Get all references to a given PowerShell module - powershell

Is there a way to find a list of script files that reference a given module (.psm1)? In other words, get all files that, in the script code, use at least 1 of the cmdlets defined in the module.
Obviously because of PowerShell 3.0 and above, most of my script files don't have an explicit Import-Module MODULE_NAME in the code somewhere, so I can't use that text to search on.
I know I can use Get-ChildItem -Path '...' -Recurse | Select-String 'TextToSearchFor' to search for a particular string inside of files, but that's not the same as searching for any reference to any cmdlet of a module. I could do a search for every single cmdlet in my module, but I was wondering if there is a better way.
Clarification: I'm only looking inside of a controlled environment where I have all the scripts in one file location.

Depending on the scenario, the callstack could be interesting to play around with. In that case you need to modify the functions which you want to find out about to gather information about the callstack at runtime and log it somewhere. Over time you might have enough logs to make some good assumptions.
function yourfunction {
$stack = Get-PSCallStack
if ($stack.Count -gt 1) {
$stack[1] # log this to a file or whatever you need
This might not work at all in your scenario, but I thought I throw it in there as an option.


How to ensure that a logging Cmdlet is called for every exception in a PowerShell script module?

In a PowerShell (5.1 and later) Script Module, I want to ensure that every Script and System exception which is thrown calls a logging Cmdlet (e.g. Write-Log). I know that I can wrap all code within the module Cmdlets into try/catch blocks, but my preferred solution would be to use trap for all exceptions thrown while executing Cmdlets of the Module
trap { Write-Log -Level Critical -ErrorRecord $_ }
Using the above statement works as intended if I add it to each Cmdlet inside the module, but I would like to only have one trap statement which catches all exceptions thrown by Cmdlets of the Module to not replicate code and also ensure that I do not miss the statement in any Cmdlet. Is this possible?
What I would do is this.
Set multiple Try/Catch block as needed.
Group multiple cmdlet calls under the same block when you can. As you mentionned, we don't want to group everything under 1 giant try/catch block but still, related calls can go together.
Design your in-module functions as Advanced functions, so you can make use of the common parameters, such as... -ErrorAction
Set $PSDefaultParameterValues = #{'*:ErrorAction'='Stop'} so all cmdlets that support -ErrorAction don't fall through the try/catch block.
(You could also manually set -ErrorAction Stop everywhere but since you want this as default, it make sense to do it that way. In any cases You don't want to touch $ErrorActionPreference as this has a global scope amd your users won't like you if you change defaults outside of the module scope.)
You can also redirect the error stream to a file so instead of showing up in the output, it is written to a file.
Here's a self contained example of this:
& {
Write-Warning "hello"
Write-Error "hello"
Write-Output "hi"
} 2>> 'C:\Temp\redirection.log'
See : About_Redirection for more on this.
(Now I am wondering if you can redirect the stream to something else than a file
Additional note
External modules can help with logging too and might provide a more streamlined approach.
I am not familiar with any of them though.
I know PSFramework have some interesting stuff regarding logging.
You can take a look and experiment to see if fit your needs.
Otherwise, you can do a research on PSGallery for logging modules
(this research is far from perfect but some candidates might be interesting)
find-module *logging* | Select Name, Description, PublishedDate,Projecturi | Sort PublishedDate -Descending

