Gremlin query to find the count of a label for all the nodes - titan

Sample query
The following query returns me the count of a label say
"Asset " for a particular id (0) has >>>
But I need to find the count for all the nodes that are present in the graph with a condition as above.
I am able to do it individually but my requirement is to get the count for all the nodes that has that label say 'Asset'.
So I am expecting some thing like
{ v[0]:2
where v[1] and v[2] has a node under them with a label say "Asset" respectively, making the overall count v[0] =2 .

There's a few ways you could do it. It's maybe a little weird, but you could use group()
or you could do it with select() and then you don't build a big Map in memory:
if you want to maintain hierarchy you could use tree():
Basically you get a tree from vertex 0 and then apply a project() over that to build that structure per vertex in the tree. I had a different way to do it using union but I found a possible bug and had to come up with a different method (actually Gremlin Guru, Daniel Kuppitz, came up with the above approach). I think the use of project is more natural and readable so definitely the better way. Of course as Mr. Kuppitz pointed out, with project you create an unnecessary Map (which you just get rid of with select(values)). The use of union would be better in that sense.


Merge vertex list in gremlin orientDb

I am a newbie in the graph databases world, and I made a query to get leaves of the tree, and I also have a list of Ids. I want to merge both lists of leaves and remove duplicates in a new one to sum property of each. I cannot merge the first 2 sets of vertex
.V().has('UserId', within('001','002')).as('UsersList2')
There are several things wrong in your query:
you call V().has('UserId', within('001','002')) for every user that was found by the first part of the traversal
the traversal could emit more than just the leafs
select('UsersList1','UsersList2') creates pairs of users
values('petitions') tries to access the property petitions of each pair, this will always fail
The correct approach would be:
g.V().has('User', 'UserId', within('001','002')).fold().
I didn't test it, but I think the following will do:
has('UserId', within('001','002')))
In order to get only the tree leaves, it is better to use until. Using emit will output all inner tree nodes as well.
union merges the two inner traversals.

Scala Nested Iteration within RDD

I have to iterate through all columns to find similarity of 1 column value. For example:
2,Josephine,Darakjy, 872-232-1213
5,Donette, Foller,872-232-1216
7,Donette, Foller,888-232-1216
8,Josphne,Darkjy, 555-232-1213
Inside the loop, I will take FN, which is 'James' and see if I have similar name in the complete data set using some kind string distances (e.g Levenshtein) and in this case I have match with ID#6: 'Jmes', I will create a bucket by adding a new GUID column this:
2,Josephine,Darakjy, 872-232-1213,G2
5,Donette, Foller,872-232-1216,G5
7,Donette, Foller,888-232-1216,G5
8,Josphne,Darkjy, 555-232-1213,G2
I have to do same operation on multiple columns, like LN, Phone as well. Imagine if I have 1 million records.
Any thoughts, suggestions or links are appreciated. Thank you!
I would definitely not try anything pairwise and would rather think towards coding a per-field Levenshtein-y index and accumulate results on the fly. I’d probably start from a suffix tree -ish one.
Will try to sketch a prototype as soon as I get to the laptop...
Update: after some reading I am leaning towards Affinity Clustering1 combined with pairwise (yes I know) Levenshtein cached on a Trie2. Code in progress...

Bigquery Stack Overflow tags. How do I find strongly related tags?

Suppose I were to ask show me all the tags and questions related to 'data-structures' I would like to see related tags like '2-3-4 trees', 'binary-search-trees', 'dfs' etc. and not see many questions filtered on the language criteria. If I tried finding out the most commonly occurring bigrams with data structures then even C++ and Python would come but I would rather try to see core data structure tags come up.
How do I go about implementing this?
What if have tried is to get tags that occur the most with data structures by querying on data structures first. And then also went and looked at all the tags and fetched their common partners to see if data structures occur. If they occur pairwise then I assuming they are strongly associated. But how can I take this logic one more step ahead to fetch more related tags?
From what I understood - you already got code that gives you "related" tags for given tag!
If so - to get rid of languages and leave only "strongly" related tags you need to find (using the same exact code/query you already have) tags related to "programming-languages" tag and exclude them from your result!
Bingo! (hopefully)
When I did this:
below initial list
algorithm java c++ c
python linked-list tree arrays
c# binary-tree binary-search-tree dictionary
database graph sorting javascript
performance list recursion stack
hash hashtable time-complexity queue
got "trimmed" to
linked-list tree arrays binary-tree
binary-search-tree dictionary database graph
sorting list recursion stack
hash hashtable time-complexity queue
so, entries as below got removed
algorithm java c++ c
python c# javascript performance
I'm defining a ratio:
(how many times a_tag has shown up with b_tag) /
(how many times b_tag has shown up without a_tag)
Results for 'data-structures' look like the results you are looking for:
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION targetTag() AS ("data-structures");
WITH split_tags AS (
SELECT SPLIT(tags, '|') tags
FROM `bigquery-public-data.stackoverflow.posts_questions`
WHERE tags LIKE '%|%'
SELECT *, ROUND(c/notc,4) ratio_related
SELECT tag, COUNT(*) c, (
FROM split_tags b, UNNEST(tags) btag
WHERE targetTag() NOT IN UNNEST(b.tags) AND btag=tag
) notc
FROM split_tags, UNNEST(tags) tag
WHERE targetTag() IN UNNEST(tags)
WHERE notc>0
AND c+notc>20

