Can I make a Swift data type infix operator? - swift

So, I want to make an operator ('or') which will allow me to declare a variable like this:
var someNum: Int or Double
This bring an example. I want to actually use it on some custom made data types. But is it possible to make an operator for variable declarations that will allow for said variable to be one of two types depending on what its being assigned? I know what data types are possible of being entered, but unfortunately I would currently either assign it a type of 'Any' with a bunch of failsafe code implemented or change the original data types created. So I was just wondering if this is possible or might even exist.
I used this article as a reference, but from what I read I'm not sure if I can or how I would implement it for my needs.
Custom Operators in Swift
Thanks for any and all the help in advance.

You can't do this in the way you're asking. It's not possible syntactically to use a operator in a declaration like that.
What you can do is use an enum to distinguish the kinds:
enum NumericInput {
case integral(Int)
case fractional(Double)
and take that as the type of your variable:
var value: NumericInput
Then you say
value = .integral(someInteger)

You could do this with generics:
struct MyStruct<T>
var someNum: T
You can then explicitly state the dataType you wish to use by specifying the type on creation: let a = MyStruct<Int>(someNum: 4).
One thing Swift does that makes this all absolutely beautiful is derive the data type from the constructor, so you can also just do this:
let intStruct = MyStruct(someNum: 4)
let floatStruct = MyStruct(someNum: 5.0)

You can just declare the value with type Any.
For example,
var myVar: Any = shouldAssignDouble ? Double(20) : Float(20)
Later when you want to know if the actual type is a Float or Double, you can check it with
myVar is Double //returns true


Swift String variable

//First way
var myVar: String = " Hello"
//Second way
var str = "Hello"
I get the same output no matter which of the two I use. What's the difference between them?
These two are basically the same.
When you use var myVar: String = "Hello", you directly tell the swift compiler that your variable is type String.
When you use var myVar = "Hello", you do not specify the type of your variable, so the swift compiler has do do that for you.
Usually, you can get away without declaring your variable type and just have swift do it for you. However, in some cases, namely computed properties and custom classes/structures, you must manually declare your variable to be a specific type.
In your case, either way is fine. The end result is the same, just be aware of the difference for the future.
These two variable are same but with different names :
var myVar
var str
in swift Type doesn't matter that defined because, swift based on value it recognizes what type it is.

Swift 5 storing and passing KeyPaths

Let's say I have the following class:
class User: NSObject {
var name = "Fred"
var age = 24
var email = ""
var married = false
I want to be able to write a generic function that takes in a list of KeyPaths for a known class type, read the values and print to screen. The problem is, the I can't get the following code to compile as the type of the KeyPath's Value is not known, and will be different for each time. What do I have to do to make this work generically?
Consider the following:
struct KeyPathProperties<T> {
var name: String
var relatedKeyPaths: [KeyPath<T, Any>]
extension KeyPath where Root == User {
var properties: KeyPathProperties<Root> {
switch self {
case \
return KeyPathProperties(name: "name", relatedKeyPaths: [\Root.age, \])
fatalError("Unknown key path")
This line fails to compile:
return KeyPathProperties(name: "name", relatedKeyPaths: [\Root.age, \])
with this error:
Cannot convert value of type 'KeyPath<User, Int>' to expected element type 'KeyPath<User, Any>'
This is what I wish to be able to do, for instance:
let myUser = User()
var keyPathProps = KeyPathProperties(name: "name", relatedKeyPaths: [\User.age, \])
for keyPath in props.relatedKeyPaths {
print("Value: \(myUser[keyPath: keyPath])")
The above won't compile of course. Essentially I want to store keyPaths in an array at runtime, so I can generically at some point in time get values out of the User. I need to know if I can re-write the above in some way where the compiler can safely and correctly determine the type of the keyPath's value at runtime.
This is a conceptual use case for a much more complex architectural issue I'm trying to solve with hopefully less code.
At runtime I wish to keep track of the properties that get modified - these properties are held in a modifiedProps array in each object / instance. At some point at runtime, I wish to be able to enumerate over this array of KeyPaths and print their values like so:
for modifiedKeyPath in self.modifiedProps {
print ("\(self[keyPath: modifiedKeyPath])"
In short - I need to be able to capture the generic type of the KeyPath within KeyPathProperties. How do I achieve this?
SIDE NOTE: I can already easily achieve this by using Swift 3 style string based KeyPaths (by adding #objc to the class properties). I can store an array of keyPaths as strings and later do:
let someKeyPath = #keyPath(
myUser.value(forKeyPath: someKeyPath)
I just cannot do this with Swift 4 KeyPaths generically.
The error tells you what your misconception is:
Cannot convert value of type 'KeyPath<User, Int>'
to expected element type 'KeyPath<User, Any>'
You seem to think that you can use a KeyPath<User, Int> where a KeyPath<User, Any> is expected, ostensibly on the grounds that an Int is an Any. But that's not true. These are generic types, and generic types are not covariant — that is, there is no substitution principle for generics based on their parameterized types. The two types are effectively unrelated.
If you need an array of key paths regardless of their parameterized types, you would need an array of PartialKeyPath or AnyKeyPath. It seems that in your use case the root object is the same throughout, so presumably you want PartialKeyPath.

