UILabel preferredMaxLayout breaking self-sizing cells - swift

I found some really annoying problem with UILabel not working with AutoLayout.
I found multiple threads about this, but none of solutions worked for me.
class AudiosHeaderCell: CollectionViewCell<AudiosHeaderItemViewModel> {
var label: UILabelPreferedWidth? {
didSet {
self.label?.textAlignment = .center
self.label?.numberOfLines = 0
self.label?.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
self.label?.font = Font.Standard.size14
self.label?.textColor = UIColor(netHex: 0x185B97)
let labelLeftRightMargin = CGFloat(16)
override func setupViews() {
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
self.label = UILabelPreferedWidth()
override func setupConstraints() {
self.label?.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
make.edges.equalToSuperview().inset(UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: labelLeftRightMargin, bottom: 8, right: labelLeftRightMargin))
override func bindViewModel(viewModel: AudiosHeaderItemViewModel) {
self.label?.text = viewModel.text
class UILabelPreferedWidth : UILabel {
override var bounds: CGRect {
didSet {
print("SET BOUNDS", bounds)
if (bounds.size.width != oldValue.size.width) {
override func updateConstraints() {
print("updateConstraints", preferredMaxLayoutWidth, bounds)
if(preferredMaxLayoutWidth != bounds.size.width) {
preferredMaxLayoutWidth = bounds.size.width
I use a method to calculate the size of the cell like this:
func sizeForCellWithViewModel(_ viewModel: IReusableViewModel, fittingSize: CGSize) -> CGSize {
let cell = self.classRegistry.instances[viewModel.reuseIdentifier]!
(cell as! ICollectionViewCell).setViewModel(viewModel)
cell.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
cell.contentView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
cell.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: fittingSize.width, height: fittingSize.height)
print("SIZE FOR ", cell, "FITTING ", fittingSize, "IS", cell.systemLayoutSizeFitting(fittingSize))
return cell.systemLayoutSizeFitting(fittingSize)
It works for multiple cells that has some images and other content, but it fails on such a simple problem like scaling to content of UILabel.
Problem I have is that systemLayoutSizeFitting.width returns size that is larger than fittingSize.width parameter I pass.
I've been debugging this long time and I found out that preferredMaxLayoutWidth is not updating properly, as bounds for this UILabel are going beyond cell frame - despite the constraints I use there.
Does anyone have a good solution for that ?
The only one I found is to use this on CollectionViewCell:
override var frame: CGRect {
didSet {
self.label?.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = self.frame.size.width - 32
But I hate it because it forces me to synchronise that with constraints and it will be required to all other use-cases in my application to remember to copy that.
What I'm looking for is AutoLayout, Constraint only solution.

Ok problem solved by adding width constraint to the Cell's contentView:
func sizeForCellWithViewModel(_ viewModel: IReusableViewModel, fittingSize: CGSize) -> CGSize {
let cell = self.classRegistry.instances[viewModel.reuseIdentifier]!
(cell as! ICollectionViewCell).setViewModel(viewModel)
cell.contentView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: fittingSize.width, height: fittingSize.height)
if fittingSize.width != 0 {
cell.contentView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
if fittingSize.height != 0 {
cell.contentView.snp.makeConstraints({ (make) in
return cell.contentView.systemLayoutSizeFitting(fittingSize)
Seems that this somehow makes UILabel works and preferredWidth not going crazy.


