Generating and accessing stored procedures using Entity framework core - entity-framework

I am implementing Asp.Net core Web API , entity framework core, database first approach using Visual Studio 2017. I have managed to generate the context and class files based on an existing database. I need to access stored procedures using my context. In earlier version of entity framework it was simple by selecting the stored procedure objects in the wizard and generating an edmx that contains those objects. I could then access stored procedures via the complex type objects exposed by entity framework. How do I do a similar thing in entity framework core. An example would help ?

Database first approach is not there in EF Core with edmx files.Instead you have to use Scaffold-DbContext
Install Nuget packages Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Design
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=Blogging;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models
but that will not get your stored procedures. It is still in the works,tracking issue #245
But, To execute the stored procedures, use FromSql method which executes RAW SQL queries
var products= context.Products
.FromSql("EXECUTE dbo.GetProducts")
To use with parameters
var productCategory= "Electronics";
var product = context.Products
.FromSql("EXECUTE dbo.GetProductByCategory {0}", productCategory)
var productCategory= new SqlParameter("productCategory", "Electronics");
var product = context.Product
.FromSql("EXECUTE dbo.GetProductByName #productCategory", productCategory)
There are certain limitations to execute RAW SQL queries or stored procedures.You can’t use it for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE. if you want to execute INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries, use the ExecuteSqlCommand
var categoryName = "Electronics";
           .ExecuteSqlCommand("dbo.InsertCategory #p0", categoryName);

The above examples work fine when executing a Stored Procedure if you are expecting the result set to be the same as any object already defined. But what if you want a resultset that is not supported? According to the developers of EF Core 2, this is a feature that will come, but there is already today an easy solution.
Create the model you want to use for your output. This model will represent the output, not a table in the database.
namespace Example.EF.Model
public class Sample
public int SampleID { get; set; }
public string SampleName { get; set; }
Then add to your context a new DBSet with your model:
public virtual DbSet<Sample> Sample { get; set; }
And then do as above, and use your model for the output:
var products = _samplecontext.Sample
.FromSql($"EXEC ReturnAllSamples {id}, {startdate}, {enddate}").ToList();
I hope this helps anyone out.

My original post -
To call a stored procedure and get the result into a list of model in EF Core, we have to follow 3 steps.
Step 1.
You need to add a new class just like your entity class. Which should have properties with all the columns in your SP. For example if your SP is returning two columns called Id and Name then your new class should be something like
public class MySPModel
public int Id {get; set;}
public string Name {get; set;}
Step 2.
Then you have to add one DbQuery property into your DBContext class for your SP.
public partial class Sonar_Health_AppointmentsContext : DbContext
public virtual DbSet<Booking> Booking { get; set; } // your existing DbSets
public virtual DbQuery<MySPModel> MySP { get; set; } // your new DbQuery
Step 3.
Now you will be able to call and get the result from your SP from your DBContext.
var result = await _context.Query<MySPModel>().AsNoTracking().FromSql(string.Format("EXEC {0} {1}", functionName, parameter)).ToListAsync();
I am using a generic UnitOfWork & Repository. So my function to execute the SP is
/// <summary>
/// Execute function. Be extra care when using this function as there is a risk for SQL injection
/// </summary>
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> ExecuteFuntion<T>(string functionName, string parameter) where T : class
return await _context.Query<T>().AsNoTracking().FromSql(string.Format("EXEC {0} {1}", functionName, parameter)).ToListAsync();
Hope it will be helpful for someone !!!

The workaround we use in EF Core to execute stored procedures to get the data is by using FromSql method and you can execute stored procedure this way:
List<Employee> employees = dbcontext.Employee
But for Create, Update, and Delete, we use ExecuteSqlCommand like the one below:
var employee = "Harold Javier";
.ExecuteSqlCommand("InsertEmployee #emp", employee);

The solution Rohith / Harold Javier / Sami provided works. I would like to add that you can create a separate EF6 project to generate the C# classes for resultsets and then copy the files to your EFCore project. If you change a stored proc, you can update the result file using the methods discussed here: Stored Procedures and updating EDMX
If you need corresponding typescript interfaces, you can install this VS2017 extension typescript definition generator:
There are still be a couple of copying, but it is less tedious than creating the classes manually.
Edit: there is a VS2017 extension for generating the dbconext It does not do stored procedures, but it provides a right click menu item from VS project instead of the command line Scaffold-DbContext.

If you need to execute stored procedure in MySQL database from EntityFramework Core, the following code should work.
var blogTagId = 1;
var tags = await _dbContext.BlogTags.FromSqlRaw("CALL SP_GetBlogTags({0})", blogTagId).ToListAsync();


AutoMapping stored procedure results

I'm wondering if there is any way to map a stored procedure result into into a class.
This is what I have:
// DbContext Class:
public DbSet<StoredProcedureModelResult> SPMR { get; set; }
// Service Class:
var result = ctx.Set<StoredProcedureModelResult>().FromSql("getXXXX p1 = {0},1).ToList();
This works well, however, I'm using database migrations and every time I add one this thing creates StoredProcedureModelResult as a table...
I tried to ignore it onModelCreating:
but this throws an exception:
Cannot create a DbSet for 'StoredProcedureModelResult ' because this type is not included in the model for the context
I just want use the benefit of mapping, and not to get a table creation, this is a simple model (non-entityType)
.NET Core 1.1
EF Core (code-first)
Thank you
You don't need to make the type an Entity type (by registering a DbSet in your DbContext). Just have a method that returns IEnumerable<StoredProcResults> (can be in your DbContext), and in it run
See Database.SqlQuery<T>(...)