Unsure about what data type to use in swift

I'm trying to write a "Restriction" of some data type, where a Restriction could be a list of Interest(enum), Experience(a range of years) or isVerified(boolean), etc. I have another class that has a property [Restriction]?.
I'm thinking about using enum but I'm not sure what's the correct/better way to construct this enum? Or maybe use struct? Any suggestions?
It's not clear from you question what "Restriction" means to you, but the way to decide is to say out loud what it means, and then use grammar to pick your types.
A struct is an "AND" type. For example:
struct Point {
let x: Double
let y: Double
A Point has an x coordinate AND a y coordinate. If a restriction has an interest and an experience level and a verification status, then that's a struct.
An enum is an "OR" type. For example:
enum Color {
case red
case blue
case green
A Color is red OR blue OR green. An enum case may also have associated data. For example:
enum Pattern {
case solid(Color)
case striped(Color, Color)
A Pattern is either solid with a single color OR it is striped with two colors. Notice the grammar again that helps us recognize our type: "x with y OR a with b."
Structs, classes, and tuples are all AND types, so you need some more rules to split them up. Tuples are basically anonymous structs, and they are mostly useful in Swift for short-lived, temporary values, like return values. If you find yourself wanting to create a typealias for a tuple, you probably wanted a struct instead. I find people overuse tuples (in Swift; they make more sense in other languages).
Structs are value types, while classes are reference types. The best way to understand the difference is that a value type is only its value. Any "instance" of the number 4 is identical to any other instance of the number 4. Nothing "owns" the number 4. You don't care where the number 4 came from. That's a value. The same is true for a Point. The Point (1,2) is entirely defined by the number 1 followed by the number 2. There is nothing else you can say about that Point. If your type is entirely defined by its properties, that is a good case for a struct. It should be easy to define equality between two values.
Classes are reference types. Reference types have identity. Two instances may have all the same property values, but be different "objects." When you want to ask "which one is this?" then you mean a class, not a struct. If you want to make sure two variables are "the same object" (rather than just "equal"), then you mean a class. There is a lot of pressure in Swift to use structs, but in practice, classes are extremely common, particularly in iOS development.
Thinking about what your type means, and saying it with clear language, will help you find the right types for your problem. If you're interested in a longer version of this, see Learning From Our Elders.
EDIT: Looking at your edits, I think what you're really building is a predicate. A predicate is just a function that returns yes or no given some value, and that's what I think a Restriction probably is. It looks like you want a collection of restrictions. I assume you want to then AND them all together.
A very nice way to build a predicate is with a closure. For example:
struct Element {
let interests: [String]
let experience: Int
struct Restriction {
let passes: (Element) -> Bool
init(hasInterest interest: String) {
passes = { $0.interests.contains(interest) }
init(hasAtLeastExperience years: Int) {
passes = { $0.experience >= years }
let element = Element(interests: ["fishing", "sewing"], experience: 5)
let restriction = Restriction(hasAtLeastExperience: 2)
With this you can easily build up groups of restrictions, apply them with AND or OR, etc.
Go with the Struct in your case because Structs are preferable if they are relatively small and copiable because copying is way safer than having multiple reference to the same instance as happens with classes. Your interest can be a list of the enum type Interest.
enum Interest {
struct Restriction {
let interest: [Interest]
let experience: Int
let isVerified: Bool

How do I store a value of type Class<ClassImplementingProtocol> in a Dictionary of type [String:Class<Protocol>] in Swift?

