SQL Query slow during batch update of table - postgresql

I have a postgresql table with about 250K records. It gets updated a few times an hour. However, the entire table gets deleted and new records added. (Batch job).
I don't have much control over that process. During the time it takes the transaction to delete/re-load queries on the table basically lock/hang until the job finishes. The job takes about a minute to run. We have real time users looking at this data (which is spatial data on a map with a time slider). They recogize the lost records very easily.
Is there anything that can be done about these 60 or so second query times during the update. I've thought about loading into a 2nd table, dropping the original and renaming the 2nd to the original but that introduces more chance of error. Are there any settings that will just grab data as is and not necessarily look for a consistent view of the data.
Basically just looking for ideas on how to handle this situation.
I'm running postgresql 9.3.1


Postgres: Count all INSERT queries executed in the past 1 minute

I can do currently active count of all INSERT queries executed on the PostgreSQL server like this:
SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity where query like 'INSERT%'
But is there a way to count all INSERT queries executed on the server in a given period of time? E.g. in the past minute?
I have a bunch of tables into which I send a lot of inserts and I would like to somehow aggregate how many rows I am inserting per minute. I could code a solution for this, but it'd be so much easier if this was possible to somehow extract directly from the server.
Any type of stats like this, in a certain period of time, would be very helpful, an average time it takes for the query to process, or knowing the bandwidth that goes through per minute, etc.
Note: I am using PostgreSQL 12
If not already done, install pg_stat_statements extension and take some snapshots of the view pg_stat_statements: the diff will give the number of queries executed between 2 snapshots.
Note: It doesn’t save each individual query, rather it parameterizes them and then saves the aggregated result.
See https://www.citusdata.com/blog/2019/02/08/the-most-useful-postgres-extension-pg-stat-statements/
I believe that you can use the audit trigger.
This audit will create a table that register INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE actions. So you can adapt. So every time that your database runs one of those commands, the audit table register the action, the table and the time of the action. So, it will be easy to do a COUNT() on desired table with a WHERE from a minute ago.
I couldn't come across anything solid, so I have created a table where I log a number of insert transactions using a script that runs as a cron job. It was simple enough to implement and I do not get estimations, but the real values instead. I actually count all new rows inserted to tables in a given interval.

How can I automatically maintain a dump of modified rows in PostGreSql

So, I have a PostGreSQL DB. For some chosen tables in that DB I want to maintain a plain dump of the rows when modified. Note this dump is not a recovery or backup dump. It is just a file which will have the incremental rows. That is, whenever a row is inserted or updated, I want that appended to this file or to a file in a folder. Idea is to load that folder into say something like hive periodically so that I can run queries to check previous states of certain rows, columns. Now, these are very high transactional tables and the dump does not need to be real time. It can be in batches, every hour. I want to avoid a trigger firing hundreds of times every minute. I am looking for something which is off the shelf - already available in PostGreSQL. I did some research but everything is related to PostGreSQL backup - which is not the exact use case.
I have read some links like https://clarkdave.net/2015/02/historical-records-with-postgresql-and-temporal-tables-and-sql-2011/ Implementing history of PostgreSQL table etc - but these are based on insert update trigger and create the history table on PostGreSQL itself. I want to avoid both. I cannot have the history on PostGreSQL as it will be huge soon. And I do not want to keep writing to files through a trigger firing constantly.

What is the safe limit for the number of rows in postgresql?

I have a cron job that fires a query every three minutes. With each firing, data is entered into my db. So my database keeps on growing after each interval. However I am only interested in the latest row. Is it safe? Will postgresql truncate oldest entries automatically?
If you post the gist of your cron job you could get a better answer.
If its a direct insert, execute a truncate before hand to delete the old unwanted data. Delete is also possible, but you will end up with a lot of dead tuples and you will need to vacuum the table on a regular basis.
update is a good option but it depends on how much of the data is static and how much is not. eg. if you repeat values in any columns then go for update. This will also be subject to dead tuples and vacuuming.
if you are loading from an external source, eg csv, json, xml there are methods to overwrite existing data automatically. pg_loader may be an option here.

Postgresql / INSERT performance fall when doing a single SELECT during a batch of INSERTs

Using PostgreSQL (9.6), for a custom synchronisation project, we have an agent that make a lot of INSERTs between a database_1 and database_2 when syncing data.
For example: DB2 is down during 5 minutes, there are 40,000 new lines in DB1, so when DB2 is up again, all the 40,000 lines will be immediately synced from DB1 to DB2.
All this works great.
During the synchronisation, the INSERT rate is around 1000 lines / second.
However, when we do a simple SELECT count(*) FROM table during the sync (in the middle of these thousands of INSERTs), we noticed that the INSERT rate is falling town to a few dozens per second (instead of 1000x per second).
Is there any reason why a SELECT operation (made inside pgAdmin, by another process than the syncing process) is slowing down the batch of INSERT ?
Any locking or internal reason that might explain this?
Or should I provide more information? How can I debug more?
Logs are fully activated and all the INSERTs always take around 0.700ms (before slowdown and same during slowdown), it doesn't change.
INSERTs are currently performed one row by one row
(I'll be happy to provide more information)

BigQuery streaming insert using template tables data availability issue

We have been using BigQuery for over a year now with no issues. We load data as batch jobs every few hours and it usually is instantly available.
We just started experimenting with streaming inserts using template tables. With our first test, we saw no errors and the data showed up instantly. The test created approximately 120 tables. A simple select count (using the web ui) on the tables came up with the right total number of ~8000 rows. After a couple of hours of more streaming, the total dropped to ~1400 rows.
Unsure about what happened, we dropped the dataset, recreated the template table and re-ran the streaming. This time around, the tables showed up right away but the data did not. On our third attempt the tables themselves did not show up for more than a couple of hours. We are on the fourth attempt and this time we only streamed data belonging to one table. The table showed up right away, but it has been over an hour and the data does not show up.
The streaming service uses the latest Java library, inserts only one record at a time and logs the response. The response, without an exception is always {"kind":"bigquery#tableDataInsertAllResponse"} and no errors.
Any help trying to understand what is happening would be great. Thanks.
Looks like we've identified the issue. It appears there's a race in the template-tables path only that causes our system to think the first chunk of data was deleted by user action (table truncation -- which it obviously wasn't), and is dropped. We've identified the fix and will attempt to push out a fix shortly.
Thanks for letting us know!