Weld (CDI) and Jersey-Server(JAX-RS) Bootstrap in Java SE - rest

I am trying to figure out how to correctly bootstrap Weld (3.0.0) together with Jersey-Server (1.19.3) to establish a Rest Server with Java SE. I am not! talking about a JEE solution. The application server does a good job here.
I would like to have it standalone without all the libs I do not need.
My problem is that jersey server instantiates all the REST service classes in his own way and not using weld. Therefore #Inject does not work of course.
Does IoCInstantiatedComponentProvider help here ?

This is something Hammock provides, but if you want to just leverage the code that's fine. That's the beauty of open source - https://github.com/hammock-project/hammock/tree/master/rest-jersey/src/main/java/ws/ament/hammock/rest/jersey
Specifically, you'll need to instantiate the JerseyServlet and provide a ServletContextAttribute with the name jersey.config.servlet.internal.resourceConfig_JerseyServlet that points to a ResourceConfig object that either points to your Application object, or has all of the classes registered within it. We use a CDI extension to scrape these classes. I will say I'm using Jersey 2 not Jersey 1, I doubt this will work with Jersey 1 (which was made for CDI 1.0). Note that you need a servlet container still.
If you want to leverage Hammock, just add these dependencies to your project (I'm using Jetty below, but you can also use embedded tomcat or undertow):
And then you just have to provide some annotated rest resources and a beans.xml


liferay-7 dynamic data lists hook

Hi I would like to create hook on Dynamic data lists in liferay 7.
Unfortunately I am not able to achieve DDLRecordServiceWrapper, according to source code it should be accessible under
import com.liferay.dynamic.data.lists.service.DDLRecordServiceWrapper;
But this class, nor service package are resolved.
In Liferay 6.x this service was available under
Is it possible to create DDL hook on liferay-7 somehow?
While using maven, this wrapper can be found inside this artifact
And referenced as
import com.liferay.dynamic.data.lists.service.DDLRecordServiceWrapper;
Using only liferay SDK I wasn't able to get this.

GWT and SpringBoot - Is there a smart way to deal with conflicting dependencies?