I want to store a more specialized type in a Dictionary of type [String:SomeClass]. Here is some sample code illustrating my problem (also available to play with at
class Thing<T> {}
protocol Flavor {}
class Vanilla: Flavor {}
var dict = [String:Thing<Flavor>]()
dict["foo"] = Thing<Vanilla>()
It produces the error ERROR at line 9, col 28: cannot assign value of type 'Thing<Vanilla>' to type 'Thing<Any>?'.
I've tried casting Thing<Vanilla>() as Thing<Flavor> but that produces the error cannot convert value of type 'Thing<Vanilla>' to type 'Thing<Flavor>' in coercion.
I've also tried to define the Dictionary as type [String:Thing<Any>] but that doesn't change anything either.
How do I create a collection of different Things without resorting to plain [String:AnyObject]?
I should also mention that the class Thing is not defined by me (in fact it's about BoltsSwift Tasks), so the solution to create a base class of Thing without a type parameter doesn't work.
A Thing<Vanilla> is not a Thing<Flavor>. Thing is not covariant. There is no way in Swift to express that Thing is covariant. There are good reasons for this. If what you were asking for were allowed without careful rules around it, I would be allowed to write the following code:
func addElement(array: inout [Any], object: Any) {
var intArray: [Int] = [1]
addElement(array: &intArray, object: "Stuff")
Int is a subtype of Any, so if [Int] were a subtype of [Any], I could use this function to append strings to an int array. That breaks the type system. Don't do that.
Depending on your exact situation, there are two solutions. If it is a value type, then repackage it:
let thing = Thing<Vanilla>(value: Vanilla())
dict["foo"] = Thing(value: thing.value)
If it is a reference type, box it with a type eraser. For example:
// struct unless you have to make this a class to fit into the system,
// but then it may be a bit more complicated
struct AnyThing {
let _value: () -> Flavor
var value: Flavor { return _value() }
init<T: Flavor>(thing: Thing<T>) {
_value = { return thing.value }
var dict = [String:AnyThing]()
dict["foo"] = AnyThing(thing: Thing<Vanilla>(value: Vanilla()))
The specifics of the type eraser may be different depending on your underlying type.
BTW: The diagnostics around this have gotten pretty good. If you try to call my addElement above in Xcode 9, you get this:
Cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: implicit conversion from '[Int]' to '[Any]' requires a temporary
What this is telling you is that Swift is willing to pass [Int] where you ask for [Any] as a special-case for Arrays (though this special treatment isn't extended to other generic types). But it will only allow it by making a temporary (immutable) copy of the array. (This is another example where it can be hard to reason about Swift performance. In situations that look like "casting" in other languages, Swift might make a copy. Or it might not. It's hard to be certain.)
One way to solve this is adding an initialiser to Thing and creating a Thing<Flavor> that will hold a Vanilla object.
It will look something like:
class Thing<T> {
init(thing : T) {
protocol Flavor {}
class Vanilla: Flavor {}
var dict = [String:Thing<Flavor>]()
dict["foo"] = Thing<Flavor>(thing: Vanilla())

What's the best way to declare a list of scalar values in Swift

I was wondering: What is the best way to declare a non-ordered list of scalar values in Swift, that are fully backed by a symbol and are liable to be checked by the compiler?
Let's say I want to declare a list of LetterSpacing values that I want to access and use in my code via their symbols.
My understanding is that I should declare an swift enum like this:
enum LetterSpacing: Double {
case Short = 1.0
case Medium = 2.0
case Large = 3.0
This works fine and gets compiler checks but the annoying part is that I need to LetterSpacing.XXX.rawValue each time to access the underlying value. The .rawValue bothers me a bit to have to specify this everywhere.
I suppose it wouldn't make sense or would be inappropriate to declare a struct with three static let Short = 1.0 etc..
So, how would you handle such cases? Is it possible to add somekind of protocol/extension swift magic to the existing types to be able to have the Short enum act as its own value? (i.e. let size = LetterSpacing.Short would be of type Double and have a value of 1.0)
The enum would be preferred for multiple reasons.
First, the enum actually ends up with a smaller memory footprint. This is because Swift optimizing enum values into a single byte (no matter what the raw value is), and we only get the full value out of it when we call rawValue on the enum value. Paste the following code into a playground to see:
struct LetterSpacingS {
static let Short: Double = 1.0
enum LetterSpacingE: Double {
case Short = 1.0
The double is 8 bytes, while the enum is just 1.
Second, the importance of the first point extends beyond just memory footprint. It can apply to the execution efficiency of our program as well. If we want to compare two values from our struct, we're comparing 8 bytes. If we want to compare two of our enum values, we comparing just a single byte. We have 1/8th as many bytes to compare in this specific case. And this is just with a double. Consider that Swift enums can also have a string as a backing type. Comparing two strings can be extraordinarily expensive versus just comparing the single byte they're hidden behind in an enum.
Third, using the enum, we're not comparing floating point numbers, which you really don't want to do, generally speaking.
Fourth, using the enum gives us some type safety that we can't get with the struct of constants. All the struct of constants does is let us define a handful of predefined constants to use.
struct LetterSpacingS {
static let Short = 1.0
static let Medium = 2.0
static let Long = 3.0
But now what would a method look like that expects one of these values?
func setLetterSpacing(spacing: Double) {
// do stuff
And now what happens when Joe-Coder comes in and does:
Nothing's stopping him. It takes a double, any double. This might not be so common, but if this is in a library you're distributing, you are leaving yourself open to questions and comments like "When I pass a value of 5.0 in, it doesn't look right at all!"
But compare this to using the enum.
func setLetterSpacing(spacing: LetterSpacing) {
// do stuff
And now, we only get the three predefined choices for what to pass into this argument.
And outside of your internal use for the values held by the enum, you should have to use rawValue too much.
The fifth reason isn't a strong reason for using an enum over a struct, but mostly just a point to make to eliminate one of the reasons suggested for using a struct over an enum. Swift enums can be nested in other types, and other types can be nested in Swift enums. You don't have to use a struct to get nested types.
I don't see why creating a Struct with three static constants would be inappropriate. I see a lot of Swift code (also from Apple) that does this.
Structs lets you create nice hierarchies:
struct Style {
struct Colors {
static let backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
struct LetterSpacing {
static let Short = 1.0