Sphinx Mulit-Level Sort with Randomize

Here is my challenge with Sphinx Sort where I have Vendors who pay for premium placement and those who don't:
I already do a multi-level order including the PaidVendorStatus which is either 0 or 1 as:
order by PaidVendorStatus,Weight()
So in essence I end up with multiple sort groups:
PaidVendorStatus=1, Weight1
PaidVendorStatus=1, WeightN
PaidVendorStatus=0, Weight1
PaidVendorStatus=0, WeightN
The problem is I have three goals:
Randomly prioritize each vendor in any given sort group
Have each vendor's 'odds' of being randomly assigned top position be equal regardless of how many records they have returned in the group (so if Vendor A has 50 results and VendorB has 2 results they still both have 50% odds of being randomly assigned any given spot)
Ideally, maintain the same results order in any given search (so that if the user searches again the same order will be displayed
I've tried various solutions:
Select CRC32(Vendor) as RANDOM...Order by PaidVendorStatus,Weight(),RANDOM
which solves 2 and 3 except due to the nature of CRC32 ALWAYS puts the same vendor first (and second, third, etc.) so in essence does not solve the issue at all.
I tried making a sphinx sql_attr_string in my Sphinx Configuration which was a concatenation of Vendor and the record Title (Select... concat(Vendor,Title) as RANDOMIZER..)` and then used that to randomize
which solves 1 and 3 as now the Title field gets thrown in the randomization mis so that the same Vendor does not always get first billing. However, it fails at 2 since in essence I am only sorting by Title and thus Vendor B with two results now has a very low change of being sorted first.
In an ideal world naturally I could just order this way;
Order by PaidVendorStatus,Weight(),RAND(Vendor)
but that is not possible.
Any thoughts on this appreciated. I did btw check out as per Barry Hunter's suggestion this thread on UDF but unless I am not understanding it at all (possible) it does not seem to be the solution for this problem.
Well one idea is:
SELECT *,uniqueserial(vendor_id) AS sorter FROM index WHERE MATCH(...)
ORDER BY PaidVendorStatus DESC ,Weight() DESC LIMIT 1000
This exploits SPhixnes 'multiple sort' function with pysudeo subquery.
This works wors becasuse the inner query is sorted by PaidVendor first, so their items are fist. Which works to affect the ordr that unqique serial is called in.
Its NOT really 'randomising' the results as such, seems you jsut randomising them to mix up the vendors (so a single vendor doesnt domninate results. Uniqueserial works by 'spreading' the particular vendors results out - the results will tend to cycle through the vendors.
This is tricky as it exploits a relative undocumented sphinx feature - subqueries.
For the UDF see
Still dont have an answer for your biased random (as in 2.)
but just remembered another feature taht can help with 3. - can supply s specific seed to the random number. Typically random generators are seeded from the current time, which gives ever changing values, But using a specific seed.
Seed is however a number, so need a predictable, but changing number. Could CRC the query?
... sphinx doesnt support expressions in the OPTION so would have to caculate the hash in the app.
$query = $db->Quote($_GET['q']);
$crc = crc32($query);
$sql = "SELECT id,IDIV(WEIGHT(),100) as i,RAND() as r FROM index WHERE MATCH($query)
ORDER BY PaidVendorStatus DESC,i DESC,r ASC OPTION random_seed=$crc";
If wanted the results to only slowly evolve, add the current date, so each day is a new selection...
$crc = crc32($'Ymd'));

Titan - Cassandra: Process entire set of vertices of a given type without running out of memory

I'm new to Titan and looking for the best way to iterate over the entire set of vertices with a given label without running out of memory. I come from a strong SQL background so I am still working on switching my way of thinking away from SQL-type thinking. Let's say I have 1 million profile vertices. I would like to iterate over each one and perform some type of statistical analysis of the information linked to each profile. I don't really care how long the entire analysis process takes, but I need to iterate over all of the profiles. In SQL I would do SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE, using a scroll-sensitive result, fetch the next result, grab and process the info linked to that row, then fetch the next result. I also don't care if the result is real-time accurate as it is just for gathering general stats, so if a new profile is added during iteration and I miss it, that's ok.
Even if there is a way to grab all the values for a given property, that would probably work too because then I could go through that list and grab each vertex by its ID for example.
I believe titan does lazy loading so you should be able to just iterate over the whole graph:
GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> it = graph.traversal().V();
Vertex v =
//Do what you want here
Another option would be to use the range step so that you explicitly choose the range of vertices you need. For example:
List<Vertex> vertices = graph.traversal().V().range(0, 3).toList();
//Do what you want with your batch of vertices.
With regards to getting vertices of a specific type you can query vertices based on their internal properties. For example if you have and internal property "TYPE" which defined the type you are interested in. You can query for those vertices by:
graph.traversal().V().has("TYPE", "A"); //Gets vertices of type A
graph.traversal().V().has("TYPE", "B"); //Gets vertices of type B