In an ideal world, you have your GWT app compiled to javascript, you serve it as static resource and you behind the scenes you have your back end code running on a JVM, and life goes well.
But that ideal world is called production during runtime.
However, during development time, when you would like to make use of the gwt code server...
You're GWT compile time dependencies are needed during runtime (sources + classes), for debugging and recompilation purposes of the GWT module.
At the same time, you may wish to have back-end supported by something like spring-boot 1.3.5.RELEASE.
In this case, spring boot, suffering multiple frequent releases, is at this point in time wanting to add as managed dependency, for example:
Which, of course, is a very good thing. It is one of the many good features of spring, in fact.
Gwt, on the other hand, see link bellow,
is still requiring you to use:
Now, if you were to say: I do not care about productive development, just compile me something that works properly in production.
Then indeed, you can trivially solve the above problem by structuring your project in such manner:
--- Backend-api
--- Backend-Impl
--- Gwt-Front-end
---- War or stand alone Spring jar module to glue it all together
Where you make the Gwt-Front end depend on the back-end APIs, for some RPC services and DTOs. The pom.xml dependencies you can for the most part manage only in your front-end module, independently of whichver dependencies you have in the back-end.
Ultimately, you make a war, or a spring boot runable jar, that carries your gwt code as static resources and carries your back-end code with all of its dependencies, namely Hirbernate validator latest version.
However, when you are trying to get a pom that works for development purposes, as far as i can see, you are stuck having to globally to manage the dependencies that are common between the back-end and the front-end layer in the ROOT pom.xml, and downgrading your dependencies to the version required by gwt.
That is, in the ideal world scenario.
You have your ROOT pom.xml simply declaring your modules and the order by which they get build. And you get your back-end-impl to have the power to state it wants to inherit dependencies from the spring-boot-starter pom.xml, etc...
In contrast to the ideal scenario, on the pom.xml configuration that actually helps you during the development time...
Well, you can have to revisit the Root pom.xml.
And you have to add in managed dependencies on this root pom.xml, so that for all those common conflicting dependencies between your GWT front-end and spring boot back-end, you always have to hammer the version of the GWT and put a downgrade in place.
This will ensure that when you do gwt:run, dev mode recompile, etc... you do not end up having the gwt compiler trying to javascript compile your Hibernate version 5, but instead the version that is indeed supported by GWT 4.1 final. Of course you might end up having a surprise in back-end code, one of these days by puting in place such a hack...
Does anybody have an idea of how to properly organize a multi module project where back-end and gwt based front-end are allowed to have conflicting depency requirements?
Ultimately, if the answer is no, I believe I will prefer to have network wastage and added communication delay, by having a pure stand-alone spring boot backend that integrates with a pure gwt stand alone jetty, where the back-end on this jetty does nothing more than dumbly kick the requests to the actual spring-boot backend. It is kind of pathetic to have gwt jetty back-end that gets called to do 1+1 by the UI and which forwards the computation to a second back-end running sprin boot that actual knows how to do the 1+1... but if this is the most productive way of working, ensuring that development is productive and the production will run without surprises, so be it.
Thanks for any feedback, and Ideally, I would like to see a multi-pom project that you can import as existing maven project into eclipse, and demonstrates how this can be achieved.
Figure out where the transitive dependency is that you want to exclude when compiling GWT code.
This way only the GWT provided hibernate version will be available at runtime.
Yes, what I wanted to do can in fact be done, though not trivially... not at all.
To setup a maven multi module pom that can be used productively in the sense that you can get code swapping both for back-end and front-end code without needing to choose either the gwt validator dependencies, or the springboot validator dependencies, essentially I organize my project as follows.
You have:
LEVEL 1: myproject-root
----- LEVEL 2: myproject-backend
---------- LEVEL 3: myproject-backend-api
---------- LEVEL 3: myproject-backend-impl
------ LEVEL 2: myproject-frontend
------ LEVEL 2: myproject-runner
-----------LEVEL 3: myproject-runner-jar
-----------LEVEL 3: myproject-runner-war
In myproject-root, you declare the submodules, naturally.
You do dependency management on some inocuous plugins such as surefire plugin. You control java source and target compile language. You do very little more than that. If you have some plugins that you can configure cross cutingly, you might as well put those in the plugin management.
In the myproject-backend, you essentially make it inherit into the dependency management the springboot depencies, by adding to your dependency management:
<!-- Inherit dependencies from spring boot dependency management pom -->
You declare the two submodules, and you're out.