StoryboardUI how to make the label follow the slider

I'm doing a storyboardUI app. One part of the UI design is kind of like this:
I want the label position follows the slider position all the time, like below:
How can I do it?
Assign this class to UISlider.
In this class created one label and change the position according to the slider thumb.
class ThumbTextSlider: UISlider {
private var thumbTextLabel: UILabel = UILabel()
private var thumbFrame: CGRect {
return thumbRect(forBounds: bounds, trackRect: trackRect(forBounds: bounds), value: value)
private lazy var thumbView: UIView = {
let thumb = UIView()
return thumb
override func layoutSubviews() {
thumbTextLabel.frame = CGRect(x: thumbFrame.origin.x, y: thumbFrame.maxY - 5, width: thumbFrame.size.width, height: 30)
private func setValue() {
thumbTextLabel.text = String(format: "%0.2f", self.value)
override func awakeFromNib() {
thumbTextLabel.textAlignment = .center
thumbTextLabel.textColor = .blue
thumbTextLabel.layer.zPosition = layer.zPosition + 1
thumbTextLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true

I am trying to get an UIActivityIndicatorView to show when I am loading a UITableView

This problem has been answered several times before on this site, I have tried them all and none work. The difference I think is that I have a UITableView inside my UIViewController. I have tried when loading the data within viewDidLoad, here the screen I am coming from show until all is complete and my new view appears. I have also tried within viewDidAppear, here I have a blank table showing before the final view comes up.
I have tried 4 methods all from this site, I call pauseApp(n) before I start the load and restartApp(n) when completed
var spinner:UIActivityIndicatorView = UIActivityIndicatorView()
var loadingView = UIView()
var loadingLabel = UILabel()
var indicator = UIActivityIndicatorView()
#IBOutlet weak var tvTable: UITableView!
func pauseApp() {
func pauseApp1() {
spinner = UIActivityIndicatorView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 20, height: 20))
spinner.center = self.navBar.center
spinner.hidesWhenStopped = true
spinner.style = UIActivityIndicatorView.Style.gray
func pauseApp2() {
indicator.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
func pauseApp3() {
func restartApp() {
// sleep(2)
func restartApp1() {
func restartApp2() {
// sleep(2)
indicator.hidesWhenStopped = true
func restartApp3() {
// sleep(2)
private func setLoadingScreen() {
let width: CGFloat = 120
let height: CGFloat = 30
let x = (view.frame.width / 2) - (width / 2)
let y = (view.frame.height / 2) - (height / 2) - 20
loadingView.frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height)
// Sets loading text
loadingLabel.textColor = .gray
loadingLabel.textAlignment = .center
loadingLabel.text = "Loading..."
loadingLabel.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 140, height: 30)
// Sets spinner
spinner.style = .gray
spinner.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)
// Adds text and spinner to the view
private func removeLoadingScreen() {
spinner.isHidden = true
loadingLabel.isHidden = true
func activityIndicator() {
indicator = UIActivityIndicatorView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 40))
indicator.style = UIActivityIndicatorView.Style.gray
indicator.center = self.view.center
fileprivate var ActivityIndicatorViewAssociativeKey = "ActivityIndicatorViewAssociativeKey"
public var aIV: UIActivityIndicatorView = UIActivityIndicatorView()
public extension UITableView {
var activityIndicatorView: UIActivityIndicatorView {
get {
if let aIV = getAssociatedObject(&ActivityIndicatorViewAssociativeKey) as? UIActivityIndicatorView {
return aIV
} else {
let aIV = UIActivityIndicatorView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 40))
aIV.style = .gray
aIV.color = .gray
aIV.backgroundColor = UIColor.black
aIV.center = center
aIV.hidesWhenStopped = true
setAssociatedObject(aIV, associativeKey: &ActivityIndicatorViewAssociativeKey, policy: .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
return aIV
set {
setAssociatedObject(newValue, associativeKey:&ActivityIndicatorViewAssociativeKey, policy: .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
public extension NSObject {
func setAssociatedObject(_ value: AnyObject?, associativeKey: UnsafeRawPointer, policy: objc_AssociationPolicy) {
if let valueAsAnyObject = value {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, associativeKey, valueAsAnyObject, policy)
func getAssociatedObject(_ associativeKey: UnsafeRawPointer) -> Any? {
guard let valueAsType = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, associativeKey) else {
return nil
return valueAsType
Verify your Interface Builder file, specifically the order in which the components are defined. Components higher up in the hierarchy may be hidden by those defined below them. Thus it's quite possible that your tableview hides your activity view.
You should be able to confirm this fairly quickly by hiding the table view and other other views that may be on top. Depending on your activity view settings, you may also need to do tvTable.activityIndicatorView.isHidden = false. Note that since UITableView implement a built-in scrollview, adding an activity view as a child to a UITableView may not be the the best course. You are better off defining it as a child of the tableView's superview; ref:
Your attempt with pauseApp1 could work with minor modifications, but only if your view controller is hosted inside a navigation controller. You should also always define any relationship only AFTER the view is added as a subview not before.
Starting a brand new project from scratch, here's how you can display an activity indicator by code:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// We add some delay for fun, absolutely not required!
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2.0) {
private func showSpinner() {
let spinner = UIActivityIndicatorView.init(style: .gray)
spinner.center = self.view.center
spinner.isHidden = false
spinner.hidesWhenStopped = true
Thanks Again,
The solution is to add an activityIndeicatorView with Storyboard below our TableView
Then in viewDidAppear have
#IBOutlet weak var mySpinner: UIActivityIndicatorView!
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now()) {
func pauseApp() {
func restartApp() {
private func showSpinner() {
mySpinner.isHidden = false
mySpinner.hidesWhenStopped = true
The pauseApp call put the spinner on the screen, the doScreen does all the work and calls restartApp when it has finished. My doScreen does quite a lot of work going to a service to get the data, it takes about 2 seconds with a good internet connection, but much longer when the connection is poor.