Microsoft's Consistency in PowerShell CmdLet Parameter Naming

Let's say I wrote a PowerShell script that includes this commmand:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse
But instead I wrote:
Get-ChildItem -Re
To save time. After some time passed and I upgraded my PowerShell version, Microsoft decided to add a parameter to Get-ChildItem called "-Return", that for example returns True or False depending if any items are found or not.
In that virtual scenario, do I have I to edit all my former scripts to ensure that the script will function as expected? I understand Microsoft's attempt to save my typing time, but this is my concern and therefore I will probably always try to write the complete parameter name.
Unless of course you know something I don't. Thank you for your insight!
This sounds more like a rant than a question, but to answer:
In that virtual scenario, do I have I to edit all my former scripts to ensure that the script will function as expected?
You should always use the full parameter names in scripts (or any other snippet of reusable code).
Automatic resolution of partial parameter names, aliases and other shortcuts are great for convenience when using PowerShell interactively. It lets us fire up powershell.exe and do:
ls -re *.ps1|% FullName
when we want to find the path to all scripts in the profile. Great for exploration!
But if I were to incorporate that functionality into a script I would do:
Get-ChildItem -Path $Home -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse |Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
not just for the reasons you mentioned, but also for consistency and readability - if a colleague of mine comes along and maybe isn't familiar with the shortcuts I'm using, he'll still be able to discern the meaning and expected output from the pipeline.
Note: There are currently three open issues on GitHub to add warning rules for this in PSScriptAnalyzer - I'm sure the project maintainers would love a hand with this :-)

Check for File in multiple directories with an IF statement Powershell

I am facing some problems in powershell. I want to be able to let a powershell command search for multiple directories.
With the name being a variable like "$VM_DISK=VM_DISK.vhdx" and let powershell search in that manor so that if that file exists in a folder such as C:\VM_DISK\ it exit the script.
I have already tried the "Get-Childitem" but it doesn't seem to work when I put my variable in it. Here is an example:
$VM_DISK= "Example.vhdx"
$search=Get-ChildItem -Path C:\VM_DISK\* -Filter $VM_DISK -Recurse
if ($search -eq $VM_DISK) {write-host "Goodbye!" exit} else {write-host "Continue"}
I just cant seem to figure out why this isn't working, hope some can figure it out.
You need to alter your if statement.
if ($search.Name -contains $VM_Disk)
This way you are comparing an Array of names (which is what you want, names of objects, not objects) to a name of particular object (to a string, basically).
This makes little sense in your case, tbh. Since $search would always include $VM_Disk or would be null if nothing was found.
So the proper way to test would be if ($search) (just like Mathias advised). Which would test if anything was returned. Which, basically equals what you are trying to do.

preplog.exe ran in foreach log file

I have a folder with x amount of web log files and I need to prep them for bulk import to SQL
for that I have to run preplog.exe into each one of them.
I want to create a Power script to do this for me, the problem that I'm having is that preplog.exe has to be run in CMD and I need to enter the input path and the output path.
For Example:
D:>preplog c:\blah.log > out.log
I've been playing with Foreach but I haven't have any luck.
Any pointers will be much appreciated
I would guess...
Get-ChildItem "C:\Folder\MyLogFiles" | Foreach-Object { preplog $_.FullName | Out-File "preplog.log" -Append }
FYI it is good practice on this site to post your not working code so at least we have some context. Here I assume you're logging to the current directory into one file.
Additionally you've said you need to run in CMD but you've tagged PowerShell - it pays to be specific. I've assumed PowerShell because it's a LOT easier to script.
I've also had to assume that the folder contains ONLY your log files, otherwise you will need to include a Where statement to filter the items.
In short I've made a lot of assumptions that means this may not be an accurate answer, so keep all this in mind for your next question =)

Check if an item exists without an error if it doesn't exist

I'd like to use PowerShell to check whether an IIS Web Application exists (or potentially some other kind of item). I can do this with Get-Item, but that reports an error if the item doesn't exist, which is misleading to the user running the script - it looks like something went wrong when actually everything is fine.
How do I do this without an error?
The cmdlet Test-Path is specifically designed for this, it determines whether items of a path exist. It returns a Boolean value and does not generate an error.
The cmdlet Get-Item (and similar) can be used, too, but not directly. One way is already proposed: use -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue. It might be important to know that in fact it still generates an error; it just does not show it. Check the error collection $Error after the command, the error is there.
Just for information
There is a funny way to avoid this error (it also works with some other cmdlets like Get-Process that do not have a Test-Path alternative). Suppose we are about to check existence of an item "MyApp.exe" (or a process "MyProcess"). Then these commands return nothing on missing targets and at the same time they generate no errors:
Get-Item "[M]yApp.exe"
Get-Process "[M]yProcess"
These cmdlets do not generate errors for wildcard targets. And we use these funny wildcards that actually match single items.
Use the command ... get-item blah -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue