINARY(MAX)

Solution :
The idea is that the loading problem was from the table files. So in order to get everything in order, I had to turn off lazy load, and load the navigation property from the entity with the blob instead of the other way around.
public FileDto[] RetrieveFilesWithUserId(string id)
FileDto[] files;
logger.Info("Looking for files #{0}", id);
using (var db = ContextFactory.GetEntities())
db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
logger.Debug("User retrieved !");
files = db.Files.Include("Users").Where(f => f.Users.Count(user1 => user1.Id == id) > 0).Select(
x =>
new FileDto
ContentType = x.ContentType,
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
Type = db.TypeFiles.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == x.Type).Description
db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
logger.Info("done looking for files");
return files;
Problem was:
I have an issue which seems quite classic.
I have a table with one large blob, and when I load it I have huge performance issues (due to loading large amount of data).
I have users, those users have files and in my file entity I have the datas.
Relations are many to many.
Easy fix: I do some table splitting, and all my problems are solved.
Problem: My boss doesn't want me to do that (I argued that this was the best option).
So, how can I do differently ?
I thought about requiring directly but I don't have access to the intermediate tables (they are navigation properties now.)
Would a procedure make the trick ?
You can use projection to get all fields you want without blob:
var people = context.People.Select(p => new PersonDTO { Id = p.Id, Name = p.Name });
Where PersonDTO is like:
class ProductDTO
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
DTO means Data Transfer Object and it is often used for such tasks.

how to avoid creating entities for returning small data from database

Oftentimes I need to return a list of two or three columns from a stored proc in the data layer. I usually use entities to push data back to the business/UI layer. However, I don't want to create an entity for something that is not really an entity.
Lets say I have to return a set of "date, string, string", is there any other way to do this.. for two columns, i can perhaps get away with a dictionary. I always end up creating a dummy entity but thought I'll ask this time.
Create a new model to store the data:
public class ResultModel
public DateTime DateTime1 { get; set; }
public string String1 { get; set; }
public string String1 { get; set; }
then just store your data into this like so:
IEnumerable<ResultModel> results =
Entities.Table.Select(r => new ResultModel
DateTime1 = r.DateTime,
String1 = r.String1,
String2 = r.String2
Not verified the code but is a guide as to how to achieve this.
You could probably use a Tuple for this kind of data however I've never found any real detriment to creating more understandable types, even for simple data.

Building a flexible parameterized adhoc query with C#, SQL

I'm in the process of building the capability for a user to perform ad-hoc queries on a SQL Server database. The resulting query will take on the following basic form:
It's a guarantee that the selection will most likely span more than one table.
Some (not all) of the fields may have 0 or more filter criteria for a particular field.
My application is using the default EF4 classes within ASP.NET MVC 2 using C#. I am currently passing in an object called QueryItem that contains all the information for a particular criteria.
My question(s) are:
What is the best approach for coding this? (Code samples of what I have to date below).
Can this be done with Linq2SQL or should I use ADO.NET(My current approach)
If ADO.NET is the best way, how do you access the DBConnection within EF4?
Note: I intend to refactor this into SQLParameter objects, to protect against SQL injection. My goal right now is best practice in developing the query first.
QueryItem class:
public class QueryItem
public bool IsIncluded { get; set; }
public bool IsRequired { get; set; }
public string LabelText { get; set; }
public string DatabaseLoc { get; set; }
public List<string> SelectedValue { get; set; }
public List<SelectListItem> SelectList { get; set; }
Query Parsing Code
foreach(QueryItem qi in viewModel.StandardQueryItems)
string[] dLoc = qi.DatabaseLoc.Split(new Char[] { '.' }); //Split the table.fieldname value into a string array
if(qi.IsIncluded == true) //Check if the field is marked for inclusion in the final query
fields.Append(qi.DatabaseLoc + ","); //Append table.fieldname to SELECT statement
if(!tables.ToString().Contains(dLoc[0])) // Confirm that the table name has not already been added to the FROM statement
tables.Append(dLoc[0] + ","); //Append the table value to the FROM statement
if(qi.SelectedValue != null)
if(qi.SelectedValue.Count == 1)
query.Append(qi.DatabaseLoc + " = '" + qi.SelectedValue[0].ToString() + "'");
foreach(string s in qi.SelectedValue)
//Needs to handle "IN" case properly
query.Append(qi.DatabaseLoc + " IN " + qi.SelectedValue.ToString());
I have built a similar system to what you are describing in the past by passing in a single parameter to a stored procedure of type xml. By doing so, you can actually specify(in xml), what all you would like to report off of and build the SQL necessary to return the results you want.
This also makes your C# code easier, as all you have to do is generate some xml that your procedure will read. Generating Dynamic SQL is definitely not something you should use unless you have to, but when you want to allow users to dynamically select what they want to report off of, it's pretty much the only way to go about doing it.
Another option for you might be to look into Reporting Services - that will allow the user to pick what fields they want to view and save that particular 'report' in their own section where they can then go back and run it again at any time.. You could also create the reports for them if they aren't computer savvy(which is a lot easier to do with report builder, provided that all they need is data and no special features).
Either way you go about it, their are pros and cons to both solutions.. You'll have to determine which option is best for you.
xml/dynamic sql: Hard to maintain/make changes to.(I feel sorry for anyone who has to come behind someone who is generating dynamic sql and try to understand the logic behind the mess).
reporting services: very easy to spit out reports that look good, but it's a little less flexible and it's not free.

How to do recursive load with Entity framework?

I have a tree structure in the DB with TreeNodes table. the table has nodeId, parentId and parameterId. in the EF, The structure is like TreeNode.Children where each child is a TreeNode...
I also have a Tree table with contain id,name and rootNodeId.
At the end of the day I would like to load the tree into a TreeView but I can't figure how to load it all at once.
I tried:
var trees = from t in context.TreeSet.Include("Root").Include("Root.Children").Include("Root.Children.Parameter")
where t.ID == id
select t;
This will get me the the first 2 generations but not more.
How do I load the entire tree with all generations and the additional data?
I had this problem recently and stumbled across this question after I figured a simple way to achieve results. I provided an edit to Craig's answer providing a 4th method, but the powers-that-be decided it should be another answer. That's fine with me :)
My original question / answer can be found here.
This works so long as your items in the table all know which tree they belong to (which in your case it looks like they do: t.ID). That said, it's not clear what entities you really have in play, but even if you've got more than one, you must have a FK in the entity Children if that's not a TreeSet
Basically, just don't use Include():
var query = from t in context.TreeSet
where t.ID == id
select t;
// if TreeSet.Children is a different entity:
var query = from c in context.TreeSetChildren
// guessing the FK property TreeSetID
where c.TreeSetID == id
select c;
This will bring back ALL the items for the tree and put them all in the root of the collection. At this point, your result set will look like this:
-- Item1
-- Item2
-- Item3
-- Item4
-- Item5
-- Item2
-- Item3
-- Item5
Since you probably want your entities coming out of EF only hierarchically, this isn't what you want, right?
.. then, exclude descendants present at the root level:
Fortunately, because you have navigation properties in your model, the child entity collections will still be populated as you can see by the illustration of the result set above. By manually iterating over the result set with a foreach() loop, and adding those root items to a new List<TreeSet>(), you will now have a list with root elements and all descendants properly nested.
If your trees get large and performance is a concern, you can sort your return set ASCENDING by ParentID (it's Nullable, right?) so that all the root items are first. Iterate and add as before, but break from the loop once you get to one that is not null.
var subset = query
// execute the query against the DB
// filter out non-root-items
.Where(x => !x.ParentId.HasValue);
And now subset will look like this:
-- Item1
-- Item2
-- Item3
-- Item4
-- Item5
About Craig's solutions:
You really don't want to use lazy loading for this!! A design built around the necessity for n+1 querying will be a major performance sucker. ********* (Well, to be fair, if you're going to allow a user to selectively drill down the tree, then it could be appropriate. Just don't use lazy loading for getting them all up-front!!)I've never tried the nested set stuff, and I wouldn't suggest hacking EF configuration to make this work either, given there is a far easier solution. Another reasonable suggestion is creating a database view that provides the self-linking, then map that view to an intermediary join/link/m2m table. Personally, I found this solution to be more complicated than necessary, but it probably has its uses.
When you use Include(), you are asking the Entity Framework to translate your query into SQL. So think: How would you write an SQL statement which returns a tree of an arbitrary depth?
Answer: Unless you are using specific hierarchy features of your database server (which are not SQL standard, but supported by some servers, such as SQL Server 2008, though not by its Entity Framework provider), you wouldn't. The usual way to handle trees of arbitrary depth in SQL is to use the nested sets model rather than the parent ID model.
Therefore, there are three ways which you can use to solve this problem:
Use the nested sets model. This requires changing your metadata.
Use SQL Server's hierarchy features, and hack the Entity Framework into understanding them (tricky, but this technique might work). Again, you'll need to change your metadata.i
Use explicit loading or EF 4's lazy loading instead of eager loading. This will result in many database queries instead of one.
I wanted to post up my answer since the others didn't help me.
My database is a little different, basically my table has an ID and a ParentID. The table is recursive. The following code gets all children and nests them into a final list.
public IEnumerable<Models.MCMessageCenterThread> GetAllMessageCenterThreads(int msgCtrId)
var z = Db.MCMessageThreads.Where(t => t.ID == msgCtrId)
.Select(t => new MCMessageCenterThread
Id = t.ID,
ParentId = t.ParentID ?? 0,
Title = t.Title,
Body = t.Body
foreach (var t in z)
t.Children = GetChildrenByParentId(t.Id);
return z;
private IEnumerable<MCMessageCenterThread> GetChildrenByParentId(int parentId)
var children = new List<MCMessageCenterThread>();
var threads = Db.MCMessageThreads.Where(x => x.ParentID == parentId);
foreach (var t in threads)
var thread = new MCMessageCenterThread
Id = t.ID,
ParentId = t.ParentID ?? 0,
Title = t.Title,
Body = t.Body,
Children = GetChildrenByParentId(t.ID)
return children;
For completeness, here's my model:
public class MCMessageCenterThread
public int Id { get; set; }
public int ParentId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Body { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<MCMessageCenterThread> Children { get; set; }