UISlider track not increasing in thickness

I can't seem to increase the thickness of the track. Been trying other recommendations and looking for this option in the documentation but it doesn't seem to be working, anyone know why?:(
class factionButton: UISlider {
var factionSlider = UISlider()
func factionBalanceSlider(){
factionSlider.frame = CGRect(x: 15, y: 542, width: 386, height: 57)
factionSlider.minimumValueImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Alliance Slider")
factionSlider.maximumValueImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Horde Slider")
factionSlider.setThumbImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "Thumb Image"), for: .normal)
factionSlider.minimumTrackTintColor = UIColor(red:0.08, green:0.33, blue:0.69, alpha:0.8)
factionSlider.maximumTrackTintColor = UIColor(red:1.00, green:0.00, blue:0.00, alpha:0.59)
factionSlider.setValue(0.5, animated: true)
factionSlider.isContinuous = true
factionSlider.addTarget(self, action: #selector(recordFactionBalance(sender:)) , for: .valueChanged)
func getSlider() -> UISlider {
return factionSlider
override func trackRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
let customBounds = CGRect(x: 16, y: 21, width: 343, height: 7)
super.trackRect(forBounds: customBounds)
return customBounds
As mentioned in many other answers, you can change the height by creating a custom slider as below,
class CustomSlider: UISlider {
override func trackRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var rect = super.trackRect(forBounds: bounds)
rect.size.height = 7
return rect
But in your particular case, you are not seeing the change because your implementation is not allowing the factionSlider to use overridden trackRect. To use that you need to change that to CustomSlider as below,
class FactionButton: UISlider {
var factionSlider = CustomSlider()
func factionBalanceSlider(){
factionSlider.frame = CGRect(x: 15, y: 542, width: 386, height: 57)
factionSlider.minimumValueImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Alliance Slider")
factionSlider.maximumValueImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Horde Slider")
factionSlider.setThumbImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "Thumb Image"), for: .normal)
factionSlider.minimumTrackTintColor = UIColor(red:0.08, green:0.33, blue:0.69, alpha:0.8)
factionSlider.maximumTrackTintColor = UIColor(red:1.00, green:0.00, blue:0.00, alpha:0.59)
factionSlider.setValue(0.5, animated: true)
factionSlider.isContinuous = true
factionSlider.addTarget(self, action: #selector(recordFactionBalance(sender:)) , for: .valueChanged)
func getSlider() -> UISlider {
return factionSlider
Note In Swift, class name should start with Capital as i updated above. Secondly, I think FactionButton should not be a subclass of UISlider.
You should get the current bounds from the super class first, then just change the height:
override func trackRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var customBounds = super.trackRect(forBounds: bounds)
customBounds.size.height = 7
return customBounds
Setting the rect size expands the slider to the bottom only. So the origin should be recalculated to keep the slider centered.
class CustomSlider: UISlider {
#IBInspectable var trackHeight: CGFloat = 6
override func trackRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var rect = super.trackRect(forBounds: bounds)
rect.size.height = trackHeight
rect.origin.y -= trackHeight / 2
return rect
I made this by adding this
class CustomSlider: UISlider {
override func trackRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
let point = CGPoint(x: bounds.minX, y: bounds.midY)
return CGRect(origin: point, size: CGSize(width: bounds.width, height: 10)) //this height is the thickness
storyboard - change UISlider class to my CustomSlider
FYI for newbie like me..
change color is here :)

How to make a simple UILabel subclass for marquee/scrolling text effect in swift?

As you can see above i trying to code an simple(!) subclass of UILabel to make an marquee or scrolling text effect if the text of the label is too long. I know that there are already good classes out there (e.g https://cocoapods.org/pods/MarqueeLabel), but i want to make my own :)
Down below you can see my current class.
I can't also fix an issue where the new label(s) are scrolling right, but there is also a third label which shouldn't be there. I think it's the label itself. But when i try the replace the first additional label with that label i won't work. I hope it's not too confusing :/
It's important to me that i only have to assign the class in the storyboard to the label. So that there is no need go and add code e.g in an view controller (beside the outlets). I hope it's clear what i want :D
So again:
Simple subclass of UILabel
scrolling label
should work without any additional code in other classes (except of outlets to change the labels text for example,...)
(it's my first own subclass, so feel free to teach me how to do it right :) )
Thank you very much !
It's by far not perfect, but this is my current class:
import UIKit
class LoopLabel: UILabel {
var labelText : String?
var rect0: CGRect!
var rect1: CGRect!
var labelArray = [UILabel]()
var isStop = false
var timeInterval: TimeInterval!
let leadingBuffer = CGFloat(25.0)
let loopStartDelay = 2.0
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
self.lineBreakMode = .byClipping
override var text: String? {
didSet {
labelText = text
func setup() {
let label = UILabel()
label.frame = CGRect.zero
label.text = labelText
timeInterval = TimeInterval((labelText?.characters.count)! / 5)
let sizeOfText = label.sizeThatFits(CGSize.zero)
let textIsTooLong = sizeOfText.width > frame.size.width ? true : false
rect0 = CGRect(x: leadingBuffer, y: 0, width: sizeOfText.width, height: self.bounds.size.height)
rect1 = CGRect(x: rect0.origin.x + rect0.size.width, y: 0, width: sizeOfText.width, height: self.bounds.size.height)
label.frame = rect0
super.clipsToBounds = true
self.frame = CGRect(origin: self.frame.origin, size: CGSize(width: 0, height: 0))
if textIsTooLong {
let additionalLabel = UILabel(frame: rect1)
additionalLabel.text = labelText
func animateLabelText() {
if(!isStop) {
let labelAtIndex0 = labelArray[0]
let labelAtIndex1 = labelArray[1]
UIView.animate(withDuration: timeInterval, delay: loopStartDelay, options: [.curveLinear], animations: {
labelAtIndex0.frame = CGRect(x: -self.rect0.size.width,y: 0,width: self.rect0.size.width,height: self.rect0.size.height)
labelAtIndex1.frame = CGRect(x: labelAtIndex0.frame.origin.x + labelAtIndex0.frame.size.width,y: 0,width: labelAtIndex1.frame.size.width,height: labelAtIndex1.frame.size.height)
}, completion: { finishied in
labelAtIndex0.frame = self.rect1
labelAtIndex1.frame = self.rect0
self.labelArray[0] = labelAtIndex1
self.labelArray[1] = labelAtIndex0
} else {
First of, I would keep the variables private if you don't need them to be accessed externally, especially labelText (since you're using the computed property text to be set).
Second, since you're adding labels as subviews, I'd rather use a UIView as container instead of UILabel. The only difference in the storyboard would be to add a View instead of a Label.
