Build Windows IoT Core application based on 1.1.2 - raspberry-pi

I'm testing the possibilities of a raspberry pi2 and .NET Core 1.1.
If I create an application with .NET Core 1.1 and try to build it to RID "Win10-arm", I receive following error:
Unable to resolve 'runtime.win8-arm.Microsoft.NETCore.Jit (>= 1.1.2)'
for '.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.1 (win10-arm)'.
Is this something that is not supported yet?
I think this issue is similar to but I couldn't find any reference which stated that.
Thank you for your answer!

can you try this?
I created an .NET Core Console App and published successfully with win10-arm
Get this Nuget Package:
Install-Package runtime.win8-arm.Microsoft.NETCore.Jit -Version 2.0.0-preview1-25301-02 -Pre
then you can build and publish.
:\Users\x\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\TestArm\TestArm>dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-arm
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
TestArm -> C:\Users\x\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\TestArm\TestArm\bin\Release\netcoreapp1.1\win10-arm\TestArm.dll
TestArm -> C:\Users\x\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\TestArm\TestArm\bin\Release\netcoreapp1.1\win10-arm\publish\


Azure devops (TFS) on prem download .net core SKD fails with self signed certificate in certificate chain

I am using azure devops on prem (previously called TFS). And I have a problem with build agent. When the agent is trying to download the latest microsoft .net core SDK it fails with self signed certificate in certificate chain error.
Here is the full error:
Starting: Use version 6.0.x of nuget
Task : Use .NET Core
Description : Acquires a specific version of the .NET Core SDK from the internet or the local cache and adds it to the PATH. Use this task to change the version of .NET Core used in subsequent tasks. Additionally provides proxy support.
Version : 2.184.0
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help :
Tool to install: .NET Core sdk version 6.0.x.
Found version 6.0.401 in channel 6.0 for user specified version spec: 6.0.x
Version 6.0.401 was not found in cache.
Getting URL to download .NET Core sdk version: 6.0.401.
Detecting OS platform to find correct download package for the OS.
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoLogo -Sta -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& 'C:\AzureDevops\agent\_work\_tasks\UseDotNet_b0ce7256-7898-45d3-9cb5-176b752bfea6\2.184.0\externals\get-os-platform.ps1'"
Detected platform (Primary): win-x64
##[error]Failed while installing version: 6.0.401 at path: C:\AzureDevops\agent\_work\_tool/dotnet with error: Could not download installation package from this URL: Error: Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain
Finishing: Use version 6.0.x of nuget
I had a look on agent code on github and I think problem is in this method:
I coudn't dig deeper in the projec itself but I think it is using this azure-pipelines-tool-lib/tool
But I coudn't find anything that would help me there either.
Any suggestions or configurations to check?
My workaround so far is to download the sdk manually and place it into cache folder (agent_work_tool\dotnet\sdk) of the agent, but I would have to do that every time microsoft releases new major version.

Azure DevOps Pipelene doesn't compile .netstandard 2.0 projects

I'm stuck in a rut with this proble. After converting some solution projects in .netstandard 2.0 the pipeline doesn't compile. Other are .NET Framework 4.8 projects.
Here the errors
Installed SDKs: No .NET SDKs were found.
Install the [6.0.400] .NET SDK or update
[E:\myApplicationFolder\global.json] to match an installed SDK.
Download a .NET SDK:
I tried the following steps:
installed VS 2022 and tells to the pipeline to use VS 2022 msbuild
installed the .NET sdk
created the global.json choerent with the solution
checked the environment variables (they point to C:\Program Files\dotnet)
checked the version of .NET SDK
This is the global.json
"sdk": {
"version": "6.0.400"
There are the configuration on the pipeline
I don't have any troubles building the solution with msbuild from powershell.
Any other suggestions? Thanks
Many problems, Azure DevOps isn't updated to the latest version and can't manage .NET 6.0 solutions. I had to specify the msbuild of VS 2022 also to restore nuget packages

I'm having issues using postsharp 5.0.31 and .net core 1.1 on macOS Sierra, I'm getting a build error

I'm trying to build a .netcore 1.1 console project using postsharp 5.0.31 on macOS Sierra, but when I run the command line:
dotnet build
The build fail and show the next output;
MacBook-Pro:PostsharpSample userx$ dotnet build
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.1.548.43366
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
PostsharpSample -> /Users/userx/Documents/VSCode/netcore/PostsharpSample/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/PostsharpSample.dll/Users/userx/.nuget/packages/postsharp/5.0.31/build/PostSharp.targets(564,5): error MSB4062:
The "PostSharp.MSBuild.PostSharp30ChangeAppConfig" task could not be loaded from the assembly /Users/userx/.nuget/packages/postsharp/5.0.31/build/PostSharp.MSBuild.v5.0.31.Release.dll.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.
The system cannot find the file specified. [/Users/userx/Documents/VSCode/netcore/PostsharpSample/PostsharpSample.csproj]/Users/userx/.nuget/packages/postsharp/5.0.31/build/PostSharp.targets(564,5):
error MSB4062: Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask. [/Users/userx/Documents/VSCode/netcore/PostsharpSample/PostsharpSample.csproj]
It is possible to use .netcore and Postsharp on macOS Sierra?
I need specific configuration?
As of version 5.0, PostSharp does not support building under any OS other the Windows. .NET Core is supported only as a target framework for your projects.
Please refer to for latest information on compatibility.
You can also vote for adding support for .NET Core as a build platform on this UserVoice page: Support for CoreCLR as a build platform (including Linux, iOS).

Cannot install youtube v3 nuget package

I'm trying to install youtube api v3 in UWP but I got the error System.Diagnostics.Process 4.3.0 provides a compile-time reference assembly for System.Diagnostics.Process on UAP,Version=v10.0, but there is no run-time assembly compatible with win10-x86-aot.
One or more packages are incompatible with UAP,Version=v10.0 (win10-x86-aot).
You will need to provide us with the information I mentioned in the comment.
I had no problem installing it for example with the following:
Google.Apis.Youtube.v3 - on a UWP proj with TFM versions:
Target Version: Win 10 Creators Update, Build 15063
Min Version: Win 10 November Update, Build 10586

Build error on Appveyor with newest ASP.NET 5

I'm trying to build an ASP.NET 5 web api and build it on Appveyor. I get this error:
Build started
git clone -q --branch=master C:\projects\todolistservice01
git checkout -qf 3c97bb95ecf54662069b6ae8fa25a60f598a564d
msbuild "TodolistService.sln" /verbosity:minimal /logger:"C:\Program Files\AppVeyor\BuildAgent\Appveyor.MSBuildLogger.dll"
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 14.0.24720.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Cannot find DNX runtime dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-rc1-update1 in the folder: C:\Users\appveyor.dnx\runtimes
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\DNX\Microsoft.DNX.targets(126,5): error : The Dnx Runtime package needs to be installed. See output window for more details. [C:\projects\todolistservice01\src\TodolistService\TodolistService.xproj]
Command exited with code 1
This project is based on .NET framework 4.6.1 and ASP.NET 5. The references are DNX 4.5.1 and DNX Core 5.0.
Feel free to reproduce the error by building this public repository:
Can anyone explain why it fails? Is Appveyor not yet ready for these new versions?
Basically, you have to do two things:
install .NET framework
restore packages
This is appveyor.yml to build your project:
os: Visual Studio 2015
- dnvm upgrade -r clr
- dnu restore
verbosity: minimal
Build results:
Also, you may need to select right version in your global.json:
"sdk": {
"version": "1.0.0-rc1-final"