You do not declare any cross cuting dependencies here. You only use the dependency management. The front-end component will be hiting the api submodule, and you do not want to be creating a dependency magnet in the backend pom, so here you are conservative as much as possible.
In the myproject-backend-api, you start by letting this submodule be a jar sub-module. Down the line, you will want to branch the api component further, by subdividing api-s by entrypoint nature.
To begin with the -api component will have apis needed for the communication between server and frontend, kind of like the typically seen "shared" in the documentation.
Here you are as careful as possible to have as little as possible in what regards to elements in the dependencies element. The front-end will be using these api's and you do not want your api package depending on any spring boot apis.
In the backend-impl, you write your actual business logic and you are free to depend on the full spring boot stack. The rule is, make sure no one ever points to this dependency magnet, especially, never let the gwt component even smell the existence of springboot libraries. Do not refer it ever.
In the myproject-frontend, you do not branch it into different sub-modules, as you might have done with the api component.
Here you make a monolitic component for gwt code so that you can more easily have the gwt maven plugin working for you doing your hot code recompilation.
In this component you depend on the myproject-api, as well as on any relevant gwt library, such as gwt-user, hibernate validator with the old version needed by gwt, etc...
The rule for the myproject-frontend is to declare every single dependency in the component as optional. You do not want to take any transitive depency on the component.
In production all you need is the myproject-frontend.jar/META-INF/resources/MyProjectModule.html...
And all such static resources that springboot will have to detect and serve.
While you are in development mode, however, what you want to do in this front end component is to:
(a) tune your gwt-plugin to not run the jetty server
The point being, if run this jetty server the only thing it would have in its classpath would be the front end code and the api, and definitely not the impl code.
And second, you do not want to use the gwt jetty, you either want to use the springboot tomcat or the springboot jetty. Much better to use the embedded containers of springboot with the appropriate websocket libraries and such.
(b) With springboot you want to server your static resources from the META-INF/resources/ or the public folder. I prefer the resources as it would be where you would normally put JSF components as well.
In any case, because the place static resources come from is special, you want to tune your gwt plugin to compile your java sources into the write folder.
So something like above.
Finally, and this was my main mistake, you do not run your code from where you write your front-end code.
That is wrong, because that forces your front-end code to need springboot depencies, which will cause you extreme pain due to conflicting libraries.
So for dodging this problem, you create the myproject-runner component, and if you want to be very detailed, you make that one a pom parent component so that you can fork your packaging into either jar or war.
I personally like the executable jar, much more to the point, than the war option. I will never want to deploy a sprinboot application in something like a heavy weight weblogic... but whatever rocks your boat.
In any case, the spring boot runner is your ultimate dependency magenet.
This component will depend on about every module you have and their transitive dependencies. But because you separate your runner component from the front-end code, and you make all the dependencies in the front-end code optinal...
Well, you essentially only bundle springboot, and the your gwt static resources.
While you are developing, what you do is .... once you know it ... simple.
(A) you start your spring boot jar application by triggering the main file. If you really want to deploy a war file, that-s your choice you can also build a war file and deploy it to a tomcat or whatever...
(b) you go to your frontend component, rirght click it, chooose run as Maven Build, and gwt:run.
The gwt run will start up the gwt code server, that will be completely blind to your backend code, the only thing it will see in front of its eyes is the code your have in the frontend component as well as all the gwt dependencies you've added in as optinal.
You can finally hot swap code in the back-end if you-re using springboot dev.
You can finally hot swap code in that monolitic frontend component, once you-ve started teh gwt plugin.
Conclusion, it-s possible, but its a hell of a mess.
Glad this problem is out of the way.
I believe I had similar problems and discovered the following while using Eclipse IDE, GWT Google Plugin, SpringBoot and Maven.
The recipe is not simple but it worked for my team.
GWT-dev and Jetty server doesn't work with SpringBoot.
You have to fix the classpath due to Jetty and gwt-dev hardcoded dependencies, only the dependencies gwt-dev and Jetty were built against will work.
I had to split the GWT UI project into two Maven artifacts.
One artifact was a WebApp capable of running only within Eclipse, with all SpringBoot libraries excluded from the classpath.
The other artifact was a deployable SpringBoot JAR with "war" maven packaging type and a WAR overlay of the Eclipse dedicated artifact, including only GWT specicic content.
I hope this helps
Just create dedicated maven profile for running GWT codeserver and add 'gwt-dev' dependency ONLY there
<extraJvmArgs>-Xmx1G -Xms512M -Xss1G -Dlog.root=${project.build.directory}/log