Third, if you use this approach, you should not set the frame (of the view) to zero.
Something like that would do:
import UIKit
class LoopLabelView: UIView {
private var labelText : String?
private var rect0: CGRect!
private var rect1: CGRect!
private var labelArray = [UILabel]()
private var isStop = false
private var timeInterval: TimeInterval!
private let leadingBuffer = CGFloat(25.0)
private let loopStartDelay = 2.0
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
var text: String? {
didSet {
labelText = text
func setup() {
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellow
let label = UILabel()
label.text = labelText
label.frame = CGRect.zero
timeInterval = TimeInterval((labelText?.characters.count)! / 5)
let sizeOfText = label.sizeThatFits(CGSize.zero)
let textIsTooLong = sizeOfText.width > frame.size.width ? true : false
rect0 = CGRect(x: leadingBuffer, y: 0, width: sizeOfText.width, height: self.bounds.size.height)
rect1 = CGRect(x: rect0.origin.x + rect0.size.width, y: 0, width: sizeOfText.width, height: self.bounds.size.height)
label.frame = rect0
super.clipsToBounds = true
//self.frame = CGRect(origin: self.frame.origin, size: CGSize(width: 0, height: 0))
if textIsTooLong {
let additionalLabel = UILabel(frame: rect1)
additionalLabel.text = labelText
func animateLabelText() {
if(!isStop) {
let labelAtIndex0 = labelArray[0]
let labelAtIndex1 = labelArray[1]
UIView.animate(withDuration: timeInterval, delay: loopStartDelay, options: [.curveLinear], animations: {
labelAtIndex0.frame = CGRect(x: -self.rect0.size.width,y: 0,width: self.rect0.size.width,height: self.rect0.size.height)
labelAtIndex1.frame = CGRect(x: labelAtIndex0.frame.origin.x + labelAtIndex0.frame.size.width,y: 0,width: labelAtIndex1.frame.size.width,height: labelAtIndex1.frame.size.height)
}, completion: { finishied in
labelAtIndex0.frame = self.rect1
labelAtIndex1.frame = self.rect0
self.labelArray[0] = labelAtIndex1
self.labelArray[1] = labelAtIndex0
} else {

How to create a function in Swift that removes then adds a specific subview based on what the current view is?

currently my function looks like this:
func newTile () {
if mainTileTargetView == tileTargetView1 {
let tileView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight))
self.tileTargetView2 = tileView
self.mainTileTargetView = self.tileTargetView2
if self.mad == true {
} else {
} else if mainTileTargetView == tileTargetView2{
let tileView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight))
self.tileTargetView3 = tileView
self.mainTileTargetView = self.tileTargetView3
if self.mad == true {
} else {
It goes on for a few more views. As you can see it's pretty messy at the moment with a lot of repeated code. Is there a way to refactor it and make it look neater?
Here's my version:
func newTile () {
let tileView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight))
var nextTarget: UIView!
switch mainTitleTargetView{
case titleTargetView1:
nextTarget = titleTargetView2
nextTarget = titleTargetView3
replaceTitle(title: mainTitleTargetView, withTitle: nextTarget, forTileView: tileView)
if self.mad == true {
} else {
func replaceTitle(title title1: UIView, withTitle title2: UIView, forTileView tile: UIView){
title2 = tile
self.mainTitleTargetView = title2