When using Entity Framework, is Migrating necessary?

Since I already have a DB project in my solution, I was wondering can I leverage Entity Framework so that the Web Application may communicate with the database without having to do any migrations, or is migration necessary in order to use the Context of Entity Framework?
If migrating is not necessary then I also won't need the designer (edmx) file, I could just make my models and link them into my context right?
Not necessary at all.
I often write short solutions towards some databases where I just want to add some functionality on the fly. What I typically do is to just open SQL Server Object Explorer in VS2015, Expand the table I'm interested in, and just write a class on the fly, matching the fields that I need.
I.e for a table named "Classes" in the database, I would end up with a class in C#
public class SomeClass
public int Id {get; set;}
public string Title {get; set;}
// +other intersting fields
Then I simply create a DbContext class pointing to my database:
public class MyContext : DbContext
public DbSet<SomeClass> Classes{get; set;}
public MyContext() : base("myConnectionString"){}
That's it. No need for migrations. It then simply just works :)

Reference data look-up in Entity Framework 4.2 code first

I’m putting together a code first model that has a lot of reference data. This model is based around applications, servers, and build deployments. Thus, there are a lot of many to many relationships. The pain that I’m feeling is that new records are being placed in the entity tables which I’m attempting to use as reference data. For example, we have a list of servers. I only want to see a server ONCE in the table. For all the entities referring to that server, I want them to use that row. The same can be said of my ServerRoles and Applications tables. These tables contain static data that I’m seeding and should rarely change.
I know I could solve this with look-ups and hand wiring, but I would think EF would comprehend this scenario.
Using Entity Framework code-first you can create an immutable object with protected parameter less constructor and private set properties.
It works for sure with EF 5 Beta.
Tested also with EF 4.3.1, it works.
public class Nation
protected Nation() {}
public Nation(Guid id, string name)
Id = id;
Name = name;
public Guid Id { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }

how to generate a database table from an entity type?

How to create an entity type and then generate a database table from it?
I know this feature was not supported two years ago in EF, what about now?
You've got 2 options:
Entity Framework Model First where you create the model first and then generate the database from that or
Entity Framework Code First where you create normal Poco objects and generate the database from that.
I've personally used Entity Framework Code First for MVC development and it works like a charm, it really is an awesome feature and easy to use.
Now, Entity Framework introduced these feature.
Basically, with only two steps is sufficient for this, please see below steps to go:
Create your Entity
public class Resturant
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Create Context class
public class OdeToFoodDb: DbContext
public DbSet<Resturant> Resturants { get; set; }
However, you may need more coding in Global.ascx for advance options but these are the basic steps.
A database named "OdeToFoodDb" will create and a table named "Resturant" also will create by these steps.

Entity Framework 4 with Existing Domain Model

Im currently looking at migrating from fluent nHibernate to ADO.Net Entity Framework 4.
I have a project containing the domain model (pocos) which I was using for nHibernate mappings. Ive read in blogs that it is possible to use my existing domain model with EF4 but ive seen no examples of it. Ive seen examples of T4 code generation with EF4 but havent come accross an example which shows how to use existing domain model objects with EF4. Im a newby with EF4 and would like to see some samples on how to get this done.
Quick walkthrough :
Create an entity data model (.edmx) in Visual Studio, and clear the "custom tool" property of the edmx file to prevent code generation
Create the entities in your entity data model with the same names as your domain classes. The entity properties should also have the same names and types as in the domain classes
Create a class inherited from ObjectContext to expose the entities (typically in the same project as the .edmx file)
In that class, create a property of type ObjectSet<TEntity> for each of you entities
Sample code :
public class SalesContext : ObjectContext
public SalesContext(string connectionString, string defaultContainerName)
: base(connectionString, defaultContainerName)
this.Customers = CreateObjectSet<Customer>();
this.Products = CreateObjectSet<Product>();
this.Orders = CreateObjectSet<Order>();
this.OrderDetails = CreateObjectSet<OrderDetail>();
public ObjectSet<Customer> Customers { get; private set; }
public ObjectSet<Product> Products { get; private set; }
public ObjectSet<Order> Orders { get; private set; }
public ObjectSet<OrderDetail> OrderDetails { get; private set; }
That's about it...
Important notice : if you use the automatic proxy creation for change tracking (ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled, which is true by default), the properties of your domain classes must be virtual. This is necessary because the proxies generated by EF 4.0 will override them to implement change tracking.
If you don't want to use automatic proxy creation, you will need to handle change tracking yourself. See this MSDN page for details