I wrote something recently that does N+1 selects to load the whole tree, where N is the number of levels of your deepest path in the source object.
This is what I did, given the following self-referencing class
public class SomeEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public int? ParentId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set;
I wrote the following DbSet helper
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
public static class DbSetExtensions
public static async Task<TEntity[]> FindRecursiveAsync<TEntity, TKey>(
this DbSet<TEntity> source,
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> rootSelector,
Func<TEntity, TKey> getEntityKey,
Func<TEntity, TKey> getChildKeyToParent)
where TEntity: class
// Keeps a track of already processed, so as not to invoke
// an infinte recursion
var alreadyProcessed = new HashSet<TKey>();
TEntity[] result = await source.Where(rootSelector).ToArrayAsync();
TEntity[] currentRoots = result;
while (currentRoots.Length > 0)
TKey[] currentParentKeys = currentRoots.Select(getEntityKey).Except(alreadyProcessed).ToArray();
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> childPredicate = x => currentParentKeys.Contains(getChildKeyToParent(x));
currentRoots = await source.Where(childPredicate).ToArrayAsync();
return result;
Whenever you need to load a whole tree you simply call this method, passing in three things
The selection criteria for your root objects
How to get the property for the primary key of the object (SomeEntity.Id)
How to get the child's property that refers to its parent (SomeEntity.ParentId)
For example
SomeEntity[] myEntities = await DataContext.SomeEntity.FindRecursiveAsync(
rootSelector: x => x.Id = 42,
getEntityKey: x => x.Id,
getChildKeyToParent: x => x.ParentId).ToArrayAsync();
Alternatively, if you can add a RootId column to the table then for each non-root entry you can set this column to the ID of the root of the tree. Then you can fetch everything with a single select
DataContext.SomeEntity.Where(x => x.Id == rootId || x.RootId == rootId)
For an example of loading in child objects, I'll give the example of a Comment object that holds a comment. Each comment has a possible child comment.
private static void LoadComments(<yourObject> q, Context yourContext)
if(null == q | null == yourContext)
yourContext.Entry(q).Reference(x=> x.Comment).Load();
Comment curComment = q.Comment;
while(null != curComment)
curComment = LoadChildComment(curComment, yourContext);
private static Comment LoadChildComment(Comment c, Context yourContext)
if(null == c | null == yourContext)
return null;
return c.ChildComment;
Now if you were having something that has collections of itself you would need to use Collection instead of Reference and do the same sort of diving down. At least that's the approach I took in this scenario as we were dealing with Entity and SQLite.
This is an old question, but the other answers either had n+1 database hits or their models were conducive to bottom-up (trunk to leaves) approaches. In this scenario, a tag list is loaded as a tree, and a tag can have multiple parents. The approach I use only has two database hits: the first to get the tags for the selected articles, then another that eager loads a join table. Thus, this uses a top-down (leaves to trunk) approach; if your join table is large or if the result cannot really be cached for reuse, then eager loading the whole thing starts to show the tradeoffs with this approach.
To begin, I initialize two HashSets: one to hold the root nodes (the resultset), and another to keep a reference to each node that has been "hit."
var roots = new HashSet<AncestralTagDto>(); //no parents
var allTags = new HashSet<AncestralTagDto>();
Next, I grab all of the leaves that the client requested, placing them into an object that holds a collection of children (but that collection will remain empty after this step).
var startingTags = await _dataContext.ArticlesTags
.Include(p => p.Tag.Parents)
.Where(t => t.Article.CategoryId == categoryId)
.GroupBy(t => t.Tag)
.ContinueWith(resultTask =>
grouping => new AncestralTagDto(
Now, let's grab the tag self-join table, and load it all into memory:
var tagRelations = await _dataContext.TagsTags.Include(p => p.ParentTag).ToListAsync();
Now, for each tag in startingTags, add that tag to the allTags collection, then travel down the tree to get the ancestors recursively:
foreach (var tag in startingTags)
return roots;
Lastly, here's the nested recursive method that builds the tree:
void GetParents(AncestralTagDto tag)
var parents = tagRelations.Where(c => c.ChildTagId == tag.Id).Select(p => p.ParentTag);
if (parents.Any()) //then it's not a root tag; keep climbing down
foreach (var parent in parents)
//have we already seen this parent tag before? If not, instantiate the dto.
var parentDto = allTags.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id == parent.Id);
if (parentDto is null)
parentDto = new AncestralTagDto(parent.Id, parent.Name);
else //the tag is a root tag, and should be in the root collection. If it's not in there, add it.
//this block could be simplified to just roots.Add(tag), but it's left this way for other logic.
var existingRoot = roots.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Equals(tag));
if (existingRoot is null)
Under the covers, I am relying on the properties of a HashSet to prevent duplicates. To that end, it's important that the intermediate object that you use (I used AncestralTagDto here, and its Children collection is also a HashSet), override the Equals and GetHashCode methods as appropriate for your use-case.