org.jboss.ws.metadata.wsdl.WSDLException_ Invalid default namespace_ null

I have a WSDL and have generated code using wsimport. I have written code to the access the web service & trying to test it. It works on Tomcat, but on JBOSS 5.1 GA, it gives following error:
org.jboss.ws.metadata.wsdl.WSDLException_ Invalid default namespace_ null
I have spent 3 days figuring out the problem with no luck. One os the solutions that I tried involved jaxws-rt files & working with the jboss endorsed directory, but I am not sure which jars that need to be replaced, so I am still stuck.
Any help would be very appreciated.
I guess you already fixed this issue, but just in case someone is interested.
I had the same problem deploying a USSD gateway with Mobicents Jain Slee, that runs on top of a JBoss AS 5.1.0 GA. The gateway has to connect to a server via SOAP, so I chose JAX-WS and generated the source code from a WSDL with wsimport.
By the way, I used a similar procedure to this one to create a child Maven project and generate the java files for JAX-WS.
Failed deploy with dependencies embedded on .war file
My first approach was to include all the dependencies in the .war file that is deployed in JBoss.
I think this is achieved by default in Maven, and mvn install will do it.
In the long run, this approach failed, but at least I needed to know the list of jar files that were included in the .war file, to copy them later in a JBoss directory.
I made a lot of troubleshooting with this approach, and had many different log errors, though the main one was this:
java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: javax.xml.ws.spi.Provider: Provider org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.spi.ProviderImpl not a subtype
That can be found in this other StackOverflow question.
Deploy without dependencies
Maven tweak
So insted, I added <scope>provided</scope> to the JAX-WS dependencies. Something like:
This produced a much lighter .war file.
Copy & remove jars in JBoss AS
Now, after deploying the .war file, when my SOAP client tries to connect to the Web Service, it throws the exception mentioned in the question:
org.jboss.ws.metadata.wsdl.WSDLException: Invalid default namespace: null
at org.jboss.ws.tools.wsdl.WSDLDefinitionsFactory.parse(WSDLDefinitionsFactory.java:134)
at org.jboss.ws.metadata.umdm.ServiceMetaData.getWsdlDefinitions(ServiceMetaData.java:293)
at org.jboss.ws.metadata.builder.jaxws.JAXWSClientMetaDataBuilder.buildMetaData(JAXWSClientMetaDataBuilder.java:84)
at org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.spi.ServiceDelegateImpl.<init>(ServiceDelegateImpl.java:138)
at org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.spi.ProviderImpl.createServiceDelegate(ProviderImpl.java:63)
at javax.xml.ws.Service.<init>(Service.java:79)
at org.ortelius.UssdServiceImplementation.<init>(UssdServiceImplementation.java:42)
at org.ortelius.OrteliusClient.sendUssdRequestToWs(OrteliusClient.java:28)
It seems that javax.xml.ws.Service calls org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.spi.ProviderImpl, but it should be calling com.sun.xml.ws.spi.ProviderImpl, so it seems there is a conflict with jar dependencies.
To avoid this problem, it was necessary to:
Move or delete all JBoss jar files found in $JBOSS_HOME/lib/endorsed/ directory.
Copy the jars bundled in my initial .war file (the one of the failed deploy) to $JBOSS_HOME/lib/endorsed/ directory.
all the jars bundled in my .war file.
That basically made it.
Final notes
I have to confess that to find this out was a real pain, and it took me about four days to get this up & running.
I made a lot of troubleshooting with the jar dependencies, checking JBoss logs, remote debugging, comparing Java packages & classes versions, searching for jars online and reading many articles from JBoss manuals, blogs, StackOverflow, JavaRanch, etc...
The SOAP client was really simple, but the deployment in JBoss was pretty problematic.
My solution is not very orthodox, since it depends greatly on the jar files dependencies.
So I'm not sure if it will work for everyone.

OSGi JAX-RS and bnd declarative service

I want to migrate my EE application to OSGi. my application consist of business libraries, database JPA/Entities and a REST/WS interfaces. it also has a web client.
I start by prototyping the structure and making all the interfaces and bundles talking to each other in OSGi clean way. I want to use a clean specification as much as possible without any specific vendor or framework.
I am using bnd maven plugin to generate the manifest and the declarative services. I want to make a call from my rest resources to an OSGI service (on another bundle) using injection like so:
public class SomeResources{
private SomeService service = null;
public void setController(SomeService service) { // <- this is never called
this.service = service;
public Object getSomeService() { // <- called
try {
service.process("Hello World"); // <- Error null object
Can i annotate the resource with bnd #Component and can the #Resource be injected?
everything works fine but the service is always null.
What should be the way to declare my bundle for BND to make it a web/wab package?
I use maven bundle:
with bnd instructions
Web-ContextPath: my-root-http/rest/
Service-Component: *
OSGi has a part of specification called Remote Services. In very short it works in the way that you can register services with special service-properties and based on the properties technologies should pick up your service and create an endpoint from them. It is not only about REST but about any technology that handles remote calls. You may find information in the OSGi Core specification under the "Remote Services" chapter.
Well it is a specification but who implements it? Currently there are two bigger projects I tried. CXF DOSGi and Eclipse ECF. They offer several technologies that support Remote Services Specification. CXF especially upports Jax-RS based on it's implementation on both server and client side.
As I did not want to use spring specific solutions inside OSGi I did not use CXF on the end but created my own solution. It is based on Jersey and the Remote Services specification. When an OSGi Service is specified with the service.exported.interfaces=* and the service.exported.configs=org.everit.osgi.remote.jersey it will create a rest endpoint under the /rest/ path with HttpService. Your bundle does not have to be a wab it can be a simple bundle.
I must mention that if you expose your services via any of the Remote Services implementation you should take the Jax-RS annotations into an interface that is implemented by your original class and expose your service based on that interface.
Instead of #Resource and #Component annotations inside OSGi I suggest that you should use Blueprint (part of OSGi spec) that is amazingly similar to Spring. Currently Apache Aries and Gemini Blueprint implements it. With blueprint you can easily create beans and wire them to each other. If register your remote service in this way you can set any of the property with the help of blueprint (just like the property of a bean in the spring applicationcontext.xml).
You can find a sample application that I made at https://source.everit.biz/svn/everit-osgi/trunk/samples/jaxrs/ (user/passwd: guest/guest). There is a guide that explains how this samples can be started and developed at http://cookbook.everit.org
I hope the sample application helps you to get started with the Remote Services specification chapter.
To see how to use JPA and Injection (Blueprint) you should check the OSGi compendium specification for possibilities and find the implementation you like. I also made a sample project based on blueprint and hibernate-jpa that you can find as the sibling of the sample url I already provided.
There is also a JAXRS extender implementation I made at https://github.com/everit-org/osgi-remote-jersey. See the README for documentation. It is different from the first in the way that this works based on whiteboard service properties.
I have experienced a similar problem with OSGi, Declarative Services and Jersey.
A resource can be annotated with #Component and #Reference annotations. This will instruct DS to create an instance of SomeResource class and to inject a valid reference into this instance when all dependecies (references) are satisfied.
The reason why your references are null is because JAX-RS implementation will create a new instance of SomeResource class for each web request. This instance of SomeResource class is not the same as the one created by DS.
I solved this problem by making reference variable static with Java static keyword:
private static SomeService service = null;
This ensured that a dependency reference is tied to a class object instead to an instance and then all instances could see the injected value.
This solution introduced a new problem. This reference must be cleared on unbind event (when service becomes unavailable) because it will not be destroyed when an instance is destroyed.
The problem would be solved when the #Path annotated type would be registered as a service itself. With DS you can than just inject other services. I faced this problem myself nearly a year ago. Thats why I wrote a small OSGi JAX-RS Connector which gives you exactly what I have described. Give it a try if you like: https://github.com/hstaudacher/osgi-jax-rs-connector

Emply EJB and Servlet

After reading about it for so long, I now have chance to get my hand dirty with EJB. I use Glassfish+Eclipse 3.7 on Ubuntu.
I first created an EJB that just returns a greeting message. Then I create the application client to access this EJB using InitialContext. This works exactly like expected.
Then, I created a servlet to access to that EJB. Neither access with #EJB nor InitialContext works.
When I use #EJB, the 404 page appear with this description: "The requested resource () is not available."
When I use InitialContent, an ClassNotFoundException is thrown. Apparently, the class loader of the servlet cannot access to the EJB class. I tried to add EJB jar file to the servlet's lib folder and I got the error message that the JNDI name already exists. Apparently, Glass Fish tries publish the EJB in the Servlet's lib folder too.
The only way to get this to work is to publish the EJB with the servlet. This way, both I can get the servlet and a stand-alone application to access to that EJB. The problem is that I need to always employ the servlet with the EJB which is not desirable since my client may not want to use web front end.
Anyway, my question is what is appropriate way to have the servlet access to the EJB employed outside its class loader without repeatedly publishing the EJB.
P.S. It is also possible that the problem might be the way Eclipse configure and employ those components.
Thank a lot for any helps.
Perhaps you need to treat the EJB component as if it were remote. And maybe it really is since you don't give a lot of detail on how you are deploying. Try the directions at http://glassfish.java.net/javaee5/ejb/EJB_FAQ.html#nonJavaEEwebcontainerRemoteEJB.
A few pointers:
you may need to put the webapp and the ejb-jar in an .ear (enterprise application) and deploy it to glassfish
you may need the remote interfaces on the classpath of the webapp (if they are not available at runtime, but they were at compile time, you can't expect it to work)
NetBeans is generally better with enterprise stuff and wizards for creating and deploying applications. Give it a try.
After try out a while, I found that I can do by referring it as "/". This even works with injection.